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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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X22Report: The Deep State Just Blinked! News Is About To Unlock Power Returning To The People! - Must Video

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The [DS] is losing on all fronts, their entire system is being exposed and destroyed at the same time. Slowly but surely the entire system is being dismantled. The [DS] is struggling to regain the narrative but the white hats continue to bring them down the path of no return. Power is returning to the people are the people are learning how powerful they really are. The [DS] just blinked, news is about to unlock and the they are about to receive more pain.


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    Total 8 comments
    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      My Fellow Americans:

      Scumbag Dave and his X666 Report are nothing but CIA controlled horse farts.

      “Dave” has been made for the treasonous troll that he is.

      Ignore all things “Dave” and the CIA’s X666 Report.

      JD – US Marine Fighting Troll Networks

      • Anonymous

        Gen Mark Milley shows what the US military has become, long ago. Paid mercenaries, fighting for the interests of the highest bidders. Whores with deadly weapons.
        JEW World Order’s captured death squads.
        Sorry bloke, but any veteran after WW1 was not fighting for AMERICA, American freedom, but the corporate jew CEOs and their enrichment.
        Smedley Butler is a rare patriot vet- not someone who blew up little kids in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan, using Palestinian models of war.


        …… Well… first off.. always good to see an independent view taking into account what you hear + know
        …… Being other facts in evidence… and having listened to a collection of reports… were able to come to
        …… your own take on how and what is being said….

        ….. To say it kindly [ for no special reason ] when a baby shits it’s diaper. the room just starts to smell
        ….. Me knowing it wasn’t me … whom shit my pants… TIME TO CHANGE THE DIAPER

        …. Look how well put that was…. I could say that on tour… and be on point :)

        ….. Much like DIKK HEAD DAN from on the FRINGIE – who is kind of fun to capture some segments of to
        ….. Share with others.. when his whining and DEAMONCRTATIC SPLAINING to try to entertain and mantain
        ….. to keep into attendance .. the really stupid SIMPLE MINDED AMERICAN POPULACE…
        ….. More just lonely at home with no one to talk to … than seeking stimulating conversation….
        ….. I get it… those lets not call them ” loser americans ” but ” AMERICANS ” seeking maybe….
        …. A MORE DIVERSE AND OPEN OPINION [ sorry - can't do this any more :) ]

        …. And I say… like JOHN TRAVOLTA did in… *** BROKEN ARROW ****

        ………………………………………………………..” GODDAMN what a RUSH ! “

        • Guido

          I am not denying anything that you say here, but I have to say it, your writing style is like that of an 8th grade dropout and gives great migraine. lol

          Perhaps take a lesson in sentence structure, using proper punctuation and the English language as your guide.
          Or, get a box of those recently in high demand Tampons, perhaps it will get you over your excessive use of Periods ??
          Just saying.

      • Bob DD

        True, he used to have a nice show, but he keeps pushing false H-O-P-I-U-M, to placate Patriots into standing down.

        • Anonymous

          Q= Operation Trust, the Bolshevik equivalent of fake patriotism and ‘white hat’ crap that saved the Bolshevik Revolution for the Talmudists. Working even better a century later.
          “Dont worry be Happy”
          Whats hilarious is how these gullible Xtians so eagerly revomit the slogans of Q.
          Many of which are take STRAIGHT from occult literature and methodology.
          like “Great Awakening” “Where we go one, we go All” “As above so below” and that most nauseating one of all “Trust The Plan”. Spouting it like lemmings, without any idea whatsoever of what ‘The Plan’ is.
          Its the FREEMASONIC ONE WORLD GOVT, ‘Tower of Babyl’ aka “The Plan of the Ages” to reinstall Lucifer as dictator of earth. For the nonadepts and uninitiated? “The Plan.”
          Its absurd to see these idiots rushing around chanting it, cheering on their own destruction.

      • JBC4

        What proof do you have?

    • Bob DD

      Same old Bologna. Blab, blab, blab.

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