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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Emergency Broadcast! This Is An Absolute Must Watch & Listen Alex Jones Edition!

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Humanity is awakening and battling back against the tricks of the globalists, but only an informed mobilized public can stop them!

Tune in to this live transmission as Alex Jones covers the waterfront of issues from censorship and the border invasion to the Covid jabs and next pandemic. You can lay down and die, or share this link to help save humanity!

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    Total 30 comments
    • jeremyfeit

      When does Alex not have an emergency broadcast ?

      • Morgana Le Fay

        Probably those few and far in-between times when he’s not bobbing on Trump’s knob. :lol:

        • Morgana Le Fay

          If a contest were held for overly inflated egos, and tendencies toward bloviating to the moon; I’d be hard pressed to say whether Trump or Jones would win. :roll: They’re both horribly obese, narcissistic pricks.

          • Morgana Le Fay

            (Guess all those health supplements he peddles hasn’t done him much good…… :wink: )

          • US Marine Fighting Tyranny


            I don’t buy the “Trump” savior meme that so many people seem to be buying into.

            Trump supporters tend to say he’s NOT a politician, he’s an “outsider” and that’s why they are “afraid” of him.

            I would make just a small correction to those ideas…

            Trump is the ULTIMATE politician at bullshitting people, and is nothing more then just another Vain-Glorious-Self-Preening-Peacock who cares about little else then,… (drum roll please!…….. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!) (Horns!…) Ta-DAaaaaaa! – TRUMP!!!!

            (Wild clapping, people cheering, balloons falling from the ceiling, and an announcer saying…. “Thank hew!,.. thank hew all,.. thank hew!,… thank hew so much…..)

            As for your comparison, I would say just get them both in the same room for a little ego-off contest, but there is no venue on the planet big enough to fit their ego’s! – JD


      • Anonymous

        You must be looking forward to your internment camp, dude.

    • truck driver

      Nephilm giant families are getting killed by vaccines, giant annonoki Jews must eat the reptilian shape shifting Frog Government people to protect the annonoki Nephilm giant Jewish Rabbi families

    • jeremyfeit

      Alex jones gay fan club wants to know when he’s ripping his shirt off again… BTW they’re turning the q frogs gay when Alex rips his shirt off


      ……………….EVEN IF THE ” LEAD ” WAS….
      …………………………………………………………… BORIS JOHNSON SUES FOR PARENTAL RIGHTS

    • loosenut86

      I’m sorry to see trolls here too. Just everywhere. Like spiders. Why waste your time if you aren’t interested in any way?? Open minds are important.

    • marko

      this guy Alex jones is the most accurate reporter I have seen so far and for many year.. if america listened to him we would not be in the mess we are in

      • Debamboozler

        True to his controlled opposotion form Jones tells you all about what is going on but never reveals the perpetrators. Very twisted soul and should be on a sucide watch. Not to prevent his suicide but to watch it. Can’t wait for the live broadcast when he pulls a .357 from a paper bag and sucks a slug from the barrel.

    • jeremyfeit

      Alex Jones is what happens when u take infowars brain force and super male vitality supplements at the same time.

      • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

        Hi jf,

        Hahahaha,…. good one, but I think the correct formula is: AJ is what you get you mix a traitor with a junk yard dog! – JD

    • Howellsgs

      Nothing from this greasy meatball is a ‘must watch’.

    • Debamboozler

      WW3 was planned by Jones’ Masonic/Zionist handlers. Couldn’t have a better spokesman.

      • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

        Bingo! (… and NOT the game of….) – JD

    • Debamboozler

      What drives this poor bastard? Extortion, blackmail, torture, death threat? What could drive a man to sell his soul?

    • Morgana Le Fay

      (Btw…interesting pic, Mr. Marine….)

    • SnakeEyes40

      Omg you’re not the only Marine on Earth…there are quite a few of us around. Although, judging from this display, you may be possibly the thirstiest. Lol “I did look very much like that when I was in the service” 🙄

    • Max

      Fighting tyranny. Ha ha ha. Are you for real. Alex Jones makes you look like a phucking imbecile. Here are some facts idiot.

      United States military has been murdering millions of people for over 100 years. They have killed millions of innocents in middle east and displaced untold millions. Jfk was going to destroy cia and military industrial complex before cia killed him. United states military are not the good guys we thought they were.

      Hitler would of never destroyed London like this. Churchill and FDR were pure evil. They rot in hell forever now.

      The psychopaths running the United states military need to be gathered up , tried, and executed for crimes against humanity.

      Treacherous cia n military INDUSTRIAL complex killed jfk cause he wanted peace n not war n didn’t want to send any American soldier to his death in foreign wars. Unless Trump abolishes cia n military INDUSTRIAL complex he is a useless figurehead.

      Watch Bridge at Remagen. US military was bombing and machine gunning innocent people trying to escape on that bridge. Fcking murderers. I would of never lasted in US military cause anyone gives me an unlawful order like that n they can go fck themselves. Taking orders is no excuse for mass genocide. Sorry, but God is gonna accept ur murder of innocents cause u were ordered by some psychopath superiors to carry out their diabolical rampage. I’d rather b a fool in the eyes of man than a fool in the eyes of God.

    • Max

      You don’t fight tyranny moron, you support and enable it. Go phuck your lover and traitor in chief fake dementiajoe and ovomit and transvestite Michelle in the ass. I used to think US military were the good guys….ha ha ha. Fcking dumbass i was. US military are the biggest mass murderers on earth and the idiots are so stupid they just blindly follow orders to kill millions of innocents and commit further treason by taking illegal unconstitutional orders from that pos fake biden avatar. Sorry asshole, you are not the good guys if you carry out orders from traitors and psychopaths against your own American citizens. You are nothing worse than a full blown traitor to the Republic..

    • Morgana Le Fay

      lol….I see what it is now. Semper Fidelis….My dad was a marine…served in Vietnam.

    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      Hi Morgana,

      Thank you. Although it’s actually just a rendering, I did look very much like that when I was in service.

      You also have an interesting pic,…. is that you? – JD

    • Morgana Le Fay

      Yea….around 32-33. I’m getting ready to turn 42 this Feb. I didn’t think you’re thumbnail was you, lol….from a recruitment advertisement they came up with years ago. But yea….it’s me.

    • Morgana Le Fay

      Dammit…it’d be nice if BIN added an “edit” button for typos. It’d be especially useful when one’s had a few glasses of wine.

    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      Not sure what your comments are suppose to mean.

      I NEVER said I was the “only Marine on Earth, nor was it implied in any way. YOU said/implied it.

      As for looking almost exactly like the picture when I was in service, is correct, so again, I have no idea what your trying to convey. – JD

    • Max

      You are a total phucking moron.

      ” You feed the crocodile hoping it eats you last ” Churchill

    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      Hi Max,

      Except for me being an “asshole”,… EVERYTHING you said is correct.

      I use did a radio show for years called “The Tactical Report”, and detailed EVERYTHING you mentioned above, plus a whole lot more.

      One of my main comments always was,…. “there ain’t no John Wayne going to ride over the hill to save this country, and certainly NOT the military as it is wholly comprised in every way possible…”

      I talked about the real reasons why JFK was assassinated (think Zionist Israel and Fed Reserve Bankers/CIA), how the US “gov’t” (we don’t have a legitimate gov’t, it’s a CRIMINAL CARTEL masquerading as one) HELPED Japan achieve Pearl Harbor, How the US BUILT Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, General Smedly Butlers book – “War Is A Racket”, “Major Jordan’s Diary” – which detailed how WE built the Soviet Empire, and on and on and on,….

      So yes,… except for thinking I support the US Military, I agree with EVERYTHING you wrote above, but the ugly truth is far, far worse and bigger then what you mentioned.

      JD – US Marine – Still believe in defending this country from the “enemy within” even though I know the military along with EVERY organ of state and mass media is wholly compromised.

    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      So,.. your a true Zionist, like Churchill was….

      Hence your overt disdain for the truth.

      “Nothing is more offensive to Jews, then the truth…” – multiple authors famous for this quote. – JD

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