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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Michael Jaco: Trump Never Conceded The Presidency So How Does He Legally Return As An "Oath Keeper?" - Must Video

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Thanks Mike… Always love to hear your insights…. I’m spreading what I learn with my family & friends who don’t have a clue…I drop seeds and pray they begin to sprout … It’s taking time but it’s beautiful to see some of them beginning to ask questions!

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    Total 18 comments
    • HawkBowler

      The military doesn’t decide who is president and C&C.
      Congress makes this determination.

      Congress decided that Biden won the 2020 election.

      Early on after the Stealection, the theory was that a new constitional republic was started, running parrell with the corrupt US Corporation. Trump was still president of a new republic going back to the original constitution, we were told.

      Nobody pitches the secret hidden new republic any more cuz it doesn’t exist.

      The Q tribe was proven wrong when Trump announced that he’s running for president in 2024. Game over. End of discussion. Still, many are carrying that banner forward without cause like Jaco. Even the leader they’ve chosen, Trump, he doesn’t acknowledge them. People who show up at a Trump rally with Q paraphanalia are asked to leave.

      Oh well.. that’s just code… Trump has to keep it secret U know, talk in code. Trust the father of the vax. He will never ever ever let us down.

      • HawkBowler

        The Q tribe has delivered a lot of information on the deep state. It is true that the elites are the real cartel running drugs, weapons and human children.

        By the way, we didn’t need Q to tell us the above. Most of the information had already entered the internet consciousness construct. Q steps forward at a time when the MSM completely loses control of conservative viewers. The last bastion was Fox, but this was the same network that called AZ early on election night 2020… and then right on Q we had six states who simply stopped counting.

        Q is different in that this entity gives us clues about predictions of the future. “Pain is coming”… “Dark to Light”

        The Q predictions have failed. The five year deltas prove it.
        Have the FBI love birds Strzok and Page gone to jail?
        Has anyone gone to jail?
        Durham indicted only only one FBI agent cuz he had no choice, he altered evidence. Still, that guy is not in jail and back to practicing law.

        So much time and investment was put into Durham. And yet it’s clear now that Durham, and Huber and Sessions before him, had no intention to put people in jail. In fact, their job was the opposite.

        • feral pa paw

          HB its because these people and I use that word lightly, live in a alternate reality. They don’t march to the same drum the rest of us normal people do. The one where Boogie Men and Good Guys are all doing secret shit to each other and you need a Q Guru to tell what what they are doing. Every thing they do is in coded messages like the ones we used to get on Cereal Boxes. Only much more top secret. In Layman’s terms , these Morons elevators aren’t making it to the top anymore. And nothing you or I can say or do will restore their sanity. :shock:

      • trumster 79

        Thats false People that gp to The Rallys are not asked to Leave He has Thousand all The time, Because They Know He won Which soon you will know. He is President of the Restored Republic They also redid The Declaration Od Independe last nJuly4 2020 . He did what had to be done about Irs and Federal Federal had to work with Treasuy for 1 years. That was up long ago, This is a Scripted movie your Watching, Most of Congress were arrest You see Doubles. :Look it up They all got Treason’
        Real Biden was Executed same as Hunter Hunter was Oct 2021. Yes Trump talks code and many Comms Learn to Understand Then you would know whats going on he won. Every State That you will Know soon to. Congress certified a fraud Election without verifying They Has water Marked ballots they watch it andok Law and War Manuel. All The General and Thousand of Service people They know what there doing. This plan been going on for 30 Years, Trumps also worked Undercover for years. You Have no clue who Q is Its more then one person .Get your head out of the Sand, You Might be able to See. talk about the vax Thats was had bad advise from steven who now is dirt just like Fauci and Brix. Try researching the facts and truth wake up for your own Good Most will not Be able to Handle Whats Comming.

    • blondsktr17

      Fake Joe is a White Hat…


      C’mon, thatz a White Hat plant tellin’ him whut to say and do….

      I stole a lot of state secrets and important documents!!

      He is bein’ told whut to say…

      The White Hats planted the cocaine n the White House…

      I’m w8in’ to 👀 whut they hav him say NXT!!

      Ur watchin’ a military-scripted movie….hahahaha…

      • Anonymous

        So that was one of the Asshats, Coke? Just pretending to be Bitem?

      • MyTwoCents

        How old are you? Grow up.

    • Blah blah blah

      Trump is never coming back …jaco should pull head out of his remote viewing arse

      • trumster 79

        Blah Blah Trump is coming Back, He is Still cIc military. He won it Was Fraud Election Soon You will Know Real Biden Been Executed This Is A Covert Worldwide Sting Operation.Open Your Eyes.

        • MyTwoCents

          You have no proof of anything. All you have is the Q cia psyop telling you to eat popcorn while your country is going down the crapper. And this “ex”-cia guy, Jaco telling you the same. (Is anyone ever “ex” cia?) Our founders would have been disgusted.

          • trumster 79

            I Have all the Proff i need to post true Posts. This is a Covert Military Intelligence Sting Operation he is cic He gave the nuclear codes to Military for now,He never left He is a War time President he signed the EO,s Thats in Effect . Very Important. I dont Eat Popcorn I do My Investigating and Research, Investigater,Researcher Historian, I been doing this for years. Real Biden was Executed long ago Hunter was Executed Oct 2021. Its all out there Just Look. Trump is President of The Restored Republic and we have a New vp I dont Know i9f this Guy knows it or not. Public will know soon. Theywere innaugrated in Long ago. They Have todo It This Way to Make the Arrests.
            Q is a Special Forces They all have Highest Level of Clearences. There are Thousands of These Forces.
            This is a Certain Teams of Military Not the Traiters. They been doing This Plan for 30 Years now. Wake up This is about Saten VS God. Saten Bloodline VS Human Jesus Christ Bloodline[DRUZE}
            There are over 500.000 Indictments They have since 2017.
            We are not The CORPORATION we are the republic DC is done. He won Every State They have it all. They did it this way to arrest Them all..He has Million National Guard Deployed for Active Duty till 2024. They Sworn in 50,000 US Marshalls to Help Make the Arrests. They have Been doing tribunels since 2017. Vatican and Palace were all Raided and seized.

            Remember when he Visit all The countries He now has Power over Them. He will be Back sooner Then…

            • MyTwoCents

              You said you had PROOF. Where is it? Saying it’s so isn’t proof of anything.

            • Blah blah blah

              I will bet u 1000 that trump will not be back before jan,2025

    • Anonymous

      Trump was fired, just like you would be Jackoff, if you ever had a real job besides lying and Bullshitting every day.

    • angryandsad

      Although I am not a fan of Donald Trump, I am honest enough to say that lying communist Joe Biden was placed into the White House by massive criminal fraud.

      • Anonymous

        Prove it or you look just like the Qfrauds who betrayed the country and supported the mass murdering Vax Daddy.

    • trumster 79

      Keep Reading that Propaganda Whitehats are in Control DS fell for all the traps.

    • MyTwoCents

      If they’re in control they should all go to Gitmo with these people.

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