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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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X22 Report Live: This Will Be the Biggest Political Victory & Better Than Doing it the Traditional Way! - Video

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The [DS] is in trouble, the people are waking up everyday. Trump and the patriots are going to bring the people to place where they can see it all. It is the only way to take back the country. This is not about another 4 year election, this is about exposing and removing the [DS] from this country. Trump says this election will be the biggest political victory by far, and it will be better than doing it the traditional way. 

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    Total 3 comments
    • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

      My Fellow Americans:


      Here is a truth this filthy lying KUNT Dave, and his ilk will never say:

      FACT: This country has already been overthrown from within and the CRIMINALS have completely taken over!

      SITUATION: They will NEVER leave. You will NOT petition, vote or lawsuit your way out of this, ALL organs of state for a “peaceful” method(s) to fix this are under their absolute control.

      SOLUTION: The only solution that will actually fix this problem WILL involve the use of 1 – Firearms, 2 – VIOLENCE, with both being applied in abundance.

      APPLICATION: They exterminate us, OR, we exterminate them. There is no middle ground in the end.

      OUTCOME: Anything less then the complete extermination of these traitors means THEY win.

      YOUR CHOICE: Standby and do nothing until they come to put you in their mass graves, or fight for your right to exist.

      JD US Marine Ready, Willing & Able To Do What Is Necessary To Save Our Once-Upon-A-Time Great Country.


      Dave and his X666 Report are CIA-Zionist-Jew owned/controlled/operated propaganda outlet,… you know,… A another TRAITOR.

      Dave is a low-life KUNT that earns his treason pay with each and every dis-info show he posts.

      Fuk this kunt and his controlled asset “guests”.

      If they were real patriots trying to actually expose and stop the overthrow of this country that has already happened, they wouldn’t be allowed on this Zionist network pys-op.

      JD – US Marine Exposing Troll Networks Everywhere


    • DeniMac

      People are dreaming too big. This nation will not be taken back. If by chance it is, I’ll be asking God, what are you doing?

      The end of days initially started when Israel became a nation again in one day after almost 2,000 years of dispersion. It did May 14, 1948. The roll on prophecy started with 9/11 for America with the so-called Patriot Act which started chipping away at our freedoms. Then God gave us Obama, a president we totally deserved. Then God put Trump in the white house to escalate the prophecies by further setting the prophetic stage regarding Israel, at the same time, giving America a brief reprieve. We had 3 very short years of Trump’s MAGA. He got people back to work, he stopped the border crossing, yada, yada, yada.
      The 4th year is when Trump stuck it to us. Instead of firing Fraudci, he went along with him and locked us down for 3 months. Millions lost their businesses, their jobs, their homes. Many even committed suicide. He was the commander in chief, why the hell did he do that to us? Because he is just the other side of the same wicked coin, that’s why.

      It’s about time America knew that neither the ass nor the elephant is going to save it, and because it kicked out the Lamb, now it’s gotta deal with the Lion. I got news for ya, the Lion is roaring. You can see it all around if you just open your eyes. The wickedness of the human race, particularly in America with it’s homo push, child grooming. This country just became a xxx rated…

    • JamesinNM

      Trump now seems to want to “deal” with the Democrats on such things as abortion. Some things are not negotiable with God! Voter, beware!

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