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Aaron Bushnell, Who Burned Himself Alive, Cheered Murder of U.S. Soldiers

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 “I work for the air force and would also have no right to complain about violent resistance against my actions.”

When Aaron Bushnell, an Antifa member and Air Force Airman, set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C., Hamas supporters in this country made him into a martyr.

Cornel West praised Bushnell’s “extraordinary courage and commitment”, Roger Waters celebrated him as an “All-American Hero” and the media emphasized his military role.

In reality, Aaron Bushnell was a member of radical anarchist groups on social media, he wanted to leave the Air Force and cheered the killings of members of the U.S. military.

When three black Army soldiers were murdered in an Iranian-backed Islamic terror attack back in January, Aaron Bushnell posted it to the Antifa ACAB (All Cops are Bastards) Reddit group with a mocking “OhNoAnyway.jpg” meme.

“The cops are the domestic military and the military is the international police. They are bad for the exact same reasons,” Aaron Bushnell posted in the ensuing debate.

Bushnell believed that Islamic terrorists killing U.S. military personnel was justified, arguing that, “I work for the air force and would also have no right to complain about violent resistance against my actions.”

In a previous exchange he warned another user against joining the military and argued again that the murder of Americans was justified. “The US DoD is one of the most powerfully evil institutions to ever disgrace the face of this planet. You will have blood on your hands that you will never be able to wash off. There are many people who suffer under the imperial boot who would have every reason to wish you dead, and they would be justified. Don’t do it.”

When asked by another anarchist as to whether joining the military would provide him with the skills to conduct domestic terrorism, Bushnell appeared skeptical. “

It’s very unlikely that you get any kind of ‘proper training’ that would be useful in a revolutionary context,” he suggested. The military was “a neo-feudal institution plugged into the broader neoliberal system. It runs on nothing but coercion, toxic masculinity, and brainwashing.”

Aaron Bushnell’s comments reveal that he wanted out of the Air Force and believed it was evil.

“I joined thinking I was doing my part to make the world a better place. Then I realized we’re the baddies, and the only way to make the world a better place is to get out,”

Bushnell, who died in support of the Hamas war against Israel, not only supported the Islamic terror group, but also justified the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews.

“Israel is a white supremacist, ethnonationalist, settler-colonial apartheid state….It has no right to exist,” Bushnell argued. He claimed that all the Jews could be killed because “there are no Israeli ‘civilians’” and that Israel was “the closest thing the world has to the Nazis”. Exterminating Israelis “wouldn’t be genocidal but actually perfectly reasonable, as Israelis are settler-colonizers” and described Hamas as an “anti-colonial resistance organization”.

“Israel’s existence can’t be justified in the first place, it’s a colony of the US and UK. It has imposed apartheid, displacement, and extermination on the Palestinian people since its inception. No aggression against the Israeli colony can be condemned by non-Palestinians.”

The murdered Israeli families in nearby towns had it coming because they were “colonizers” and “I don’t get to claim it’s a violation of my human rights if some of those people come and kick me back out of that house or throw a molotov at it or kidnap me.”

Aaron Bushnell compared Hamas to the “diverse coalition in Star Wars” and dismissed people “clutching their pearls over” the killing and rape of young Israelis at the Nova music festival because there “are no innocent civilians in settler colonialism”.

“That music festival was happening just three miles from Gaza,” Bushnell contended. “Imagine a similar event happening in the early days of the colonization of North America. Can you or I really say that Indigenous people are wrong for retaliating against colonizers who are rubbing their domination in their face?”

Aaron Bushnell believed that the destruction of America was as justified as that of Israel.

How extreme were Bushnell’s views? We know that he was a member of multiple anarchist groups including those advocating violence. He at varying times defended Communism as an ideal and in a reply to “Are there any Marxist-Leninist here?”, commented, “I highly recommend The Bolsheviks and Worker’s Control to anyone interested in the history of Lenin’s praxis”.

“Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society, so whatever society you’re talking about clearly isn’t communist,” he argued. True Communism had never been tried.

In comments on a user’s celebration of his 99-year-old father’s military service in the Korean War, Bushnell argued that American pilots were war criminals and colonizers. He claimed that North Korea’s offensive was spurred by resistance to American colonialism.

Aaron Bushnell had started out as a radical leftist and, like many in anarchist spaces, had come around to viewing Islamic terrorists as resistance movements against American colonialism. When defending the Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, he sneered, “as if a poor country committing piracy against imperial trade would be bad”.

Beyond geopolitics, Bushnell had adopted every possible radical belief from legitimizing crime to animal liberation. His Antifa associations led him to declare everyone else a fascist.

“Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds,” he wrote.

America was inherently bad and the only redemption for it was a violent revolution.

“Electoral politics is letting the fascists win,” he claimed. When responding to Biden’s senility, he posted, “I couldn’t care less about this ableist bullshit. He’s bad because he’s the President of the United States. That’s that.” Anticipating a violent civil war, he posted, “Our choices are not Biden or Trump. Our choices are genocide or revolution.”

He anticipated the day when “the power of the bourgeoisie will dissolve because they made the fatal blunder of profiting off of the working class.”

Despite being white, he loathed white people, declaring that, “whiteness needs to be abolished” and denounced “transphobia” and “TERFS” or women who oppose transgender men.

Aaron Bushnell claimed that “marriage is also mutually exploitative and coercive” and condemned “human supremacy which is destroying humans, non-humans, and the entire planet”.

“The idea of crime was invented by rich people to describe behavior they didn’t like,” he contended, and argued that “defrauding” a company is “morally superior to giving it money.“

Finally the man who set himself on fire to support Islamic terrorists who would have cheerfully killed him, with his consent, posted that, “sanity is a myth constructed to justify brainwashing and marginalization of people who cannot or will not conform.”

What happened to Aaron Bushnell to turn him into this? Like a lot of directionless but clever young men, he went down a rabbit hole of extremism that eventually led to violence. A review of his social media shows little in his life except radical politics and video games. Bushnell had grown up in an abusive leftist cult that wrongly described itself as “Christian”.

The experience appeared to have left him with a hatred of Christianity, so that he posted, “the Real Jesus™️ only looks like a half-decent role model compared to the monstrosity that his followers created… Jesus can fuck off with his demagoguery.”

Searching for some structure and direction, Bushnell joined the Air Force, but then was indoctrinated into anarchist leftist groups which provided him with his sense of identity. While pictures often show him in the uniform he wore when he killed himself, off-duty pictures commonly show him wearing red. And he began taking part in Antifa protests.

The Air Force under Biden had launched a campaign to root out “extremism”, but that meant extremists that the leadership and the administration disagreed with. Bushnell was one of a number of personnel who openly supported terrorism and hated America who stayed on.

Bushnell had been preparing to leave the Air Force and transition to civilian employment, and yet he decided to exploit his uniform by turning himself into a martyr against America.

Narcissism and emotional instability were certainly in the mix. But Bushnell had also been failed by his family, which raised him in an abusive elite liberal cult, by a society and a government which mainstreamed extreme leftist views and by a military which failed to intervene.

In the end, Aaron Bushnell spun out of control. Like other Islamic terrorist supporters, he might have opened fire at a military facility, instead he chose to martyr himself for Hamas.

His death will be used by Islamic terrorists and Antifa to recruit more young men like him.

The Bushnell case is a wake-up call about actual extremism within the military. Someone recruited him and someone encouraged him to kill himself. National security begins with finding and exposing the Islamic terrorists and extremists inside the United States Air Force.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.

Thank you for reading.


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    Total 8 comments
    • Daughter of the Church

      Well written piece, as a well constructed & rational analysis of the making of a spectacular suicide, but also irrelevant because Aaron Bushnell is no longer of this world. It matters little now to the cremated defunct if he advanced the cause of Antifa or if he effectively countered the expansionism of the Judeo-Nazi of the State of Israel. What matters is where is his soul, following his ultimate sacrifice: was it out of hatred or out of love is what matters. I refer to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ as a reference point. JCOL accepted the holocaust on the Cross out of love in order to pay a ransom for multitudes of the human race. Some other many heroes accepted terrible punishments and death for temporal causes, and out of vanity & narcissism. Those martyrs just for human causes are demonstrated to have been vain sacrifices (demonstrations given in the City of God, by St. Augustin). What matters is did Aaron Bushnell made a holocauste of himself out of love for the human race, or did he killed himself out of hatred for (- – -) whichever fits the blank. The (- – -) blank is filled by Sultan Knish. Let see if Sultan Knish is rightful, unbiases and without any bias in favor of the Jews.

      Did this US airman immolate for the Palestinians, who are, as we usually consider them to be “sand niggers”? Did he kill himself to spit in the face of the Jew colonialists? a little of both love and hate, according to his attributed quotations.
      Aaron Bushnell was clearly…

      • Daughter of the Church

        - – - continuation – - -

        … Aaron Bushnell was clearly not average. He was intelligent and he was not fooled by propagandas from either side. He was simply outraged. His outrage became so great as to accept an extremely violent death. That is the whole story. Now, please let’s return to Jesus. Days before His Passion, He cried at Jerusalem’s future which he saw clearly, since He is God. Our Lord shed tears which means that the God-man had a human feeling of patriotism. Aaron Bushnell could not see the future, since he was not a god, but he felt outrage. Outraged at everything ranging from a senile POTUS to criminal hypocrisy combined with general impotency at redressing everything. This led him to a sadness unto death. He went ahead as far as possible. To the question as to if his motivation was love for the human race or hatred against the human race, it is not for us to judge, but only to the divine Judge Jesus Christ.


      • John

        Daughter of the Church? The same church Jesus tired hard NOT to establish? The same church that has murdered countless millions because they did not hear of Jesus? OK to kill Indians because they don’t have souls, or destroy Aztec civilization because their historical records were the writings of THE DEVIL! The same church that today adheres to a caveman’s religion more than 2000 years old? The same church that stole sacred texts from many cultures, then destroyed those texts so as to claim exclusivity? The same church that is part of the Anti-Christ thru a refusal to have an open mind and refuses to improve and grow? Just like a computer that is locked up and refuses all input. Still wearing your mental burka I see. The same church that burned the Essenes teachings and killed as many of them as possible (Jesus himself was an Essene as was John the Baptist. And were Jesus here today you would crucify him again.

        A real modern day religion which has a SCIENTIFIC language exists and includes extraterrestrials. One “Christian” I know claims all ET’s are “demons”. You and your kind would slaughter the entire universe of intelligent life if they refused to believe in your narrow minded bigoted insular childish so called religion.

        The Urantia Book

        The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors. Or Christianity Before Christ by Kersey Graves, Acharya S.

        • Daughter of the Church

          ‘John’! I must reply point by point to your accusations against my faith and my church.

          ~Jesus Christ unequivocally establish his Church. Her cornerstone was a common man given the name of Peter, which as Cephas, means ‘Rock’.
          ~Jesus Christ is God. He is one person of a triune God, or Holy Trinity in an incomprehensible mystery to our limited capacities to understand.
          ~The religion of Christ is based upon self-sacrifice of God, which make Christianity unique as opposed to all the other religions of strange gods who demand sacrifices. The Aztecs ripped the palpitating heart of a victim as an offering agreeable to their god; the Muslims encourage suicide bombing as a bloody sacrifice to their god Allah, et cetera, while the Christians offer a bloodless sacrifice in remembrance of a blood Sacrifice by God on the Cross.
          ~Christianity and Catholicism in particular is supposed to imitate Jesus Christ as well as His Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary in matters of sacrifices to offer. That vague imitation says a lot, because a ‘Cross’ may become a life long sufferings through long penances.
          ~The Catholic Church, ever since she was the Primitive Church, to the Early Church and the fully developed RCC has been infiltrated by enemy agents: named antichrists. The first antichrists were Judas Iscariote and Simon the Magician. Judas knew Jesus, while Simon seek opportunity from Jesus long after His Ascension, but the result is the same: they were the beginning, since the…

          • Daughter of the Church

            - – - continuation to the reply to ‘John’ – - -

            … from Jesus long after His Ascension, but the result is the same: they were the beginning, since the beginning of a constant string of heretic liars.
            ~The Catholic Church has suffered calumnies which has got into high gear 500 years ago with the Reformation. The Reformed churches are in constant revisionism, such as using a mutilated KJV ‘Bible’ telling fables and engendering disbeliefs. They are antichrist’s. They are the ones who distributed the small-pox infected blankets to the Amerindians, while the Catholic Franciscan friars converted and build Catholic communities. The Reformed Protestant have reach the ‘Judeo-Christian’ absurdities in the form of the Neo-Conservative creeds.
            ~The RCC is the sole institution which is capable to repel the devil in all its forms. This is why the RCC had been under incessant attacks from the forces of darkness for 500 years. Finally in 1958, during the October conclave, the legitimate successor to Pope Pius XII was forced out in a coup d’etat. The Church of Rome has turned into a counter-church for over the past six decades under the yoke of an uninterrupted dynasty of six antipopes. It is no wonder that the world is confused and ready to accept ‘extraterrestrials’ who truly a demons easily exorcised.


        • Daughter of the Church

          PERSONNAL REPLY TO ‘JOHN’: Be using high-case to type ‘scientific’, I get how important science means to you. Human science is a midget issued from human, as well as to the supremely intelligent Satan, this latest not able to create anything, such as a simple grass. This is why Satan, the formerly demoted and degraded Lucifer wishes to be named the ‘Great Architect”. Think John, an architect does only assembles already created elements. If the ‘Great Architect’, the great deceiver, is incapable to create anything, how puny is the human sciences, besides the sad fact that if sciences is deprived of godly charity, sciences becomes the forefront of a ‘Frankenstein’ monster, such as poisonous M-RNA injections.
          The ET’s is an invention and an illusion concocted by master illusionists from Burbank’s film studios. Nothing compared to the Resurrections & Ascensions which were witnessed by hundreds. Then what about the supernatural Marian apparitions such as Our Lady of Guadeloupe or Fatima? Those are tangible recent manifestations of heaven.

    • Daughter of the Church

      SUB-COMMENT: In the comment above, I dared equivocate the immolation of the bloody sacrifice on the Cross with the immolation of Aaron ‘Burning Man’ Bushnell, under the conditions that his past Sunday’s suicide by fire was for love for the human race as a token of purchasing penance acceptable to God. This is why I insist to not put a hasty and perhaps self-serving political judgement about if the motivation was either love or hate. I personally lean towards ‘love’, hoping that Aaron will go to heaven, but again, God is the final authority to judge. I’ll leave it a that, however there must be said a few things about martyrdoms, which generally are all some kind of controlled and accepted self-destruction for the sake of a generous re-purchasing of others. It is called co-redemption in Christian terms, as a form of an imitation of Jesus Christ’s redemptive sacrifice.
      Our Lord, in the Cenacle (I think it was after Judas Iscariot had left), warned the Apostles that they were to be “scandalized”. Our Lord was speaking of his imminent crucifixion. The bloodless sacrifice of the first communion preceded the Blood Sacrifice on the Cross. The world indeed was scandalized by the Cross, and still remains more or less scandalized as to have made a modernist form of a watered-down Christianity. We have now the cult of the “Risen Christ” who knew “no sufferings”. It is the pain and sufferings involved in Our Lord’s death on the Cross which made the redemption, and not…

      • Daughter of the Church

        - – - continuation of the SUB-COMMENT – - -

        … It is the pain and sufferings involved in Our Lord’s death on the Cross which made the redemption, and not the saccharin Taizéen songs, the candle lights & cute teddy-bears which will gain heaven. Since Jesus Christ is God, the sacrifice’s redemptive effect is unlimited, however, Jesus asked to imitate Him. This justified the violent death of ten of the original apostles, as well as the lengthily sufferings of St. John and his Mother Holy Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Accepted immolation is the crux of Christianity, provided that it is for the love of God. It was during the Roman persécutions all the way to St. Maximilien Kolbe who accepted death at the hand of Nazi to pay for the freedom of an inmate in a death camp.
        The sacrifice of Aaron “Burning-Man” Bushnell is a subject of scandal in our to-day’s antichrist world, but must be considered outside of the philosophers’ views but inside of the godly view which is out of this world.

        I doubt that Aaron is Catholic. He certainly did not have a priest telling him “Proficiscere, anima christiana, de hoc mundo” (Depart, o Christian soul, from this world), but a postulation for the cause of the saints, mandating a recollection of witnessing’s of his heroic practice of Christian virtues could be considered. The Gaza genocide might be put to a halt, just as the Carmelite nuns of Cambray’s martyrdom put a halt to the Terror Regime during the French Revolution.


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