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Greg Hunter: Biden Debate Disaster, War Exploding, Economy Tanking! - (Video)

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By Greg Hunter’s

I could not see that Joe Biden scored a single blow on President Trump in the CNN debate on Thursday night.  Biden held his own in the debate that preceded the 2020 Election, but in this debate, he showed how much he has declined.  He mumbled many of his answers and could not mount a single defense to President Trump telling him “We are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been.”  Trump beat Biden over the head on the problems the open Southern border has caused America:  crime, debt, drugs, inflation or all of the above.  Trump said everyone in the military who had a hand in the Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 “should have been fired, and you did not fire a single person.”  Trump also said we have been “living in Hell for the past three and a half years,” and “If Biden is elected again, we won’t have a country left.”  Biden had no comeback for this or any other of Trump’s debate points.  So, Trump won hands down.  Call it a blowout.  It was like a football team beating an opponent 100 to 3.  Now, everybody knows (including the Democrats) Biden cannot be President.  In a way, I feel sorry for Biden, but I feel way sorrier for the “Hell” we are living in here in America under the Biden policies.  Remember that Martin Armstrong predicted the Dem party wanted Biden to do terrible in the debate  (parapraph two) with Trump so they could justify replacing him on the 2024 ticket.  The got their wish.

War is exploding and intensifying everywhere.  Cluster bombs dropped on Russian in Crimea, and the Hezbollah conflict in Northern Israel will make the Gaza conflict look like a party.  Hezbollah has thousands of rockets that can hit any target in Israel.  So, will Israel wipe them out first?  Iran is now mobilizing for war against Israel.  Will you see regular Iranian troops going up against Israel?  As far as Russian reprisals for the cluster bomb attack, it looks like Putin is not taking the bait to widen the war and go nuclear just yet.  Putin still wants a Ukrainian ceasefire.  If Trump was in office, this would have never happened.  Trump said this in the CNN debate, and that was yet another point Biden had no comeback for.


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The Fed did a so-called “stress test” on 31 of the biggest banks in America.  Some reported they passed with flying colors, and others said this stress test showed the big banks are “weaker” than in the past.  It sure feels like somebody is lying because the FDIC just said at the beginning of June that 63 banks are on a so-called “watch list” because they have more than a half trillion dollars in sour debt.  The FDIC list of problem banks is secret, which does not inspire confidence, and the transparency is like looking through mud.  Also, Michael Snyder has just put up a list of 11 signs that the economy is tanking.  Third on his list is “When Banks get into trouble, they start closing branches.  So far this year, US banks have closed more than 400 branches all over the country.”  As I said, somebody is lying about the health of the banks and the health of the US economy.

There is more in the 41-minute newscast.

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After the Wrap-Up: 

World renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner will be the guest for the “Saturday Night Post.”  Nenner will explain why his “war cycle has turned straight up” and the economic cycle has turned down. Nenner says brace “for very hard times.”  He will explain why in detail.

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