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By Tongue Tied (Reporter)
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The self-indulgent "free speech" advocates are anything but

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They are just antisemites and ignoramuses

They want their right to chant “from the river to the sea” without having to take into account how that impacts on others. My guess is most wouldn’t know which river they’re chanting about.

They want to ban Jewish speakers, intimidate Jewish students because it’s their right to say what they want. There’s no place for others to have their say.

They have no time for the reality of living in a free society. That’s where we together agree to behave in a way that gives each other those freedoms. A social contract we make with each other so we can all enjoy freedom and live together.

Yes, it does mean some limits on free speech. Counterintuitive as it may be those limits actually maximise the opportunity for all of us to express our views. Reciprocity is not on the agenda of protesters. So taken are woke managerialists with the simplistic “free speech” notion that they let the demonstrations at universities get out of hand.

Their first obligation is to the safety and wellbeing of all on campus. Either they forgot that or were too stupid to see where it was all going. Now it’s a mess.

Criticism of Netanyahu and the Israeli government has lazily morphed into anti-Jewish sentiment against Israel and its people or Jewish people worldwide. Their hatred is reserved for Jewish actions.

Does anyone, especially those with any clout, ask themselves how it comes about that these protests are happening? Do they imagine they are just spontaneous outbursts of shared thought among like-minded people who just happen to be in the same place at the same time? How stupid do universities have to be to not consider outsiders both misusing their students and inflaming the protests in any event?

Have they asked themselves why there weren’t similar protests supporting the Uighur, Somalians, Syrians, Yemeni … and on the list goes.

Worse, the anti-Israeli protesters display a remarkable incapacity to offer criticism of Hamas or the Palestinians. Some even say that Israel’s conduct prior to October 7 last year justifies the horrific Hamas attack. Terrorism, killing, raping, degrading women and children is apparently, for some people, justifiable.

They call such vile acts resistance. Against military personnel or infrastructure you might stand a chance. But not with the depravity of the October 7 attack. Against kids at a music festival and civilians, you’re not freedom fighters you’re cowardly, sick, perverted and depraved. A disgrace to humanity. Wild animals do not behave like that. No wonder none of their neighbours want them.

I hope our decision to take some people from Gaza with limited if any security checks doesn’t turn out to be the mistake I think it was. Gaza is riddled with Hamas terrorists. Giving people from there visas and saying you did all the checks for the visa you chose is just a misleading play on form over substance.

When Hamas recognises that Israel should be there to stay, stops its ongoing war against Israel, stops its cowardly and cruel act of hiding soldiers and weapons behind civilians under hospitals and schools, stops using Palestinians as shields for their aggression, stops siphoning off aid to their war effort and returns what hostages are left there might be a chance. Until then it’s a pipe dream.





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