How to Get Others to Pay for Your BMW
There is a hard way and an easy way to get what you want where moonbattery prevails, as in the UK. The hard way is to earn it. The easy way is to brandish a defect, real or fabricated, and then make someone else earn it:
If you want a brand new BMW i4 M Sport, you have two choices. The first is to lay out the full £52,770. The second is to tell the DWP [Department for Work and Pensions] that your mental health makes it hard to leave the house, claim the enhanced mobility rate of the Personal Independence Payment (Pip), fork out a down payment of £7,999, and get the Government to lease it for you.
In exchange for the mobility component of your benefit, you’ll get a new BMW every three years, your insurance and accident breakdown paid for, your servicing and tyre replacements covered, and your choice of “conventional metallic paint option”.
Subsidizing Bimmers for those who identify as neurotic or otherwise flawed is a big success, accounting for “roughly one in every five new cars sold in Britain.”
What else would you expect in a society that incentivizes victimhood and parasitism, while punishing honesty, dignity, responsibility, and hard work?
As it progressively subjects itself to societal collapse and financial ruin, at least once great Britain serves as a cautionary example to other societies tempted to succumb to liberalism.
On a tip from Steve T.
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