“Fukushima: The Extinction-Level Event That No One Is Talking About”
by Doug Michael
“March 11, 2011: A massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan, triggering a devastating tsunami, which left parts of the country in utter shambles. Official reports claim that 15,891 people lost their lives, 6,152 were injured and 2,584 were reported missing. This was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded to have struck Japan, and the fourth most powerful in the world, since modern record keeping began in 1900. This earthquake was so intense in magnitude, that it shifted Honshu, the main island of Japan by an estimated eight feet and actually shifted the Earth’s axis by between four and ten inches!
Japan is a nation containing many nuclear reactors which produce roughly 30% of the nation’s electricity. The majority of operable nuclear reactors are right along the coast, in one of the most seismically active areas on the entire planet!
Map which shows the locations of Japan’s, active reactor sights. Notice how they are along the coast, in perhaps the most seismically active location on the entire planet.
The powerful tsunami caused complete devastation of three of the six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi facility, the cores of which melted within the first three days. In November 2011, the Japanese Science Ministry reported that radioactive cesium had contaminated 11,580 square miles of the land surface of Japan, with an additional 4,500 square miles contaminated.
The destroyed reactor sites have been dumping hundreds of tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, every single day for the past four years and the devastating results are now becoming plainly obvious. Radioactive cesium (an alkali metal) rapidly contaminates an ecosystem and poisons the entire food chain, and this waste offshoot has been detected in Japanese foodstuffs over a 200 mile radius of the Daiichi facility. Cesium and other radioactive waste products are bioaccumulative, meaning that they accumulate in an organism at a rate faster than the organism can eliminate it. Of course the Japanese government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) have blatantly lied about the amount of radioactive waste that has been leaking into the Pacific, however, the devastating results have been impossible to ignore.
I’ve wondered since the beginning of this disaster-which has already shown to be far worse that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Ukraine, in 1986-why the world’s top, leading scientists have not come together to figure out how to stop the leaking radiation. The reason is because no one knows how to deal with this catastrophe.
In March of 2015, it was reported in the Times of London, that Akira Ono, the chief of the Fukushima power station admitted that the technology needed to decommission the three melted-down reactors does not exist, and he has no idea how it will be developed. More recently, Naohiro Masuda, the decommissioning chief of the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Company, also stated that the technology does not exist to remove the highly radioactive debris from the damaged reactors: “Ono also claimed that decommissioning the plant by 2051 may be impossible without huge leaps in technological advancement.” It’s also been estimated that plutonium fallout has been 70,000 times greater than atomic bomb fallout in Japan!
Japan has also seen a skyrocketing of childhood Cancer rates, particularly, thyroid Cancer. As of August, 2013, TEPCO admitted that between “20 trillion to 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium may have leaked into the sea since the disaster.” Since it’s been shown over and again, that TEPCO repeatedly lied and covered up the true extent of the disaster, that number is most likely far greater.
While official sources keep claiming that there is no danger from the leaking radiation, sea life all along the west coast of the US has been dying in alarming numbers, and many fish and sea creatures tested off the west coast have shown extremely high amounts of radioactivity, that far exceeds safe limits. In actuality though, there really are no “safe” limits of radiation.
The Japan Times reported on Feb 25th, 2015, that cesium and other radioactive waste was pouring from the reactor one site, directly into the ocean. TEPCO did nothing to prevent the leak and simply ignored the problem for close to a year!
There has been a massive die-off of marine life along the west coast of the US, which has scientists “baffled.” Do you mean to tell me that scientists studying this death of the Pacific haven’t taken into account the possibility that it could be caused by the hundreds of tons of nuclear waste that has been pouring into the Pacific each day for the last four years? So few dare to admit the extent of damage caused by this disaster or the fact that it is forcing us to face the possibility of our own extinction. What happens when the planet’s largest body of water is rendered lifeless on a planet made up mostly of water? What happens when the radiation accumulates in the atmosphere and is spread throughout the world by the jet stream?
Massive die-off of sea lions along the west coast has left scientists “baffled.” Might it have something to do with the hundreds of tons of radioactive waste that has been pouring into the Pacific for four years?
In 2013, the Huffington Post reported that massive amounts of krill washed up along the west coast in a 250 mile stretch from Oregon to California. Krill is an essential part of the ocean’s food chain. When marine life on the low end of the food chain dies off, the larger animals that feed on that marine life starve to death. Carcasses of dead sea lions and seals that were examined revealed high doses of radiation, and yet, mainstream scientists remain “baffled.”
This dead sea lion showed extremely high levels of radiation near its heart and liver.
The Pacific Ocean is dying at an alarming rate, and no one seems to notice it,
or, they simply put on the blinders and embrace abject denial.
It has also been widely reported that massive amounts of starfish have appeared along the west coast that have literally turned to mush. USA Today reported on this, and of course they claim that no one knows why; it’s a mystery. Might it have something to do with the fact that the Pacific has become a toxic, nuclear waste dump? Of course not, that’s just crazy, paranoid, tin-foil-hat talk. The level of cognitive dissonance that ensnares the minds of most people is truly staggering to me.
It’s also been reported that 98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life. Not surprisingly, mainstream scientists blame this massive death of the Pacific on global warming. “In the 24 years of this study, the past two years have been the biggest amounts of this detritus by far,” said marine biologist Christine Huffard, who works at the research station off of California. “Multiple other stations throughout the Pacific have seen similarly alarming increases.”
The feeble efforts of TEPCO and the Japanese government to stop the radioactive leaks, with ice walls, dams, and other paltry, makeshift remedies have been in vain. Nobody knows how to contain the radioactive leaks, so the Japanese govt. and TEPCO do the next best thing; they lie about it and downplay the dangers. Business as usual!
The head of the National Cancer Research Center in Japan, reported in Feb, 2015, that Cancer rates have skyrocketed by 6,000% and that it was being “swept under the rug.” It must be global warming causing this unprecedented rise in Cancer rates, eh? In Jan, 2015, Japan’s nuclear regulator approved TEPCO’s ingenious plan to simply drain waste-water into the ocean.
In Nov, 2014, Ken Buesseler, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution claimed: “My biggest concern is what’s going on in Japan today, and how that might make its way across to our coast. We know it’s still leaking because we’re measuring higher levels off Japan to this day. Even just the basic question, ‘How much radioactivity was released at Fukushima?’ I can’t answer that today. We may never be able to because of the lack of sampling, particularly in the ocean.”
An experienced, veteran sailor by the name of Ivan Macfadyen, who has sailed the Pacific taking part in races, stated in an interview that: “It’s dead…for thousands of miles there was nothing [between US and Japan] like sailing in a dead sea…everything’s all gone. Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry. No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing.”
This is the legacy that humanity is leaving for their posterity; a dead world. Humanity has allowed itself to be ruled by a ruthless, psychopathic gang of parasites whose greed and insatiable lust for power knows no bounds. There really is no one to blame but ourselves. The information in this article is not even a scratch in the surface of the true magnitude of this nuclear disaster. The radiation will bioaccumulate in the ocean and atmosphere for centuries to come.
Mankind is staring our very extinction in the face. This is an opportunity for humanity to face the force of our own destructiveness, and to come together as one family. Unfortunately, the average person’s thoughts seem to be firmly fixated on the sports scores, who’s blowing who in the latest, celebrity scandal or the latest pop culture fad. Unfortunately, the world’s masses suffer from a serious condition known as, Rectal-Cranial Inversion!
What happens when radiation spreads throughout the ocean currents of the Pacific? Roughly 72% of the Earth is made up of water, and if you look at a global map, you can see that all of the world’s oceans are connected; it’s essentially one ocean. So what happens when two of the planet’s large bodies of water are rendered lifeless? Since roughly 90% of Earth’s life is contained in the oceans, and two-thirds of the planet is water, what happens when the oceans die? What happens when we can no longer fish the oceans for food? The answer is simple: When the planet’s oceans die, all life on Earth will follow, but who cares? There’s a game on tonight, or some stupid shitcom that insults the intelligence.
What level of cognitive dissonance is adhered to that causes people to look away from painful truths? How is it that people can convince themselves that everything is just fine when we are staring our very extinction in the face? How many actually give a shit? Far too few unfortunately. The fact that the world’s top scientists have no idea how to contain the radiation at Fukushima speaks volumes about what happens when a species develops technologically yet does not operate with wisdom. They destroy themselves.
Has humanity made its decision that it will simply bow down and allow the few, through psychopathy and corporate greed to drive the planet into its very extinction? Is it game over for life on planet Earth? We are certainly headed in that direction, but why would I want to face this painful truth and find my center when Miley Cyrus is on TV sucking off a blow up doll in her latest piece of shit video? Most people focus on the most irrelevant and ridiculous distractions while the world falls dead all around them.
The time for humanity to collectively wake up and come together is here and now! We can no longer put off the mess for future generations to mop up because at the rate we are going, the planet will be unable to support life and very may well become a dead rock resembling Mars. This is where we stand as a species. Does this sound paranoid? Maybe, but that does not negate the fact that it’s true! So as we bow our heads in quiet approval, our home is being destroyed and your children’s futures are being stolen right from under them. Sleep on, everything is OK, and raise your glass to the extinction of humanity!”
You’re not so astonishingly naive, or stupid, to believe that the radiation stops at the beach, are you?Do a “Search” of this little blog for “Fukushima.” It’s all here, and has been since day one of this nightmare. Believe what you will, it won’t matter anyway… – CP
I have the details on this. Man Made Morons By Us. You listen to the media and you will face the consequences subliminally and it’ll ruin your future.
C’mon show me what you got shills, I’m gonna kick your butt so hard that the reptilians and grey aliens are gonna feel it.
Yes – this is the silent imminent event that will guarantee impact us more then all the possible speculation. This is a fact. The Pacific Ocean is 90% already dead of all life. With 3 full blown plus “China Synrdome” events, and atleast one plant with an exposed open core that is directing in the Ocean waters, is the largest human life event ever in recorded history. Love those who think think if you close your eyes and klick your heals 3 times that it will all just go away and never happened. Fantasyland for the braindead mass media followers….
After the buildings were blown up, the cores of reactors 1 and 2 melted into the ground.
One reactor was blown up. Its uranium and plutonium burned in the air. (reactor 3)
One reactor was not running, or fueled, but its fresh fuel and spent fuel were ignited
by the bomb that blew up the building. (reactor 4) That is the incident that
contaminated Tokyo.
“TEPCO did nothing to prevent the leak and simply ignored the problem for close to a year!”
There is nothing for them to do…..the technology does not exist. No one knows who, what, how or when….to do about the problem.
If I have ever heard of a good reason to turn – off all the reactors, this is it.
I agree. And yet….as the reactors we have running right now crumble (most outdated 1970s buildings and tech)…..we keep building more……knowing we do not have the technology to handle accidents such as the one at Fukushima.
This WILL come to the US once the power grid goes down. NO power = NO pumps to keep the cores cool which means all will meltdown and spread to kill all life in the US. Too, martial law will stop people needed to keep it in check, which again will cause all to meltdown… I believe it takes like 80-100 years to safely dismantle each one, which will never happen. Even the first ever bulit reactor in the UK has been many years decommissioned, and still not safe to this day… So after any event, no power or people to safely turn it off and ensure long-term control… Each will be like 100s of time worse then those dropped for the first time in WW2 Japan…
have no fear, this is only the ‘first time its been detected in ‘small amounts’ …
Revelation 16:3. Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse. And everything in the sea died. A.K.A: Fukushima….
Jeff Rense has been banging on about Fuckushima for years – basically since day one. If you haven’t visited Rense.com and read up on all the articles about this Radioactive subject? I suggest you do.
Forget Rense he is a shrill…Have a look at jimstone.is if you want to know what really happened in Fukushima…
I thought everyone knew that Rense was outed as a DISINFO AGENT years ago. He fakes documents on his site.
Fukushima is just one of many nuke disasters coming to the planet. Unless mankind eliminates all nuclear reactors.
9Nania had a solid video warning on the Japan Quake and Sollog the Great seer warned of the date and location in his numerous warnings on nuclear technology and quakes.
Modern seers walk the earth and no one is listening…
Our info on 9Nania and Sollog as to Japan Quake warnings
Man Catches Mutant Fish at Chernobyl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2JDlbUH2q4
My squishy Tumor GMO
Eat it.
monsanto wants you too.
and Mooo they talk about Chernobyl Terror!…. now Eat my GMO
Yep…..instead Obama just told Iran to “get’chu sum. Take a big ol’ bite a dat.”
Since the Japanese Government has hidden behind the black curtain,and have never asked for help the world is going to be totally doomed by radiation. The ocean is dead already fish gone animals dying from radiation and the world blinks the other way including the media and others.
The best thing to do to rid the problem is NUKE IT and the explosion will neutralize the radiation from the cores. Yes it will leave a huge hole might have some radiation left but most would be destroyed in the fusionable release. The only other thing Japan can do but won’t is build a huge 200 foot wall many feet think impregnated with lead particles to stop radiation leakage into the sea enclosing all the way along the coastline to protect the plant,from other disasters. . Build it out at sea where water can be re filtered and cleaned by gigantic charcoal and other radiation cleaning materials, have a huge pipe extended out past the ocean wall that can be closed off, and have auto sensors and refilter water in the ocean that is contaminated.
It’s been pointed out many times already, but I always think of Revelation 16:3 “The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died.” It is sad how much damage we can cause in our ignorance, and that because of cover-ups and national rivalries no united effort to fix the problem has been made.
Today being Easter, I feel it’s a particularly good day to point out that if you believe Christ died for our sins and that God will allow us into His perfect heaven not by earning the right through good behavior – but by unmerited grace – if we just have faith in Him and the message sent in His Son and accept their authority… then you also must take the Bible seriously. Over a quarter of it is prophecy; we are told the present world will be destroyed, and we are told it will happen (Matthew 24:32-34) within a generation (70 years – Psalms 90:10) of Israel being reborn as a nation (war of independence – 1948-1949) so that alone points to an end by about 2018-2019. If you are unsure what to believe, give some more time to religious thoughts and try to establish a relationship with God while there is still time.
If end times prophecy fascinates you, and you realize time is short, check out books like – End Times and 2019 – Antichrist: Before the Day of the Lord – Revelation Unveiled – The Window of the Lord’s Return: Are We the Tribulation Generation? 2012-2020 – The Mystery of the Shemitah – Antichrist: 2016-2019
you seem to be an educated individual. you can write at least.
so what on earth makes a modern human like yourself believe in a deity??
there is no evidence whatsoever for any deities. there never has been.
one can forgive a semi-literate indoctrinated person in a third-world country,but surely not a ‘thinking’
human being from a first-world nation.
i am in constant amazement when reading some of the posts on BIN that people actually believe they ‘have a relationship’ with god,and some even say he/she/it talks to them!!!
with a situation like fukushima,waiting for god to do something about it seems a bit of a long shot to me.
presumably if he had a son that rose from the dead for us he would be clever enough to solve the problem, however he doesn’t seem to be in the least bit concerned.
perhaps next time you have one of your chats with him,maybe you could mention it.
thanks in advance.
Have you considered that a highly advanced Creator would know that it would be a complete waste of good time to communicate with a being with your lower level attitude and lesser intelligence?
This is likely the reason you have seen no evidence of HIM.
What a shame, that such a prideful arrogant person, blessed with intellect, chooses to turn away from the very High True God who gave these gifts to him. Reminds me of the potter-clay metaphor, the insolent lump of clay mocking the potter. What Jesus Christ will do to those in Japan is mercifully speeding up their deaths. Most Japanese, and I have yet to meet one, do not believe in Almighty God, nor His Only Begotten Son, so there are few cries of help from these people. And, Jesus Christ has said, Fukishima is the LEAST of our problems. There is a comet hurling towards earth, directed by the hand of Almighty God to destroy this earth completely and recreate this earth into a new and more glorious world without any traces of the evil kingdoms that once ruled this earth. Death of the body is not to be feared if you are one with Jesus Christ. “For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:1–8).
- See more at: http://www.truthaboutdeath.com/q-and-a/id/1601/doesnt-paul-say-that-to-be-absent-from-the-body-is-to-be-present-with-the-lord#sthash.vOEs2yus.dpuf
please just do even a brief study of religious history.
people like you have fervently believed in different deities for millenia,all equally and even rabidly, ‘knowing’ that their particular god is the right one,the only true one etc.
most have been indoctrinated by well meaning parents and peers since birth.
most threaten the unblelievers with hell fire and damnation for eternity!
there has never been one single iota of evidence for any deity,now,nor in the past.
if i lived in a different time,or at present,in a different continent,you would be damning me for not believing in hathor,sriva,zeus,budda,allah,gandalf etc etc etc,with equal conviction and fervour.
please try to think for yourself,and also stop indoctrinatimg your children,the weak and the meek with such nonsense. for their sake if not for yours.
listen guys and gals, there is little i can do to stop you down-arrowing me. fair enough.
all i’m trying to do is provoke debate on this.
to put it on a practical level,
when i was a kid,i went to school monday to friday.on saturday i did the usual,paper round,chores etc.
on sunday,i was forced to go to church and sunday school. i was made to get down on my knees and pray to a man in the sky.
i was made to sing to him,then go to be instructed by people about him.
never will i regain those few precious hours of freedom.
once i was old enough to think and allowed to decide what i thought,it was too late.
even though you may think your deity exists,please do not impose it on your children.
when they are of ‘thinking’ age,then explain what you believe. then they can decide for themselves.
you might think your child needs a deity,commandments and scriptures not to kill nor steal,but i think it comes naturally to most human beings.
right and wrong does not need a deity. look at the christian crusades,look at the catholic view on birth control.look at the hideous and barborous islamic ‘faith’.
cast off this medieval nonsense,and do not exclude casting off non-religious ‘faiths’ like extreme communism or fascism. all of these are equally poor for the human race.
we can work on eliminating the latter,however,it’s a great start by stopping singing to a mythical man in the sky.
plsnogod, you’re not provoking anything but your own self-amusement. If you ever choose to offer something other than baseless opinions and uneducated rationality I will reconsider your efforts to provoke debate.
scano darko,
yup, you got me on that.
good argument.
This was uploaded April 2011. This is a small portion from a larger presentation. Quite telling:
March 11, 2011 a Nuke went off just out in the Pacific from “Fukushima causinga chain reaction earthquake… now the rest is History. That sounds better.
The Toronto Sun just pulled a story after censoring and closing comments. /environment/2015/04/update-toronto-sun-pulls-fukushima-b-c-coast-report-2525472.html
Bilderberg Moo Moo and Big Banksters says “NO” to helping fund the Fukushima Cleanup because Big Banksters Bilderberg says money would be wasted and Bilderberg won’t make profit of the cleanup as Japanese people become extinct. Banksters think Japan is black people.
Eat my GMO
My squishy Tumor GMO
Millionaire Celebrity Scientists high salary pay says SAFE and deliciOUS to eat GMO all day everyday.
“Banksters think Japan is black people.”
sell everything and move to Uruguay .
Man cannot fix the Fukushima problem. It is one of the punishments for sin and things will get a lot worse before they get better. God has been giving us worse and worse chastisements since at least the 60′s. He wants mankind to abandon sin and turn to Him, but instead mankind ignores, curses and mocks Him. The very last chastisement will be a purgation of fire. After which, God will renew the face of the earth. Unfortunately, at that time, most souls will be burning in hell.