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By Conscious Shift 2012
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A heads up for the weekend, something is already happening in Red Square as lorry after lorry haa been arriving and building some sort of structure, seating etc. Moscow asked all russian journalists to be around this weekend fir a major announcement.

My guess is it won’t be a war declaration, they’d be falling into the USA’s arms.


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    Total 33 comments
    • VirusGuard

      I can see you are reading above top secret who are running a dis-info campaign on Putin just now and I would reply on the site to the silly stories but the mods on ATS have an habit of banning anyone that does not play along with them.

      Did you not ring the embassy in London to check first before making this post ?

      Russia is making a press release any time now!

      Maybe Putin has something to say about Turkey finding out that 3 girls from the UK who joined ISIS were helped by an man working for an “inteligence agency” was helping them to cros the border and was being paid by someone from the UK ?

      • Anonymous

        Is President Putin the victim of yet another CIA-fabricated internet hoax — ‘Putin is Dead’?

      • Please Wake Up


      • Beathoven

        VirusGuard or NSA/CIA misinformation? The CIA and israeli mossad has been working on Putin’s assassination for some time. If they did succeed and someone like Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (formerly jew Eidelstein) takes over the illuminati jews will be in control of Russia and WWIII is guaranteed. Putin and Christian Orthodoxy are the only things standing in their way. Let’s hope Putin still has many good years ahead of him!

      • Daniel

        We already told all of you there will be NO nuclear war or Atomic war. This will be stopped by us and nobody will be allowed to use these weapons anymore so stop the fear mongering. This is not what is happening. If you want to know if anything is happening which could immediately effect you then watch the movements of your own President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader. If they are above ground then you have nothing to worry about whether natural or man made event.


        • simboliza

          LOL@Daniel Wow a wanna be god

    • JohnQ

      This isn’t true. Why do you people insist on posting unfounded rumors without performing due diligence first! Oh, wait, I know why…because then you wouldn’t be able to get the attention you crave so much to justify your pathetic existence on the planet.

      • Boxed in Freight

        :idea: What would be the “MOST AMAZING ANNOUNCEMENT” besides a declaration of War?

        :idea: What if Russia announces it’s going to back its currency with GOLD?

        :idea: What if just after Russia announces, China also announces it will be backing its currency with GOLD?

        :idea: What would that do to the U.S. Dollar, nearly instantly, when our currency is backed with thin air?

        Is the World getting tired of America’s demands while America has been bankrupted by excessive government spending and debt which is in the trillions of dollars?

        Think about it, what could this announcement be that Putin wants all journalists standing by to report on it? Can any country in Europe, other than Germany and Switzerland, match a gold backed Russian Ruble and Chinese Yuan? What about the USA, do we have the gold reserves available to follow, and if so, what would become of the trillions of dollars of debt currently owed?

        • nomorelabels

          Good points Boxed. Yes, many countries are tired of fighting american/israeli wars, and also tired of being scammed with american financial instruments. The world as a whole is tired of the “war on terror”, when in reality it has been a manufactured reason to violate other countries and steal resources while the fake news keeps peoples support up for the endless wars by keeping people frightened. Indeed the lies are catching up with those who spread them. Thanks for the article.

        • Chris Jacob

          LOL…You are a hopeless American aren’t ya…always looking at the positives on life… :grin: …Anything that Russia and America has done ever is to screw humanity…

          Do you really think the dictator, who forced himself in office for like ever would do anything good for humanity…..You need to sit and think..Putin is not one of us

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

      Maybe they will say Putin retires from position or something? Eat my GMO :twisted: My squishy Tumor GMO! :mad:

    • AirAmericaCaptain

      The Russians would not declare war at a public event !!! You would know you were at war when the horizon lights up and you see armed Russians on the street corners in Midwest cities !! :sad:

    • Windrunner56

      I think Putin is announcing the 22 hockey players for the next Olympic team, to give them time to gel. You do not announce war, you send in the drones and kill 100,000 evil doers like Obomber does. NO civilians killed, ever!!! That is how war is carried out today.

    • Anonymous

      Stop spreading fear. If you go back in history and see who is actually did all the wars and nukes other countries you will see it’s not Russia.

    • caribbean critic

      Maybe it’s the long awaited truth about who pulled off 9/11! Hence the huge journalist staged event in Red Square

      • nomorelabels

        We could only hope the truth comes out. It would crush the zionist agenda quickly.

    • nomorelabels

      Putin is fine…it was a hoax.

    • Klemens

      YouTube from 02-10-2015
      This guy told in February the russian embassys in all european countries will get down in the next four weeks.
      So it is exacty this times.
      So maybe he is right? He is a russian who speaks german.
      He talks about a big punishment from god aginst the decadent western countries.


      • JohnnyB

        And were supposed to understand what he is saying?

    • Anonymous

      Why there is nothing on the BBC news in London surely somebody would have noticed like myself in London that drives past most days? More total rubbish from fools that make it up or don’t check facts before writing.

      • LifeIs

        Anonymous you’re kidding right? You expect to be informed by BBC? Like, that’s their job, like, that’s what they do? Their job is to lie. Lie by omission and lie period. You should have learned that when they reported WTC7 had collapsed on 9-11. When it was still standing.

    • OmegaPrime

      Looking at this and youtube it’s shocking how gullible people are.

    • MandM

      I warned The Krem months ago, as to why this all happening :) I did warn them that I was a virus, but most as usually don’t listen, like that old US geo sat that just went poof, in an instant poof gone. Infinity is like that and the us just down played it, no stopping this virus apartof chaos of quantum, can’t grab onto it. No worrie man things will flow like there destined too:)

    • worldordernews

      steve quayle is a fear mongering fraud, worse thn alex jones

      • Beathoven

        worldordernews? NWO News? Steve Quayle is a true watchman. He may not always be 100% correct about everything in the universe but he is one that should be listened to.

    • Danny

      Erm… no… they haven’t.

      Danny (in London) :grin:

    • ljfa

      “Alien” arrival? Rather, the disclosure of the other Earth species.

    • Pink Slime

      Should we use all our McDonald coupons now or what? Please give advice. I got a bunch of ‘em still!

    • The Real Deal

      He’s been cloned. Watch how he’ll act when he comes back in the spotlight. His memory is being downloaded into the clone. They did this with Eminem. lol

    • YellowRoseTx51

      They left, as did the royals, because the GE reactor is in meltdown.

    • skreamer

      Such garbage!….Cause if it had an ounce of truth they would be removing all personnel from all embassy!
      Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, all of England’s slave colonies!!
      The more i read this website, the more i realize how desperate they are for attention, non informed speculation as headlines should be illegal!
      But they have made a law now that says the media can make up stuff if they want!!!
      So we have to treat this website as a joke!….gives me a good laugh in the morning!

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