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Stranger than Fiction: The Alien Connection to the Story of Creation and Our Slave Planet

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After launching on July the 27th of this year to discuss recent changes to this reporter’s mind and physical body mechanics a flood of emails followed wherein people are reporting similar unusual phenomena as I am experiencing. In the weeks that followed my Jan 31st “kundalini awakening” (the Holy Spirit entered me in a felt way that altered me permanently and continues to alter me) I have experienced moments of telekinesis, telepathy, astral plane traveling and have the ability to pass electrical current though my hands and tissues generating either extraordinarily hot or incredibly cold temperatures. The electrical currents I emit pass through people near me when I am consciously exuding it and they feel it like a river flowing through them. Kundalini energy is intensely sexually stimulating to people with and around it because it ignites in them their own root chakras, the source of manifestation of miracles, aka metaphysical powers.

What I have learned is that the awakening process owes to us breaking free of alien technology that allows humans to be monitored and controlled through telepathic means. In the natural state the human mind cannot be entered unless it wants to be. Under alien control the mind loses its free will and sovereignty which is a violation of divine law. The Host of Heaven are surrounding our world in star ships right now but they are still cloaked so as to not cause a panic here below. The Host of Heaven has been fighting over the humans with the Demons who enslave them over eons of time and countless combats between alien races representing either the light of love or the darkness of evil. The Satanist reptilian aliens controlling Earth now are from Nibiru, a world that passes through our solar system regularly, often with lethal consequences. The reptilians call themselves Draconians so I surmise they migrated here from the Dracos star system. The Nibirubian Draconians are the reason the word Draconian is associated with painful circumstances for people.

13,000 years ago the reptilians joined forces with the Atlantian humanoids who settled here from the Sirius (dog star) star system,. The ancient Sumerians called the aliens sky gods which translates into Elohim in Hebrew. The Anunnaki family from the Sirius are called the Anakim in the Bible, they were a giant species. The name “An” is a family name of a Royal Sirian family who settled on Earth on the continent of Atlantis. The conquering family of An (Anu, Anubis, etc…) have spread like a disease through the galaxy and are chased from star system to star system by those who uphold Prime Creator’s divine laws that assert that all sentient beings are equal, no one has the right to dominate another for any reason.

The Anunnaki came to this star system from the Sirius star system but they were originally from the Pleadies system and that is why the Pleadians are engaged in a quiet war with the aliens who live on Earth. The UFO “crash” at Roswell was as result of the remote controlled Vril (Nazi) ship being shot down from above by a Pleadian ship here to fight for human freedom. The grey aliens are not sentient beings, they have as much consciousness as a vegetable, they are used like Avatar puppets by the Draconians who are a blood thirsty cult of Satanists.

The family of An, Enki, Enlil and Easter (Asthar) had members that were pagan Satanists, practitioners of what we now call Free Masonry but in old times was called black magic. The Satanic cult’s Satanic emblems adorn the Vatican, the Palaces of the Royals, Mormon churches, Shiners and Free Mason halls. We can know the who the Satanic initiates and minions are by their hand gestures and hand shakes and I suggest you all familiarize yourself with those ASAP so you can distinguish between the good and the evil on this planet.

The alien war being fought over this world is between those who love and serve the benevolent Prime Creator and those who love and serve Satan. Satan and his minions cut into the universe from without, they do not belong here. Satan wants to take over this entire creation but his intelligence is very low owing to his low energy state. Satan has not figured out that he was the cause of his own expulsion from the upper heavens long, long ago.

In the beginning when time was invented so that cosmic scale conscious entities such as galactic cores, stars, planets and moons could slow down events and savor them as incarnate pi-pedal beings such as humans. Life on all worlds is created from the conscious intention of the worlds themselves. Earth chooses how to express herself, we are all her artwork and children of her consciousness. The Sun is the consciousness of the one we call our creator God, our God is the son of the divine feminine goddess the Milky Way, so named for the milk of her energy that gives birth to and fuels all life in our galaxy.

The cosmos is conscious, human drama is a reflection of the relationships experienced at the cosmic level. It was once thought that human mythology was just fanciful interpretation of cosmological events but this is not so, before 13,000 years ago humans were in telepathic contact with all worlds and star system energies and understood all the interactions taking place off their world and on. If not for implants placed in humans to jam their mental connection to their world and the cosmic entities around them we would be in conscious contact with the divine ones at will. The Dracon technology that generates a Matrix to entrap our minds is breaking down under the intense cosmic radiation bombarding our planet as it rises into the galactic north.

As the jamming devices continue to malfunction and break down more and more people will stop seeing only the 3-D environment they are accustomed to. As ascension takes place increasing  cosmic radiation more and more humans are starting to see themselves for the alien hybrids that they are. The reptilians put implants into the humans that projects a 3-D hologram that appears human but it is just an illusion. Thanks to inbreeding with aliens we are all hybrids from many kinds of humanoid species. People are breaking through the telepathic projections and seeing themselves and others for the hybrids they are.

Many here on earth are having shocking visions of aliens and Angelic beings appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing, this too is as result of our increased cosmic energy frequency. Aliens have mastered their electromagnetic signatures, they control if they are seen or not based on how they modulate their own electromagnetic frequencies. The aliens being seen likely are just as surprised by being seen by a human unintentionally. It is not supposed to be possible to see the reptilians given the jamming technologies they employ to enslave us but to their dismay they are being seen.

In ancient pre-history the Atlantians went too far with their technology and it destroyed Earth’s electromagnetic ley lines and collapsed the electromagnetic balance between repulsion and attraction between Earth and one of her moons. The surface of Earth was restructured by the moon glancing blow that caused the sinking of the continents of Atlantis and  Lumuuria. The people of the land of muu where Lyrans who had settled on earth who had little to do with the Atlantians. The Lyrans were more interested in communing with nature than with high technology so the two species did not mix much. The Lyran’s are darker skinned people, the Atlantian were Nordic white Pleadian giants. The Lumuurians are now known as the native Americans, both north and south but their people spread out to India as well.

The pagan Satanist Draconians used their space ships and technology to take over this planet and all on it after the sinking of the old continents, likely a crime of opportunity as the Nordics were more powerful technologically speaking. The few Neanderthal-Nordic hybrids (us) survivors that remained on the surface of the Earth (the Anunnaki went into their underground cities where they remain to this day) were invaded and conned by the Draconians of Nibiru. Over eons of time and reptilians have mastered genetic engineering just as the Atlantians had long before. The Draconians torture sentient beings like planets and humans by gutting worlds and creating morbid genetic messes of humans and humanoids (look up Alien compound under Dolce New Mexico). The idea the Satanists have is that “if I can’t rise up higher in the cosmos to get to Prime creator then I will draw him down here by inflicting such suffering He cannot resist the taunt to war.”

Prime Creator cannot be drawn out to war but lower dimensional beings can and have been. Earth is surrounded by huge mother ships from all over the galaxy here to free this planet from it’s enslavement. The Hosts of Heaven, our galactic families of interstellar space travelers could not free us any sooner because the Draconians held a gun our heads since the time of Adam (Adamu, the Neanderthal/Nordic hybrids). There are still underground cities and bases run by the Dracs and Anunnaki (now known as Nazis bases in Antarctica and elsewhere). If you are unaware of Alex Jones’ police state 4 disclosure work you need to wake up and wake up fast to what is manifesting on this planet and understand how such a thing can happen so you can stop participating in it.

Because we are powerful, eternal creator beings trapped in a Matrix that tells our minds that we are weak and mortal we live and then die as planned by Satan. What we believe will happen in the future is what will happen every time because of who we really are. As long as you believe you can die you will, once you break out of the illusion of death and dying it stops happening to you over and over again as it has for 10,000 years or so. Because we make manifest that which we expect as creator Gods and Goddesses the Draconians invaded the mind of John, a disciple of Jesus’ and made him envision a world in ruins from an all out war between the host of  heaven and the Beast power on Earth. Satan wants his war, we have to ensure he does not get it!

Human expectations are causing the advancement of the New World Order Beast power. The Elohim sky gods have been planting false ideas into human minds for force a future outcome of Draconian intention, that is the role of religions on this planet! By believing that horrible prophecies are inevitable human beings call them down upon themselves. I tell you Armageddon is not inevitable unless you all collectively keep believing that it is. Earth is about to split into two timelines, one that allows those that believe in destruction and domination to have what they are unwittingly willing and another that continues into the heights of heaven with the awakened and free. It will indeed be an ugly surprised from the religions peoples of this world to find that in spite of their careful obedience to the hate filled, jealous and murderous Elohim that they are the ones that get left behind to face the tribulation they are calling upon themselves by reinforcing Draconian lies.

There is nothing for us to fear people, we are all metaphysically mighty and more numerous than those that enslave us. All we have to do is awaken to our divine selves, take back our minds and disempower the Beastly American and British shadow governments and Draconian controlled militaries. This planet is controlled by the Draconian Bilderberg Group who call themselves the Illuminati, they are not enlightened, they are Satanists. The false prophet  that empowers the Beast is Pope Benedict who also a reptilian Satanist. The church has actively collected and buried inside the Vatican evidence of the alien occupation of this planet.

Trust me, the evidence of ancient alien settlement and invasion of this world is replete and being hidden from you to keep you believing that there is only one god, the Draconian Elohim, a murderous sky god guilty of genocide in times past. It was not the Giant Pleadians that ate human flesh, it was giant reptilians that did and still do feed on human blood. Human fear is like an aphrodisiac to the reptilians. The reptilians terrorize this planet so they can feed off the energy we excrete into our blood systems. The sacrificing of children and young people is done to feed reptilian blood  lust for human adrenalin.  When humans go missing you can bet they were taken by greys on Vril ships and taken to an orgy of terror and vampirism.

Wake up planet Earth, take back your sovereignty and power to control your own mind. Those spending lots of time on media are caught in the Matrix, help others turn off and tune it out. Video games, TV Shows, News Media, Hollywood, Music Videos, Radio, Internet (except to search for evidence to corroborate what I am telling you for yourself).  Turn all sound and site media off or tune it out. Satan was called the Prince of the power of the air meaning airwaves. HAARP is a gigantic mind control antennae the Draconian controlled Navy is using against the human population in many ways including weather control and setting off earthquakes.

Regular media broadcasts subliminal messages to keep you docile little lambs ready for Armageddon slaughter. They plan a slaughter so immense so as to force our creator to incarnate in the Matrix in hopes of rescuing you from the terror. What Satan fails to take into account is that every sentient being is going to get exactly what their personal karma calls for. Satan became a devil owing to his own karma taking him deeper and deeper into the hellish lower densities until he was in the outer darkness where the light of creation is totally blanked out. Satan had to tear his way back in using technology to explode a hole in the outer membrane of the universe (there are many universes).

Fallen Angels are those souls that strayed too far from home that they forgot themselves and lost their connection to the sentience of living things. In a cut off state indifference set into beings that once were beacons of light and love. As one strays farther and farther from the light of creation ones internal light gets dimmer and dimmer until there is no glow anymore, just some thermal radiation in the radio frequency range. Humans are about to reach glow mode, some like me are already shining at times of intense kundalini (see it here) .

The world will be divided and all will eventually end up in the loving arms of higher dimensional beings in time. It is not necessary to “save” anyone from what they believe or expect. Those ready to ascend will, ascension is not based on what you believe it is based on the quality of your intentions toward self others. Forgive yourself for forgetting your mother and father, the lights of creation and causing yourself to fall into the lower densities from the karma of traveling further and further away from your divine parents and family. It is karma of our choices and actions that land us in difficult low density situations such as on this slave planet with vicious, murderous, selfish, self-serving heartless beasts that serve fallen Angels. The fallen ones are controlled and manipulated by physical beings with simple hand gestures, how far the mighty have fallen indeed. The way home for any entity is forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. The dangerous and evil take themselves lower and lower until they live only among those like themselves with no one to trust and no one to love them. When conditions reach their lowest possible state it will dawn on all the cause and effect that landed them there.

Do with this information what you will, it will either speak to you or offend your beliefs you hold dear. Whichever reaction you have determines if you leave 4th density to enter the 5th, whether you stay with the tribulation planet or not. Again, it does matter which timeline you pass through, all will ascend either the easy way or the hard way, it is entirely up to you.

I will leave you all with this warning, there will be a false flag landing of beings that will be mistaken for representatives of the divine star nation family. They will glow as if in the kundalini but it will be a hologram and nothing more. The landing of the Nordics is a ruse to get humans off of the ascending planet before the split. The reptilians was as many humans to go into slaughter as possible. Those that are lifted off of Earth to other planets will be brought to theEarth with the timeline of the end time apocolypse. The friendlies have no plans on landing until next year so keep that in mind as the Nordics show up next month offering joy rides around the solar system in effort to gain our trust. The Nordics are a hybrid made and controlled by the Draconians just like the greys, do not be fooled.

Be in joy and ever at peace with all that is for you are an eternal being of the love and light who are eternally loved no matter how far astray you go. Heaven is always ready for those who are ready to end the forgetting and resume their lives as divine offspring of the light of creation. Be well and have no fear, fear only emboldens the dark ones making them hold stubbornly onto hope of winning this fight with the light ones. Challenge all entities that appear before you. State first that you are a soveriegn being of the light of creation and do not grant permission for them to come any closer. Once you have control ask if they are of the divine light of Prime creator, none can answer that question with a lie, that is divine law. Whatever happens for you next those words will make in less stressful for you should demons come to harrass you or aliens offers rescue from natural disasters on a space ship.

Be aware and be wise.

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