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The Ghosts Of Big Pharma

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The Ghosts Of Big Pharma

October 11, 2010 by Bob Livingston

When you have an ailment and go to the doctor you expect that if he or she prescribes medicine for your treatment that the choice of medicine would be made based on proven results for your disease. But that is probably not the case.

Physicians may think so, and you may think so, but the fact is that the information physicians get — even from some publications that are purported to be peer-reviewed — is often just a product of Big Pharma’s marketing arm. This is because Big Pharma is using ghostwriters to draft articles for publications and getting top-flight physicians to sign on as the “author” even though all they do is read the articles and suggest changes.

This fact came to light in late 2008 when Congress began to take an interest, and then surfaced again in 2009. It was in 2009 that The New York Times and The Public Library of Science (PLoS) gained access to documents used in a court case filed by more than 14,000 plaintiffs who developed breast cancer while taking the menopausal hormone therapy drug Pempro.

The drug was manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Wyeth (since bought by Phizer). Wyeth hired a marketing company named DesignWrite to produce articles and solicit big-named physicians to endorse them as authors.

According to a report in PLoS Medicine, the journal of PLoS, hormone therapy first began in 1942. It was then that the drug Premarin (Pempro’s forerunner) became the first Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment for hot flashes. Promotional efforts implied that estrogen could preserve youth and health. By the 1970s physicians, under the mistaken impression that menopause was an endocrine disease similar to hypothyroidism, were prescribing estrogen to millions of asymptomatic women. By 1975 the incidence of endometrial cancer in women who were using estrogen had increased 800 percent.

To counteract the endometrial cancer, progestin was added to the hormone replacement therapy. This was touted through the 1990s as a preventative for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, colon cancer, tooth loss and macular degeneration. However, by 2002 studies showed that hormone therapy failed to prevent cardiovascular disease and increased the risk of breast cancer, stroke, dementia and incontinence.

Yet, despite definitive scientific data to the contrary, many gynecologists continue to believe the benefits of hormone therapy outweigh the risks. This non-evidence-based perception may be the result of decades of carefully orchestrated corporate influence on medical literature, writes Plos Medicine.

Plos Medicine tells us that between 1996 (when Prempro was first marketed) and 2004, Wyeth worked with several medical education and communication companies — but mostly with DesignWrite — to market the Premarin family of products. In its communications with Wyeth, DesignWrite noted that “Research shows high clinician reliance on journal articles for credible product information.” So, in addition to “full-length review articles,” DesignWrite recommended that the publication plan for Premarin products should include mini-reviews, case reports, editorials, letters and comments.

DesignWrite suggested that short pieces could be published quickly and were an efficient “means of placing important information about the therapeutic profile of an agent into the hands of influential physicians.” The company also explained that it would help Wyeth decide what data to present, recruit “authors,” choose journals, create abstracts and posters for medical meetings and “Position the product appropriately to influence subscribers.”

DesignWrite then drafted the articles — casting the drug in the best possible light — and submitted them to physicians for review. The reviewing physicians then became “authors.”

PLoS Medicine reports that there is no evidence the “authors” were paid for the use of their name. There is also little evidence that authors did much more than review the article and occasionally make an editing suggestion.

It is illegal for pharmaceutical companies to promote a marketed drug for a use other than those which are approved by the FDA. But articles in medical journals, newsletters and magazines are not considered promotional and the FDA considers them free speech and doesn’t regulate them. (However, try to get that past the FDA if you are touting the benefits of a natural supplement… or even natural foods.)

PLoS Medicine writes that, in the absence of data (or in the presence of data adverse to marketing goals), review articles in medical journals are crucial vehicles for encouraging off-label uses, promoting unproven benefits and for downplaying harms. In other words, Big Pharma can say anything it wants about the benefits of a drug or completely ignore known harmful side-effects as long these articles are run in medical journals, newsletters and magazines.

This excerpt from “Medical Papers by Ghostwriters Pushed Therapy,” in the Aug. 4, 2009 issue of The Times, demonstrates how the process worked:

But, as PLoS Medicine reports, DesignWrite had a specific agenda as a paid marketing agent of Wyeth. That was:

  • Mitigate perceived risks of hormone-associated breast cancer.
  • Promote unproven, off-label uses, including prevention of dementia, Parkinson’s disease and visual impairment.
  • Raise questions about the safety and efficacy of competing therapies (competitive messaging).
  • Defend cardiovascular benefits, despite lack of benefit in randomized controlled trials.
  • Position low-dose hormone therapy.

Unfortunately for more than 14,000 women, DesignWrite did their job well. So now you must ask yourself: Did my physician choose the drug I’m taking because of a well-written marketing piece? Probably so. Because it’s articles like these that drive physicians’ decisions about prescribing drugs for the patients.

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Bob Livingston is an ultra-conservative American who has been writing a newsletter for 41 years. Bob has devoted much of his life to research and the quest for truth on a variety of subjects. Bob specializes in health issues such as nutritional supplements and alternatives to drugs, as well as issues of privacy (both personal and financial), asset protection and the preservation of freedom.


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  1. Vigilant says:

    This should not surprise anyone.

    Big Pharma doesn’t care about health or proper treatment, it cares about Big Pharma. What’s so lamentable is that physicians are in the same boat (or bed) with Big Pharma.

    I haven’t seen a true doctor since I was a kid. He was a family friend, took his time with you, knew your medical history, and didn’t try to shove toxic synthetic drugs down your throat as if that was the most important part of being a physician.

    Synthetic drugs are are among the worst things you can put into your body.

    • Robert Smith says:

      From Vigilant: “Big Pharma doesn’t care about health or proper treatment, it cares about Big Pharma. What’s so lamentable is that physicians are in the same boat (or bed) with Big Pharma.”

      That’s why America needs to join other industrialized nations and get the big money out of medicine. The general population of Americans pay more for medicine than other countries and get way less.

      Best example of how bad it is can be cited when Bush went with the no bid contract and folks could buy the same thing in Canada for way less.

      Old reliable products like Alopurnol is a treatment for gout that has absolutely zero potential for abuse. Why does a doctor need to write a script for that?


    • Barbara B says:

      You are 200% correct. The doctors are so tied into the drug companies, it’s sickening. Our country is now full of legalized drugs pushers. I have a ton of stories. I’m constantly changing doctors because all they know how to do is prescribe drugs and I am so allergic to so many that I refuse to take them unless it’s absolutely necessary. They do get angry with me when I tell them I won’t take a drug unless my life depends on it. So few doctors these days will say..”let’s see what the cause of your problem is” rather then give you a pill right away for every symptom…never getting to the cause. I had one doctor recently (another one I left) who prescribed 3 different drugs at one time to treat one symptom, because he wasn’t sure what the problem was. So I was being treated for reflux, sinus problem and asthma all at the same time. One of the drugs alone, a nasal spray, cost $110. That’s cheap compared to the costs of the drugs now. But the three drugs cost me $200 out of pocket…for drugs I didn’t need.
      Another doctor I left gave me a prescription for Vioxx for pain that I did not have. And he prescribed it one month before it was taken off the market. Was he so clueless that he didn’t hear about the problems with Vioxx?? I doubt it. This so called “family” doctor asked what I took for pain when my appointment with him had nothing to do with pain. It was for a sinus infection. Of course, I threw the prescription away, but was tempted to ask him…if I fill this prescription will you and your wife get to go to Hawaii for a week???? The whole system is corrupt and we can thank the FDA and even the AMA for that!!! They’ll approve anything as long as they’re getting kickbacks!!! Are we so stupid that we don’t see it? Don’t be afraid to say…no thanks…I don’t need it especially when the side effects of the drugs are far worse than the symptoms they’re treating. But…that’s OK..the FDA says they’re safe, right???WRONG!
      They need to go. We need to find honest people! Are there any around?

  2. Vigilant says:

    Hey, I beat s.c. by having the first comment this time!

  3. s c says:

    Americans are supposed to have complete trust in MDs. My parents had great faith in MDs. I suspect their faith was misplaced, as they seemed to equate a technical (medical) education with an infallible expertise.
    We are obligated to shop around for an MD. Not all MDs are equal, and some (like it or not) are ‘in it for the money.’ If your MD keeps you healthy, consider yourself lucky. If you have a medical problem that never gets ‘better,’ consider the posibility that your MD is an AMA flunky and has an obsession for making easy money.
    True, all conditions are not equal, but as long as American medical schools are manipulated by drug firms (especially what is taught in medical schools), you owe it to yourself to shop around if your MD relies on “trust me” to keep you in tow.
    Educate yourself. If you put no effort into that education, assume that you have a false god for an MD, and that MD has a self-made moron for a patient.

    • Robert Smith says:

      From FreedomFighter: “consider the posibility that your MD is an AMA flunky and has an obsession for making easy money.”

      The AMA is nothing but a UNION for doctors.


  4. think4yourself says:

    The regrettable thing about this article is the fact that sooo many will reject it out of hand because ‘their doctor told them’ that their hormone therapy is completely safe. It truly IS regrettable that people have apparently forgotten how to think independently for themselves. For further damning evidence against Big Pharma, check out this link about fluoride:
    IF you follow this link, PLEASE keep an open mind & follow the facts!

    • Robert Smith says:

      Hi think4yourself,

      I did.

      First I went to Wikipedia and then checked the original source material.

      Here is wht I came up with…

      From Pizzo G, Piscopo MR, Pizzo I, Giuliana G. Community water fluoridation and caries prevention: a critical review. Clin Oral Investig. 2007;11(3):189–93. doi:10.1007/s00784-007-0111-6. PMID 17333303″ “Health and dental organizations worldwide have endorsed its safety and effectiveness.”

      From Ripa LW. A half-century of community water fluoridation in the United States: review and commentary [PDF]. J Public Health Dent. 1993;53(1):17–44. PMID 8474047: “Its use began in 1945, following studies of children in a region where higher levels of fluoride occur naturally in the water.”

      From Ripa LW. A half-century of community water fluoridation in the United States: review and commentary [PDF]. J Public Health Dent. 1993;53(1):17–44. PMID 8474047: “Researchers discovered that moderate fluoridation prevents tooth decay…”

      From The British Fluoridation Society; The UK Public Health Association; The British Dental Association; The Faculty of Public Health. One in a Million: The facts about water fluoridation. 2nd ed. Manchester: British Fluoridation Society; 2004. ISBN 095476840X. The extent of water fluoridation [PDF]. p. 55–80.: “…and as of 2004 about 400 million people worldwide received fluoridated water.”

      In reality tooth decay can lead to many organic problems including heart problems. It is important that Americans have healthy teeth and flouridation is one way to accomplish that with the most bang for the buck.


      • Angel Wannabe says:

        RS, Flouride also over a period of time makes the mind docile, you should keep reading!

      • Robert S says:

        Robert Fluoride is a by-product of aluminum manufacturing and is the probable cause of Alzheimers. You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created the problem.
        When they advertise a medication on tv and lists it’s side effects you can bet you will get some of them.

  5. Angel Wannabe says:

    Good Info!!__I went on hormones for four days in my forties,_ I was building a stone wall at the time, and lifting a hell-of-a-lot more than a womans suppose to, and ended up going into a hemmorage. I went on and off the hormones to stop it._ as far a s hot flashes go, Hell I had hot flashs from the time I was 35! I just dealt with it and rarely have any now!__It’s mind over matter!_There is enough illness going around, without creating further issues with adding medication ya don’t need. As for contraception, There are plenty of safe methods for birth control as well. Abortion isn’t one of them!__But you do have to be consistant & responcible! I’ve even managed to convince my daughter to get off oral contracetives too!__I’m an absolute skeptic and don’t trust things I don’t know, especially medicine!!

    • TIME says:

      My female friends most have used Pot {sun leaves} that they dry and make “TEA” from that has in all but one case reduced the hot flashes completely, yet 9 out of 10 they have no more hot flashes, to one who has only reduced effects, in plain words has them still but they are only a fraction of the time.

      As well they find they have no head aches, joint aches, and a large number of our friends who we have now met that have cancer have found it helps them to eat, as well to keep them relaxed and in all cases they have been cured from the Cancer with the use of Hemp Oil, and change of diet, As in all fresh foods no sugars, nor Corn Goo’s.

      I also know a woman who makes two of her meals with ground up sun leaves cooked into them and she has no hot flashes, nor any other issues she is 55. She also has been using Hemp Oil for the last six months and as of last week was {100% Cancer free}, {she had uterine cancer} and was told if she didn’t use the worthless KeyMO she would be dead in six months, well she looks great.
      JFTR- Also her skin cancer on her neck area, yet after applying Hemp Oil to these five spots, for about three weeks was 100% gone.

      More folks should really wake up to the healing POWER of HEMP / POT.
      Also I know many will ask does she smokes it too? Yes, she smokes a few hits to aid her to sleep, of what she can get a full eight hours of sleep and wake up and feel GREAT.

      I also do this, I can’t fathom how you can do anything that can hurt you that is while your sleeping!
      Use Pot as a med for healing and get off the Chemical made CRAP, Use Mother Nature’s healing methods, they work far better with ZERO SIDE EFFECTS.

      JFTR, My lungs are better than a 18 year old Runners lungs, that not my thoughts thats what the science said after the test I had.
      Oh and my cancer is 100% gone and has been now for nearly 12 months, as on November 2010 it will be a full 12 months.

      People wake up it was the “progressive movement” that pushed to make POT illegal, so ask yourselfs WHY?
      Can you say to insure that you would have to take MAN MADE DRUGS, look at how the big Pharm Co’s grew after 1936, now they make Trillions off YOUR suffering. Now ask yourself who’s in the direct line of the PROFITS? Can YOU see the picture better now?

      • Angel Wannabe says:

        I agree Time! I think theres a plant to cure each illness, God puts them here, it’s our job to figure out the cures. I watched my Mother, (ill all but 11 years of her life) become a walking experiment!__Her medical history file was 6 inches thick. She was Hospitalized for a full year during the Depression of 1929.__ Many times I remember her telling me, she was used a s guinea pig!__While I’m a little skiddish about the legalization of pot, (as we have enough corruption & illegal drug use to shake a stick at) but for medicinal purposes & pain, I think it’s grand. My only concern would be, wether or not it’s tainted.

      • Robert Smith says:

        Wow Time!,

        I’ve been called sooooo many names for advocating pot. Thanks for joining the other side on that issue.


      • Al Sieber says:

        I agree with you TIME, but pot makes me paranoid. I’m in so much pain sometimes morphine won’t touch it. I was in a plane crash that really screwed my back up so sometime I have to take hydromorphone or diludia, I hate the crap so I just try to deal with it.

    • Conservative at Birth says:

      Since when are Abortions safe? They cause untold physical damage to the female reproductive system. Where did you get that idea?

      • Angel Wannabe says:

        CB, I think you mis-read my comment?!__I was suppose to have an abortion, I’m a prolifer!!!

      • Robert Smith says:

        From Conservative at Birth who asks: “Since when are Abortions safe? They cause untold physical damage to the female reproductive system.”

        It’s all relative CaB, it’s all relative.

        Certainly abstinance is absolutely safe (except for “Nun’s Diease” which is what breast cancer used to be called. Apparently there is a connection there). Self pleasuring is also very safe. Non penetrating is relatively safe. Sex with a condom is pretty safer than without. Having sex and not getting pregnant is safe except for STDs. Getting pregnant begins to get dangerous. An early term abortion is RELATIVELY safer than carrying to term. Carrying to term is absolutely the most dangerous thing a woman can do in relation to sex.

        So, abortion is much safer than carrying to term.


  6. Bob Wire says:

    I believe they refer to their business as a “practice” for good reason.

    • Mick says:

      The unfortunate part is that most people believe everything the doctor tells them to do, thank God I questioned most of the doctors I’ve been to otherwise I would be a walking zombie with no benefit to my health what so ever…I had a pretty bad sinus infection which I thought required a doctor’s attention, I walked away with 5 prescriptions to be taken twice a day all in the same time, on the second day I got sick as a dog and of course called the doc’s office, a nurse asked me to tell her which drug I thought was making me sick ?Well, considering I was taking 5 at a time it was pretty difficult to pin-point and told me to continue to take them until I could see the doctor again.

      I quit taking the crap on the spot, went back to the doc 5 days later( The only opening available ). told the doc to prescribe some ammoxicillin 500 and was cured in 3 dyad with absolutely no side affect….

      After seeing at the very least 8 different doctors including the so called specialists I still don’t have any answers to what cause my legs to go numb and hurt like hell in the same time and has spread to my whole body, I guess I will stay this way until I die , they are incapable of giving me an answer . of course they don’t listen to half of the crap I tell them, they just don’t care..So to blame only the pharmaceutical is wrong, the doc s have their share of the blame.

  7. MRF says:


  8. FreedomFighter says:

    I believe increasing dramatically the penalty for drug companies hurting patients with the product produced or as many would say “poisoning for profit”.

    So doing, in turn giving drug companies longer patents to increase return, thus maintaining/increasing profit and delivering a better product.

    Laus Deo
    Semper Fi

  9. Dagney says:

    It occurs to me that “Big Pharma” would be killing off their business by “purposefully” touting drugs that harm people. Just my contrarian critical thinking (free market is good)….thoughts. And, if for years “Big Pharma” has been doing this, how do you explain that American life expectancy has gone from 59.7 in 1930 to 77.8 at this time according to one Googled chart?

    • f a says:

      One Word:
      Not infallible, but certainly has helped eliminate or lessen the effects of once mighty diseases.

      • Dagney says:

        Okay….so does that explain why this site continues to gin up fear of “Big Pharma” saying they are purposefully trying to kill off their business? This is what the marxists do, gin up fear of any “big” concern so that class warfare will ensue. I understand that there’s lots of complicated issues here, and there may be some skullduggery going on. However, most issues are complicated precisely because someone is not wanting you to see the truth. Look at the health care bill, it’s over 184,000 words. While our elegant founding document from which ALL our laws are supposed to emanate is just over 4,500. Do you think it is an accident that most of the health care bill does not get implemented until after the 2012 election?

        So, are the “Bigs” trying to kill off their customers? If so, can you tell me why?

    • Robert S says:

      Dagney I think the life expectency has increased so much is because we don’t have the same rate of children dying at birth.

    • Angel Wannabe says:

      Dagney, Life expectancy has gone up because alot of people refuse to use, big Pharma!!!

      • Dagney says:

        How many people suffer from polio now? How many people die of Smallpox? Mandated vaccinations in the 1960′s and 1970′s have eradicated many illness, yet fear is being drummed up over vaccinations and some of these illnesses are on the rise again. Why? Why is “Big Pharma” such a expletive here? What is the answer to the people on this site? More regulation for thee (Big Pharma) but not for me? The mixed messages of freedom and liberty that are espoused here for business in general but not for “Big Pharma” is what I’m trying to get at. Explain it to me, please.

    • s c says:

      D, you’ve ignored the obvious. Uncle Scam is the #1 keeper of ‘stats.’ Anybody who relies on Uncle Scam for accurate info [life expectancy, unemployment, inflation, "new" jobs, accountability for doling out money to banks, who did what and how in the BP escapade, what a dollar is worth, Big Pharma's need for OUR money, etc.] is someone who will be easily misled.
      Uncle Scam has a vested interest in manipulating stats. Uncle Scam has a vested interest in total control over your life. Uncle Scam sux.

      • Dagney says:

        I think you can tell by looking at history yourself and looking at birth and death dates of promininent people that we now live quite a bit longer than people did a hundred years ago. There’s no need to rely solely your supposed “government manipulated” stats.

  10. rosina says:

    I happen to be one person who has taken hormone therapy for many, many years and fortunately, have had no ill effects. I started menopause so early in mid thirties and suffered from those awful flashes every 45minutes on the dot-night and day. A few nights without sleep is already a burden but night after night?????
    I am grateful for the premarin and progesterone which kept me sane.
    Even today, many years later, but on a very low dose, if i forget to take it for a few days I perspire too much–and in the hot summer humidity it can be worse, so I continue.
    However, I rarely take other drugs even for high blood pressure.
    I am very healthy, a good cholesterol count with HDL always between 96 and 145—YES that is not a misprint. Active, dance, sing, perform in plays and do NOT look my age at all. I put a lot of this down to the hormone therapy and will not abandon it.

  11. Al Sieber says:

    Thats why they call themselves practicing physicians, so they can practice on us. most drugs don’t cure, they just treat the symptoms, often with horrible side effects, and some permanent.

  12. Timestacker says:

    Thank goodness for the internet.

    My primary care doctor prescribed a blood pressure drug called Metoprolol Tartr. I went home and looked up the side effects of this drug on the internet:

    Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chest pain; cold hands and feet; fainting; hallucinations; mood or mental changes (eg, confusion, depression, short-term memory loss); muscle pain or weakness; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; severe dizziness or lightheadedness; shortness of breath; swelling of the ankles or feet; unusual thirst or fatigue; unusually slow or irregular heartbeat; vision changes; wheezing; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

    Constipation; diarrhea; dizziness; dry mouth/eyes; gas; headache; heartburn; lightheadedness; mild drowsiness; muscle aches; nausea; pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site; stomach pain; trouble sleeping; unusual tiredness or weakness; vomiting.

    No thanks on this medicine.

    Oh, BTW, the doctor said when I left the office. If you have any side effects just throw the medicine away. I will be changing doctors ASAP.

    • Mick says:

      it’s mostly what happen, the docs filled their pockets by having their stock go up and we’re in worse shape having to go back over and over , and if you don’t have anything wrong with you, you can be certain that they will find something one way or another..
      if people were to think they would realize that as many time they go to the doctors they should be in perfect health with no reason to go back for years..The medical profession have a hell of scam going with hardly any backlash considering we can’t prove it……….

  13. Fergus says:

    Hey folks; where do you get the “Sun leaves”???
    When I was in my early 40s and having hot flushes my Dr. recommended acupuncture for the problem and he was correct. I had to pay for the treatment from a specialist but it was money well spent.

  14. Mick says:

    Did any of you ever noticed that when a dug works they take it off the market on the pretext that it’s an old drug and the latest drug are better,,?
    Make sense when you consider a working drug is a non=profit drug,,,

  15. Emery says:

    Big Pharma = big money for big Pharma. There have are some good article showing how Rockefeller used his money to take over the medical schools, publications and the drug industry. It is a monopoly that uses government agencies that they control to enforce compliance. It’s getting worse with new bills on the horizon and in committee in both corrupt houses and parties. At least we still have some freedom on the internet to get the truth out. Doctors use their authority to scare the dickens out of people, telling them they can die if they don’t take their prescribed medications. As you take one then you need to take more and more for all the negative side affects. Soon you end up being a very profitable person for big Pharma. Unfortunately it usually does not improve your health. It almost always starts with blood pressure medications.

    I use to think that it was all about money, however now I think it is also about control. Making people unhealthy and dependent on prescriptions which they can’t afford allows the government to step in with their government health care – which is all drugs. When they have that they can completely control you. The only way to escape their dragnet is to remain healthy. Now they are trying to take away the natural products and food that keep us healthy. So it is about money but it is more about control and destroying freedom of choice. Unless you think choosing either Pfizer or Merck is a choice. Even now the choice of doctors is a joke. They are almost all brainwashed in pushing drugs for big Pharma. Most doctors today are just drug pushers for Big Pharma. They may mean well but this is how they have been taught to think.

    What they are doing to Americans is criminal and they should all be tried and jailed for their crimes against humanity. I mean of coarse Big Pharma and not necessarily the doctors.

  16. Mick says:

    All that you say it correct. we are tangled up in a monster web that most people can’t get out of from fear……………


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