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By Jeffery Pritchett
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What Is Happening To These Missing People?

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David Paulides has made it his life’s goal to understand and help the missing. This is his second book in the series Missing 411. This will be my second interview with David Paulides on Missing 411. Upon reading about his first book I became inspired to do all I can to help get the story out to help the missing. The first interview was on my radio show at The Church Of Mabus which can be listened to here. I also did a book review on his first book in the series which can be found in the links section below. Then when I found out there was a second book in the series I asked David for a second interview on my Examiner. Here is a description of the second book in the series. After that a special interview with David Paulides himself. Thank you and please get involved to raise awareness about the Missing.

Missing 411-Eastern United States is David Paulides’ second book of a two part series about people who have disappeared in the wilds of North America. Missing 411 (Western U.S.) was released March 1, 2012 and has garnered wide spread publicity and favorable reviews. The eastern version covers the similar disappearances for the east, but also includes the master list of missing people from both books and a special list of children under 10 years who have been identified in both versions. Every story in each book is 100% factual.

The eastern version contains chapters identifying clusters of missing people from the eastern section of the United States but also includes one chapter on Ontario, Canada hunters who have disappeared and berry pickers, sheepherders and farmers that have vanished under unusual circumstances.

Both versions of Missing 411 identify portions of 28 clusters of missing people that have been documented throughout North America. Sometimes these clusters are purely geographical while others identify a linkage based on age and sex of the victims, a very troubling and surprising find by researchers. Pre-order April 17th here.

And now our interview with David Paulides.

1. What originally began you on this journey to investigate all the missing people?

David Paulides: I was originally conducting research at a national park on another topic. I was talking with concession workers and some National Park Employees (NPS) when I returned to my motel at the end of the day. During the night I received a knock on my door by a person who stated they were an NPS employee, they knew of my investigative background and they had a story they wanted to tell me. This person went on to explain a series of missing people at their park and other disappearances at another location they had worked. They felt these disappearances were unusual and they also believed the NPS wasn’t doing much follow-up work to find them. It was this meeting that started the journey

2. What are some patterns evident and similar in many of the cases?

David Paulides: After 3+ years of researching missing people from rural locations there started to emerge clusters of missing people in certain geographical locations throughout North America. The present count is 28 clusters. There also seems to be certain consistencies in certain cases that continually emerge:

Dogs are involved

People are sometimes found in unusual locations in and around swamps.

People disappear in boulder fields

When you just read the bullet points about the consistencies, they may not make much sense, when you find that they repeat themselves over and over, it’s troublesome.

3. In Missing 411 Eastern United States what are some cases that really stand out to you as more peculiar than others?

David Paulides: All of the cases in both books are highly unusual, that’s why they were included. One of the cases that has always struck me as bothersome and wrought with intrigue has been Dennis Martin who disappeared in the Great Smoky Mountain national Park (GSMNP). Dennis disappeared in a remote location almost in the immediate presence of his grandpa, brother and father. Thousands searched for the boy and he was never found. Mr. Martin felt Dennis was abducted but the NPS never agreed with his beliefs yet the most seasoned NPS tracker believed it was a probability. There are major clues to the disappearance that have not been publically discussed or followed up by park service special agents. This is one of many cases of missing people in the GSMNP area that are discussed in the book; all of the cases are troubling.

4. When people are found what are some traits that are abundant as far as what they say happened to them?

David Paulides: Many of the people that disappear and are found are too young to be able to speak, others have disabilities where they cannot communicate, while others say they can remember meeting searchers and being found but they don’t have any recollection of becoming lost, where they’ve been or what they did. Other survivors tell stories about strange encounters while they were lost.

5. How do the dogs play a role in the missing cases of Missing 411 Eastern edition? Also I remember reading many of the tracking dogs can’t pick up a scent. How perturbingly odd is that?

David Paulides: People disappear with their dogs and sometimes neither returns, while in other cases the dog comes home and doesn’t want to leave the confines of the residence. Professional search dogs come to the scene and some never want to search. Others exhibit behavior of walking the trail of the victim and appearing to track only to come to a fork in the trail and lying down and not wanting to go further. Canines are involved in disappearances in an unusual number of disappearances.

6. How do berries play a role in these missing cases? People often go picking berries and vanish.

David Paulides: I have devoted an entire chapter in the eastern book to berry pickers that have disappeared, a strange subset of the missing. Many of the stories involved young children that have disappeared in close proximity to their parents, yet the vast majority of the time the kids are never found. Sometimes the parents hear a short and abrupt scream come from their children and they then quickly disappear. In many of these cases law enforcement and game officials discount the idea the people are taken by bear.

7. Have any of the National Parks been helpful in these cases to you personally? I noticed the Bureau of Indian Affairs listed in the book. How was that and were there any Native American missing cases?

David Paulides: I wouldn’t say that any “Park” in the NPS system has been helpful to us ( in our search for information. Many have complied and sent documents we’ve requested under Freedom of Information Act Requests. There hasn’t been any park that has volunteered similar cases or offered to discuss our results. The NPS has refused to supply lists of missing people from individual parks or from their entire system. One park, Yosemite has refused to supply any reports we’ve requested under FOIA. There have been Native Americans who have disappeared and the BIA has complied when we’ve asked for documents.

8. How have the families received your books mostly positive feedback or any resistance?

David Paulides: The response from victim families has been overwhelmingly positive. Many our shocked that there similar cases or clusters in the region where their family member disappeared. Many families feel they have been put in a corner and forgotten as there has been little communication between them and the agency supposedly searching for their loved one.

9. What can we do to help the families of these missing people and the missing?

David Paulides: Publicity about missing people and consistent communication between families and law enforcement agencies is one of the primary mechanisms to keep these cases in the spotlight. There are a few of these cases that law enforcement agencies completely forgot about and lost all reports. The cases were reconstructed when we made inquiries about report files. Many agencies attach a title, “Missing and presumed dead” and then eliminate the victim off their search records and it’s no longer an active case, thus no resources are ever expended, this needs to end. We would hope that people we have identified in both books who are survivors would group together, meet and discuss their events and find commonality. This group could be a powerful advocate for all missing people as we move forward.

10. Why do you think the media is being so quiet on all these missing people? To avoid a panic or just a plain old fashioned cover up.

David Paulides: Certain segments of the media are always cautious about serious claims against governmental agencies. There are several stories on major networks presently in the works that deal with exposing the NPS refusal, missing people and the clustering of missing identified in both books, you’ll see these during sweeps week in May.

11. What can we expect from David Paulides in the future?

David Paulides: I hope the CanAm Project and our researchers can become a powerful advocate for missing people lost in the wild. People reading this column need to understand that we are merely exposing factual stories of missing person cases, we are not pointing to a rationale or a source of these disappearances. The NPS refusal to track and understand the missing people cases in their system is an abomination and should get a powerful response from congress. We would hope that the public outcry leads to a congressional investigation of the National Park Service.

Missing 411-Eastern United States will go on pre-sale April 17 and will be shipped April 20.  To purchase and for more information go here.

Jeffery Pritchett is the host of the radio show The Church Of Mabus which airs Saturday nights at 11pm Eastern about the high strange and important issues.

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