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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Mummy Of An Ancient Astronaut Found By The KGB? (Video)

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The story presented needs a premise: There is little information on the network and there is only a documentary broadcast exclusively by the US television network Sci-Fi i in 1998, called ”The Secret KGB Abduction Files” (The secrets. abdubción files of the KGB) is really difficult to find objective evidence that could confirm the veracity of the report.
The only authoritative opinion was provided by the same US television at the time of transmission, according to which the team of experts assessing the film confirmed its authenticity.
The US network has issued the film once, and no other copy of the video available except those that are available thanks to those who took the time to record the broadcast.
The film would show a KGB secret expedition to Egypt as part of “Isis Project”, in which Soviet intelligence discovered the existence of what appears to be an alien mummy. Before the broadcast, the film was never shown outside the structures of the KGB secret.
Is an elaborate hoax, and expensive, or the “Tomb Visitor” could be the discovery that will revolutionize the understanding of the beginnings of human civilization?
It began with the revelations of Viktor Ivanovich, a neurologist and Russian astrophysicist hired by the Kremlin as a scientific advisor for the development of advanced propulsion systems.
As he tells Sci-Fi, Ivanovich had access to some secret archives of the KGB in which he spoke of an expedition in 1961 as part of ”Isis Project”, which aimed to discover traces of knowledge and technology Ancient Egypt that could be used for military applications.
The mission team consists of Egyptologists of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, a certain Herman Alekseen such as the Hermitage Museum Egyptologist, military experts specialized in chemical and radioactivity, some astronomers, including Vladimir Yuri, and Sami Sharaf , Secretary of Gamel Abdel Nasser, the second president of the Republic of Egypt.
If we consider the historical period in which the shipment would take place, it’s no wonder the political axis between Egypt and the Soviet Union. Since the conflict in 1956, when Israel invaded Egyptian territory, as a result of Canal crisis, the Soviet Union sided with Egypt. It is estimated that when the Isis project began, the Soviet military present in Egypt reached 20 000 units.
The expedition was organized after the chance discovery of a mysterious tomb by two Bedouins Magbarat Alzoar in one of the pyramids of Giza. The two victims, after entering the tomb, they were taken ill and hospitalized. When questioned by agents of the KGB and Egyptian intelligence, he repeated that the Bedouin had found the “Visitor God.”
Since then, the ”Isis Project” became the highest priority and every effort will be organized to find and analyze the tomb discovered by the two Bedouins. The expedition was organized jointly by the two countries in secret, for fear that the CIA, the US intelligence services, might become aware of the discovery.
According to the report document held by Ivanovich, the Soviets found the tomb full of artifacts. Thus we read in a note addressed to a senior officer of the KGB:
“My agents have secured notes of scientists working at the Tomb of visitor discovered”
This is followed by the following list of information:

Findspot: undisclosed; 15 boxes of artifacts; 1 partially mummified body; one stone sarcophagus, 8 samples of hieroglyphics.

In the report prepared by one of the first scientists to enter the tomb reads:

“During the inspection of the walls we have noticed a strange repulsive force coming out of the walls. We could not find any scientific explanation.”

Finally, the report prepared by one of the cryptographers, who participated in the partial decoding engraved on the walls of the tomb message, read a prophecy involving the “return of the winged”.
But the most surprising discovery relates to the mummy. The mummy seems to have a height of more than 2 meters high, much higher than the average height of the inhabitants of ancient Egypt.
Carbon-14 analysis conducted by molecular biologist Boris Timoyev revealed that the body goes back about 12,000 years ago, thousands of years before the Egyptian dynastic period. Who could be the mummified body content in the sarcophagus?
According to Egyptian mythology, a family of gods descended from the stars in Egypt. They taught them the knowledge and wisdom. Later, when his work was over, they left the earth to return to heaven, with the exception of Osiris, who was left with the task of protecting and maintaining the dice ancestral knowledge.
The god Osiris. According to Egyptian mythology, he came down from heaven in a ‘flying boat’. Was it a UFO?
Osiris brought civilization to men, taught them to cultivate the land and produce wine, and was loved by the people. After his death was mummified and buried in a secret location.
Based on this ancient myth, shortly after the discovery of the tomb of the visitor, a group of scientists, computer programmers, doctors and other academics gathered to discuss the scope of the event. The group was convinced that the body in the coffin was the mummy of Osiris, the alien king! The group adopted the name of “followers”, a movement of almost religious boundaries, dedicated to the worship of the “visitor from the stars.”
The Kremlin took the matter under a more pragmatic profile. At the time of the Cold War, it would have been helpful to have some kind of invincible alien technology. Moreover, Soviet scientists began to wonder seriously what the real function of the pyramids and if they had been designed for a particular purpose. Some of them were the hypothesis that they are powerful machines able to channel some energy of the cosmos or some kind of interstellar transmitter.
The KGB and the meeting with the former astronaut
What piqued the interest of the Sci-Fi in the subject was a film that seems to have obtained US broadcaster of the Russian mafia through an intermediary.
The film obtained from the archives of the KGB and high security images show the discovery of the sarcophagus inside the tomb Guest. The Sci-Fi experts guarantee the authenticity of the film.
The black and white video shows a number of soldiers and officers entering what appears to be an Egyptian burial chamber without gas masks. At the opening of the sarcophagus, you can see a cloud of toxic gas invading the environment and the reaction of the soldiers affected by the breath and fear as they watch the mummy in the coffin that contained it.
Later, the place seems to have been organized for further scientific analysis. Now the soldiers are wearing special protective suits.
What value can be given to this film? Is it a joke made on the basis of the revelations of Ivanovich? There is no doubt that the video shows concordance with the data contained in documents Ivanovich. This, according to some, would be further evidence to support the authenticity of the film.
Furthermore, it appears that the private screening organized by the team of Sci-Fi, issued before the documentary aired, this daughter of one of those who formed the ”followers” who, recognizing his father in the images of the film, she begins to mourn.
“There is no doubt that a small group of Russian scientists with military experts have discovered a tomb in Egypt in 1961,” says Ivanovich. “But in the documents it has never been revealed exactly what was found inside the sarcophagus. Only through the sources of the highest ranks of the KGB know that we have found the remains of an alien creature died in Egypt 10,000 years before Christ “.
If the information disclosed by Dr. Ivanocih are true, we need to reconsider all the cultural evolution of human civilization. Constantly, there is news that reveal the past of the Earth much more sophisticated and enigmatic than previously thought.
Moreover, whatever people may say, knowledge of Egyptian civilization and the construction of the great pyramids of Giza remains a mystery. “The fundamental question about ancient Egypt is to understand how such an advanced civilization, at the height of its development around 2500 BC, has appeared on the world stage,” says McNaughton Roselyn Institute of Egyptology.
“All the other ancient civilizations have experienced a progressive historical development in the design of its technology in hundreds or even thousands of years. This has not happened in ancient Egypt. A fully formed society suddenly came out of the desert”.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy

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    Total 7 comments
    • theawakezone

      Good post thank you!

    • FusedNail

      This is probably from some third-rate Russian sci-fi movie. Editing was for emotional reaction from audience, not scientific accuracy.

    • Uncle Nobby

      Graham Hancock/Robert Bauval covered this a while back. It’s the lost civilization which ended in the Younger Drias Boundary with a global cataclysm 12800 years ago. Atlantis……….????

    • djfxw

      Looks fake.

    • BStallard


    • The Ferrett

      Yes it is fake – a very sophisticated one and there is much more convincing “evidence” to come . .

      A fake “alien invasion” has been in the works for many years and it will be VERY convincing, so as to totally eliminate faith in The Most High God – The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

      So much so, that He asks the question that on His return . . will He find faith ( in Him) on the earth.

      • Ken

        I don’t know if I quite agree with you on this one Ferrett. That stiff in the box looks a lot like Steve Quayle IMO.

        This might be the real deal at long last! :lol:

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