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Anunnaki Creation of Eve: God That Created Us Not Same God Who Expelled Us From Eden? (Video)

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by Jeffery Pritchett  of

Written interview with Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.


1. Would you please go into your perspective of the Anunnaki creating Eve? Also could you touch base on Eve being Tiamat?

CHH: As Nibiru, a nomad or rogue planet, was attracted in the gravitation field of our solar system and started to orbit our sun, a group of Nibirians, lead by Enki, son of the king Anu, settled on Earth in search for gold—to spray the gold particles in their upper atmosphere and thus repair their damaged ozone layer. They became known as the Anunnaki, i.e. the ones who came down from Heaven/Nibiru (An) to Earth (Ki). The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish) gives an exact description of the planets the orbits of which they crossed while approaching the sun and Earth (including the major moons of Jupiter and Saturn), a wealth of information that has been corroborated only with the Voyager space probes (1979-1989). The waves of arriving colons were put to work in the gold mines in South Africa in such terrible conditions that eventually they revolted against the Commander of Earth, Enlil, half-brother of Enki and legal heir of Anu. Enki, the head scientist in material sciences, then proposes to the Assembly of the Gods to create a worker (lulu, or Man) to carry on the workload and that his sister Ninmah (head scientist in life sciences) will perform the genetic engineering of a hybrid species, mixing their own genome with that of an earth-born bipedal hominid. Assisted by Enki, Ninmah set to work in southeastern Africa; her first successful creation was Adamu/Adam, around 300,000 years ago according to the tablets, corresponding with the sudden mutation of Homo Erectus, a stable species since 1.9 million years who mutated to Homo Sapiens between 400 and 200 thousands years ago. Ninmah immediately engineered some clones to work in the mines, then she kept upgrading the genome to create Tiamat/Eve and female clones. As genetic donors, Adamu and Tiamat are revered and they are raised by their Anunnaki ‘parents.’ At that point Enlil demands that the wondrous First couple be brought to him in ‘Edin’ (Sumer) and install them next to Enki’s property at the east of Edin, in a kingly garden that featured, among other fruit trees, a Tree of Knowing and a Tree of Immortality (like the garden of his father the King Anu on Nibiru). The identification of Tiamat as Eve is based on many similarities between the Sumerian (and Mesopotamian) texts and the Book of Genesis, such as in names (Adamu/Adam, Edin/Eden…), in the presence of the two trees, in identical symbols (Enki’s symbol is the Serpent of Wisdom), and in the near similar events occurring, but with a definite twist stemming from the addition of a moralistic outlook in the Genesis text, more recent than the Sumerian tablets by at least two millennia.

2. What do you mean that the god who created us is not the same god that expelled us from the garden of Eden?

CHH: Ninmah and Enki, with the help of the son of Enki that we now call Hermes, performed a new DNA upgrading in the Edin, this time on the living organisms (under anesthesia) of the adolescent First Couple, by grafting on them their own bone marrow. This upgrading brought Tiamat and Adamu up to the intellectual stage of self-consciousness (self-reference in cognitive terms) and gave them procreative abilities as well. This upgrading was consistent with Enki’s and Ninmah’s secret plans that had been, from the start, to create a “civilized Man” able to carry on the torch of their human species and civilization on Earth, envisioning that in the long-term humanity would be able to take the lead when themselves would be a decadent and dying species.

This chirurgical act was done in the Edin/Eden (aka Sumer), but without Enlil’s knowledge and approval, thus running contrary to his long-term plans, supported by the vote of the Assembly of the Gods, that were to create a slave barred from becoming knowledgeable and immortal. We see on a revealing Sumerian depiction that Tiamat, ahead of Adamu, has not only been able to make herself a loin-cloth, but that she has built a makeshift table presenting a neat geometrical grid of wooden sticks (exemplifying her new rational abilities). On the same depiction, we see that when Enlil, Commander of Earth, discovered that upgrading, he became so enraged as to put his half-brother, whose emblem was the Serpent of wisdom (in fact the two entwined snakes that he will pass on to his son Hermes), in tethers, until the Assembly decides to free him of course. Enki in tethers is accompanied by his snake symbol and the Sumerian pictorial words “Buzur,” meaning “knower of secrets.” Overreacting, Enlil expels the First Couple from Sumer, and they will be taken back to the ‘Land of Creation’ (as corroborated by the Book of Enoch), in southeastern Africa.

3. Could you share some thoughts on Zecharia Sitchin with us and how his work influenced your work?

CHH: Sitchin was not only an expert on many ancient Middle-Eastern languages (including Sumerian) but also a biblical expert in Israel prior to his settling in the USA. He was the first scholar to understand the ancient texts without the blinkers of conventional science, the old paradigm being unable (until recently) to accept even the existence of intelligent civilizations in the universe; and given that our solar system is of a medium age, the statistics imply that many exo-civilizations are enormously more advanced technologically than us. Sitchin took the 3500 years old tablets’ accounts for real, when the Anunnaki stated they had given a kick to our human evolution. The presuppositions of the old paradigm were that a whole civilization came into being suddenly in Sumer about 4000 years ago, full-blown with the ecliptic divided in 360 degrees and 12 constellations, historical records of the Anunnaki wars and the lines of kings and queens in main cities, mathematics and geometry, metal mining and forging, writing and a form of printing, cities with gorgeous gardens and irrigation canals, complex architecture and art, garments and jewelry, poetry, law-code, etc. These ingrained assumptions made the majority of translators wholly unable to grasp aspects of the Anunnaki integral science, namely their space technology, genetic engineering capacities, and diamond-size computers monitoring whole infrastructures.

4. Would you go into suppressed sexuality through the ages and how Eve took the blame for it all?

CHH: As an ethno-psychologist having studied ancient cultures and religions, it’s crystal clear that the more you go back in time and the more sexuality is held as sacred and revered. Not only its birth-giving aspect, but the ‘sacred marriage’ as the conjunction of the two fundamental forces of the universe (as in the divine couples, the yin-yang, the king and queen in Alchemy…), and the interplay of the feminine and masculine aspects of any human being’s psyche, as the psychologist Carl Jung has shown. And finally, the sexual organs themselves are deemed sacred because they represent the divine life-forces of the universe, creative and at work, such as in the Shiva Lingam and Shakti Yoni in Hinduism. Furthermore, many eastern religions, as well as ancient shamanic religions, have a path of knowledge based on sacred sexuality, or Tantra, its highly spiritual goal being to attain the perfect state of unity and fusion with the cosmic consciousness and an inner realization of one’s full potentials. As for Sumer, not only the Anunnaki had a free and rather exuberant sexual and emotional life, but when Inanna, grand-daughter of Enlil, became “the first among the gods” and reigned as the Queen of Earth for a whole cycle, she was the one to start the ritual of the sacred marriage (sacred sexuality) in her own temple in Akkad. In this ritual, a goddess (herself) or a High Priestess would mate with an outstanding earthling man, thus starting bloodlines of the future kings and queens, High Priests and Priestesses of Sumer and Akkad. This custom was later adopted in the temples of many gods and goddesses, and we have traces of it not only in the Celtic feast of fecundity Beltane (during which many a Celt king and great Knight was born), but also in the more ancient Mystery cults in Egypt and Greece.

So that, when we ponder the fact that very ancient Sumerian texts describe how Enlil expelled the First Couple from Edin, we can’t consider for one second that the reason for his fit of rage would be that he deemed sexuality a sin. The reason, veiled but still worded out in the Book, was the fear, all along and until after the Deluge, that the new humanity would come to compete with them, the Anunnaki lords. Sexuality as a sin, as well as the Serpent symbol as satanic, are recent creations of the patriarchal era that saw religion switch from a family of gods to a sole deity, male, and increasingly more remote from us poor humans. And that’s how Eve took the blame, the adolescent girl at a pre-rational stage of development, wholly unable, in all logics, to distinguish good from bad before she ate the fruit of knowing good and evil, and yet accused of the evil deeds that men living millennia later projected on her. That projection made women live in hell for two dozen centuries afterwards.

5. It seems like to me that these alien gods who created us are egomaniac sociopaths kind of like the alien in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Are there any alien gods out there who truly have humanity’s best interests in their hearts?

CHH: I couldn’t agree more for some of the royals and I have devoted a full chapter showing the kind of ‘human-condition’ flaws they exhibit in the tablets—no wonder since we must have (my estimate) about 90% of our earth-human genome handed down to us by the Anunnaki. Fortunately for us, though, some of them have had the interests of humanity at heart, and specifically our three creator gods—Ninmah, Enki and Ningishzidda/Hermes. All along the tablets we see them teaching the first earthlings the whole gamut of sciences and social know-how including priesthood and governance, and very early on (in pre-Diluvial times) Ninmah gave the governance of her city Shuruppak to a line of ten earth-human kings (and their queen and consort) from Adam/Adapa to Noah/Ziusudra (similar to the lineage of ten patriarchs figuring in the Book).

6. What do you think about the Noah story and what god was in charge of making that happen and wiping us out and what about the Nephilim who were wiped out? Could you go into your knowledge on this?

 CHH: Sticking to his visionless plans of the lulus remaining slave workers, Enlil, the Commander of Earth, got enraged by the multiplication of the human race and especially by the Igigi/Nephilim (the Anunnaki astronauts working on the space station in orbit and that of Mars) who, following their chief Marduk, had claimed the right to have spouses and families, and decided to marry women earthlings. (Marduk, son and heir of Enki, had indeed fallen in love with the earthling daughter of a High Priest, and got the assent of his parents for marrying her.) The Atra-Hasis Epic recounts that Enlil made two dire attempts at getting rid of humanity, the first one by a pandemia and biological agents, and the second through drought and starvation, and that both failed by virtue of the intervention of Enki. Undeterred, Enlil planned to achieve his goals at the next perigee of Nibiru, because some scientists had calculated that the planet would pass so close to Earth as to create a massive gravitational pull, and a world-wide tsunami and deluge that, in all probability, would erase all life on Earth. Enlil assembled the royal family and obliged them to swear to not disclose the fact of the coming cataclysm to the earthlings. Enki, as hard as he tried to avoid it, was forced to give his word but, intent on saving the seed of humanity, he will warn his beloved disciple and blood son, the king Ziusudra/Noah, and instruct him in constructing a submersible—the Ark—, while Ninmah will gather a databank of the genomes of animals and plants. Another gruesome fact is that, ahead of the cataclysm, all full-blood Anunnaki were offered by Enlil to either go back to Nibiru or else orbit around the Earth until the water recedes. Yet, he adamantly forbade that the wives of the Igigi, as well as all their children, get onboard the spaceships and be saved; Marduk pleaded in vain for saving the life of his beloved and his men’s families. Most of the Anunnaki royals stayed in orbit and came back. We may assume that Marduk and the Igigi (bypassing again the tyrannical orders) hid their families on the base on Mars that he had been the one to build with his father in the first place.

In the light of this ghastly and appalling Sumerian account of the plagues and Deluge as a means to obliterate humanity, it becomes crystal-clear that Enlil’s overriding aim and sole ‘moral’ code had been all along to preserve the purity of the Nibirian race.

7. What are some falsities that carry enormous consequences for us all?

CHH: Here are the most consequential falsities: the distortion of our past history, while obviously the editors of Genesis mused on vastly more ancient texts from Sumer, in order to fit so many past events into the monotheist frame; the blame on Eve and women for a deed that another god staged and which was highly beneficial to humanity at large; and of course the erasing of the feminine from the divine dimension and cosmic consciousness, with the drastic and dire effects on the daily lives of women that, millennia later, we are still grappling with.

8. Why do you think there will be no apocalypse and why do you think the good evil duality has never existed?

CHH: This is the crucial question regarding the leap in collective consciousness happening now on Earth. It’s crucial because it’s exactly the way the shadow powers and monotheists religions have tried to format and frame forcefully our minds and psyches: in terms of wars and antinomy. However, the leap means to reach a more global and complex outlook—one able to distinguish the relativity of concepts, especially that of ‘truth’ and ‘good’.

Interestingly, the historical accounts in Sumerian and Mesopotamian tablets (dated as far back as 3500 BCE and thus predating by 2 or 3 millennia the oldest biblical writings) state clearly that at first there were Lords on Earth who decided to create a hybrid species ‘to their image’ in order to serve them. And indeed the words for ‘worshipping’ both in Sumerian and in Hebrew meant “to work for the lords;’ in brief: to worship meant to serve the gods in a literal sense.

Of the royal family commanding the earth, each member of the older three generations built first his/her own temple, and then, when the earthlings had multiplied, a city around, whose inhabitants perforce venerated the god/goddess of the city.

Studying the tablets, we can see that there was a clear overlap of meaning between “enemy” (always another royal in their city) and “evil.” Whoever was willing to stay neutral or non submitted to this particular lord and city was by definition the evil enemy and of course even more so when this lord was the King of Earth and Heaven and Commander of Earth, Enlil.

Thus we see clearly described in the Erra Epos that the sin of the “sinful cities” of nowadays Palestine and Israel, including Sodom, who were nuked by the clan of Enlil, was strictly to be the dwelling of his enemy nephew, Marduk, and his followers.

We have come, mostly through science and philosophy, (1) to realize the relativity of any truth and good and (2) to move beyond a ‘me versus others,’ either A or non-A, view of the world, that is, beyond a dualistic and schizophrenic outlook so as to welcome the complex and paradoxical nature of reality.

In this light, the so-called “apocalyptic and final battle between Good and Evil,” always conveniently set in the future, is only the projection, voluntarily fear-inducing, of an obsolete and limiting view of reality.

Let’s remember that the goal of an explorer of consciousness in eastern religions has been described in ancient treatises of the Vedanta philosophy as moving beyond duality and reaching a harmonized inner state, able to make us aware of the cosmic consciousness pervading the universe.

9. This is a wild card question. What would you like to share from the book that our readers might find interesting?

CHH: Thanks for this opportunity! I want to share what I sense about our immediate future. All the signs are that science is trying to patch up a gaping hole in its knowledge, in domains in which information, in my opinion, had been forcefully suppressed for a long time before emerging suddendly in the present time at a great pace. Here are a few: the astronomically high probability of exo-planetary intelligent civilizations (EPICs) in the universe, lots of them statistically bound to be vastly more advanced in their technology and science than us; the ‘discovery’ of nomad or rogue planets 100,000 times more numerous than suns, and the likelihood of part of them having an atmosphere and moons; 95% of the energy in our own universe (meaning 95% of the stuff of reality) are still unaccounted for and an ‘unknown’ to our physics (the only certitude being that dark energy is of a nature wholly beyond energy-particles, EM fields, and spacetime); the fact that consciousness and psi are not constrained by EM fields and the spacetime manifold; the religious and then scientific lid that had tightly sealed off all signs of an advanced civilization existing on Earth before the Deluge as well as the accounts of our alien ancestors engineering humanity’s genome (as analyzed in the present book); the cover-up on age-old contacts with aliens and recent interactions with visiting EPICs as well as with alien survivors of crashes. And we must add to this load of information (suddenly becoming not only available but a sheer scientific evidence) the growing number of people who think that intelligent life on exo-planets is likely, 56% of Americans according to the 2008 Scripps UFO Poll.

All of this has to be understood (by the psychologist I am) as a surging wave in the collective unconscious indicating that numerous people are attuned to a pre-contact of sorts; this, in its turn, makes the official recognition of, and actual Contact with, EPICs a very near outcome. And this means that Contact is so near now, it is already unfolding, that we have to weigh any crucial issue—I’m talking here about global governance and religious groups stands—in the perspective of this imminent Contact. We have to ask ourselves: “Let’s see this issue as if I was 10 years from now, receiving the daily news from the galactic federation on my computer or TV screen: How will I look having taken this stand?”

10. What are you up to next book wise or projects wise and also any links you’d like to share with us? Thanks for this interview.

CHH: The work on DNA of the Gods, while a tough process, had a totally unexpected effect on me afterwards: it generated an incredible sense of liberation, as if I had dispelled some dark shadows, a baggage from a long forgotten past I hadn’t even known I was carrying. And then came the vision of the meta-dimensions of the universe before the Big Bang, that fitted perfectly with the Semantic Fields Theory (a theory of nonlocal consciousness) that I’ve been elaborating and expanding since the nineties. So that’s going to be my next book.

Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.

Author of DNA of the Gods

Ph.D. in ethno-psychology



Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy

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    Total 35 comments
    • Jango

      What you are writing about is NOT from the Bible. More like science fiction. Not to be taken seriously, but strictly for entertainment…..if that. Don’t be deceived people. will give you the Biblical truth.

      • Jeffery Pritchett

        Dude bro blow it out your nob! At least I try to bring worthwhile information to my readers here. You on the other hand travel to and fro whoring your website and berating people because you apparently think you know it all. Have you ever tried to make an article from anything on that website and brought it forth for discussion? I doubt it. Your methods are cheap and you aren’t even smart enough to make your damn link clickable either. So next time you judge my works I will judge yours even double so. Put that in your prayer logs matey.

        • Syco247

          ^^^ What he said!

        • Syco247

          By the way it was a good read.

          • Jeffery Pritchett

            Thank you Syco. This is one of my written interviews with author Chris Hardy. I don’t expect everyone to agree with it but why be a rude arsehat about it? lol take care

        • Jango

          What I commented is absolutely true and provable. This story is NOT based on the Bible. It is a deception. If you are going to write things about the Bible then quote Biblical facts, not fantasy. It only misleads people. This is why it is not to be taken as Biblical but as fiction. And that is the TRUTH based on the Bible.

          • Jeffery Pritchett

            Jango sell crazy somewhere else. We’re all stocked up here.

            This is an interview with another person who is entitled to their beliefs and perspectives just like anyone else. If you don’t like it go write you’re own article with your little sassy link in it. Until then you’re just a fairy promoting fairy tales to me. Now go read your murder book I got more important things to do.

          • Morgana Le Fay

            “Biblical facts”….now that’s an oxymoronic statement if I’ve ever heard one. Some would also say that your bible is “not to be taken seriously, but strictly for entertainment…..if that.”

            • Morgana Le Fay

              The only factual thing about your bible is that it is a dusty old tome riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy, that has little real use beyond toilet or joint paper if you’re in a pinch.

        • Deputy Dawg

          Jeff, I have bit my tongue long enough dude, how old did you say you are? I mean really, if you’re going to write an article based on controversial opinion it’s absolutely ridiculous to be so soft skinned when others voice their alternative opinions to counter. Your narcissistic type of response to critical feedback may have been appropriate back in grade school but such supercilious tripe has no place in an public discussion forum where adults communicate. Grow up!

          The reality is that there will always be those who disagree with you, or who defy reasonable presentation. You’re obviously smart enough to fully understand that reality. It almost appears as if you intentionally bate those opposing contributions thriving on the confrontation that you then promote through your childish insults.

          Duse if you plan on being a journalist authoring here in the Before it’s News forum then I as a patron ask that you try to refrain from whining like a spoiled little girl when others challenge controversial subject matter. If you want to contribute the kind of nonsense offered in this article fine, have at it bro, but if inflating your self image at the expense of readers naive enough to become ensnared in your ego trap perhaps it would benefit everyone if you would just keep to yourself. Defending your position is okay, being a rectum to others in the process isn’t. A man knows the difference!

          A Student of the Word

          • Jeffery Pritchett

            Dude bro you can go bite a puss toot. You don’t even have balls enough to post under your real name but anonymously.

            And second off if you had a brain instead of a meatloaf for a brain. You would see that this article is a written interview with someone. Its not my beliefs.

            Third off I hardly see any intellectual responses disagreeing with this article here specially from JANGO. Its my bible is right and everything else is wrong and go to hell.

            So you get what you give when it comes to my actions matey. Don’t like it then go eat a bowl of oatmeal and go have a fiber of a good time! I deal with Neo Nazis here and psychos who think they are Jesus Christ and even serial killers who stalk me at my own website and threaten to murder me in the name of their GOD! So instead of sitting back and being a sissy like you’d like me to be apparently. I stand up for myself!!! And in doing so in comedic fashion I have noticed a lot more friendship with commenters instead of bickering! So put that in your arsehat and launch it into space for all I care!

      • No time

        If this story was true, it would be all over the six o’clock news. I have been programmed to only believe the official narrative given to us by our world leaders. If I believe any thing else, I might get in to trouble..

      • Traci393

        How is the bible not fiction?

        • Jango

          It can be historically proven that Jesus lived on earth. So can the Old Testament accounts of the tribes of people and events. The best proof is that In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth, and here we are, living on it. If you read it you will find many other historical accounts like this. If you think it’s fiction, maybe you haven’t read it.

          • DennisB

            Yes, Jesus lived on Earth….But he also stated that he was not from Earth.

            Many thousands of years ago the planets were known as gods and they had names. This was many thousands of years before the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testaments.

            In the Beginning the Earth was without forum (very true) and not in the position its in now…I was called Tiamat, a water world located between Mars and Jupiter. Yes…And where the asteroid belt is now located. It was stuck by Nibiru and it’s moon. Tiamat (now named KI) was moved into it’s new orbit and the earth and water reformed into the new (ball) world re-named KI (Earth). Water levels droped as the Ocean waters filled the low areas and dry land rose and became dry. We can still see and fill the effects of this collision 4.5 million years ago. The worst damage to the world, and its still trying to close and heal, is the Pacific Ocean (ring of fire).

            This the real history of this world and it’s written in Clay tablets much, much older then the Hebrew Bible.

          • DennisB

            Correctionss needed: We can still see and fell the effects of this collision 4.5 billion years ago. The worst damage to this world, and its still trying to close and heal, is the Pacific Ocean (ring of fire).

            • ecclesiatical

              Lol,so,6777 years ago is fiction,but you believe 4.5 billion as truth,double Lol,Lol.

          • smfresh82

            Jango…..after seeing you comment on every article having anything to do with religion and the bible, I can no longer keep my mouth shut and I have been tasked with giving you this message.

            1. the photo you are using of Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander IV, actually the Borgia family is one of the black nobility illuminati families, and they are PURE EVIL just as the jesuits are.

            2. there were no surnames during those times so Jesus Christ is inaccurate.

            3. Yeshua was his name. “Jesus Christ is not the God of Christianity. He is Yeshua HaMashiach—’ ‘Jesus the Messiah.’ Christ is not His last name, but comes from the Greek word Christos, Χριστός (khrē-sto’s), meaning ‘anointed.’” The word Christ holds the same meaning as the Hebrew word Mashiach, or Messiah, and is His title.

            4. Constantine created the biblical Jesus by taking Iesus/Zeus + lord krishna=Jesus Christ

            5. Yeshua’s actual lifetime is 100 years off from biblical jesus

            6. the romans conquered Jerusalem, then they and constantine wrote the history of the christian church, or rather rewrote it…without Yeshua’s most beloved disciple, mary…

            7. Yeshua was married to Maria of Magdalene who the romans later labeled a whore or prostitute.

            8. Yeshua did not die on the cross…..he had children with Maria of magdalene who’s descendants are still alive today. most in hiding because of people like you who lie about everything and the jesuits/vatican would kill them all if they could find them all. because they know they will lose the power the church has over people when they find out the truth about Yeshua. and the romans have been slaughtering the holy grail descendants for hundreds of years, which is why the ones that survived stayed in hiding and had a secret society protecting them from psychopaths such as yourself.

            9. Yeshua was from the annunaki nephilim bloodline (serpent seed from Enki) this is where rh negative blood originated from. it pre-dated Yeshua and never came from king david

            10. the god of the bible Yahweh-Jehovah was an annunaki named Enlil, half brother of Enki the father of Yeshua.

            11. Enlil-jehovah-Yahweh wanted to kill humans. he was responsible for the flood in the days of Noah. Enki is the father of Noah as well and warned him that Enlil planned to kill all humans. this is why Noah and his family survived, it was because of Enki and his love for humanity. since he defied commander Enlil and warned noah he became the enemy or adversary of Enlil-Jehovah. which is listed as satan in the bible. the serpent seed is the holy grail descended from Enki, not a satanic evil reptilian demon line or whatever you want to call it.

            12. since the bible never originated in english you may want to go back and study the prior languages it was in to compare. things do not mean the same in english as they do in soe of the previous languages such as greek, latin, hebrew or aramaic. aramaic was Yeshua’s native tongue.

            13. Lucifer means Phosphorus in greek, which is where the name HORUS originated, son of Isis and Osiris. born 12/25, virgin birth. died and resurrected. pre-dated story of biblical Jesus along with Krishna, Attis, Dionysus, Mithra and more. all have the same story same date of birth.

            14. in the KJV bible alone there are 5000 mistranslations. let’s not forget all the books that were left out of the bible.

            15. what you are doing is using black magic to get people to proclaim out loud they need a savior Jesus. it’s a form of mind control called neurolinguistic programming. our brain waves are altered by sound frequency. and by proclaiming some of the religious phraes, prayers, hymns it is actually giving away your free will to the dark gods/energy vampires such as Jehovah-Yahweh-Enlil which keeps them in a lowered state of consciousness, a form a trance, or a spell if you want to call it that.

            16. the origin of the word religion means to BLIND

            17. Yeshua was against religion and he led the rebellion against Enlil Yahweh Jehovah. his spiritual teacher was actually Maria of Magdalene, but they had to hide that because of all the psychopath patriarchal archon families such as the black nobility families.

            18 the whole point of black magic spells (neurolinguistic programming) is to keep people in a lowered state of consciousness so that there “junk” DNA won’t ever turn on. if it does, you instantly understand how enslaved we have been. you would instantly know you’d been in a trance. you would not be able to be lied to because your brain would automatically decode frequencies. it’s basically telepathy. impossible to be lied to.

            Even Nikola Tesla knew this:
            ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’

            and he understood the scientific importance of numbers in relation to human consciousness:
            “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”

            19. the bible has clues about all of this. you just have to study all languages and versions and you will start to notice the stories are metaphors mostly and are talking about origin of humanity in terms of genetics (genesis), astrology which is the oldest and most accurate form of science, numerology and more. basically a lot of math. and the origin of the word math means TRUTH

            20. of course astrology has always been labeled satanic by you brainwashed bible thumpers. anything they don’t want you to know the truth about=satanic

            like yoga, meditation, psychics. which is funny because yeshua taught both yoga and meditation and has psychic abilities. he healed people the same way reiki healers do today. and oddly enough most Reiki healers are RH negative, mainly O neg. the rh neg blood types have a lot more electricity in their blood than rh pos blood types. they can use the high frequency energy they generate from their bodies and heal others with it. there’s actually a video on youtube of 3 reiki healers killing a woman’s 3 inch tumor on her bladder. it shows it in real time and they high frequency energy they use zaps the tumor away. it was gone when they were done. no chemo, no surgery, no drugs, no misery. just the spiritual energy of Father/Mother God…..our true prime creator. Yeshua was a mortal man who taught these things so that people could understand they all could do the same things he did.

            666= carbon 12, one of the five elements of human DNA which consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons which equates to 666 ALL OF HUMANITY was born with the mark of the beast because the god of the bible, that asshole Yahweh decided to disable 97% of the human DNA so we would be easily controlled and manipulated. and it turned us all into beasts who have been battling it out in bloody wars ever since. they get off from death and destruction.

            so you really need to stop slandering his name and legacy with your lies. it is not ok and there is karmic blow back when you do that. don’t say you weren’t warned. you and the king shambala or whatever his name is are being watched. all liars such as yourself are being monitored. so others such as myself can warn others about you and send the message of the truth for your viewers to read. Good luck you

            • Syco247

              Personally I think the bible is a bunch of babble, but I love watching holier than thou asshats get schooled, so thank you!

            • The Clucker


              A fair deal of this nonsense you just posted comes from Z. Sitchin’s fraudulent interpretations of Sumerian tablets and the Zeitgeist movie, which is provably a bunch of made up nonsense.


              If you watch the video, you will know I am right when I say…

              Try Again.

            • FAT AXL!!!

              Funny how you can deflate an essay-length comment like the one smelly fresh wrote…

              …with a simple sentence like the one Cluckmaster Cluck wrote.

              Just listen to all that hot air escaping into the sky…


            • FAT AXL!!!

              And Syco…

              I love watching holier-than-thou asshats getting schooled too.

              And I am a Bible guy.

            • The Clucker

              You know how I love pokin’ holes, King.

      • Deputy Dawg

        what’s up with the emasculated version of Christ that you use for your profile pic? Scripture tells us that long hair is a woman’s glory and a man’s disgrace. Contrary to this blasphemous depiction Jesus Christ was a muscular man with short hair. He was a carpenter of the times. That job required manually lifting heavy beams and swinging a hammer all day. The distorted, skinny little long hair image of Jesus is designed to degrade the image of God’s son. If you love him, please stop forwarding this blasphemy.

        A little friendly advice,

        A Student of the Word

      • DennisB

        The Bible does only one thing…Keeps the brain dead herds under the SPELL.

        • Syco247

          Try telling that to KOS or Jango LOL The will believe anything to stupid books tells them.

    • Gil Carlson

      Aliens have been involved in human DNA manipulations throughout most of human existence and may have been the ones behind the “Adam and Eve” experiment that created us. Ready to discover more about the aliens?

      • DennisB

        One of the very first things that EA (Enki) and he’s 50 Anunnaki workers built after verifying the quality and amount of gold on Ki (Earth), they constructed a landing pad for the big ships bringing the mining equipment from their home world.

        Note: There were no modern humans on this planet 440,000 years ago, just ape hominids in S. Africa (Homo erectus)…200,000 years latter, we appeared out of nowhere as slave/workers to the Anunnaki. They set themselves up as gods over us. The Egyptian god “RA” was Enki’s first born son and his name was Marduk.

        This place had no name at the time and a human city sprang up around it some 190,000 years later. This place is now called Baalbek and it is Lebanon. They a banded this site shortly after the great flood (Noah’s flood) and moved the mining operation to S. America. (After Enki and his crew went to other parts of the world the Greeks built temples on top of the platform honoring their gods ((the Anunnaki)) and then the Romans built their temples on it to honor their gods ((the Anunnaki)). It was nice and flat).

        The lost city of Nippur in the days before the great flood was the command center for the Anunnaki. After the Great flood it was covered with sand and rocks, it was destroyed. They moved the command center to what is now called Jerusalem in Israel. The Anunnaki named it the “naval of the earth or the command center of earth”.

        Here is a good video of 4 of the major cities the Anunnaki built before the great flood. They are being un-earthed as you read this.

        ERIDU = First city built by the Enki and the Anunnaki
        NIPPUR = First command center on Ki for ships coming and going from Earth.

    • deano

      Poor Django, another slave, a Jesuit promotion agent paid nothing…….your TRUTH ?

      GENESIS 1:26 ” Let US go down and make man in OUR own image”………(plural)

      PSALM 82 “God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgement among the gods”

      Because u have been brainwashed/bible BELTed, “All other gods are Pagan myths”, whose Pagan temples were destroyed by Christians > the Temple of Bel-Shamash at Palmyra the last one > promoted as a Victory Arch in the west,the Arch of BAAL……..

      SHAMASH /Utu ~ the SUN god. Still the name for the “sun” in Hebrew today, and the lighting candle on their Menorah….
      SIN/Nannar-Sin ~ the MOON god. The wilderness of Sin/Zin. Mount SIN-ai.

      ISHKUR/Hadad ~ the RAIN/Storm god. “The Rider of the Clouds”.

      NERGAL ~ the LION god of WAR, married to Ershkigal, ruling in the “Lowerworld”(Africa)……

      Hadad & Nergal are mentioned in KINGS.> “the men of Cutha/Kush made NERGAL”…….
      Nebat (Nepthys) is the sister of Isis(Asta), Asta has become Ashtoreth….

      To break your God-spell/Curse, mentioned in the article is the IGIGI. If you look @ :shock: at the origin of IGIGI, it will lead you straight to the Roman Changed version ….the Grigori….the “Watchers/Fallen Angels” of the Book of Enoch.
      Who is twisting the TRUTH Django?…..we know all about the Devil & fallen angels from Enoch, why is this NOT canonized in your babble book?…….and if you look at Grigori, you will find the Enuma Elish (Genesis) and Enki warning Ziasudra of the Flood.(Astrahasis)…..

      Egregore/Grigori was taken by a “watchful/awake” Pope, who called himself St GREGORY…..your Bible tells you, you will be Deceived……but it also has the real names of some of the old Panthenon….

      …”and the men of GEB-el, made the Temple of Amun (Sol-Amun)”… SHU(Thoth), AMUN, GEB, and NERGAL were sons of the Father/Creator of Egypt called PTAH.
      Ptah is now Pater,Paternal,Father…..a Papa sitting on a throne, holding a crozier(Pharoh’s crook) ,wearing a Mitre Crown, in a temple full of Columns & an OBELISK, and worship the AMEN…..

      Amenhotep & Tutankhamen also worshipped the Amen, but the Church in Laodecia? (Pontus Galatia/Turkey)

      REVELATION 3:14 “These are the words of the AMEN,….the RULER of God’s creation”….

      REVELATION 3:21 ” To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne,just as I overcame & sat down with my Father on his throne”

      Who said “No Gods Before Me”?……the Amun, called Ashur in Assur/Assyr-ia, and even the Bible mentions his Babylonian name…..the Evil Meradoch….Amel-Marduk…..MARDUK….

      ….so sorry Jesuit Cotton/Tobbaco $lave ……they are in your BIBLE….it is you + Christians who have been deceived

      • The Clucker

        You’re reading too many Z. Sitchin Books. He was not a scholar of ancient languages. Michael Heiser took him to school on that. He caught Sitchin in many lies.

        He challenged Sitchin to debate him in a public arena on multiple occasions, and Sitchin refused repeatedly up until the point of his death. He knew it was a battle he could not win.

        Sadly, the people you think are trying to fool you into believing Scripture are actually the very same people that are doing everything in their power to lead you away from it.

        • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

          Keep pecking away, you might help free them from this insane ‘gods’ thing.
          Though I fear not…”They’re all stocked up here.”

      • Deputy Dawg

        You recite what you’ve scripture mined in order to manufacture a bases for what is really your own misunderstanding. If you continue reading the very next verse, verse twenty-seven it shows that it was God who created man not God and someone else. Gen 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” The problem is in translation like with Elohim. This too is plural, it not merely another name for the Eternal God, it is the sir name or family name. God’s name is Yahweh Elohim. Jesus Christ when resurrected became the first human being to enter God’s spiritual family, Elohim.

        There are many passages that forward the exact “One God” theme such as Isaiah 45:18 “For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the Lord, and there is no other. 19 I did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness; I did not say to the offspring of Jacob, Seek me in vain.’ I the Lord speak the truth; I declare what is right. 20 “Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, you survivors of the nations! They have no knowledge who carry about their wooden idols, and keep on praying to a god that cannot save. 21 Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides me.

        So is your opinion that God is a liar, or can you accept the fact that He alone is God Almighty, the creator of all things? It’s always our choice to make, to embrace His word or not to. He gave us all free will. Exercise it with discretion.

        A Student of the Word

    • my2pesos

      Being ~ Begin
      Being ~ Be ‘I’ NG
      Campaign ~ Camp ‘AI’ NG
      Campaign ~ Magic Pan
      Campaign A ~ Mic ‘a’ Pagan

    • Blue_Star


    • HfjNUlYZ

      My initial thought is that Enki is Ehyeh of the Bible and Enlil is El of the Bible. In the Bible, whenever Enki/Ehyeh appears mercy always follows. When Enlil/El appears, judgement always follows.

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