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By Jeffery Pritchett
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6 More Solar Observatories Closed & This Could Be the Reason! (Video)

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The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, and a nearby United States Postal Service office, were evacuated and shutdown for security reasons on September 9, 2018 observatory officials said but they refused to tell us the reason for the sudden shutdown.

Then, NASA tries to explain what happened on September 9, 2018 by issuing a statement that there were two lunar transits passing in front of the sun.

Here is NASA’s explanation:

Lunar Transit or huge disk-shaped UFO?

“On Sept. 9, 2018, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, SDO, saw two lunar transits as the Moon passed in front of the Sun. A transit happens when a celestial body passes between a larger body and an observer.

The Moon does not, of course, actually change direction, but it appears to do so from SDO’s perspective based on the fact that the spacecraft’s orbit essentially catches up and passes the Moon during the first transit.

It has become known that 6 More Observatories (Australia, Chile, Spain, Hawaii (2), and Pennsylvania) have been shutdown: We note that all these solar/space cams down at the same time as the Solar Observatory in New Mexico.

AXIS 232D Network Dome Camera located in Sydney Australia
Webcams located at SOAR Observatory – The Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope located in Chile
BRT Tenerife Telescope Webcam located in Spain
Webcam located at Mauna Kea observatory at the University of Hawaii Hilo
Webcam from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope observatory in Hawaii
Webcam at JAT Observatory in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania

But there’s more; on September 11, 2018 Maria G. Hill from Salem, Indiana has photographed something extraordinary near the sun what can be described as large disk-shaped UFOs as well as a huge fleet of smaller UFOs that accompany the massive disk-shaped UFOs.

Gina wrote on her Facebook: September 11, 2018 8:02AM Salem, Indiana. “This is what showed up in my camera after I took a picture of the sun in the eastern sky this morning. iphone 8 with a camera lens adapter.”

“A green circular door-like object is at the center of the vortex/worm hole and a serpent snake at the top right above it, by a circular disc. I am sure this has a symbolic meaning with the snake and the disc - pictures and videos are on my timeline” Gina said. Besides, in the two videos here and here Gina talks about the massive UFO disks and the fleet of smaller UFOs.

If the objects in the images are not lens flares or objects reflecting in the lens of the camera, but massive mother ships and a fleet of smaller UFOs, see images above, then could that be the reason for the sudden shutdown of 7 solar observatories?


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    Total 36 comments
    • unidentified

      that is strange since there is no reason to shut them down

      • LifeIs

        Objects in front of the Sun would not stay in front of the Sun. We’re moving. So, no. Objects in front of the Sun cannot be a reason .

        The US government has been working on Planet X/dwarf star observation / preparation for 25 years. They’ve had plenty of time to get astronomers under control. So, no. This is not about hiding an observation.

        And no, God does not care about the High Holy Days of Judaism.

        • Linelock

          Michelson–Morley experiment in 1887 clearly showed that the Earth is not moving through space like science would have you believe.

          Gone are the days of the little god of science pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes about EVERYTHING regarding the Earth.

          RIP Evolution!

          • Andy

            your ignorance is so astounding there is literally no point in attempting to educate you – you evidently lack the IQ to do anything more than parrot the ignorance of others

            polly wanna cracker?

            • marquise

              So educate us Andy baby, is this a natural space formation o’ great basement warrior ?

      • Anonymous

        Its THE RAPTURE!! THEY HAVE ALL BEEN RAPTURED!!!! That ought to be good for a few bogus bullshit videos.
        Al QIAduh breaks wind on the RAPTURE!!! lolol
        Here is some REAL stuff

    • Hot Carl

      Not only strange but a lie. I live 5 houses down from the JAT Observatory in Fairless Hills PA. It did indeed close down…….when the owner dismantled the rig and moved TWO YEARS AGO. I talked to the guy before he moved and asked if he was going to ser it up again and if I remember correctly he said it wasn’t worth it.
      Sorry, nothing to see here, move along.

      • b4

        the china man used a ray from out in space—caused some major problems–they wanted to bring in military but went with fbi since less panic with a civilian “force”–you have heard of people having health issues at embassies,cuba? the war with china is very close–usa has placed missiles in almost every country around china–china neighbors all hate china–china thinks it can win a fight with the usa–in 10/15 hours half of china gone and every military asset gone–lots of usa,other countries are moving military assets into place–russia is going to stay out of this mess-i could go on and on but you got the basics…when? hard to tell–china has lost its mind and usa is being very very quiet about it

    • Boxed in Freight

      Believers in Jesus thought He would return on Rosh Hashanna 2018, many are now questioning this assumption as Rosh Hashannah has come and gone. But has it really? No, it has not, the Jews have switched their calendar to a Lunar Calendar, but God’s Holy Calendar is Solar, and they are off by 10 days. So, while they were celebrating Rosh Hashanna on September 10, and 11, the actual day of Rosh Hashannah is September 19, and it’s from morning to evening, not evening to evening.

      So what is this that has closed the Observatories? :eek:

      It’s possible that this is a doorway for believers to enter the Kingdom of Heaven on September 19, the true Rosh Hashannah. It is also possible Satan will be cast down to the Earth through a door like this. Remember, Scripture says he is cast down to Earth like lighting, exactly what it looks like when a meteor falls to Earth.

      Am I setting dates? No
      Am I warning that the Days are different than the current calendar says? Yes.
      Is the true Rosh Hashannah on September 19 and not September 10, 11? Yes.
      Are you checking to see if what I say is correct? I hope so.

      Are you ready if it is? :idea:

      • CTrent33

        God does not care about old covenant feast days. We are in the New Covenant.

        • b4

          god does not care about any human made up bull shett including the unholy bible–written by a bunch of goofy nut jobs in a cave

        • Linelock

          May it be unto you as you have believed.

        • Anonymous

          God doesn’t care about the New Covenant, either. :smile:

      • Josie

        Yes, Wormwood is overdue. God help all of us…

    • jdpent01


    • FringeStuff

      What a coincidence nasa sent a probe to the sun about a month ago.

      • LifeIs

        Parker Solar Probe, launched in August. Planned since 2009. Which is when we had a “collapse” of the thermosphere, a dramatic “acceleration event” in our planet’s electron belt, and weeks of abnormally high tides along the east coast.

    • CatChick

      The only interesting thing in this blog post is why was the NSO in Sunspot shut down. Gina Maria Colvin Hill is delusional if she thinks this is anything more than lens flares captured along with reflections of her iPhone lens. Why use a flash when taking a picture of the sun? And why not replicate the process without the flash for comparison? Why all the deleting of comments of detractors that suggest exactly what I’m suggesting? Because she knows better. She’s just looking for her 15 minutes. And as far as I’m concerned, that time is up.

    • truck driver

      Russians looked at space aliens and were turned to stone. Bible says a lady was turned to stone when she looked back at Sodom and gamora city when it was being destroyed by space aliens or something. Anyway get your Wal-Mart telescope and look at the ufo maybe you might get turned to stone

      • LifeIs

        Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. As they departed Sodom. Genesis 19.

        • b4

          and santa claus has a sleigh that has a 5645 hp motor that hits mach 14– genesis 6969–the bible humpers deleted when they created the unholy book because the sleigh would bring in more crowds,more money, then all that bible crap being used today…

      • Anonymous

        I once saw a huge UFO and then I got stoned. Is that kind of like the same thing, truck driver? :eek:

    • b4

      tried to get thru to the owens valley solar array radio telescope,run by cal-tech–called their #760-938-2075–tried to get thru to somebody–left message for the head guy–i am going to go out there maybe monday–live close by–will report back

    • grayeagle40

      It’s because Wormwood is in town.
      On youtube. “Elenin, Planet X, Nibiru, is Wormwood: The logic is Undeniable”

    • LifeIs

      Are you sure those aren’t pictures of some’s breast?

      • LifeIs


    • Guitarilla

      Lunar transits, huh? Yeah, riiiight.

    • Anonymous

      We are in the mists of an impinging comet swarm whose associated fragments can hit Earth. The danger time is about 1-10 October from 2017 – 2025. If comet fragments are ‘rounding the Sun’ they are about 20 day away from reaching a distance equal to about Earth’s orbit. Additionally. they have just passed perihelion and have been heated by the Sun, so they are outgassing and may become very visible to telescopes pointed at or near the Sun. This happened in early October 2017 and these fragments started New Hampshire and Northern California wild fires. See more details here:
      2018: THE B COMET SWARM

    • Daffers

      Just tried to connect to Zetatalk Nibiru site to see what Nancy Leider has to say in her newsletter, but it is not responding, looks like it is being blocked! I don’t believe in coincidences and the way the earth is reacting to these objects in your video is too similar to the way she describes the extreme pushing away of Nibiru and the dark star Nemesis as it comes too close is to me very worrying indeed.

    • church of the 1stborn

      if there are objects up by the sun why close the observatory at all ?why not leave them all open to track the progress of the object’s trajectory?

      also we have so many satellites in space and a space station iss plus nsa,,israel,sultan of burma, uk royal family, DARPA ,eu, chinese, nrc, cia,, fbi,navy,marines,army, air force,homeland security, russia, hughes aircraft, and boeing,and reagan’s star wars force platforms have their own private space stations most since the 60′s, plus hitler’s sovereign bank,goldman sacks,rothschild & the vatican princes mega rich plus the pirate’s pot of money in netherlands-then you have black ops from many countries
      (royal family ,vatican,bush /clinton/obama/gates saudis using a japan banking family using us treasury bonds (that you and i pay for) are building and
      launching satellites all the time from Florida to make the ring-net force 600 + to control everything and anything on earth using d-wave & ai google apple ) that’s just a short list.

    • unidentified

      what gets between earth and the sun on a cyclical basis besides the planets mercury and venus and our lunar (moon) companion? what could it be? a second or third moon, a rogue dwarf planet, et spaceships, asteroids, there is plenty that “nasa” and other telescopic observatories have viewed and :roll: recorded in time lapse photography, “they” are definitely hiding a lot from us, but why? because knowledge is power and they want us to be dumb and uninformed

    • Britnay Smithh


    • rmstock

      “brglynn . Sep 11, 2018, 10:45 AM (PDT?)
      Chinese were spying on White Sands Missile Range tests
      via antennae array at observatory site.”

      This could mean that staffers, personnel and even management of these
      observatories were indeed doing so at the behest of the Chinese
      Government. Al lot of academics and related personnel at major
      Universities are Chinese who obtained the appropriate VISA’s for their
      positions. It could also be the case that Chinese liaisons ordered
      their assets at the observatory at DSO to sabotage this SUN Observatory
      Satellite. Trade wars can evolve in mysterious ways.

    • DangerWillRoberson

      this looks like a fake black op to me? remember the bigger plan is after the isis cia plays out, the new threat to humanity shall be UFO space aliens! this government action could only be a front story for a fake invasion of fallen angels we know must come, the claim is simple, we come to save humanity from total destruction! Jesus calls it the Great Deception! :idea:

    • truck driver

      Kaito Shortwave radio got from infowars store only takes 3 d size batteries. But anyway i had Hanoi china tuned in and some worldband radio station from Turkey and im in Pennsylvania. One Chinese station sounded like a robot threatening people in Chinese. I think im going to see if ccrane shortwave radio is better .it takes more batteries though

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