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By Jeffery Pritchett
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David Wilcock: The Plan to Take Down the Illuminati

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David Wilcock: The Plan to Take Down the Illuminati

David Wilcock is a professional intuitive consultant who, since reading Richard C. Hoagland’s “The Monuments of Mars” in 1993, has intensively researched ufology, ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the author of a critically acclaimed trilogy of scientific research works, known as the Convergence series, which gives definitive support to the idea that a change in matter, energy and consciousness is now occurring on the Earth and throughout the solar system.

Wilcock has appeared on broadcast television, lectured throughout the United States and Japan, published a variety of magazine articles and appeared on numerous radio talk shows. He is the co-author of the book “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce,” now available in bookstores nationwide, and a summary of his latest scientific work appears therein, where a breakthrough case for mass, spontaneous DNA evolution on Earth is unveiled. David is also an accomplished musician and composer within a variety of styles, including jazz-fusion, meditative and world music.

David Wilcock explains on March 19, 2020 during the the World Wide Coronavirus lockdown that it is NOT the end of the world. The lockdowns are to ensure the peoples safety during world wide mass arrests in conjunction with Operation Defender Europe 2020.

Thanks hope you all are staying cool out there. Stay tuned for more updates from BIN News! 

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    Total 24 comments
    • Anonymous

      He’s the little fraud Poot Bloom who claimed mass arrests on the fourth of July way back around 2010.
      Another false prophet.

      • Dave

        Complete fraud I agree.always claims to have insider info and all turns out to be fake.always trying to sell you something. Latest being his michael prophecy nonsense.hasnt this ahole made enough? Trying to tell everyone how to be this and that and can’t even keep a marriage because he acts like a narcissist jerk.listen how he talked to his x on some of those older videos.i think this dude is complete deepstate,right along with Alex Jones mike adams Scott mcay. Hell with em all and there fake dates when stuffs supposed to happen.

      • SomeGuy


        I def remember that time! Wilcox was proclaiming the whole “7 days of darkness” crap!

        I knew Qtards back then that were pimping this crap!

      • krybbu

        if he is a fraud and false prophet, you probably consider Biden to be your hero… :}}}

    • HfjNUlYZ

      This a 7 year old upload it seems to repeat itself.

      • HawkBowler

        11 years old… hmmm… why is this popping up now on BIN? Yes, and why the loop of just the preamble?

        Here’s the full interview:

        Drake Bailey. The website he gives in the video is no longer active:

    • uwsdwf629

      The website not working on duckduckgo search. Interesting that it can’t be found. please list the correct web site via message board

    • DCasey

      37 minutes and they’re still jabbering. There is no clear statement of who he is and what he is doing.

    • @OratorBlog Information Warrior

      Come on people. If you were a Powerful Super Secret White Hat Operation, WOULD YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH a Twit like David Wilcock or Benjamin Fulford?

      FFFF NO



      • Dave

        Exactly.none of these idiots have any intel,zilch,notta.and they make money off there crap.ben fulfraud pfffft there’s another one.another is that Phil fraudlewski character. There dates on what he claims is gonna happen come and go.

        • SomeGuy

          The Qtards will double down on the bullshit! :cry:

      • SomeGuy

        TRUE DAT!!!!!!!!

        • JoeXiden


          • SomeGuy

            Suck it, Qtard!

            You were played like a fiddle!

      • HawkBowler

        So both Wilcox and Fulford have been reporting the coming mass arrests for over 10 years now. Does that mean that it’s a lie or is it just taking a really long time?

        Why don’t we have at least one notable deep state arrest, trial and execution by now?

        WWG1WGA.. is your answer. This is Lucifer’s call to arms, and the same for the Qtard tribe.

        What it means is that the evil ones are all in this together. No that doesn’t mean that the Qtard reporters are evil, but what they do represent is the last line of defense: the culling of information and narrative.

        The evil ones knew that this time would come — the great awakening of the public. There’s no way to stop it, ordained by God above. We have all sorts of prophetic entertainers these days trying to convey the will of God, but we can all see it. The Lord wants people to wake up to their evil society. This has been happening at a quickened pace for some time now.

        The Lord wants to end the desecration of his youth. He wants the demonic sacrifices to end, and he intends to do that by awakening the non-cabal public to their dealings and practices and heritage. A complete awakening, as we can all agree, is certain death to the cabal and Mystery Babylon. There will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. A true checkmate of not the movie we’re watching but the lives we are living.

      • Jericho Sand

        They have an audience and anyone with an audience can be useful. Biden also admitted publicly they had the ability to steal an election. You never know what people may spill. You never know what is a psyops.

    • JoeXiden

      Anybody know the original air date for this interview?

      • Busta Myth

        Its from January 13th 1666…he jumped through a worms azzhole to the future just to bring you this intergalactic twaddle

    • youder6221

      No such site as Please prove me wrong.

    • bolt

      Im glad I read the comments Why is this suddenly posted and so important because they want the sheep to sit back and do nothing. Believe the good guys who spray us with chemicals daily are suddenly going to right their ways and by their oath to the Constitution save us all. Not. They are all in bed together a bunch of evil bastards who could care less about us or humanity. We are the ones that have to save ourselves No one on this earth is going to help us. My faith is in Jesus but I also believe God helps those that help themselves. We all have to put our differences aside and all focus on the end of these tyrannical pieces of dung. When your opportunity arrives don’t sit there and do nothing, be the one that steps out and be the first to get the ball rolling

    • Jericho Sand

      Good Grief DAVID! Quit tooting your own damn horn! Yes, we know… you documented and wrote EVERYTHING that proves something! The amount of energy you spend glorifying yourself and trying to make yourself sound believable is suspiciously over the top! It sounds like you like yourself more than your whole audience combined!

    • Belgard

      Drake sounds like Judge Joe Brown.

    • angryandsad

      Anyone who has a plan to take down the globalists better keep their plan top secret.

    • Anonymous

      Hey fucktard David Wilcock, take off your pants so I can smack you commie red as an identifier!

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