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UFO Activity at Mount Roraima

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UFO Activity at Mount Roraima
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective
Sacramento Paranormal Investigations
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Email: [email protected]
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503





Mount Roraima is a very mysterious mountain. When tourists visit this mountain, they refer the mountain as a table-top mountain or mesa. The mountain looks like it is artificially created. A smooth flat top that reaches the clouds. This is what a tepui is. A flat-top mountain. These tepuis are found in South America, especially in Venezuela and western Guyana. The word tepui means “House of the Gods” in the native tongue of the Pemon, the indigenous people who inhabit the Gran Sabana. Looking at this mountain, it is the perfect spot for the Gods to land their extraterrestrial craft. A former client named Sally Howard brought this fabulous magical mountain to my attention with a recent post that she had on Facebook. Thanks to Sally, I had to look more into it. Would a mountain like this attract UFOs? To my surprise, the answer is “yes”.

But, before I get into the sightings of UFOs around Mount Roraima, let’s talk more about Tepuis. Tepuis are usually found as isolated natural structures and are not connected to other ranges. This gives Tepuis a unique touch. Tepuis become a host of unique varieties of plant and animal species. Notable tepuis include Auyantepui, Autana, Neblina, and Mount Roraima. They are typically composed of sheer blocks of Precambrian quartz arenite sandstone that rise abruptly from the jungle. Auyantepui is also the source of Angel Falls, the world’s tallest waterfall.

These table-top mountains are the remains of a large sandstone plateau that once covered the granite basement complex between the north border of the Amazon Basin and the Orinoco, between the Atlantic coast and the Rio Negro. This area is part of the remnants of the supercontinent called Gondwana. Throughout the course of the history of Earth, the plateau began to erode and fragment about 300 million years ago, and about 70 million years ago the tepuis were formed from the remaining monadnocks. What is a monadnock? Answer: An monadnock aka inselberg is an isolated rock hill, knob, ridge, or small mountain that rises abruptly from a gently sloping or virtually level surrounding plain. Example here in the USA: Devil’s Tower National Monument in Wyoming. When Deanna Jaxine Stinson visited Devil’s Tower, she could see in her mind how a mother ship could easily land on top of this natural wonder. Deanna is from Montana and has talked with some Northern Plains indigenous people in Wyoming and they consider Devil’s Tower a sacred site and suggest that this natural wonder is on a leyline.

Paranormal enthusiast Katiusca Briceno of Valencia, Venezuela believes that the South American tepuis are all located on leylines. Katiusca says that his grandmother in 1954 saw a cigar shaped UFO, that was 4 miles in length, 2 miles in width land for a brief minute on Mount Roraima. Katiusca grandmother said the UFO was there, and then it wasn’t there. I wonder if this cigar shaped UFO had a cloaking device?

There are 115 such mesas in the Gran Sabana in the south-east of Venezuela on the border with Guyana and Brazil, where the highest concentration of tepuis is found.

Mount Roraima will always have an intriguing history and will be shrouded in mystery. This plateaued mountain, located at the convergence of Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana, has drawn explorers and authors alike. Before European conquistadores arrived, indigenous populations revered it as the “Axis Mundi,” a tree where all the world’s fruits and vegetables grew. As for UFOs, Mount Roraima is known for its high frequency of UFO sightings nearby and atop its plateaus. Tourists have reported seeing strange twirling lights hovering above or between Mount Roraima and Kukenaam, another nearby tepui. Why would UFOs be attracted to these tepuis? I believe because they are perfect as landing strips for UFOs and I believe that it is very possible that they are on leylines, a perfect energy source for UFOs.


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