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Red October Is Here! Obama Actively Working To Begin U.N. Gun Takeover Before His Exit!

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By Lisa Haven


We all know that the left has been avidly after our guns for some time and that American citizens are soon to become an endangered species if Hillary gets in charge of our country. Secretly behind closed doors, the United Nations is gearing up with President Obama for mass gun confiscation in the event of an economic collapse by hiring “disarmament, demobilization and reintegration” officers who will be trained to seize guns from the civilian population. Not only that but Obama is pushing last minute gun laws before his departure that specifically restrict certain firearms, armor, ammo and the like. The Obama administration has made it clear that their agenda is to disarm American patriots. Just like Hitlter, Stalin, Pot, and Mao, Obama is taking a play straight out of their playbook, and we are headed for disaster:

What Is He Doing In October? 

1. He will be putting limits on the types of firearms you can buy. 

2. He will use the United Nations to help. 

3. The only thing currently in his way is the Senators having to ratify it. 

Gary Franchi’s Next News Network brings us more on this crucial report… 


“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” – Diane Feinstein

“We’re bending the law as far as we can to ban an entirely new class of guns.” – Rahm Emmanuel, senior advisor to Bill Clinton

“If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government’s ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees.” – President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

“We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings.  Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours.  So we know there are ways to prevent it”.  President Obama

“I don’t believe people should to be able to own guns.” – Barack Obama


So What Exactly Does History Show About Gun Confiscation??

1. In 1911 in Turkey, guns were restricted and as a result, one and a half million Armenians were unable to defend themselves and were ethnically cleansed by the government.

2. In 1929 the former Soviet Union established gun control and as a result Stalin’s government killed 40 million Soviets.

3. Hitler in Nazi Germany established his version of Gun control in 1938 where millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill, disabled and eventually some of the “brown shirts” who worked for the government were killed.

4. In 1935 Communist China established gun control and 50 million political dissidents were arrested and killed.

5. In 1964 to 1981, Guatemala established gun control and 100,000 were killed.

6. In 1970 Uganda established gun control and from 1970-1979, a total of 300,000 Christians were killed by the dictatorial government.

7. In 1975-1977, Cambodian gun restriction laws prevented people from defending themselves against the tyrannical government who arrested and killed one million people.

8. In 1994, Rwanda disarmed the Tutsi people, leaving them unable to defend themselves and resulting in one million executed.

Therefore 70 million people have died due to gun control!!


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    Total 25 comments
    • The Zodiac Report, Nancy R Owens

      Americans are like deer staring into the headlights. By the time they realize there’s a problem, they’ll be splattered all over the road, their children along with them. Pathetic.

      • Neanderthal

        Well that would make you ROAD KILL now would it not.

      • Bradley Dueringer

        I agree

    • Anonymous

      The senate is not the only thing standing in their way. I am not given them shit, this is nothing less than war. Nothing more, any idea of taken guns is a call for war, period.

      • Neanderthal

        It is not war, it is called a Revolution.

      • 2QIK4U

        Your armed forces are now the Enemy. Hope you have a bullet maker because nobody has enough Ammo.

        • JKnTX

          NO, they are not. They take an oath to the Constitution, not anything else. They are not obliged to or need obey or follow anything else.

    • WhiteDawn

      President Bill Clinton has continued and expanded George Bush’s surrender-America policy. As a result, increasing numbers of foreign troops, including Russian Spetsnaz, along with vast amounts of foreign military equipment are now entering the United States to serve as a U.N. OCCUPATION force.

      On May 3, 1994, President Clinton signed an Executive Order Presidential Decision Directive (originally numbered PPD-13, later changed to PPD-25) that places U.S. troops under U.N. command and abolished the law limiting the number of U.S. troops that can be committed to the U.N. without approval of Congress.

      PPD-25 also created special funding for U.N. peacekeeping and occupation forces, that permits an UNLIMITED drain upon the U.S. Treasury. American Tax payers will be forced to pay any amount demanded by the U.N. occupation forces.

      The Judas attitude of the Administration is symbolized in an article written by Bill Clinton’s very close friend, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, titled: “The Birth of the Global Nation.” Talbott strongly attacked American national sovereignty, stating: “NATIONAL AS WE KNOW IT WILL BE OBSOLETE: ALL STATES WILL RECOGNIZE A SINGLE, GLOBAL” (666) “AUTHORITY,” (720/92 Time Magazine).

    • ruffsoft

      Gun sales have increased in recent years. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. gun-makers produced nearly 11 million guns in 2013, the year after the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre. That’s twice as many as they made in 2010. Since Obama took office, over 70 million new guns have been sold. How is that for taking our guns away?

      Everytime there is a spectacular murder (never mind the 25 per day), gun sales skyrocket,. as tho a fire could be fought with more fuel!

      Obama wins the award for allowing the most new guns of any President, and so I can hardly wait for him to leave office before his 2nd term ends….OR: declare martial law and not leave. I embrace whichever idea is most frightening!

      If there is a fire, bring fuel; if there is widespread gun murder, bring more guns? When hasn’t violence ended violence?

    • Pink Slime

      Hello Angle#1,

      Charlie here. The real problem lies not with the constitutional gun owners (they are legal) but the anti-constitutional forces that will ENFORCE this anti-constitutional agenda by force and deception.

      And what I mean by the anti-constitutional forces are the lying politicians, the deluded police forces and federal agencies that should be aware they are committing TREASON and violating their Constitutional oaths if they try to disarm Americans. It does not matter whether they are doing it by force or deception or through their proxy the UN.

      It is still a VIOLATION of the Constitution and TREASON. A little off subject here but please note they like to use proxies to take the blame off themselves. Like the illegal IRS. Congress is suppose to legally collect taxes but note they put the blame on the illegally “created” IRS. Clever deception for they would never get re-elected if they keep raising taxes, see?

      And this is where the forefathers subtlety hinted at why the 2nd Amendment is there. The use of force can go both ways.

      But really what would solve this problem is Americans to realize that the foreign illegal sodomite negro has NO LEGAL authority to do what he is doing and those that support him are supporting tyranny.

      Which simply means every American can legally and lawfully IGNORE the negro and you have the right to defend yourself and your Constitution by hostile forces, both foreign and domestic.


      Charlie (who would love to pry a doughnut from their cold dead hands) :lol: :lol:

    • dabu

      The october surprise will be a massive gun related terrorist attack that will have all liberals, all of congress, and even many conservatives ready to throw out the 2nd. How? Most people don’t realize just how easy it is to get guns. I won’t go into the details, but it is 100% true that you can by a fully functional ARS of any type, along with 1911 and Glock based pistols without a background check, and via snail mail.

      They have and are flooding this country with terrorists. Mexico has been wide open for years! Black kids are finding crates of full auto AKs in their neighborhoods.

      Whats more, we know of many instances of containers off container ships being intercepted, that are loaded with weapons, and headed for terrorists. We know that a car load of terrorists were caught in new york with a car load of guns and ammo just last week. We haven’t heard any more about that cause the killary, and charlston events took place, and the news focus moved.

      I do not believe obama will do anything to delay the election, cause he is the secret last minute candidate for the top U.N. Job.

      It really doesn’t take much imagination to think what could cause a unified congressional vote against the 2nd.

      • 2QIK4U

        Taking over a gun store should do it then. Or just blow up a Nuclear power plant then you guys combined with Fukushima will have everyone’s hair falling out. Check out DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED. SAME AS THE DIVISION ! And the mass stabbing happened on DIVISION ST. Remember. DIVIDED YOU FALL

      • JKnTX

        You sweat and protest too much. If any of that was going to happen, it already would have.
        Go back and look at Sandy Hoax, Obomber had control of both houses of Congress, yet he still failed to get his agenda through.

    • Neanderthal

      If he wants the guns he can have the guns.
      If he can lie all the time we can lie all the time.
      So he is kind of screwed is he not and he does not count in this world.
      He is a piece of dog sht.

    • Arte Vespule

      All I can say is blue helmets make great rifle targets. Nobody is taking my guns without a fight. So whomever comes for mine better make sure they aren’t the first guy in line, cause he is going to die first, and very badly….

    • welovetheUSA

      I can’t wait to see these idiots bring the UN on American citizens, these traitors, are lost …and they will get their due.

    • 2QIK4U


    • Ralban

      When a few hundred million say NO, that will be the end of it. Wake up Lisa.

    • beLIEve

      Dick Act of 1902


    • beLIEve

      Dick Act of 1902


    • st



      Canada, our polite neighbors to the North refused to submit to gun registration. They collectively told their Government eff-you. Registration cards were torn, in half, and sent back, or simply lost. It became so expensive attempting to register the guns, the Government backed down.
      Americans are not so polite, and much more prone to impetuous, and even violent reactions.
      God Bless Texas, Governor Abbott, and Gaston Glock.

    • TombRaider

      “Obama Actively Working To Begin U.N. Gun Takeover Before His Exit!”

      Then Lisa he’s better hurry because times running out for him and there’s no sign of increased gun sales in America dropping…

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