Is The Obama Regime Actually Threatening Members Of The Media Over The Birth Certificate Controversy?

     Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, just released a huge bombshell: “During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs.” And according to, the “threats were so intimidating that some individuals quit their positions over safety concerns for their families.”

     A legitimate and duly constituted law enforcement investigation, that obtained sworn affidavits and testimony from graphics experts, law enforcement experts and private citizens, has uncovered compelling evidence that the “birth certificate” released by Team Obama is a computer-generated forgery and that the man who is presently occupying the Oval Office is potentially occupying that office as a result of FRAUD and FORGERY.

     AND NOW… it would appear that we can add RACKETEERING and CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY to the list of charges that must be investigated. If the American people could legitimately ask what a sitting President knew about a third-rate burglary attempt and when he knew about it, then the American people DESERVE to know what Barack Hussein Obama knows about attempts to threaten members of the media over his computer-generated “birth certificate.”

     Enough is enough. If people are indeed being threatened with frivolous government “investigations” … if livelihoods are being placed in jeopardy… if people are leaving their positions out of concern for the safety of their loved ones, then Congress can no longer ignore this issue. Our elected officials can no longer stick their heads in the sand. Congress MUST finally investigate this constitutional crisis.

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Is The Media Simply Biased? Is The Media Simply In The Tank For Obama? Or, Is There More Going On Than Meets The Eye?

     “Testimony is being developed that the White House is intimidating, in a systematic way, the mainstream media and if any broadcasters dare go into this birther story, they’re going to risk FCC investigations… people are going to have careers ruined… thrown off the air.” -Dr. Jerome Corsi

     As Corsi indicates, Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigation is NOT over. It is JUST BEGINNING. It is continuing right now as you read this urgent appeal and Corsi tells us that “testimony is being developed” right now that will blown the lid off of efforts to intimidate and coerce the media into silence.

     Of course, discerning Americans already know that efforts to prop-up the Obama Regime go beyond simple media bias. Someone is pulling strings and even the conservative media dares not reveal just who is the man behind the curtain.

  CNN got rid of commentator Lou Dobbs because he refused to stop reporting on the controversy behind Obama’s “birth certificate.”

  Glenn Beck was released from his contract with FOX News even though he had one of the highest rated shows in cable television at the time.

  Even talk show host Sean Hannity reflected, while reporting on the recently released Breitbart tapes in the days following Andrew Breitbart’s mysterious and sudden death, that back in 2008 he was specifically told, on multiple occasions, that his continued insistence on reporting on the Jeremiah Wright-Obama connection could be career-ending.

     Obviously, there is more going on than meets the eye and more information will be forthcoming. Corsi says that the evidence that the Cold Case Posse presented at the press conference was just  “the tip of the iceberg.” Corsi adds: “There are very deep and important revelations that are being worked on and they are systematically coming out in the next few weeks.”

     And as these revelations come out, we want Congress deluged with your faxes and calls. If patriotic Americans like you continually step up to the plate, Congress will be unable to ignore this growing constitutional crisis!

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Let’s Recap The Findings That Have Already Been Released: There Is Probable Cause To Believe That The Obama Long Form Birth Certificate Released On The Internet Was A Computer-Generated Forgery.

     Just in case you missed it, let’s recap. Can the anomalies in the Long Form Birth Certificate released by Team Obama on the Internet (particularly the “white halo effect” around the lettering that is illustrated in the picture below) be explained by the use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software, or by the fact that the document was “optimized” prior to release? Detractors have long contended that such is the case.

     But the Cold Case Posse PROVED CONCLUSIVELY (backing up those assertions in a series of videos) that while OCR and optimization can (and do) produce anomalies in documents, the SPECIFIC anomalies in the Obama long form birth certificate CAN’T BE DUPLICATED by computer software and can ONLY be produced through INTENTIONAL electronic manipulation.

     The Cold Case Posse concluded that the Obama Long Form Birth Certificate published on the Internet appears to be a forgery and moreover, the lead investigator of the Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo, also announced that the Cold Case Posse has identified a “person of interest” in connection with the possible forgery of the Obama Long Form Birth Certificate.

     But that’s not all. The Cold Case Posse, relying upon the sworn testimony of acknowledged computer graphics and law enforcement experts, also concluded that the Registrar Stamp, the green background and the Date Stamp on the Obama Long Form Birth Certificate were IMPORTED INTO THE DOCUMENT that Team Obama eventually released on the Internet from outside and unknown sources.

     Zullo explained: “That we were able to cast reasonable suspicions on the authenticity of the registrar stamps was especially disturbing, since these stamp imprints are designed to provide government authentication to the document itself.”

     And Zullo also went on to state that if the Registrar Stamp and Date Stamp are forgeries, then the document itself is likely a forgery.

     The only questions left are  just who actually “forged” the Long From Birth Certificate and at whose direction? Arpaio added that a “continuing investigation is needed to identify the identity of the person or persons involved in creating the alleged birth certificate forgery and to determine who, if anyone, in the White House or the state of Hawaii may have authorized the forgery.”

     Arpaio emphasized that Congress should investigate this matter and we agree; and now, more than ever, it’s important that they hear from you. Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that they can no longer stick their heads in the sand. The American people demand an investigation and will not rest until that demand is satisfied!

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And Barack Obama’s Selective Service Registration Form Appears To Be A Forgery As Well.

     The Cold Case Posse also found disturbing inconsistencies in Barack Obama’s Selective Service Registration Form, as can be illustrated in the picture below.

     Zullo presented an illustration of a typical postal stamp (on the right) and the postal stamp that appears on Barack Obama’s Selective Service Registration Form (on the left).

     Notice anything strange? Look closely. As Zullo points out, the year in the Date Stamps that are used by the United States Postal Service ALWAYS render the year in FOUR DIGITS (as is shown by the stamp on the right), and yet the Date Stamp on Obama’s Selective Service Registration Form is rendered in two digits. How is that possible?

     But Zullo wasn’t done. Look again at a magnified rendering of the Date Stamps in the photo below and pay particular attention to the spacing between the digits and the justification in both Date Stamps.

     It’s clear that the spacing and right-leaning justification is not consistent and that the Date Stamp in Mr. Obama’s Selective Service Registration Form could have been produced by someone taking an Exacto-Knife to an actual USPS rubber stamp, cutting-out the digits and re-inserting those cut-out digits back into the rubber stamp.

     For now, we can only ask why, but we need to do more than ask why. We must demand a full investigation. These clumsy forgeries must be explained and the man who has the answers, Barack Hussein Obama, must be compelled to answer these questions. The American people deserve answers.

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Even More Shocking Revelations….

     Detractors, have pointed out that birth announcements published in newspapers in Hawaii in August of 1961 prove that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

     But we have contended, for some time now, that a birth announcement only proves that Barack Obama WAS BORN, and that a family member could have called the birth announcement into the newspaper… PERIOD.

     It would make sense. Obama’s mother and grandparents lived in Hawaii.  Why would they not want to announce his birth in the papers?

     The Cold Case Posse addressed that contention as well and found that the Hawaii papers that published Barack Obama’s birth announcement ALSO published birth announcements of infants born ABROAD to parents who otherwise resided in Hawaii. In other words, the Obama birth announcements that appeared in the newspapers in Hawaii prove NOTHING… ZILCH… NADA!

     Is it possible that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, as the people of Kenya believe? Here are some additional findings from the Cold Case Posse that raise more questions than they answer.

     The Cold Case Posse attempted to ascertain whether Barack Obama’s mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) was out of the country when Obama was born on August 4, 1961. While the release of passenger manifests from air carriers could easily answer that question, there are no surviving passenger manifests going back that far. They were all destroyed long ago.

     However, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) also maintains records of people entering and leaving the United States and the records going back to 1961 are presently maintained in the National Achieves and the Cold Case Posse did, in fact, request the INS records from the National Achieves for a ten year time span which included the records from 1961 and what they found (or didn’t find) was astonishing.

     When Jerome Corsi went to the National Achieves to examine the microfiche records requested by the Cold Case Posse, he found that all of the records from August 1, 1961 through August 7, 1961 were MISSING and the National Achieves has no explanation as to why the records are missing.

     But that’s not all. Zullo also claims that the association between Barack Obama and Weatherman-terrorist Bill Ayers goes back much further than Barack Obama claims, at least as far back as the 1980s and Zullo claims that the Cold Case Posse is in communication with a private citizen who is willing to testify, under oath, that Ayers’ mother introduced him to Barack Obama many years ago as a “foreign student” that they were trying to help.

     So, what must we do? There is only one answer to that question. We must exercise our grassroots muscle and DEMAND a Congressional investigation. We must put this issue to bed once and for all. At the very least, we must send a clear message to our elected leaders that this issue IS NOT GOING TO GO AWAY. There are simply too many unanswered questions.

     But it’s not going to be easy. Republicans on Capitol Hill would rather sit in their offices or slink off to fundraisers than expose the truth about the man who is running this great country into the ground.

     Our so-called Republican leaders must come to understand that if they want our vote, they must stop hiding under their desks and start seeking the truth. They must start asking Barack Obama the hard questions and stop trying to ingratiate themselves to him.

     Those are harsh words but with your help we will give them the back-bone to do what is right. When they see a boat-load of faxes from patriotic Americans filling their trays and spilling onto the floor, they will grow a spine and start asking the questions that the patriots of this nation wanted answered a long time ago. They will begin to realize that you are not going to sit down, or shut up, or go away; and we will, eventually get the truth.

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Floyd Brown
Western Center for Journalism

P.S. Even if you can not join us in this effort right now, you can still help us expose Barack Hussein Obama by sending this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends.

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