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Support Donald Trump And Condemn The Unlawful Aliens Presence With Gov't Tacit Acquiescence

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By Anthony Ianosel

Yes, we support Mr. Donald Trump all the way to the W/H. He is an incredible man of honor and hot energy, and really DESERVES our support! Some people in high places say that our U.S. Constitution protects those souls “born” in the United States. However, our U.S. Constitution presumes only those souls “lawfully present” in the United States–much the same as those of us souls “naturalized” are presumed “lawfully present” by virtue of our timely compliance and legalization process before the INS and federal judicial authorities. No one in the court system can hold, in good faith, that those “unlawfully present” souls who premeditated to walk to and jump fences at the U.S. southern border and enter fraudulently the United States through the “back doors” to defraud the U.S. taxpayers and our Nation (of multi billions dollars) in order to so fraudulently give birth to a child on the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, can look us millions in the eyes (who have entered through the front door) and agree to these fraudulent and unlawful practices described.
Curiously and more astonishingly, as the public discussion about unlawful immigration of aliens turns more and more vicious against Mr. Donald Trump, the great American U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter (Ronald Reagan’s favorite judge) instructed us to castigate fearlessly the government, and the courts and their administration of justice! Donald Trump is doing exactly what U.S. Justice Felix Frankfurter instructed fearless persons to do! Regarding the outrageous indifference to the massive unlawful presence and the monstrous unlawful immigration of aliens activities on our soil! Almost completely unchecked and pervasive, as in no other nation on this earth! Millions and millions of unlawfully present aliens roaming our streets, freeways/highways and causing indescribable traffic jams, accidents, and exceeding frustration to Americans for the past 40 years! The Washington establishment continues to remain indifferent about our plight!
We hear in astonishment confusion-laid statements, from people with stellar name recognition, that somehow the “unlawfully present” aliens who premeditated to and fraudulently snicked inside United States, for the sole purpose and intent to give birth to babies on this soil and then “constitutionalize” them, parents and all is all right! Even at an outrageous expense to all of us both naturalized and lawfully born Americans! No one in high places is meaningfully castigating the daylights out of the government officials in cahoots with the odious and stealthy oligarchs, so that these self-serving creatures may keep “things as usual” frozen in Washington, especially the unlawful immigration of innumerable aliens, which wreak havoc on our national finances and on our children and our precious grandchildren’s future! And decimate our blessings of liberty–our blessings of liberty, not theirs–and not meant for the millions of unlawfully present aliens who are snicking at the southern borders to get in on our soil without our permission and authority! For these, and more, the mighty U.S. Justice Felix Frankfurter’s instruction is more and more relevant than ever! It is therefore high time to fearlessly castigate the governmental officials and the courts and their administration of justice, for our national plight and for economic decimation inflicted and visited by millions of unlawful aliens on our proud nation.

Live Free or Die Alliance


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