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ISIS update 11/30/2015..Turkey has begun a defacto blockade of Russian naval vessels

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Turkey Blockades Russian Shipping, Black Sea Fleet Completely Cut off

Turkey has begun a defacto blockade of Russian naval vessels, preventing transit through the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosphorus, between the Black Sea and Mediterranean.

According to the AIS tracking system for the movement of maritime vessels, only Turkish vessels are moving along the Bosphorus, and in the Dardanelles there is no movement of any shipping at all.

At the same time, both from the Black Sea, and from the Mediterranean Sea, there is a small cluster of ships under the Russian flag, just sitting and waiting.

The image below shows the situation with the ships using the GPS transponder onboard each vessel:

addition, shipping inside the Black Sea from Novorossiisk and
Sevastopol in the direction of the Bosphorus, no Russian vessels are
This indirectly confirms the a
CNN statement that Turkey may have blocked the movement of Russian ships
on the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosporus

is a Treaty specifically covering the use of these waterways by nations
of the world.  That Treaty is the Montreux Convention Regarding the
Regime of the Straits.

It is a 1936 agreement that gives Turkey control over the Bosporus Straitsand the Dardanelles
and regulates the transit of naval warships. The Convention gives
Turkey full control over the Straits and guarantees the free passage of
civilian vessels in peacetime. It restricts the passage of naval ships
not belonging to Black Sea states. The terms of the convention have been
the source of controversy over the years, most notably concerning theSoviet Union‘s military access to the Mediterranean Sea.

on 20 July 1936 at the Montreux Palace in Switzerland, it permitted
Turkey to remilitarise the Straits. It went into effect on 9 November
1936 and was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on 11 December 1936. It is still in force today, with some amendments.

Convention consists of 29 Articles, four annexes and one protocol.
Articles 2–7 consider the passage of merchant ships. Articles 8–22
consider the passage of war vessels. The key principle of freedom of
passage and navigation is stated in articles 1 and 2. Article 1 provides
that “The High Contracting Parties recognize and affirm the principle
of freedom of passage and navigation by sea in the Straits”. Article 2
states that “In time of peace, merchant vessels shall enjoy complete
freedom of passage and navigation in the Straits, by day and by night,
under any flag with any kind of cargo.”

The International Straits
Commission was abolished, authorizing the full resumption of Turkish
military control over the Straits and the refortification of the
Dardanelles. Turkey was authorized to close the Straits to all foreign warships in wartime or when it was threatened by aggression; additionally, it was authorized to refuse transit from merchant ships belonging to countries at war with Turkey.

has now invoked its power, but has not publicly stated whether they are
blocking Russian Naval Vessels because Turkey is “threatened with
aggression” or whether Turkey considers itself to be “at war.”  Last
week, Turkey shot down a Russian military jet over Syria and this has
caused a major rift between the two nations.

This latest
development of blockading Russian naval vessels is a massive and
terrifyingly dangerous development.  Blockading Russia and preventing
its Black Sea fleet from traveling to the rest of the world, or back to
its home port,  is something that will not sit well with the Russians.

today, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of
150,000 Russian troops and equipment into Syria, but then ALSO ordered
the deployment of 7,000 additional Russian Troops, tanks, rocket
launchers and artillery, to the Russian Border of Turkey at Armenia,
with orders to be “fully combat ready.”

It is important to note two things:

1) Turkey is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as is the United States and most of Europe, AND;

2) Turkey took the first shot at Russia when they intentionally shot down a Russian jet last week.

is important to remember these facts because, as a NATO member, Turkey
can invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty which requires all NATO members
to come to its defense if Turkey is “attacked.”  So if Russia decides to
fight back against Turkey downing its military jet, the Turks might
call NATO and claim they’ve been “attacked” thereby calling-up NATO
forces to go to war against Russia.

It bears remembering, however, that Turkey shot first.  Turkey was the nation which “attacked.”

NATO and the world get dragged into a war between Russia and Turkey,
the citizens of the world must be ready to remind our leaders that
Turkey Shot First.

Why did the Turks shoot?  Because Turkey has
been allowing the terrorist group ISIS to sell the oil it has stolen
from countries it is conquering.  The oil is transported from the wells
in countries where ISIS has seized power, is taken by truck to Turkey,
and is then sold at cheap prices on the black market.

black market selling results in over 1 Million dollars per DAY flowing
into ISIS to keep it equipped and supplied for its ongoing terrorist
activities.  Only a fool would think that all this is going on through
Turkey, without some Turkish officials having their hands out for money
from the illegal oil sales.  Put simply, Turkey appears to be in
business with ISIS and Russia is harming that by attacking ISIS in

So Turkey shot down one of the Russian planes that was
attacking ISIS.  Russia is quite furious; with the Russian President
stating the shoot down was “a stab in the back of Russia” and was
carried out by “accomplices to terrorism.”

It would be shocking if
NATO were to defend Turkey under such circumstances because by its
actions, Turkey is providing material support to the terrorist group
ISIS.  For NATO to defend that would make all of us accomplices to

International Military Review – Syria, Nov. 30, 2015

Syria Conflict: Current Events

Russian military jets targeting one of the headquarters of islamic terrorists in Idlib, Syria

Massive Russian Air Strike in Latiminah, Syria

Russian Su-34 jets get air-to-air missiles first time since start of operation in Syria

Syrian army Operations near Palmyra in Homs province

Russian air strikes allegedly kill dozens in Syria

Syrian pres. says hostile countries feed anti-Damascus terrorist operating in Syria

Russia is an aggressor again?!


Noose Tightens on Turkey’s Sultan of Swing

By Finian Cunningham

November 30, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – “SCF” – Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – a self-styled neo-Ottoman sultan – was only a few years a darling of Western governments and media, proclaimed as a moderniser of Turkey, overseeing a bustling economy and positioning his country as a strategic bridge to Asia.

But Erdogan’s involvement in the US-led regime-change project in Syria is now steadily revealing his family’s appreciable criminal enterprises: from smuggling oil and stolen artefacts, to gun-running for terrorist networks. The former Sultan of Swing is swinging alright, but it could be at the end of an incriminating rope whose noose is becoming ever tighter around his neck.

Russia’s air strikes in support of the Syrian government in its nearly five-year war against foreign-backed mercenary brigades are blowing the lid on the corruption at the heart of the Turkish ruling AK Party, and the Erdogan family business in particular.

One factor in why Erdogan ordered the fatal shoot-down of a Russian Su-24 fighter jet this week was out of revenge for how Russia is destroying the Turkish ruler’s criminal schemes. The destruction of hundreds of oil tankers and other facilities commandeered by the jihadist terror network in eastern Syria and western Iraq is hitting Erdogan’s lucrative racket.

The smuggling routes – estimated to earn $1 million per day for the terror brigades – are integrated by Erdogan’s son, Bilal, whose licensed shipping companies traffic the illicit goods to global markets. Russian intelligence has laid bare this smuggling empire, as presented by President Vladimir Putin at the recent G20 summit held in Turkey’s Antalya. Further incriminating details are expected in coming weeks.

This week, following the downing of the Russian warplane, Erdogan boldly dismissed the oil connections as «slander».

But as Putin retorted, with a touch of sarcasm, it’s hard to imagine how the Ankara authorities could be unaware of an illicit industry involving thousands of oil-laden trucks criss-crossing the heavily militarised Turk border.

Among the contraband are believed to be precious artefacts stolen from Syria’s ancient dwellings, such as the cities of Palmyra and Iraq’s Nimrod, according to the Syrian information minister, Omran al-Zoubi. These artefacts dating from 2,000 years ago are designated as world heritage valuables by the United Nations. It says something about the dubious values of Erdogan and his AK Party cronies when world heritage objects are being looted to finance personal gain and terrorism.

The trade in oil stolen from Syrian and Iraqi state-owned facilities by the jihadists is only one half of a giant cross-border loop tied up by Turkey.

Convoys of trucks laden with weapons are going back into Syria from Turkey on an almost daily basis. Those weapons, paid for by proceeds from the oil smuggling, are then distributed among the plethora of jihadist terror groups, including the Al Qaeda-linked Al Nusra and so-called Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh). The arms trade is overseen by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organisation (MIT), headed up by Hakan Fidan, who is closely associated with Erdogan and the AKP leadership.

Fidan was quoted by the state-run Anadolu news agency last month as offering an apologia for the IS terror group. «ISIS is a reality and we have to accept that we cannot eradicate a well-organised and popular establishment such as the Islamic State», said Fidan, who added: «Therefore I urge my Western colleagues to revise their mindset about Islamic political currents… and thwart Vladimir Putin’s plans to crush Syrian Islamist revolutionaries [terrorists]». The statement caused such a controversy that the Anadolu news agency later issued a denial of its prior publication.

Despite a heavy media crackdown under Erdogan, sections of the Turkish media have courageously carried damning reports on the oil-weapons nexus that is fuelling the war in Syria. This week, the editor of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, Can Dundar, was arrested on charges of «spying» and crimes against the state because he published articles with photographic evidence exposing the massive cross-border weapons dealing, overseen by Turk I ntelligence. Erdogan has threatened the editor with a life sentence for daring to reveal «state secrets».

Another Turk newspaper, Today’s Zaman, also this week reported on an unintended slip made by Adana state prosecutor, Ali Dogan, a protégé of Erdogan. The prosecutor inadvertently revealed in a statement that up to 2,000 trucks filled with arms and operated by Turk intelligence have been ferrying firepower to militants in Syria.

It thus makes the claims made by the Syrian minister al-Zoubi that the downing of the Russian Su-24 this week – resulting in the death of its pilot – was an act of revenge by Erdogan owing to the severe damage that Russia’s military intervention in Syria is inflicting. That damage includes not only huge financial losses to Erdogan and his family entourage, but also to the entire war effort for regime change against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

In an interview with Russian media, the Syrian minister said: «All of the oil was delivered to a company that belongs to the son of Recep [Tayyip] Erdogan. This is why Turkey became anxious when Russia began delivering airstrikes against the IS [Islamic State] infrastructure and destroyed more than 500 trucks with oil already. This really got on Erdogan and his company’s nerves. They’re importing not only oil, but wheat and historic artefacts as well», added al-Zoubi.

If Erdogan thought he could poke the Russian bear in the eye and get away with it, he is sorely mistaken. Russia has stepped up its bombing campaign along the Syria-Turkey border, hitting oil trucks heading north and the reverse-flow of arms trucks heading south. In the Syrian border town of Azaz, a Russian air strike this week reportedly destroyed up to 20 vehicles believed to be stocked with weapons. Seven people were killed in the air raid.

Ankara claims that the convoys crossing the border are carrying «humanitarian aid» to Turkmen Syrians. Turk Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has complained that Russian air strikes have been targeting Turkmen «brothers and sisters» – inferring civilians.

But these are the same Turkmen militia who gained notoriety this week by brutally murdering the Russian pilot who parachuted from the Su-24 downed by Turk F-16s jets.

The Turkmen militia, with names like the 10th Brigade of the Coast, are fighting hand-in-hand alongside the other jihadist terror groups, Al Nusra and IS, to topple the government in Damascus. The Turkmen, who reside in northern Syria but who are ethnically related to Turkish people, have played an instrumental role in waging Erdogan’s covert war of terror in Syria.

Last year, in April 2014, Turkmen militia carried out a massacre in the northern coastal village of Kessab, in Latakia Province, where 88 Armenian Christians were slaughtered. Thirteen of the victims were beheaded, according to survivors. That attack also involved brigades from al Nusra, IS and the so-called Free Syrian Army, the alleged «moderate secular rebels» much championed by the Western governments and media. (A follow-up column will be published on that specific massacre in the coming days.)

Significantly, a Turkmen commander recently protested bitterly to the Erdogan regime over it not suppling his fighters with enough weapons.

Turkmen commander Ömer Abdullah of the Sultan Abdülhamit Brigade was quoted as saying: «We are trying to survive under unbearable brutality and we need Turkey’s help.» He was referring to Russian air strikes, adding: «Every day our Turkmen brothers are dying. We expect the [Erdogan] government to support us. Why have they abandoned us? Our martyrs fall every day. Why are we being left alone? I don’t understand».

As Turkey’s Today’s Zaman points out, the Turkmen’s claim of not receiving sufficient weapons raises the bigger question about the arms trucks that Turk intelligence, MIT, has been running into Syria. Where have the machine-guns, artillery and mortars contained in thousands of cross-border convoys gone to? If the Turkmen brigades are being cut out of the supply chain then that suggests that Ankara’s weapons are being funnelled instead to the other jihadist groups, such as Al Nusra and IS.

Russia’s military intervention in Syria is turning the tide decisively against the criminal US-led war for regime change, by decimating the ranks for terror brigades that Washington and its allies have deployed for that objective.

For Turkey’s self-styled strongman Erdogan, Russia’s intervention is also hammering home huge personal losses. His egotistical schemes of resurrecting Turkey as a new Ottoman regional power are being shattered. The international reputation of the country under his leadership is sinking into a putrid sewer.

Moreover, his family’s criminal involvement in the conflict is also being exposed. And his responsibility for fuelling a criminal war of aggression with the loss of over 250,000 lives looms ahead of Erdogan like a noose. The Sultan of Swing indeed.

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    Total 10 comments
    • Klemens
    • Anonymous

      Turkey is a rogue, criminal nation that doesn’t belong in NATO, though you’d have to wonder who does, anymore. Mr. Obama and Mr. Erdogan are ISIS. Anybody who lends material support or any sort of support to evil is party to that evil, just as a gang of criminals are all responsible for the bank robbery or murder, whether you had your finger on the trigger, were the get-away car driver or a planner of the crime: all are guilty. And God says so, if you’d like authority for this assertion of principle, that even somebody who waves a flag for the evil is a partaker in that evil.

      It’s pretty clear how Mr. Obama has allowed ISIS to operate out in the open, for years, and why he felt the need to fire hundreds of military officers and replace them with poodles, to conduct his fake war on ISIS and support/supply the likes of Al Qaeda. And after 9/11. Can you imagine?

      You ARE who and what you support. So, next time you see the smiley, deceptive faces on the tube, welcome to the face of ISIS, with blood on their hands. Such are very evil men.

      Maybe you should think about what you support in this life, also.

      If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 2 John 1:10-11

    • JohnSmith2016

      you do not need to post links to 30 videos to make your point. overkill.

    • bleh

      After what the Russian air force did to the USS Donald Cook, Turkey would be well-advised not to get too smug about blockading the Straits.

    • Alan

      Russia has the right to invoke nuclear conquest.

      Stop the hax, kunt.

    • Alan

      You’re page is full of spam, but you knew what you were doing dint you tricky trickster, 🃏

    • VirusGuard

      “CNN statement that Turkey may have blocked the movement of Russian ships
      on the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosporus.”

      Link please because i know they are stupid but not that stupid, not even CNN

      This story has no sourse apart from some geeks looking at shipping logs and coming up with a story and if Turkey did try to block Russian ships then it would be attacked in seconds by Russia and they would be well within the law to do so.

      Sorry but i have to call BS on this one and will say sorry if i am proven to be wrong

      • blogdog

        I think you are right on the closing of the waterway cassad says it never happened.. My opinion is a temporary shutdown for whatever reason got magnified into something big

    • VirusGuard

      Another story that is doing the rounds today is that Turkey has just shoot down not one but two Russian fighter jets but do not tell anyone because its a secret.

      Who’s putting all the mis-infomation out today or is it our freind Alex jones because he forgot to take his meds again.

    • MiRO

      I don’t like at all that Turkey is demonstrating its muscle to Russians and everybody in the world now. “Turkish vessels are moving along the Bosporus and in the Dardanelles there’s no movement of any shipping at all”. How come? Turkey is actually blockading shipping from the Black Sea into Mediterranean. It’s over the limit imo. I guess Ankara is just trying to divert international community attention from its notorious role in supporting ISIS fighters and illegal trade in oil by that blockade. Erdogan has gone absolutely brazen imo and he seems to be a challenge of Hitler type now! Just remember how WWII began. Isn’t it the same scenario being displayed before our eyes now?

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