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Trump’s Speech at CIA Headquarters - One Could Call it Bizarre or Maybe Something More (Video)

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This afternoon Donald Trump and Mike Pence took a trip across the Potomac to talk to staff at CIA Headquarters. Trump has gotten off to a rocky start with the intelligence community mostly because former CIA Director John Brennan was carrying out a one-man war against Trump and his new administration via press leaks.

If you thought the purpose of the visit was to build bridges, ensure common goals, etc. you would be mostly disappointed. There was some of that:

And I want to just let you know: I am so behind you. And I know, maybe sometimes, you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted. And you’re going to get so much backing. Maybe you’re going to say “please don’t give us so much backing”. [laughter] “Mr President, please, we don’t need that much backing”.

But you’re going to have that. And I think everybody in this room knows it.

If one had say there was a focus in the speech it would be that he pointed out to the CIA in detail why the press is the enemy of both he and the CIA and to make common cause in not trusting the media. The main theme he employed was disputing the crowd estimates for the inaugural versus the “Women’s March” today. Subsidiary attacks were on a TIME reporter who, without bothering to check, had claimed that Trump had removed the Martin Luther King, Jr. bust from the White House to make way for the Churchill bust. He issued a correction but the fact that he made a race based attack on Trump without bothering to even check speaks volumes for his intent.

Trump’s main applause line was probably this:

So I can only say that I am with you 1000%. And the reason you’re my first stop is that as you know, I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth. [laughter, applause]

And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the Intelligence Community. And I just want to let you know, the reason you’re the number 1 stop is exactly the opposite. Exactly. And they understand that too.

This indicates the message was received.

Indeed, I think it is probably wise to look at Trump’s remarks as a bookend to Sean Spicer’s press conference. The theme is that the media can’t be trusted and that the Trump administration is going to return blow for blow. It is going to be an interesting four years.


Well. I want to thank everybody. Very, very special people. And it is true: this is my first stop. Officially. We’re not talking about the balls, and we’re not talking about even the speeches. Although, they did treat me nicely on that speech yesterday [laughter].

I always call them “the dishonest media”, but they treated me nicely.

But, I want to say that there is nobody that feels stronger about the Intelligence Community and the CIA than Donald Trump. [applause]. There’s Nobody. Nobody.

And the wall behind me is very very special. We’ve been touring for quite a while. And I’ll tell you what: twenty … nine? I can’t believe it.. No. Twenty eight. We’ve got to reduce it. That’s amazing. And we really appreciate it what you ‘ve done in terms of showing us something very special. And your whole group. These are really special, amazing people. Very. very few people could do the job you people do.

And I want to just let you know: I am so behind you. And I know, maybe sometimes, you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted. And you’re going to get so much backing. Maybe you’re going to say “please don’t give us so much backing”. [laughter] “Mr President, please, we don’t need that much backing”.

But you’re going to have that. And I think everybody in this room knows it.

You know, the military, and the law-enforcement generally speaking, — but, all of it — but the military, gave us tremendous percentages of votes. We were unbelievably successful in the election with getting the vote of the military and probably almost everybody in this room voted for me, but I will not ask you to raise your hands if you did. [laughter]

But I would guarantee a big portion. Because we’re all on the same wavelength, folks. We’re all on the same wavelength. [applause] Alight? [pointing to the crowd] He knows. Took Brian about 30 seconds to figure that one out, right? Because we know. We’re on the same wavelength.

We’re going to do great things. We’re going to do great things. We’ve been fighting these wars for longer than any wars we’ve ever fought. We have not used the real abilities that we have. We’ve been restrained.

We have to get rid of ISIS. We have to get rid of ISIS. We have no choice [applause]

Radical Islamic terrorism – and I said it yesterday – has to be eradicated. Just off the face of the Earth. This is evil. This is evil.

And you know, I can understand the other side. We can all understand the other side. There can be wars between countries. There can be wars. You can understand what happened. This is something nobody could even understand. This is a level of evil that we haven’t seen.

You’re going to go to it, and you’re going to do a phenomenal job. But we’re going to end it. It’s time. It’s time right now to end it.

You have somebody coming on who is extraordinary. You know for the different positions, of secretary of this and secretary of that and all of these great positions, I’d see five, six, seven, eight people.

And we had a great transition. We had an amazing team of talent.

And by the way, General Flynn is right over here. Put up your hand, Mike. What a good guy [applause]

And Reince, and my whole group. Reince. You know Reince? They don’t care about Reince. He’s like, this political guy that turned out to be a superstar, right? We don’t have to talk about Reince.

But, we did. We had just such a tremendous, tremendous success.

So when I’m interviewing all of these candidates that Reince and his whole group is putting in front, it went very, very quickly, and in this case went so quickly. Because I would see six or seven or eight for secretary of agriculture, who we just named the other day. Sunny Perdue. Former Governor of Georgia. Fantastic guy. But I’d see six, seven, eight people for a certain position. Everybody wanted it.

But I met Mike Pompeo, and he was the only guy I met. I didn’t want to meet anybody else. I said “cancel everybody else”. Cancel. Now he was approved, essentially. But they’re doing a little political games with me. You know, he was one of the three.

Now, last night, as you know, General Mattis – fantastic guy – and General Kelly got approved [applause]

And Mike Pompeo was supposed to be in that group; it was going to be the three of them. Can you imagine? All of these guys. People respect … they respect that military sense. All my political people? They’re not doing so well. The political people aren’t doing so well… but you … We’re going to get them all through. But some will take a little bit longer than others.

But Mike was literally — I had a group of, what, we had nine different people? — Now. I must say, I didn’t mind cancelling eight appointments. That wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

But I met him, and I said “he is so good”. Number one in his class at West Point. Now, I know a lot about West Point. I’m a person that very strongly believes in academics. In fact, every time I say, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for 35 years, who did a fantastic job in so many different ways academically. He was an academic genius.

And then they say: “is Donald Trump an intellectual?” Trust me. I’m like a smart person. [laughter] [pointing at Mike Pompeo] And I recognized immediately.

So he was Number 1 at West Point. And he was also essentially number 1 at Harvard Law School. And then he decided to go into the military. And he ran for Congress. And everything he’s done has been a home run.

People like him. But much more importantly to me, everybody respects him.

When I told Paul Ryan that I want to do this, I would say, he may be the only person that was not totally thrilled, right, Mike? Because he said “I don’t want to lose this guy.”

You will be getting a total star. You going to be getting a total gem. He is a gem. And I just …. [applause] You’ll see. You’ll see. And many of you know him anyway. But you’re going to see.
And again: we have some great people going, but this one is something, going to be very special, because this is one of — if I had to name the most important, this would certainly be, perhaps, you know, in certain ways, you could even say my most important.

You do the job like everybody in this room is capable of doing.

And the generals are wonderful and the fighting is wonderful. But if you give them the right direction? Boy does the fighting become easier. And boy do we lose so fewer lives, and win so … quickly.

And that’s what we have to do. We have to start winning again.

You know what? When I was young, And when I was … of course, I feel young. I feel like I’m 30. 35. 39. [laughter]. Somebody said “are you young?” I said “I think I’m young.”

You know, I was stopping when we were in the final month of that campaign. Four stops, five stops. Seven stops. Speeches — speeches — in front of twenty five, thirty thousand people. Fifteen thousand, nineteen thousand, from stop to stop.

I feel young.

But when I was young — and I think we’re all sort of young — when I was young, we were always winning things in this country. We’d win with trade. We’d win with wars.

At a certain age I remember hearing from one of my instructors “The United States has never lost a war”.

And then, after that, it’s like, we haven’t won anything. We don’t win anymore.

The old expression: “to the victor belong the spoils” – you remember? You always used to say “keep the oil”. I wasn’t a fan of Iraq. I didn’t want to go into Iraq. But I will tell you. When we were in, we got out wrong.

And I always said: “In addition to that, keep the oil”.

Now I said it for economic reasons, but if you think about, Mike, if we kept the oil we would probably wouldn’t have ISIS, because that’s where they made their money in the first place. So we should have kept the oil.

But okay. [laughter] Maybe we’ll have another chance.

But the fact is: we should’ve kept the oil. I believe that this group is going to be one of the most important groups in this country towards making us safe, towards making us winners again. Towards ending all of the problems — we have so many problems that are interrelated that we don’t even think of, but interrelated — to the kind of havoc and fear that this sick group of people has caused.

So I can only say that I am with you 1000%. And the reason you’re my first stop is that as you know, I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth. [laughter, applause]

And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the Intelligence Community. And I just want to let you know, the reason you’re the number 1 stop is exactly the opposite. Exactly. And they understand that too.

And I was explaining about the numbers. We did a thing yesterday, the speech, and everybody really liked the speech, you had to right? [applause]
We had a massive field of people. You saw that. Packed.

I get up this morning. I turn on one of the networks and they show an empty field. I say: “wait a minute. I made a speech. I looked out. The field was…. It looked like a million, a million and a half people.” They showed a field where there was practically nobody standing there. And they said “Donald Trump did not draw well”. And I said “well it was almost raining”. The rain should have scared them away. But God looked down and he said “we’re not going to let it rain on your speech”.

In fact, when I first started I said “oh no”. First line, I got hit by a couple of drops. And i said “oh, this is too bad, but we’ll go right through it”. But the truth is: that it stopped immediately. It was amazing. And then it became really sudden, and then I walked off and it poured right after I left – it poured.

But you know, we have something that’s amazing because, we had, it looked honestly, it looked like a million and a half people. Whatever it was. But it went all the way back to the Washington Monument.

And I turn on, with my steak … and I get this network shows an empty field. And it said we drew 250,000 people.

Now that’s not bad. But it’s a lie. We had 250,000 people literally around, you know, the little bowl that we constructed. That was 250,000 people. The rest of the 20 block area all the way back to the Washington Monument was packed.

So we caught them. And we caught them in a beauty. And I think they’re going to pay a big price.

They had another one yesterday which was interesting. In the Oval Office there’s a beautiful statue of Dr Martin Luther King. And I also happen to like Churchill. Winston Churchill. I think most of us like Churchill. He doesn’t come from our country. But he had lot to do with it. He helped us. A real ally.

And as you know, the Churchill statue was taken out. The bust. And as you probably also have read, the Prime Minister is coming over to our country very shortly, and they wanted to know whether or not I’d like it back. And I said “absolutely, but in the meantime we have a bust of Churchill”.

So a reporter for Time magazine. And I have been on their cover like 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all time record in the history of Time magazine. Like it Tom Brady is on the cover of Time magazine, it’s one time, because he won the Superbowl or something, right? [laughter]. I’ve been on for 15 times this year.

I don’t think that’s a record, Mike, that they can ever be broken, do you agree with that? What do you think?

But I will say that, he said something that was very interesting: that “Donald Trump took down the bust, the statue, of Dr Martin Luther King”. It was right there. But there was a cameraman that was in front of it.

So Zeke – Zeke – from Time magazine writes a story about how I took it down. But I would never do that, because I have great respect for Dr Martin Luther King. But this is how dishonest the media is: a big story. And the retraction was like — was it a line? Or did they even bother putting it in?

So I only like to say that because I love honesty. I like honest reporting. I will tell you the final time: although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that had been trying to come in, because I am coming back.

We may have to get you a larger room. [laughter, applause] We may have to get you a larger room.

And maybe – maybe – it’ll be built by somebody that knows how to build and we won’t have columns [laughter] You understand that? We’d get rid of the columns.

I just wanted to really say that I love you. I respect you. There’s nobody that I respect more. You’re going to do a fantastic job. And we’re going to start winning again. And you’re going to be leading the charge.

So thank you all very much. Thank you, beautiful. Thank you all very much.

Have a good day.

I’ll be back. I’ll be back. Thank you.

The post Trump’s Speech At CIA Headquarters. One Could Call It Bizarre Or Maybe Something More (VIDEO) appeared first on RedState.


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    Total 33 comments
    • 2QIK4U

      Yes I was expecting them disbanded. Was very surprised he thanked the Clinton’s and Obama’s for being there.

      • Equalizer

        Circumvent the dishonest “fake news” industrial media complex, communicating directly.

      • Brandon

        I know why he thanked them…to embarrasses them! Trump is NOT STUPID!

        • Sean

          Just finished another video in celebration of Trumps Victory?

          All these protests, maybe you should All have protested the Murdering, Torture and Starvation Worldwide and the money spent on Bombs and other WMD on you’re fellow human beings and leveling they’re houses, hospitals, water and food supplies, chemtrail spraying and a soft kill along with trans-humanism, etc.

          maybe now, you can

          KILL FOR PEACE :lol: instead of helping those in need, at the risk of you’re own Life

          Re uploaded this one last night

      • Deputy Dawg

        Well I certainly hope that the election of Trump over Clinton is not merely another deception in this matrix of lies and deceit we citizens of the entire planet call reality. I suppose only time will tell.

        What came to mind is the story of Jonah. God sent him with a message for a corrupt city to repent within forty days or be destroyed. Although he was reluctant God delivered Jonah to complete his mission transported to the shores of the great city in the belly of a huge fish. This had significance because the populous worshiped a fish like entity.When Jonah was spit out on their shore bleached white from digestive acids with a message from God they all listened and in turn repented. God spared the city from His wrath.

        The moral of the story is that although certainly scripture is carved in stone where we are concerned, God Himself always reserves the right to change, alter or modify what has already been given based on His Will and purpose. With that said I want to remind readers I am apolitical. My support in not for Trump it is for honesty wherever, and whichever side it happens to fall on.

        My opinion is that President Trump, the deal maker is appealing directly to the good guys in the CIA with his arms wide open. I think he may have been providing that one segment assurance that he is behind them one hundred percent. He was speaking primarily to the real professionals in the agency, not the rouge element of the CIA who clandestinely operates terrorist groups, runs illegal drugs and have been involved in seditious acts against the American election process.

        President Donald J. Trump’s pledge of support will of course encourage many in the agency who have been riding the fence to commit to one side or the other. It was designed to inspire those who might have valuable secret intelligence in regard to the rouge elements of the agency to share. Believe me, this is a presidential commitment that so many honest patriots in the intelligence community have been patiently waiting for. I suggest that a house cleaning coming to the CIA real soon. I believe that was the real message Trump was sending!

        We can see through a number of recent events, like the Wikileaks email release of Hillary Clinton’s misbehavior and recent intelligence transgressions over false news that God is shedding a bright light on all that is done or concealed in the darkness. The cockroaches are about to start scrambling not only within the CIA but throughout the swamp of secret society. The wicked will be brought to their knees in repentance. That’s a promise!

        Glory to Yahweh, our Father in Heaven,

        A Student of the Word

        • Decode the World

          Very well said. The next meeting at the CIA will be to clean house, people will need to make a choice.

    • Anonymous

      Oh oh…He sounded like someone who just found out he has no control over them.

      • TuffENuff

        He received the “Yes, You Really Are Our Puppet” lecture and then, first stop, goes hat-in-hand to the CIA so they don’t JFK him after receiving instructions from CNN.

        “The media lies. I really love you guys.”

        Sure you do. :lol:

        • TuffENuff

          He received the “Yes, You Really Are Our Puppet” lecture and then, first stop, goes hat-in-hand to the CIA so they don’t JFK him after receiving instructions from CNN.

          “The media lies. I really love you guys.”

          Of course you do, Donald…. :lol:

    • apache5

      keep your friends close and your enemies CLOSER!!

      • Detergent

        This is applicable to some compartments within CIA that have apparently released false reports in an effort to sway the political scene. It certainly does not apply to the vast majority of those within the CIA. However, the small number of political enemies within CIA is real, and Trump is smart in keeping the CIA close.

    • Morgawr

      I was against Trump at the start, I thought he was a NWO plant, but he won me over, he’s got a habit of scaring me and loving the CIA is very troublesome, he has to be given a chance so I but it down to he loves the patriots in the CIA, and Iraq’s Oil is not America’s to keep now or ever and the, we might get another chance send alarm bells off, but despite his sometimes, silly statements I’m still behind him, I just hope he’s for real because if he turns out to be fake American patriots will have no choice but to take to arms and it’s going to make North VS South look like a family squabble.

    • Antique White

      trump must be playing possum :cool: cuz the cia is satan incarnation they will jfk trump and if not trump is one of them a antichrist globalists? we will see?

    • Anonymous

      I can say this for sure I am Super impressed by the energy Donald Trump won, step by step, a workers win. And hard work alone is worth how much in this the hierarchy? … nothing, a hand on the shoulder maybe. Whilst they in the upper echelon (Elysium) enjoy the fruits of it. That said, impressed.

      • Anonymous

        Go beyond oil, introduce “old” new technology not perpetual motion, not for free, just because it defy your rules of law, law of rules. it doesn’t mean it do not exist. It exist and we know it.

        • Anonymous

          The mystery is used to create “stupid” followers, and it got spinoffs all over, and when you catch one you understand it was not such a big deal.

          • Anonymous

            Yesterdays news always. If the Priesthood were benevolent then we not being here doing what we do, fighting for our lives.

            • Anonymous

              The system of many Kings and rising Kings will have to end, time for the new Kings to fight each-other. Basically.
              Probably Pope Urban VIII to blame? He lost the 30 years war, he put a fist in his pocket. Or the same plan been chewing from ancient times of the Pharaohs, they probably want us to think so.

    • Decleated

      The vast majority of people in our intelligence agencies are true patriots. The applause from the crowd was significant and indicative of the fact that most people there are truly happy to have new leadership. People need to quit letting the media create a fight between these agencies and the White House for political/agenda reasons.

    • Anonymous


      I hate the media also.

    • Enki

      Trump is a hypocrite and not a very wise guy. If he is to come clean and hand power back to the people he has to ban the catholic church and kill the federal reserve bank. Oh…he is deceptive, open your eyes!

    • Ideas Time

      The game is a foot. Trump is playing chess not checkers. He is getting the support of the rank and file employees now. Get it? There are a lot of good people who love America and are not the enemy and will turn on the masters when given the opportunity and they know they are safe and will be rewarded by the Trump administration.

    • Boo

      Trump can make some major improvements that will hand the power back to the states and people where it was always meant to stay so the community’s and individuals could maintain and grow the most advantageous controls over their lives. As it is, if we don’t start reducing Washington’s influence and power grabs we can look to country’s like Russia or worst China as a realistic snap shot into our own destiny. Nothing is ever perfect, but striving for the best answers and solid practical solutions is a start. We face our limits through division, we unite and we become limitless. It’s our choice.

    • Parjaroguy

      What in blazes do you expect him to say to them? I’m not going to take your crap? Seriously…

    • petebin

      Look how 300 CIA members in the room applauded and cheered him on.

      Now we know, he doesn’t have a beef with the CIA and vice versa. It was Bush/Obama/Clinton working together with the MSM to keep the CIA from Trump by giving the public another narrative that Trump was the bad guy.

    • Linuxmaster

      4 yrs of this idiot ?

      • Maggie

        we had 8 with odumbo… what’s your point?

    • Anonymous


      • moochie2

        Politico, what a joke. I don’t read their trash.

    • moochie2

      In other words, you can safely whistleblow to me.

    • Vahlsing

      Songbirds should President Trump tweet or not tweet?

      President Trump must keep tweeting what’s on his mind. We all heard his inaugural speech; it was not dark; it was short and to the point. The people need to hear the truth about his positions on the political policy front/future. This way the people can respond to his annotation tweet (or his future policy ideas tweet);
      …so that the public can respond by sending him a reaction tweet, or a long email (for/against) explanation, or a long (for/against) explanatory fax. Trump should set up a public website for the sole function for the public to respond to future political policy, (and before congress submits and votes on a certain issue). Trump could also post on this website a certain issue/political policy idea for the “we the people” to vote on including their comments/reasons why they voted nay or yea on the subject matter. Trump needs to stay real and not play in the hands of the mischievous politicos (news media and others).
      …otherwise, the “Hylic” pundits propaganda illusionist news media and others will overwhelm the public listener with their twisted deceptive information. The news media and others have their own “political agendas” to accomplish;
      …to spread uncouth uncivilized impolite meanness to give their listeners lessons on how to be a lying low-life with brusqueness behavior;
      …and to sell their own “political agendas” to the listener. –(don’t forget that the news media must sell advertising to pay for their salaries; boycott the advertiser that advertises on their program if you want to stop their propaganda)-(and the others raise money via charity means to keep their “political agendas” vigorous).
      The world has so much violence going on; and the news media and others are the attributors to this uncouth, disrespectful activity. We don’t get valuable information from the news media.

      It is 2017 the world’s people should be practicing the most impressive etiquette. I support peaceful protests/boycotts/walkouts/etc. to express political policy concerns. Protests against individual Trump is a too late election post-mortem;
      …and I noticed that many protesters are not supporters of our U.S. Constitution and are trying to sell their FASCISM; as they are trying to obstruct the free election process and our U.S. Congress’s obligations to “We the People”. FASCISM is a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor. The United States is a free enterprise/market system (an economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership); and President Trump is not trying to control business activities and/or ownership and/or you as an individual.

      …(“Edmund Burke claimed that man is unable to understand the many ways in which inherited behaviors influence their thinking, and so trying to judge society objectively is futile.”)
      …The U.S. is a mixed bag of personality types (a melting pot); and everyone has to acknowledge that. There will always be people born with negative personalities and will look at every prospect as a bleak concern. Trump should now start serious work on the avenue towards high-quality heath, prosperity, equality and freedom for all its citizens. Some people are worried and are expressing their anxiety via the protests. Trump needs to give them comfort and confidence that he will uphold our U.S Constitution and protect the needs of the people as a whole.

      Working in a job as U.S. President is a difficult work environment. You are bombarded with so many personalities and their demands and grievances wanting met now! –(like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum!). Pacifying whiners, moaners, complainers won’t be easy; as I said above there will always be people born with negative personalities and will look at every prospect as a bleak concern.

      President Trump is not a yes man to the bureaucrats. Trump is real and will do exactly what he says he will do. He is trying to enlist the best people to fill posts. Business people are very experience and excellent negotiators. I disagree with “Hylic” pundits and others about running a business and running the U.S. government is a different process and trying to sell us that there is something mysterious about it. Running a business and running the U.S. government is exactly the same. Both you have to run them within the confines of regulations, regulations, regulations! The only difference is that the U.S. government is a “charity” raising money by force via the taxpayer!
      …and think of the U.S. Congress as our board of directors that vote whether or not a certain subject matter is good overall for us.

      One thing that must happen in the near future is that at least one-half of federal government employees must be fired and for them to look for employment in the private sectors to increase generated taxes for the government; and some useless government agencies should be closed. Also, the government employees that are held to continue onward must have a “bloated salary” review. Some government employees are receiving salaries way above what the private sectors pay out for doing similar work. I also feel that our U.S Congress salaries should be slashed. Their salaries are way too bloated for what they do. They are always giving themselves raises and not raising Social Security annual benefits for the people living below poverty; and the old people that receive Medicare are out of luck because dental and vision are not included in this Medicare coverage. So when you look in the mouth of an old person don’t be surprise that they have broken rotting infected teeth if any teeth at all. This is a serious health issue as this can lead to other aliments to the body. And, if you see an old person tripping or crossing a street whereas the walk light timer is out of time because the old person didn’t see it clearly because Medicare doesn’t cover vision; or that they tripped over something for the same reason, shame on you bloated salaried U.S. Congress. We have public schools education system (education for all) paid for by the government; so we must create a full coverage healthcare system for all our citizens too. Obama’s healthcare was more bureaucracy and punishing people if they didn’t sign up. Plus, you can realize the many middlemen that are having a feeding $ frenzy with this type of Obama’s healthcare system. We need a “one” full coverage healthcare system by our government that covers everyone no matter if they are poor or wealthy, a veteran, a government employee, a private citizen, etc. A person should be able to get treatment for any issue, from any doctor or hospital. We have too many deals like separate healthcare for the vets, healthcare known as Medicare, healthcare known as Medicaid, Obama healthcare for income brackets. The United States must create a one full coverage healthcare system for all. By having a one full coverage healthcare system for all would cut out the middle men and save the government money in the long run. I know negative personalities will look at this prospect as a bleak concern until they are in dire-straits and over whelmed with an illness and then it will be too late for them. I am sure President Trump is thinking about this important issue. He is a foresight thinker and can realize what the United States will look like in fifty years and a one full coverage healthcare system for all is a must for the United States.

      My outlook in fifty years is that most of our products in the U.S. and elsewhere will be made by machines. Obviously, workers will be needed to build these machines and to watch over these machines. The building industry will still be active too. But in fifty years it also means that most of the population will not be working (money might not be used for buying). In fifty years we will start serious space travel but not by government entities because private investment will be making those risks. In fifty years many activities going on today will not be needed and phased out. In fifty years most of the population will use public transportation and private transportation as we know it today will no longer exist. So keep in mind that infrastructure projects today will have an effect on public transportation projects fifty years from now. Planning for the future is a necessity. In fifty years lifestyle is going to be uncomplicated and pleasurable for everyone. The military will have futuristic safer means for combating (subduing) world violence; and less men and equipment to handle these missions (no one will die from these war activities from the futuristic equipment the military uses). There could be semblance of world peace in fifty years.

      Another item that must happen soon is to review all federal contacts to analyze and scrutinize whether or not our taxes are paying for bloated prices. Our government has been squandering taxpayer dollars for years!

      President Trump is shaking up Washington for “We the People” on the first day as over fifty self-centered uncouth democrats didn’t attend the presidential inaugural. Vote them out, as they do not respect our U.S. Constitution.

      We the People should be playing the old Jerry Lee Lewis song –
      (“Whole Lotta Shakin Going On”)

      To President Trump, political campaigning is not needed now, you won! Don’t let dirty players under your skin;
      …keep up your tweeting acknowledging that the “Hylic” pundits propaganda illusionist news media are liars!

      …and President Trump please to get to work and have serious correspondence with the people of the United States and the World.
      …When you present yourself in front of a group of government employees or interact with concerned citizens’ talk about the issue that relates to them. Stay on track. I know you are an excellent listener and your personality love’s to express what’s on your mind to all walks of life; but you represent all of the citizens of the United States all of the time, even the citizens that are spilling hatred all over the place. You must understand that there are a lot of mean people on our beautiful earth that enjoy intensifying hate; they waddle in it. I want you to grow a thick skin so this hatred does not penetrate. Use soap to wash it off you; and move on to the future and its events.

      Jealous hatred is always present by strangers towards me as I make my way through any given day. You can’t imagine the crazy tongue wagging by these people (the most ridiculous ludicrous statements are said to me). I am eccentric and I learned as a young child to wear a thick skin as this bizarre nonsense and including stalking by strangers has been happening to me all of my life. I will give you an example what some stranger said to me recently. I don’t know this person from a hill beans and they have the gall to come up to me and say … “you should throw that stuff in the trash” … the stranger was referring to my food that I just bought and groceries cart of which is newish and serves it purpose when I take public transportation. This person was most definitely an addict because their eyes look like they were going pop out of their head. I don’t drink and I don’t smoke and I don’t take drugs. So, I could of replied to them something mean like … “well you should throw yourself in the trash” … referring that they are spaced out on some kind of addictive substance and worthless to anyone; but I did not say anything. I just ignored them and went on my merry way. Please President Trump think before responding quickly to your enemies. Remember, just because you are friendly to someone doesn’t mean they are your best friend.

      Look Beyond the Stars for Spiritual Guidance,

    • Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: [email protected]

      Why should dead CIA agents be considered heroes? If our country created laws against perjury, fomenting wars, destabilizing governments, engaging in torture, murder, assassinations, espionage and treason, and CIA agents begin engaging in those acts not for the American people, but for interests of global elites, banksters and multi-national corporations, how is it they are heroes when in fact they were merely caught committing crimes and punished accordingly? Is a CIA agent a hero if he died smuggling cocaine to a right-wing death squad killing nuns and priests in Nicaragua? You can’t claim high moral ground when you surrender all your morality for a CIA paycheck.

      The CIA has its hallowed wall of agents that memorializes those killed in the line of duty, but when the CIA provides false intelligence that wrongly leads a nation to war, or covertly supplies aid to terrorist groups that end up costing the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, where is their memorial? What stage prop do the innocent survivors of war have to stand in front of as they make their political statements and eulogize their dead family members?

      Please do not cite patriotism. As the old saying goes, “Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.” A vicious person is not only one who is unusually cruel and brutal, which CIA agents have been known to be, but a vicious person is also one who is full of vice. This is the literary definition of the term “vicious”.

      When the CIA started the School of the Americas, it served as a training ground for those who the CIA wanted to engage in torture and political assassinations on behalf of US foreign policy. Its graduates were as vicious as anyone could be in both meanings of the word. The death squads that came out of those schools engaged in the torture and murder of nuns and priests in Central and South America. As impoverished peasants politically organized mass democracy movements through the religious institutions such as the church, and the church leadership supported progressive democratic movements, the CIA and the individuals they trained carried out atrocious crimes that would have sickened Americans.

      The CIA’s next goal was to infiltrate the media and political establishment. The crimes and treason committed by the CIA is hidden from the American people thanks to the American media. The CIA bragged that it no longer needs to buy reporters, who the CIA said could be had for less than a cheap prostitute, because it now has people at the editorial and managements levels of all US major establishments post-Operation Mockingbird. While the US Legislature put and end to Operation Mockingbird back in the 70’s, our current national security state has expanded media manipulation far beyong what the CIA had ever hoped or dreamed. After conquering the US media establishment, the CIA then expanded globally and now gets is propaganda published by foreign media so that the US media can claim CIA propaganda has been verified by foreign sources. The once vibrant UK and German media has been reduced to a close approximation of the US media except that European citizenry were also bombarded with EU and NATO propaganda.

      The infamous failures by the CIA are far exceeded by its more mundane failures, failures that include not seeing the USSR’s collapse, not seeing the growth of ISIS, providing intel on Iraqi WMDs that did not exist, turning pro-US foreign forces into American-despising fanatics as CIA henchmen overthrew the democratically elected government of Iranian secularist President Mohammed Mossadegh, the engaging in torture on a global scale, and the destruction of the American political process. There is no longer any means of resisting CIA propaganda as all of this nation’s political and decision-making processes are all skewed and distorted so as to no longer serve as a means for which an informed democratic people can pressure government or make practical political decisions.

      We now see that CIA has become involved in domestic politics accusing Trump of being controlled by Russian blackmail and leaking a false dossier of Trump having had Russian prostitutes urinate on him. Next, the CIA, NSA and FBI all began “investigating” a baseless claim of contact between Trump and Russian campaign money. Before leaving office, Barak Obama took a slap at Hillary Clinton and admitted there was absolutely no basis in fact for any accusations that Russian intelligence services either hacked the DNC or affected the election outcome of election.

      Lastly, we need to view the CIA versus Trump battle and the US political establishment’s demand for deference by Trump to the CIA in light of the assassination of Robert and John Kennedy and a Washington political establishment that saw fit to have these treasonous crimes hidden from the American people for over 50 years without having issued a single protest.

      It seems the more we see that absolute power corrupts absolutely, the more we see the media and political establishment demand that Americans cede all of their sense of reason, morality, liberty and justice to the establishment regardless of its failures and abuses. American intelligence has now become and oxymoron and an international embarrassment. Dr. Ron Paul is right when he says that a secret organization with the CIA’s track record is an anathema to a free society.

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