Mr. Deep State Goes To Washington
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
James B. Comey:
Primo Agent of Deep State
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First Comey destroyed the rule of law;
then he set out to destroy a presidency.
— Longtime Political Analyst
(Photo by Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images)
The former FBI Director who became ‘more famous than’
the POTUS, and who the POTUS called a ‘showboat’ and ‘grandstander’.
Who the heck really is James B. Comey?
How does the FBI Director become more famous than the President of the United States… … … except by purposeful design.
Now, here we are again on Thursday, June 8, as the whole world awaits Comey’s live testimony before Congress.
Whenever Comey shows up at a public hearing in the capital the entire mainstream media (MSM) swarms like bees on honey.
Which begs the question: Who stirs the bees up into such a frenzy?
Primo Agent of Deep State
James B. Comey is perhaps the most visible face of the dark underbelly of Deep State ever to be trotted out on the world stage during prime time. The CIA agents on contract throughout the MSM just love this guy. Just why is that?
Where obvious Deep State pitchmen like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Lindsey Graham are supposed to be out there front and center 24/7, FBI Directors were meant to be rarely seen, and never heard.
That all changed — MAJORLY — with the inconvenient intersection of Emailgate and Hillary Clinton’s second run for the presidency.
Comey’s professional resumé is long and deep as a fixer, just as his political history indicates a strategically placed inside man.
Even a cursory look at Comey’s many dubious relationships will reflect “the ultimate inside man” hard at work during most of his career.
Such a political fixer and inside man can only be positioned by those who require absolute protection from law enforcement. That would be the countless overt and covert agents of Deep State.
Hence, only a prime agent of Deep State could be trusted to provide cover for the multi-decade crime spree that the Clinton crime family is notorious for. The Clinton Foundation alone once employed a veritable “Who’s Who” of Deep State agents many of whom are career criminals in the political realm and financial arena.
James Comey has a resumé that is quite interconnected with the Clintons, their foundation and their ongoing crime wave. The following excerpt comes from an exposé which captures only the tip of the Deep State iceberg as it catalogues the incestuous relationship between Comey and the Clintons.
“Comey is such a blatant criminal that we wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he is on retainer for the Clinton Crime Family through his associations with corporations who are major donors and supporters of the Clintons. Comey has covered up wrongdoing with Hillary’s Email server, the DNC “hacking”, Anthony and Huma Email Scandal, Lockheed Martin, HSBC, Bridgewater, etc., etc., etc. Comey has a long history of involvement in Department of Justice actions that end up favorable to the Clintons.”
The Saga Continues
The preceding link well delineates the broad and deep criminal history of James Comey; whereas the piece below describes the recent past.
Most of what Comey has done since the election of Donald Trump lies completely below the radar screen.
However, with each passing day, the dots have been slowly appearing on the radar. There are those who have been closely watching the screen and connecting those dots into a massive criminal conspiracy.
Others have painstakingly investigated the various reactions to the criminal conspiracy which has been apparently commandeered by Comey. The excerpt below, in particular, reveals the response by President Trump and his administration to Comey’s outright interference with the rule of law.
“James Comey is a poisonous snake of the highest order… a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start. He is as dirty as they come in DC. He had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump. Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens.”
(Source: Dropping the Hammer on Comey…Brilliant!)
This part of the Comey sage continues up to this very morning with the public testimony about to be given by the ex-FBI Director to the Senate Intelligence Committee. The questioning alone is guaranteed to be as explosive as it is radioactive.
Comey the Double Agent
There is one last perspective on the real James B. Comey. This unique take presents the outside possibility that Comey is a real live double agent.
In this highly improbable yet plausible scenario, Comey was set up from the very beginning to infiltrate the Clinton clan.
In so doing he did what no one else has done before—he got the goods on all of them.
What follows is a snippet from a political commentary which just may have several elements of truth in it.
“If, on the other hand, Comey was set up by the White Hats all along, he has nothing to worry about … except a Clinton hitman. While this is the most dangerous scenario for him, it also guarantees that Trump has the goods on all of them, for all crimes past and present. This would explain Comey’s picture perfect resumé as an elite fixer. How does a guy construct such an apparently ‘sanitized’ criminal history, at such a high level of operation, except by the deliberate intention to appear as a trustworthy “inside man”?”
(Source: Which side is the ‘fired’ FBI Director really on?)
In light of Comey’s startling letter to Congress — only 11 days before the 2016 presidential election — “saying he was reopening the Clinton investigation”, the foregoing possibility must be considered.
In any case, Comey is going to be on the wrong side of somebody at the end of the day.
“The Bottom line: No matter which side Comey is really on — with the patriots, with the globalists, or only in it for himself — he will ultimately have no choice but to turn state’s evidence.”
(Source: It All Comes Down To Comey)
State of the Nation
June 8, 2017
Trump greets Comey: ‘He’s become more famous than me’
The Latest: Trump calls Comey ‘showboat,’ ‘grandstander’
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
he is the deep state? LOL he is fired.
so the swamp is drained then.
Raise the mission complete banner! Deep state defeated
You mean like picking a member of the CFR, a subversive organisation to be a member of the supreme court….Gorsuch sp?
usually everyone on the president’s team shares a common goal, common beliefs and philosophies like obama had when he was president, when someone appears to have a personal agenda that does not represent the president and his goals that person gets fired and replaced with someone that the president can trust, whats so surprising about that, trump has to deal with thirty years of bush/clinton/obama bs
The only thing deep is Trumps ass after he gets a visit from KOBE. Deep state Trump. He is a bitch.
Trump to Comey:
Scaramouche! Scaramouche! Will you do the Fandango?
Reminds me of Freddy Mercury
Reminds me of Scaramucci.. haha..
The set up and the delivery..?
Hey CNN, Kerpow.
..only because that one came out today. Nevertheless, as said before, beware of cat. haha again.
“Timestamps and comments and events! oh my..”
Hey Millennium.. no credit for even this one??
Or for any of the manifold.. OK no matter, hah.
The meter of fandango is similar to that of the bolero and seguidilla. Wikitively speaking, As a result of the extravagant features of the dance, the word fandango is used as a synonym for “a quarrel,” “a big fuss,” or “a brilliant exploit.”
“No time for the old in-out, love, I’ve just come to read the meter.” – Alex DeLarge
Hey the next time you get pulled over for speeding just tell them you didn’t intend to speed. Then remind them that they have to let you go scott free. The same way Hillary was given a free pass on multiple FELONY charges!
It’s time that people stop putting up with selective enforcement of the law. In Texas if 3 or more people pool their money to buy dope they’re charged with an organized crime charge.
Why aren’t Comey, Rice, Clinton, Shultz, and Abedeen facing RICO charges?
Comey sounded like the biggest cry-baby testifying today
What a sad character he is.
LOL that is hard to beat with… ‘I won the popular vote’ Trump…
too bad everything he learned on the job is confidential
Comey’ FBI murdered LaVoy Finicum in cold blood so Hillary could get the BLM to steal his land and sell the Urainm ore on it to Russia.
It was surprisingly well balanced and they left out some gruesome, highly incriminating visual details as to how the feds behaved, such as wrangling cattle out into the desert where they died of thirst, so they spared us some of the disturbing images we saw as the stories unfolded on the Internet, but they did show the murder of LaVoy Finicum, who the feds shot three times in the back while his hands were in the air, and the terrorizing of the other three people in the vehicle that the feds shot at for several minutes and gassed.
independent news sources suggested that the illegal appropriation of land in the western states was most probably a case of the rogue federal government, in particular Reid and Hillary Clinton, who sought to sell it for their own purposes for the mineral rights i.e. gold, or uranium to the Russians via a Uranium One operation in Canada. I have a feeling Russia will not honour that purchase and will leave the lands as is.
What have House Republicans been voting on while you all were paying attention to this Comey distraction?
Looks like they voted for everything Big Banks wanted to have passed!
Oh but wait! I thought Trump wasn’t for big banks?!?
He couldn’t possibly be another puppet could he?
And you all couldn’t possibly be distracted by something he’s doing over here, while something else goes on over there, could you?
More of the same from the presidency.
He is a puppet whether willing or unwilling….it doesn’t really matter
But what’s going on in Dearborn.. Detroit ??? From the motor city madman:
“There’s only one alpha wolf, and that’s me.”
Better check that out.. haha…
..And now a “nugget” of a tune: