The Shocking Truth About Washington DC and Why Congress Gets Away With Murder. Why Every Member of Congress and Senate is Guilty of Treason
The Shocking Truth About Washington DC and Why Congress Gets Away With Murder
Why Every Member of Congress and Senate is Guilty of Treason
DC is a Separate and Autonomous State, Just Like the Vatican and City of London
Washington DC is The Greatest Political Deception in History
# Who owns Washington DC? “London, The District of Columbia and the Vatican.”
# DC has its own flag and own independent constitution. The Act of 1871 passed by Congress created a separate “corporation” known as THE UNITED STATES & corporate government for the District of Columbia. Thus DC acts as a Corporation through the Act. The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars (the 3 stars denoting DC, Vatican City and City of London).
# A look at the various treaties raises the question of whether the US remains a part of the British Crown colony. The basis of this goes back to the first Charter of Virginia, which in 1606 granted Britain the right to colonize America. It also gave the British King/Queen sovereign authority over colonized America and its citizens.
Colonized America was created after stealing America from the Native Indians. If America was colonized with British subjects, then these people are subjects of the British Government.
# To negate this was the Treaty of 1783 declaring independence from Great Britain. However, this Treaty identifies the King/Queen of England as the Prince of the United States.
Nevertheless, according to the Bouviers Law dictionary in ‘monarchicial governments’ a subject owes permanent allegiance to the monarch in which case the British subjects in colonized America owed permanent allegiance to the monarch.
The reverse is applicable under Constitutional law where allegiance is owed to the sovereign and to the laws of a sovereign government and natives are both subjects and citizens.
The issue is if a war was fought in 1781 and America became victor why would Britain need to sign a Treaty in 1783? When US has won a war, America should not require the British monarch to cede land and refer to himself as Prince of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States? There is also the issue of the use of the term ‘Esquire’ given that it is a title of nobility again showing allegiance to the Queen/King and when Benjamin Franklin, John Jay Esquire and John Adams signing on behalf of the US use the name ‘Esquire’ it is raising the question of how valid the 1783 Treaty is. John Jay went on to sign the 1794 Treaty between England and US raising again why 13 years after the Paris Treaty the US needs to sign a Treaty with England if US was really ‘independent’.
What needs to be further investigated is why US still continues to pay tax to the City if it is a free nation?
The 1794 Treaty signed between England and the US was negotiated by John Jay Esquire who negotiated the 1783 Treaty. The question is why would US need to sign Treaty’s with England 13 years after the Paris Treaty of 1783 declaring US independent? Why would Article 6 and Article 12 continue to dictate terms to an ‘independent’ America?
# The 1794 Treaty signed between England adds to the question why would US need to sign Treaty’s with England 13 years after the Paris Treaty of 1783 declaring US independent?
Did you know America when it cancelled the Charter of the First National Bank in 1811, 4500 British troops arrived and burnt down the White House, both Houses of Congress, the War Office, the US State Department and Treasury and destroyed the ratification records (signed by 12 US states). Why didn’t we learn this in history?
In 1913 the Federal Reserve was passed by US Congress handing over America’s gold and silver reserves and total control of America’s economy to the Rothschild’s. Don’t believe me, do some research. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system that does not belong to America or Americans, but more on that later.
There is no better time to question whether the USA is a country or a corporation? Who is the US President, Congress and Senators working for the Corporation or the American people?
REVEALED: The Secret that secret societies know … but you didn’t until now
AIM4Truth Jul 29, 2022
The Secret that the Deep State Never Wanted You to Know
It is a Secret that all the illuminati & Secret Societies share
(This may well be the Most Important Political Lessen you will Ever Learn)
You may have heard rumors, or what may have sounded like Crazy Conspiracy Theories. But Below You Will Find Proof:
(This Knowledge can Shake the Foundations of the Entire Global Political World)
See Below: Corporations Were Created to Replace Every Nation, State, County and City in the World
See Video Series Below:
Season of Treason – Full
Kurt Kallenbach
Many of those who attempted to Expose These Very Secrets were RUTHLESSLY MURDERED
The United States Civil Flag of Peacetime
School threatens 4th grader after she refuses pledge allegiance to the War Flag
Sep 17, 2009
The people of the United States actually have two national flags: one for our military government and another for the civil. Each one has fifty stars in its canton, and thirteen red and white stripes, but there are several important differences.
The Flag of Washington DC has 3 Stars
One for each of the 3 City States:
The Vatican
The City of London
Washington DC
(It should really have 4 to include the United Nations)
DC is a Separate and Autonomous State, Just Like the Vatican and City of London. Washington DC- The Greatest Political Deception in History
# The Washington DC Federal Government is a Fraudulent, Illegal Corporate Entity that is NOT PART OF The United States of America
Washington D.C. is not a state therefore it does not have a capitol
Is Washington DC considered a Country?
Washington, DC, isn’t a State; it’s a District. DC stands for District of Columbia. Washington, DC operates as a State while also performing functions of a City and a County. DC is treated as a State in more than 500 federal laws, without actually being a State.
The United States of America Consists of the Collective of States
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the Federal Government Registered in Washington DC
The United States and the Federal Government are 2 Separate Entities, 2 Different Countries.
Washington DC Does Not Follow Constitutional Common Law.
The Federal Government Has it’s Own Separate Law. Within the Confines of Washington DC the US Congress has Absolute Authority.
#Constitutional Law Does Not Apply to Politicians Within Washington DC.
That is Why Members of Congress can Lie Under Oath without Ever Being Prosecuted.
That is WHY Politicians and Federal Agencies along with the DC Police can Attack Innocent Civilians and Stage a False Flag INVAISION of the Capital Building.
That is why Innocent Prisoners can be Starved, Tortured and Beaten with Complete Impunity.
Congress could Demand the Release of the Jan. 6th Prisoners any time they Wanted.
But they don’t want that. Congress was after all the very ones who Staged the Jan. 6th False Flag.
#Congress and the Senate was NEVER MORE TERRIFIED than when over 1 Million Angry Patriots were standing on their Doorstep DEMANDING JUSTICE.
They needed to thwart America First Patriots from Demanding the Stolen Presidential Election be Fixed.
They Needed to MAKE AN EXAMPLE of Anyone Daring to Stand up for Freedom.
Now does that help to make things make sense?
The Illegal Quasi-Government
in Washington D.C.
The “Federal” Government is a Separate Nation
and should be called the United States, Incorporated.
The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C.
A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and for its own structural operation. The US government, which is on a ten acre parcel of property in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), outside the United States of America is a corporation that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which has no legal authority to do so.
This Awareness indicates that any action whereby this quasi-corporation known as the United States Federal Government attempts to make laws, to impose laws on the states or on the people that have not been authorized by the states of the people, operates illegally. This Awareness indicates that any of the states or the people who give their allegiance, and give their rights to such a quasi-government are doing so illegally. Anyone who volunteers to let such a foreign entity control their lives is volunteering their freedom away illegally, and this is where changes will soon begin to occur, and where entities will begin to recognize a breech in the relationship between the people, the states, and the quasi-government in Washington D.C.
The Federal government, which is foreign to the United States of America, which is located in the District of Columbia, which is not part of the United States and which is in fact controlled to a great extent by the international bankers and by the laws and rules of the United Nations, whereby this Federal Washington D.C. state or country, has set itself up as a control over the United States of America as a quasi-government
This Awareness indicates that elected officials residing outside of the United States of America in Washington D.C., are not actually employees or officials of the United States of America, or its rules. The states’ rules do not apply. The states’ Constitution does not apply to these entities in Washington D.C. because they are acting outside the country in this second nation known as the Federal government.
#This Awareness indicates in other words, the United States Federal government and the United States of America are basically two different countries, and the Constitution of the United States of America is not the law of the United States Federal government. Therefore, these entities cannot, while in the District of Colombia, be accused of treason. They are operating on behalf of the foreign bankers and their special interests.
The United States of America is:
A Constitutional Republic
The Federal Government of Washington DC is:
A Socialist Democracy
#The United States of Americas, Incorporated
#This Federal Government sees itself as a Democracy, whereas the original states of the Union were a Republic . This Republic is no longer recognized by the “Democracy” known as the United States of America.
It should be understood that “Democracy” essentially is majority rule, or what some call “mob rule,” and a Republic is a system of government that is focused on the right of each individual.
The rules are such to protect the rights of the individuals, not so much the mob or the majority, but of the individuals that make up the whole. This Awareness indicates that these things that most entities are not taught in their school or not taught through the news, through television or through the ordinary information sources of the country.
#It should be realized that the United States of America, Incorporated is dominated and controlled by 13 powerful banking families; the Rothschilds being a dominant influence, so that the laws are passed to help curb the freedoms of the states.
#Most of the laws of the Federal Government are essentially just Corporate Rules and Corporate Laws on the States who have become associated with the Federal Government, given there allegiance or otherwise bought into the Federal Government in Washington, D.C., a Corporation.
# The Government in Washington, D.C. is not set up to REPRESENT the States, but to CONTROL the States, as though they were Subordinate Corporations to this Greater Corporation.
#(This is WHY Every State, County and City Are All Incorporated. They are All Subsidiaries of the Parent Corporation in Washington DC)
#Originally, the laws passed were by consent of the states, but it has reached a point now where the Federal Reserve Bank has such power and loans to the states or programs for the states can be financed from Washington DC, the states sell out and go along with the Federal programs in order to get Federal money.
#This Awareness indicates that it has been a very slow and gradual take over of the states and their sovereignty and independence, so that the independence is more of a sham. The so-called independence day is a celebration that occurs each July 4th, more out of memory than out of actual reality of the present time. There is really very little independence. In fact, there is much talk of “interdependence,” meaning that the states are dependent on the Federal government, and the Federal government has some reliance on the state for its taxes collected from the people of the various states, and in this sense there is an interdependence. They each depend on each other.
The Oversight of the Founding Fathers
# This Awareness indicates this all came about by an oversight of the Founding Fathers, wherein the Rothschild lawyers and representatives recognized that the oversight was that Washington, D.C. government for the states had never actually been a part of the United States and therefore, they took over and created a corporation of this Federal government, making it a separate nation from the United states, and from that action began to move toward a gradual take over of the various states of the union through statutes and laws which the states bought into.
#(In order to Subjugate the States, Lawful Constitutional Law Based Upon Common Law, Fraudulent New Illegal Laws were Created Using Corporate STATUTES Based Upon Admiralty Law.)
The Law of the Land, was Replaced by the Law of the Sea
From Jackie Patru Sweet :
“Our Constitutional rights are under attack. While we sleep, local and state elected officials are legislating away our freedom by implementing federal legislation which does NOT apply — Constitutionally — to the several states. The President is acting as a king — issuing “decrees” called Executive Orders — which we are to believe overrides the Constitution for the United States of America, bypassing the system of checks and balances. Corrupt courts prosecute on false charges, ignoring the right to due process. To what may we attribute the impending death of our once great nation and the slave status of once-free Americans? Who is to blame for her state of bankruptcy and vulnerability?
We are, by our silence. Our lack of involvement is our acquiescence.”
# Corporations Were Created to Replace Every Nation, State, County and City in the World
P.L. Chang 8-17-2015
One of the greatest tricks that the New World Order (NWO) did to enslave the people of the world was to secretly create a corporate version of counties, cities, states, and countries.
By doing this, the leaders of the NWO and their minions were able to trick us to unknowingly agree to be “agents” or “employees” of these corporations through the use of fraudulent contracts (i.e., birth certificate, social security card, driver’s license).
The information in this article is more focused on the USA, because I am more familiar with the so called laws in the USA and the U.S. legal system.
If you do not live in the USA, you should still read this article for the reason that the same legal system that has enslaved Americans is the same legal system that has enslaved most people of the world.
The “laws” in the USA are not really laws; instead, they are acts and statutes of the United States, Incorporated.
In other words, they are rules and codes of a corporation. Like any corporation (i.e., Walmart, Target), you are NOT bound to the rules (acts and statutes) of the United States, Inc. unless you agree to be a citizen (“employee”) of this corporation.
The only laws you (the natural living, breathing person) are bound to are the Laws of Nature.
#Did You Know the United States is a FOREIGN Corporation?
Before I reveal the three different types of citizenship (citizen-ship or citizen of a ship) of the “United States”, I need to explain to you what the United States is, so that you know it is NOT a country.
When the U.S. government refers to the United States, 99 percent of the time it is referring to the corporation known as the United States, Inc. What you need to know about the U.S. government is that it is also a foreign corporation.
Some people claimed that the United States, Inc. was sold in 2013 and is now known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.
I have not found evidence to back up this claim, so I do not know if it is true. Be aware that the name of this corporation is written in ALL CAPS. If you know how the legal system works, you should know that when a name is written in all caps, it can change the meaning of that name.
For example, in legal terms “the United States of America” is not the same as “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.
The purpose of this is to trick you to think that they are the same thing. This process also applies to your legal name. The content in block quotation below will explain this process further.
It is extracted from my fourth seminar titled Word Magic and the Power of Words.
Law and Language – Geelong 2 May 2012 Part 1 santos bonacci
May 7, 2012
Do not be decieved by the appearance of Santos Bonacci
Everyone Needs to Understand This-
Law and Language – Part 2 Geelong 2 May 2012 santos bonacci
May 7, 2012
#In commerce, when you see a name written in all capital letters, it is a corporate name or a legal name, which is a corporation.
#The legal name plays a significant role in your life, because it is used by the government to identify the corporate you. Whenever you receive a government document issued to you, 99 percent of the time your legal name on the document is written in all caps.
#This is why your legal name on your driver’s license, social security card, and birth certificate is written in all caps.
#The process that allows the government to legally claim you as a corporation involves the creation of a fictional you, which is the name written in all CAPITAL LETTERS, and then tricking you to agree to be that artificial person or legal name.
This legal name was created shortly after you were born and was recorded on a bond. This bond that represents the date of your birth is known as your birth certificate.
#The birth certificate is actually a certificate of debt slavery which is why it is recorded on a bond. defines bond as,
“a contract by specialty to pay a certain sum of money; being a deed or instrument under seal, by which the maker or obligor promises, and thereto binds himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, to pay a designated sum of money to another.”
#Your legal name, which is used to identify you (the body of water or liquid), is written in all capital letters because it is a piece of liquidated capital or “cap-it-all.”
In other words, it has been securitized and turned into a financial instrument. Hence, the term “liquidated capital.”
To liquidate something is to sell it off entirely, or sell it to pay off a debt. It is called liquidated capital because you, the person who has been securitized, were born in the womb of your mother, which was mostly made of water (liquid). You are also mostly made of water. Because you are mostly made of liquid and have been securitized, you are considered liquidated capital.
The purpose of liquidating you is to turn you into “capital money.”
The word capital comes from the Latin word capitalis, which means “of the head,” hence “capital, chief, first.” It also comes from another Latin word caput, which translates to English as “head.”
When you really think about this process, you should know that the process of turning you into capital money or liquidated capital is their way of saying that you have a “bounty on your head.”
#Your birth certificate is the bond with your all caps legal name written on it, and therefore it is the financial document that has the value of the bounty on your head.
#This is why your birth certificate is traded on the stock market.
#By now you should know that the United States is a corporation.
#If you want proof of this, look at subsections 15 and 15(A) in Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this sentence, “‘United States’ means -(A) a Federal corporation”.
#What most people do not know about the United States, Inc. is that it is a FOREIGN corporation. Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is unknowingly or knowingly committing fraud against the American people. It is no different than what the agents of the British Empire did to the American people back in the 1700s.
#To be more specific, the politicians working in Washington D.C. and nearly every politician, judge, attorney, police officer, and government agent working throughout the USA are FOREIGN agents.
Because these government employees are foreign agents, DO NOT VOTE for any of them to represent you in office, including the president. If you do vote for them, you are committing TREASON against the Republic for the United States of America (the 50 union states).
Whether these foreign agents realize it or not, they are conspiring or helping the NWO and the Vatican to enslave the American people. As Americans, we have lost control of our government over a century ago.
This is what happens to a nation when its people become ignorant, take freedom for granted, ignore the actions of politicians, and do not study their history.
This is the video refered to by the Author above:
#The Three Different Forms of the “United States” and the Three Different Types of U.S. Citizenship
According to the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When… “An American Affidavit of Probable Cause,” the three different forms of the United States are the Continental United States, the Federal United States, and the Corporate United States.
#The Continental United States
In the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When… “An American Affidavit of Probable Cause,” it says that the Continental United States is “composed of now 50 geographically defined states and their living inhabitants.
#Each such state is a sovereign nation with jurisdiction of the air, land, and sea associated with it.
#Those born within the borders of these states are American State Citizens by birthright, having all the guarantees of The Constitution, and all their Natural Rights intact.
#They are also known as American Nationals.
In Title 8 U.S. Code § 1101 subsection (b) (iii) (M) (38), it says.
“The term ‘United States’, except as otherwise specifically herein provided, when used in a geographical sense, means the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.”
Be aware that the information in Title 8 U.S. Code § 1101 subsection (b)(iii)(M)(38), uses the lowercase “c” in the term “continental United States”.
In the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When… “An American Affidavit of Probable Cause,” it uses the uppercase “C” in the term “Continental United States”.
#When it comes to the legal system, a word spelled with a lowercase or an uppercase letter at the beginning of it can significantly change the meaning of that word.
For this reason, both of the sources may be referring to two different “United States”.
In Title 8 CFR 215.1 subsection (f), it says,
“The term continental United States means the District of Columbia and the several States, except Alaska and Hawaii.”
This sentence has the lowercase “c” in the term “continental United States”, so it is referring to the District of Columbia, also known as Washington D.C.
#What you need to know about Washington D.C. is that it is a foreign city-state run by the Congress as an oligarchy. Washington D.C. was founded by a powerful masonic secret society called the Colombians.
Hence the term “District of Columbia”.
#The Federal United States
The Federal United States is made up of 50 “Federal States” plus seven physical states, which are often thought of as federal territories, making a total of 57 Federal States. The 50 Federal States are fictitious entities because they exist only in our minds and on paper.
The 57 Federal States are inhabited by United States Citizens and all the people born in Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, plus military employees, federal civilian, African Americans, political asylum seekers, and welfare recipients.
#The Federal United States is a Democracy operating under the international Jurisdiction of the Sea (Admiralty Law). Be aware that the Democracy (the Federal United States) is not the same as the original USA, which is known as the Republic for the United States of America.
#United States Citizens are statutory citizens and therefore they are artificial persons (corporations) that have no rights, only privileges. Because of these things, United States Citizens are bound to the international Jurisdiction of the Sea.
#The Corporate United States
#The Corporate United States (UNITED STATES, INC.) is composed of 185,000 corporations and roughly 390 million corporate U.S. CITIZENS.
It is composed of “legal fiction entities”, including but not limited to C corps, S corps, LLC’s, non-profits, foundations, and trusts.
The Corporate United States operates similar to any corporation and is one of the largest corporations in the world. It is bigger than Walmart, Target, and McDonald’s combined!
#One important thing you need to know about the term “legal fiction entities” is that it means artificial persons. An artificial person is also a corporation, as stated in Black’s Law Dictionary 6th edition. In other words, U.S. CITIZENS are artificial persons or fictitious entities that only exist on paper.
#All these corporations (i.e., STATES, U.S. CITIZENS) are under the Jurisdiction of the Sea, which is based on Admiralty Law.
#Proof that the USA is Controlled by Corporations
#The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy.
#To make matters worse, every county, city, and state has a corporate version of itself. For example, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is not the same as West Virginia State.
# The PDF file (click below image) shows evidence that the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is a corporation. Be aware that this is not only limited to West Virginia. All the 50 states have a corporate version of themselves. This also applies to the cities and counties.
To find evidence that your U.S. state is a corporation, visit this website and do a search using these words “state of [your state here]“. If you want more specific information, you may need to order a company credit report from a credit report site, such as
Do you realize now that the USA is controlled by corporations?
#Have you ever wondered why the United States has a president and a vice president?
#Under corporate law, every corporation is required to have a president and a vice president.
The current president (Obama) of the United States is not the president of a country, but is the president of a corporation (United States, Inc.). As a result, he does not need to be born in the USA to be eligible to be president.
#All the U.S. presidents since George Washington were also presidents of the corporate “United States.”
#Proof that Nearly All United States Politicians are Traitors to the American People
The content in block quotation is an excerpt from my second seminar on Natural Law. It contains information that gives us some clue as to why nearly all United States politicians are traitors.
#Nearly all politicians in the USA are TREASONISTS, because they swore an oath to a privately owned foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES INCORPORATED.
#Washington D.C. or the District of Columbia is also a privately owned foreign corporation. Washington D.C. is NOT part of the USA, just like Vatican City is not part of Italy.
To find the evidence that nearly all politicians in the USA are treasonists, you need to be aware of Title 8 U.S. Code § 1481.
Under Title 8 U.S. Code § 1481:
#“(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality
#(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years
#(4) (A) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years if he has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state”
#In simple terms, once an oath of office is taken by an American citizen, his citizenship is relinquished and thus he becomes a foreign agent.
#This happens because he swore an oath to the foreign UNITED STATES INCORPORATED and the foreign organization that controls it.
Riezinger, Anna M., & Belcher, James C. You Know Something Is Wrong When… “An American Affidavit of Probable Cause“. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2015.
Season of Treason – Full
Kurt Kallenbach
Nov 8, 2012
Season of Treason History. Kurt Kallenbach’s website is here
Season Of Treason II America’s Cancer
Kurt Kallenbach Aug 16, 2019
Season of Treason III The King’s House
Kurt Kallenbach Aug 16, 2019
Super Woo Radio Episode 28 – Kurt Kallenbach – “Debunking The Law”
Kurt Kallenbach May 24, 2014
183- I Claim that I Am Alive 9 Months & then Born – I Am That I Am
Kurt Kallenbach interview by CROW777
Oct 24, 2019
208 – Are you Lost at Sea with a Ship of Fools?
Kurt Kallenbach interview by CROW777
Apr 2, 2020
Washington DC is Full of Psychopaths
For the history of the District of Columbia as a separate legal entity, see District of Columbia (until 1871). For other uses, see United States capital (disambiguation) and Washington (disambiguation). D.C., The District / 38.9101; -77.0147 ( District of Columbia)
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”″ title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
7 Facts about Washington DC
Jan 31, 2018
In this video you can find seven little known facts about Washington DC. Keep watching and subscribe, as more states will follow! Special thanks to Diana, who helped me out on this video. She has her own channel, so go check it out and subscribe:…
What Every American Should Know: Washington DC
JANUARY 24, 2021
# Washington, D.C., formally called the District of Columbia is also known as D.C. or Washington. It is the capital city of the United States of America, but did you know it is not owned by America?
The district is not a part of any U.S. state. In 1846, Congress returned the land originally ceded by Virginia. Yet we pay for all it’s infrastructure and commerce. Washington D.C. pays no taxes, though it is a capital city. Ironically residents of Washington D.C. lack a full self-governance. Representation in Congress is limited to a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives and a shadow senator. It took until 1964, Washingtonians to vote in the Presidential elections. It took until 1973 for the city was allowed to elect its own mayor.
# Who owns Washington DC? “London, The District of Columbia and the Vatican.”
# DC has its own flag and own independent constitution. The Act of 1871 passed by Congress created a separate “corporation” known as THE UNITED STATES & corporate government for the District of Columbia. Thus DC acts as a Corporation through the Act. The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars (the 3 stars denoting DC, Vatican City and City of London).
# A look at the various treaties raises the question of whether the US remains a part of the British Crown colony. The basis of this goes back to the first Charter of Virginia, which in 1606 granted Britain the right to colonize America. It also gave the British King/Queen sovereign authority over colonized America and its citizens.
Colonized America was created after stealing America from the Native Indians. If America was colonized with British subjects, then these people are subjects of the British Government.
# To negate this was the Treaty of 1783 declaring independence from Great Britain. However, this Treaty identifies the King/Queen of England as the Prince of the United States. (please refer
What needs to be further investigated is why US still continues to pay tax to a city, if it is a free nation?
# The 1794 Treaty signed between England adds to the question why would US need to sign Treaty’s with England 13 years after the Paris Treaty of 1783 declaring US independent?
Did you know America when it cancelled the Charter of the First National Bank in 1811, 4500 British troops arrived and burnt down the White House, both Houses of Congress, the War Office, the US State Department and Treasury and destroyed the ratification records (signed by 12 US states). Why didn’t we learn this in history?
In 1913 the Federal Reserve was passed by US Congress handing over America’s gold and silver reserves and total control of America’s economy to the Rothschild’s. Don’t believe me, do some research. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system that does not belong to America or Americans, but more on that later.
There is no better time to question whether the USA is a country or a corporation? Who is the US President, Congress and Senators working for the Corporation or the American people?
Excerpts From Anna Von Reitz:
“I can’t say it any plainer.” – Anna Von Reitz: “Washin gton, DC is a foreign entity.”
That THING [called] Washington, DC is a foreign entity.
It is allowed to exist under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of any Constitution (US or USA) that you can lay your hands on. Go read it for yourself.
No need to take my word for it.
#That Municipal Government is a plenary oligarchy run by the members of Congress – and it conveniently fails to say which Congress.
#There are four (4) Congresses possible.
First, there’s the Continental Congress which is a Congress of our States attended by State Deputies.
Second, there’s the Congress of the Federal Republic, which is supposed to be operated by our long-defunct Confederation of States of States.
Third, there’s the U.S. Congress, composed of “representatives” from the foreign Territorial State of State organizations that have been illegally and immorally commandeering our actual American Government since the 1860’s.
Fourth, there’s the Municipal US CONGRESS, composed of franchise operators of the Municipal United States – the aforementioned Municipal Plenary Oligarchy.
Not only have the foxes been in charge of the hen house and eating well for the past 175 years, they’ve been increasingly arrogant and corrupt about it, until we now fina lly find it necessary to wake up and take action.
Since the Municipality of Washington, DC, is an “independent, international city state” squatting on our shores, and its government is a “plenary oligarchy” run by the members of some unidentified “Congress” we are left with a gang of international criminals operating a pirate base on our East Coast.
Our options are to: (1) clean up our own mess and clear the vermin out of DC – which can’t be done by any electoral process thanks to computerized voter fraud; or (2) wake up our own populace and the rest of the world, and take more “effective action”.
I suggest that instead of blaming us for “the” US Debt, the other Creditors of “the” United States Municipal Government, join with us to put an end to it.
During dozens of shut downs of this infamous den of thieves, I have never noticed any significant harm to the General Public. Except for them conjuring up the “Covid 19” scare, there’d be no notice of their absence now.
We don’t need them. They don’t represent us. They don’t provide us with any service we can’t provide ourselves – and do it better. They are just noxious, self-absorbed, run amok subcontractors that can’t keep their hands in their own pockets.
Is Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital or capitol?
Originally Answered: Is Washington DC the nation’s capital or capitol?
Washington D.C. is the U.S. capital.
By law, Congress rules Washington DC directly – and ALL of them count as representing the District (contrary to the various morons that talk about DC not being represented in Congress, it is BY FAR THE MOST REPRESENTED part of the country).
Congress has chosen to pass laws allowing for Washington DC to have it’s own government, act ing in the name of Congress by authority of Congress.
Washington D.C. is not in any of the 50 states because it is not a city but a 68 square mile federal district created by congress on July 16th, 1790.
Is Washington D.C. a U.S. territory?
Washington D.C. is not a U.S. territory in the way that Puerto Rico is (complete list of the U.S. territories). It is a federal district, as we mentioned.
In fact, no United States territory is located within the borders of the U.S. They are all found outside of the country.
In the simplest form of the word “territory”, meaning “an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state”, yes D.C. is controlled by the federal government of the U.S. But again, D.C. is not an official United States territory.
What does District of Columbia mean?
The D.C. in Washington D.C. stands for “District of Columbia”. Columbia is the feminine form of Columbus, referring to Christopher Columbus, the founder of North America. So, Washington D.C. was named after George Washington and Christopher Columbus.
(This is a LIE. DC is named after the Pagan goddess Columbia, Ishtar by another name)
By law, Congress rules Washington DC directly – and ALL of them count as representing the District (contrary to the various morons that talk about DC not being represented in Congress, it is BY FAR THE MOST REPRESENTED part of the country).
Congress has chosen to pass laws allowing for Washington DC to have it’s own government, act ing in the name of Congress by authority of Congress.
Washington D.C. is not in any of the 50 states because it is not a city but a 68 square mile federal district created by congress on July 16th, 1790.
Is Washington D.C. a U.S. territory?
Washington D.C. is not a U.S. territory in the way that Puerto Rico is (complete list of the U.S. territories). It is a federal district, as we mentioned.
In fact, no United States territory is located within the borders of the U.S. They are all found outside of the country.
In the simplest form of the word “territory”, meaning “an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state”, yes D.C. is controlled by the federal government of the U.S. But again, D.C. is not an official United States territory.
What does District of Columbia mean?
The D.C. in Washington D.C. stands for “District of Columbia”. Columbia is the feminine form of Columbus, referring to Christopher Columbus, the founder of North America. So, Washington D.C. was named after George Washington and Christopher Columbus.
(This is a LIE. DC is named after the Pagan goddess Columbia, Ishtar by another name)
Is Washington DC a separate political entity from the individual states, and if it is, how is it run as a city?
Yes, the District of Columbia is separate from the states that border it (Maryland and Virginia). Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says Congress has the power:
To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States
So Congress has the legal authority to establish the law for the District of Columbia. If Congress were so inclined, it could pass a law saying that ducks have to wear long pants.
In 1973, Congress passed a law establishing home rule for the District. Citizens of the District elect a mayor and District Council. The D.C. government function s as something of a combination of a city and state government — in addition to handling typical city responsibilities like police protection and trash collection, the District government handles typical state responsibilities such as registering automobiles and licensing drivers.
However, Congress can and sometimes does override the District Council.
The District of Columbia is separate from the states. It’s governed by an elected mayor and city council. DC has one non-voting Representative in the House but no Senators. However, it does have three votes in the Electoral College.
In the past, DC, while self-governing, was subject to budgetary oversight by a committee in the House of Representatives.
Most of the answers so far miss the most salient point about “ruling” or governing a major city. That is, that power lies with who controls the purse strings. This Washington Post article from May 5, 2016 - Five Myths about DC home rule- explains a lot of misunderstood facts about the DC budget, where its’ revenue comes from and who ultimately controls the city’s expenditures. (Hint: it ain’t the taxpaying citizens of D.C.)
Here is a short excerpt to get you started:
The District of Columbia operates a $13 billion budget, but it can’t technically spend that money without approval from Congress. District residents have been voting for their own mayors and legislators for more than 40 years, but representatives from the hinterlands are still allowed to weigh in on how the city conducts its business,
# thanks to language in the Home Rule Act of 1973 that treats D.C.’s budget like that of a federal agency.
Voters in 2013 approved a ballot measure claiming self-determination over their local budget, which survived a court challenge and was endorsed by President Obama, clearing the way for the city to enact its first budget without federal hand-holding. But local control was dealt two setbacks this past week: A House committee passed a bill blocking the budget-autonomy measure, which Republicans say violates the Constitution. The same day, a federal judge struck down the city’s concealed-carry gun laws. There may be a constitutional case for Congress’s power over the District, but it’s often defended with inaccurate rhetoric and myths about the city. Let’s dispel some of them.
#In the Constitution the Federal Government is limited in land … 10 square miles and forts and ports…. not that that ever stopped them from claiming 75% of the Western half of the country….
#To simplify – it’s a city without a state operating quasi -independently under the rule of Congress.
There is self rule, but unlike states who are independend of the Federal governmant, Congress can take away self rule any time. Congress can pass laws that supercede anything the District has passed, and does have a history of doing so and threatening to do so. It’s like a parent “giving freedom” to a child but reasserting control whenever something starts happening that you disagree with.
According to my husband, who works for the DC Division of Taxation, Washington is a separate entity unto itself. It has its own police force, firefighters, public schools, government at the district level, and its own borders separating it from surrounding states. It functions as an independent state despite being literally only a “district;” it is no more governed by the federal government of the United States than any other big city is. For example, if Dumptruck throws a big enough temper tantrum about his stupid border wall and shuts down the government, my husband’s job would not be affected because he works for the District of Columbia, not the federal government, and DC and the federal government are two separate bodies. DC also has a court system independent of the government’s, as well as all conceivable city agencies.
Where in the United States Constitution does it provide for the creation of Washington D.C. as the country’s capital? on-D-C-as-the-country-s-capital
Section 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution provided for a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of U.S. Congress. The Residence Act of 1790 called for a national Capitol to be established at a site along the Potomac River.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17:
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–AndArtI.S8.C17.1 Power over the Seat of GovernmentArtI.S8.C17.1.1 Power over the Seat of Government: Historical BackgroundArtI.S8.C17.1.2 Power over the Seat of Government: Doctrine and PracticeArtI.S8.C17.2 Power Over Places Purchased
On July 16, 1790, Congress passed the Residence Act, a law that permitted President George Washington to select a location for the nation’s capital and to appoint three commissioners to oversee its development. l
In 1802, Congress abolished the Board of Commissioners, incorporated Washington City, and established a limited self- government with a mayor appointed by the President and an elected twelve-member city council.
# In 1878, Congress passed the Organic Act providing for three presidentially – appointed commissioners, payment of half of the District’s annual budget with Congressional approval, and any contract over $1,000 for public works.
#Congress passed the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act in 1973, establishing the current system for an elected mayor and a 13-member Council with legislative authority with restrictions that can be vetoed by Congress.
When Europeans first arrived in what is present-day Washington, D.C. in the 17th century, the area was inhabited by the Nacotchtank tribe. By the 18th century though, Europeans had forcibly relocated the tribe and the region was becoming more developed. In 1749, Alexandria, Virginia, was founded and in 1751, the Province of Maryland chartered Georgetown along the Potomac River. Eventually, both were included in the original Washington, D.C., District.
The Residence Act
In 1788, James Madison stated that the new U.S. nation would need a capital that was distinct from the states. Shortly thereafter, Article I of the U.S. Constitution stated that a district, separate from the states, would become the seat of government. On July 16, 1790, the Residence Act established that this capital district would be located along the Potomac River and President George Washington would decide exactly where.
The Organic Act Officially Organized the District of Columbia
Initially, Washington, D.C. was a square and measured 10 miles (16 km) on each side. First, a federal city was constructed near Georgetown and on September 9, 1791, the city was named Washington and the newly established federal district was named Columbia. In 1801, the Organic Act officially organized the District of Columbia and it was expanded to include Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria
The War of 1812
(US Bankruptcy Caused the War of 1812)
In August 1814, Washington, D.C. was attacked by British forces during the War of 1812 and the Capitol, Treasury and White House were all burned. They were quickly repaired, however, and governmental operations resumed. In 1846, Washington, D.C. lost some of its areas when Congress returned all District territory south of the Potomac back to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
# The Organic Act of 1871 then combined the City of Washington, Georgetown and Washington County into a single entity known as the District of Columbia. This is the region that became known as today’s Washington, D.C.
#Washington, D.C., Is Still Considered Separate
Today, Washington, D.C., is still considered separate from its neighboring states (Virginia and Maryland) and it is governed by a mayor and a city council.
# The U.S. Congress, however, has the highest authority over the Territory of Washington DC and it can overturn local laws if necessary.
In addition, residents of Washington, D.C. were not allowed to vote in presidential elections until 1961. Washington, D.C. also has a non-voting Congressional delegate but it does not have any senators.
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You go girl but if you are Christian you are a stranger and a pilgrim in this world and we are not to make any oaths so don’t pledge to either flag.
I wish I thought you shamed the teachers and all but they have no shame.