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David Nino Rodriguez Live - Tucker Goes Nuclear America Outraged! MSM Goes into Full Panic Damage Control! - Video

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Never give up and always show up. That was the early life-lesson heavyweight boxer David “Nino” Rodriguez most attributes the success of his career to. Of his 36 professional bouts, he has an impressive record of 34 KOs with 24 of them being in the first round, a number that relieved Mike Tyson of his legendary first-round record.

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    Total 11 comments
    • JoeXiden

      The hunters become the hunted.

    • feral pa paw

      Nino needs to use some Visine . The weed he smoking before the show is giving him the red eye pretty bad. They have already shut Tucker down and the American People aren’t going to see the truth. The Marxist that now control this Government aren’t in panic. They are angry they got caught and will resort to violence and terrorism if we don’t stop them. Nothing more nothing less.

    • Babs

      This guy is creepy 😳 Whats with those hands anyway?

    • Jen the pen

      This clown nino got hit one too many times in the head, smdh this dirty ass immigrant cunt. Immigrants are the reason Amerikkka so fucked up, immigrants and negros are enemies, white Amerikkkans let so many immigrants over here now Amerikkka is done done, why are immigrants running for public offices yet they cowards in there home country, how you leave your home country and start begging for rights in another country. Asian people are the biggest jokes of all the races, nobody like Asian people

      • SnakeEyes40

        Another racist, idiotic comment from the person who wants to blame every other race on Earth…but never look at their OWN. Like it or not, 90% is being committed by 13%. YOUR 13%.

        • truck driver

          Black eyes like a bird guy that wear’s sunglasses all day called me annonoki

        • TEKILLYA

          Another stupid liberal crying racist. Look at crime statistics, education and welfare. These losers do nothing but leech off the backs of hard working Americans of all races. Ditto on their cowardness. Running instead of fighting tp build up their own country like our ancestors did. They are weak plain and simple, let a civil war start, you think they have a chance.

    • GardenGal

      Thanks Nino.

    • HawkBowler

      Nino: ‘Man I would love just 30 seconds with this guy in a phone booth.’

      Showing your age, David. Trying explaining the concept of a phone booth to somebody under 35 years old.

      Really, when U think about it, our world hasn’t changed much since the pre-smart phone takeover. We’re still living in the same type of housing, similar cars that need to be replaced, airplanes that don’t move any faster. The only technology improvements we’ve seen since then are digital, social, computerized black screens. Otherwise, we’re still living in the 1980s with higher inflation, debt and standards of living.

      How would U like 30 seconds in a phone booth with the people who planned and successfully carried out this farce?

      First we have to defeat them on the black screens. That’s there only control. They want us divided and isolated and glued to the screens that they control. And so they can do what?

      It’s not an info war it’s a MINDWAR 82. Mel K briefly mentioned this work in one of her recent interviews. Written by Satanist Aquino(spel?)… she has a link on her web site to his paper, about 13 pages long, it’s worth reading. It’s the next level of PSYOP, where the powers-that-be decide to create war by changing public opinion to their narrative. It doesn’t matter what is said to achieve this purpose. The reason is that it’s better than guns and bombs and people dying. Everyone conforms to the right way of thinking and no-one needs to die.

      • HawkBowler

        There’s a Star Trek episode in which Captain Kirk and Spock beam themselves down to a planet where the nations and rulers have decided to conduct civilized war. Unlike traditional war, those in control play out their war games through strategy and computers, and when the results come in – the casualty count, people are informed that they’ve died in the war and they need to report to their local vaporizing location. And they all do so willingly to prevent the greater hardship of society as a whole.

        This of course drives Kirk nuts. He needs real war and destruction and pain to justify the conflict. What’s the point?

        But isn’t that what we’re experiencing with this info MINDWAR that’s been raging for many years now? We don’t see the normal signs of war… the destruction of civilized development, the total disruption of the normal way of life. The pain and agony of war. And yet most the awaken know that we are already at war. Casualties are numerous and yet it’s like that Star Trek episode where people willingly go along with the plan.

      • HawkBowler

        MINDWAR 107
        (is the conflict we are engaged)
        we are in the third month of year twenty three.
        and yet…
        TIMING IS EVERYTHING 233/107

        “The Military is the only way.”

        What is the MILITARY 107?

        More direct, who is BLUE WATER?

        Hint: he is a general
        *name rhymes with Mork Smiley

        Not to be confused with DAVID NINO RODRIGUEZ 107 (fully reduced)
        The original 107.. MDR… MARVELOUS WIZARD OF OZ!

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