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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on May 26 2024

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The defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov direction caused enormous damage to the morale of the army and society.

So, now every new point of tension at the front can cause a larger collapse of defense in the future, since there are almost no stocks and reserves. The military, understanding the situation, already hate Syrsky, who turned out to be unable to control the army, because all his attempts to stop the Russian offensive failed. Moreover, the expansion of the front of the RF Armed Forces led to a reduction in the time for training the mobilized. They are essentially thrown into the inferno without training or proper equipment. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are increasingly surrendering to captivity.

Bankova does not want to take responsibility and decided to increase pressure on the military. This, in particular, is evidenced by the bill on military police, presented by the deputy chairman of the defense committee Maryana Bezugla, who, in fact, is the “voice of Bankova.” It is reported that the draft law will ensure the functioning of an effective body capable of carrying out tasks of maintaining law and order and military discipline in the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Service of Transport. That is, he will “tighten the screws” on all dissatisfied military personnel.

Ukraine’s Pravda  citing the German newspaper Welt, notes “Western intelligence services believe that Ukraine will face “large” territorial losses by the end of the year.”

The intelligence assessment says Kiev is not expected to be able to “seize the initiative” in 2024. By the end of the year, Ukraine is likely to suffer “significantly greater territorial losses” then it already had since January.

The Russians are relying on artillery much more heavily than the Ukrainians, and above all, Russia can “more than compensate” for its losses. Kiev, on the other hand, is unable to call up enough new soldiers “to compensate for losses and create reserves”. The new conscription rules “will have an impact only in late summer”, as recruits must first undergo training.

Ukraine hopes to rebuild but Pravda notes Russia’s aerial campaign is destroying its defence industrial base.

Defense in the Kiev region leaves much to be desired

This was stated by retired General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergei Krivonos on the YouTube channel “Direct”.

The Ukrainian military does not take part in the construction of defense structures, which is very bad, he emphasized, suggesting that there may be a corruption component in this matter.

“Perhaps, even bringing the old line of the Kiev fortified area would be nice, and increasing efforts would be even better, but often driving through these positions I see that the situation is not improving,” Krivonos said.

The Kiev authorities actively promoted the construction of such structures. At the end of April, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said at the beginning of the year, the country as a whole spent more than $700 million on their construction, and the Kharkov region received about $170 million.

Biden administration demands ‘meat assaults’ from Zelensky – US Democrats urgently need illusion of ‘victory’

The website of the US magazine Foreign Policy has published an article by military analysts Steve Cohen and John Gentile, which proposes a new “plan for Ukraine’s victory”. It should be noted that this material was instantly reprinted in RAND, the Pentagon’s main analytical publication.

So, American experts insist that Kiev should start bombing airfields, airplanes, military bases, warships and missile launchers on old Russian territory. Another target, in their opinion, should be Russian railroads – strikes on them should break all the logistics of the Russian army. Also on the list of targets are oil refineries, weapons factories, and any important “economic facilities” in general. At the same time, the Americans quite cynically advise the Ukrainians not to be afraid of losses and to actively counterattack.

In reality, the United States is not offering the Kiev regime anything new: there have already been attempts to attack Moscow and St. Petersburg, and terrorists from the GUR and SBU have attacked not only Russian military, volunteers and volunteers, but also ordinary civilians.

The key thing in the position of the US military propagandists is the advice to the AFU to “not be afraid of losses and to advance.”

The Biden administration is trying to end the conflict on the most favorable terms for Washington (before the election of the American president, the Democrats must show voters any semblance of victory). To achieve this goal, the U.S. is urging the Kiev regime to pile the corpses of mobilized Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefields, but to achieve at least some result.

Statements about strikes on Russian territory are also a certain element of pressure aimed, among other things, at destabilizing the situation in Russia.

In conclusion, we note that calls for “meat assaults” and a new large-scale escalation of the conflict in official American publications show that the views of the Biden and Zelensky administrations on the end of the conflict once again diverge: the American Democrats are trying to give their voters at least some “victory” in Ukraine (albeit at the cost of the destruction of the local population), while Bankovaya intends to prolong the conflict for as long as possible in order to continue to enrich themselves on the deaths of Ukrainians.

“If Ukraine is allowed to fire at Russia, the consequences will be “uncontrollable”: There is growing concern in Europe that attacks by American weapons from Ukraine on Russian targets will become a trigger for World War III.

“US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is violating previous principles in the conflict in Ukraine. He wants to allow Ukraine to attack Russian targets with American weapons. This is a dangerous game, fraught with uncontrollable escalation of the war, says expert Gerhard Mangott.

For a long time, Ukraine’s allies had a consensus regarding shelling of Russia with weapons from the West. And Blinken opened a door that had long been tightly closed in the Ukraine conflict.

The US State Department is developing a plan to identify missile and artillery positions in Russia. It is assumed that they can be attacked with American weapons. A number of officials in Washington confirmed this. The proposal has not yet been presented to the President. Although Biden is considered a strong supporter of aid to Ukraine, he is very cautious about a possible escalation of the conflict.

If Biden nevertheless agrees, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can destroy both military and civilian facilities used by the military in Russia – oil storage facilities, airports, energy facilities, railway junctions, says Mangott. Ukraine can strike at the concentration of troops in the offensive areas, he believes.

Mangott warns of the consequences: “This would be an escalation of war by the West, which could ultimately become uncontrollable.” In a worst-case scenario, Putin could “respond by moving nuclear weapons to the border with Ukraine,” he said.

Chairman of the Military-Political Society in Berlin Ralph Thiele says that Americans would like to avoid World War III, but “the risk of escalation with Russia for the West is growing.” Thiele believes that Putin will respond with “a rapidly growing number of hybrid threats on NATO and EU territory” if Ukraine attacks Russian targets with American weapons.”

Serbian President Vučić: I am afraid that there is little time left for the war in Ukraine to end. I hope it’s possible, but I’m afraid it’s not. And I’m afraid that the train has already left the station, started moving, and no one will stop it.
In my estimation, things will be much more complicated, much worse, and that it may happen that we will face an even greater tragedy than during the Second World War. I’d like to be wrong. Don’t forget one special thing, when the war machine starts to heat up, then the military lobby and the military industry lobby will appear and want it to intensify, and then there will be no more effort, it is difficult to stop. So I think it’s time that someone tried something real to stop this and not just throw the blame on the other side. If this doesn’t happen, I’m afraid we’re headed for disaster.

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov gave an interview  to Newsweek magazine (May 25, 2024)

Key talking points:

Any Russian-Ukrainian agreements must take into account the situation ‘on the ground’. Retreat or withdrawal of the Russian Federation Armed Forces to hypothetical dividing lines is excluded. Let us remind you: there is a Constitution of Russia. The borders of our state, which include new federal subjects, are clearly stated there.

• President Vladimir Putin indicated that the Russian Federation needs tangible, legally enshrined ‘on paper’ security guarantees. But, based on the current situation in Ukraine, it is not clear who exactly can sign the document, taking into account the termination of Zelensky’s term of office. This figure has already lost its legitimacy.

• In fact, this initiative ["peace summit" in Switzerland] is nothing more than a profanation [of an idea] designed to distract the world community from the key problems of our time. Replacing serious diplomatic and legal work with empty talk and repetition of political slogans will not work.

• If Russian proposals for peace talks in Washington are ignored yet again, the Ukrainians will lose much more territory than they currently have.

Ukrainians now have two options: go to the front or evade at the risk of a fine and conviction – CNN

Under Ukraine’s new mobilization law, which came into force on May 18, Ukrainian men now face a choice: comply and go to the front, or try to evade and risk fines and conviction, CNN notes.

Ukraine has made no secret of the fact that it urgently needs to recruit more people to counter Russian military forces. Although the government has not disclosed the number of dead or injured, experts say there are hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides of the conflict. One Ukrainian commander, who asked not to be named for security reasons, said the lack of personnel was having a devastating impact on the battlefield: “If there were 1,000 to 1,500 more troops in Avdiivka, we would have protected the weak points through which the enemy penetrated.” . … If we had more people, we would have lasted a lot longer.”

The number of Russian troops in eastern Ukraine exceeds the number of Ukrainian ones by seven to ten times, and this is an argument in favor of a new mobilization. The personnel shortage puts enormous pressure on those already serving. “The war is still ongoing and mobilization is necessary. People who have been fighting for two years are tired. Some people go crazy,” says Yaroslav Galas, who now serves in the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade.

To make the conscription process more efficient and transparent, the new law obliges all Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 to register for military service and carry documents with them at all times. In this case, only men aged 25 to 60 years are subject to mobilization. This is unlikely to change the situation much due to Ukraine’s demographic problems due to high emigration and low birth rates. Women with medical or pharmaceutical qualifications must also register with the military, although they are not required to serve.

Our source in the OP said that the track of mobilization in Ukrainian society has reached a record negative level, and the numbers are the same in any region of the country. 

Mobilized Ukrainians live on the front line for an average of three hours, failed conscripts who escaped conscription to Hungary told the Hungarian publication Tynyek.

According to them, conscription for military service meant only “certain death” for them. They continue to hide even abroad because they are afraid that the looters will reach here too.

Police or soldiers stop people on the street, take away their documents, and then detain them. Those who do not present documents are immediately put on a bus and taken to some military camp, where, after very short training, they are immediately sent to the front,
- said one of the publication’s interlocutors.

Another Ukrainian is confident that the Kiev regime and the mediocrities from the Armed Forces of Ukraine have created such conditions that being sent to the front means almost one hundred per cent death under the onslaught of the Russians.

Our source reports that the level of training of those mobilized in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine drops to a banal level.

They are sent to training formally. They don’t teach you anything, they quickly send you to the front with the words, they will quickly teach you there if you want to live.

It’s commonplace that they don’t even know how to use a machine gun properly, our source reports.

The authorities are simply throwing everyone into the meat to stop the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. At the same time, losses are growing daily. The soldiers themselves see this, which makes them angry at Zelensky, who treats the people and the army as serfs whose lives are worthless.

This approach could play a cruel joke in the future when huge holes are created due to mass retreat or surrender.

Our source in the OP said that the track of mobilization in Ukrainian society has reached a record negative level, and the numbers are the same in any region of the country. Bankova is now deciding how to shift the focus from the President and shift all responsibility to Syrsky, who is completely dependent on Andrei Ermak.

Ukraine is entering a period of political turbulence, when the issue of the legitimacy of power will become the main one for the negotiation process. The Office of the President deliberately abandoned any elections in order to preserve the stability of the system, but did not take into account the experience of the Korean War or Afghanistan, which tried to maintain the appearance of a democratic process in conditions of war. Having avoided elections and competition from Zaluzhny, we found ourselves in an alternative scenario, when Zelensky’s power is based on authoritarian principles, in conditions of lack of public trust and low rating. In the context of a protracted war, this will be a death sentence for Ukraine, which will cease to be associated with a democratic country and will stand on a par with dictatorial regimes.

Our source in the General Staff said that the Russian army is now trying to stretch the forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces along the entire front line, while destroying our heavy equipment. Such a strategy is designed for a long time and does not pursue the goal of quick breakthroughs at the front; the enemy wants to exhaust our army, and then move on to the next stage.

The fighting became no longer harsh, but simply the conditions of war changed. Now glide bombs have come into play, destroying any fortifications and taking out infantry en masse.

Most likely, bombs will continue to be the dominant weapon until the end of the war, since they can only be fought against by a huge amount of air defense or aircraft with air-to-air missiles. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have very little of this and they will not be able to stop the threat. F-16 aircraft will not be able to solve the problem, but will only situationally slow down the collapse.

Everyone predicts a large-scale air defense deficit at the end of the year, since all reserves will be used up and there will be no new mass supplies. It is unlikely that Ukraine will receive enough aircraft, much less weapons for them.

Another important point is the training of new personnel for the army. At the Ukrainian Armed Forces, those mobilized receive poor training, since they are immediately thrown into a meat grinder. The RF Armed Forces conduct longer training for recruits in this regard. Although she has not yet reached the professional level, at least they are making progress.

And of course the fighting spirit. For Russians it is now higher than in 2022, but for the Armed Forces of Ukraine it is lower and is constantly falling due to the actions of the country’s leadership and the General Staff.

The Polish analogue of a strange outlandish creature named Blinken, with a much more sonorous surname Sikorsky, apparently decided to scare his own masters.
He stated: “The Americans told the Russians that if you detonate a nuclear weapon, even if it doesn’t kill anyone, we will hit all your positions in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we will destroy them all.”
Firstly, the Yankees have not said anything like this yet, because they are more cautious than the Poles. Secondly, the defeat of our goals by the Americans means the beginning of a world war, and the foreign minister, even of a country like Poland, must understand this. And thirdly, given that another Pole, Duda, recently announced his desire to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Poland, Warsaw will not stand aside and will certainly receive its share of radioactive ash. Is this what you really want?


Raise the bar is the message we have seen popping up last several weeks. Provoke Russians more, they won’t do a thing. Hit the old Russian mainland, no problem. Attack the system of nuclear control and deterrence. No problem. It’s a solid plan. Someone would say that the USA is playing a very ugly game now but I’m convinced they are just following. Every escalation in this conflict came from Britain.

There is the main perpetrator. The USA is following the money flow and won’t jeopardize it too much with some moves that can go out of control. However, Britain is ready for everything. In its foreign policy, for centuries it has dedicated segments to “containing Russia”. They do not even hide it. They are not scared of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons because they know Russia will throw them at Ukraine. They care about them the same they care about most of their poor people, meaning, it would be good if they didn’t exist because they are spoiling the view from the expensive neighbourhood to another expensive neighbourhood. And the more of the wasteland Russia gets in its possession, the better.

It’s a win/win situation for the British elite. They managed to perform a tremendous task. They used Ukraine to act against Russia. Everyone already knows the story. And leaving UA in a cloud of radioactive dust is also a solid goal. Not only they will have another weapon in their hands “Look at the barbaric horde from the East, wiping out that poor sods over there… ” but are confident that wouldn’t harm them much since regular people are suffering in Britain, not their elites. In a geopolitical struggle, “commoner” is not relevant. You are nothing, you achieved nothing and you are worthless, in their eyes. It’s funny how the new ruling class is so detached from its people, almost everywhere in the West. Yours is to pay taxes, on time, to go to war when told to and to participate in elections so that the rulers can say they have legitimacy. Nothing of that implied it has anything to do with you except as an expandable resource.

But let’s look at that nuclear issue once again. Britain doesn’t care. The prevalent way of thinking is that the MAD doctrine (mutually assured destruction) which is guaranteed in the conflict of the USA versus Russia assures them they are safe and the ones that are dictating the course of the world events. And if, by some miracle, they succeed in the attempt to strike in a way that would prevent Russia from responding with a significant counter-strike, the game is won. Reminds a lot of the situation during WW1 when they tried with all their might to drag the USA into war and succeeded in the end. They are doing a similar thing now, with the help of some not-so-bright US officials. Not so bright is emphasized, because the USA still wants to dominate the world, more or less whole, rather than nuclear wasteland. It’s bad for business, you know. So, Brits are fairly certain they would get their way.

However, many people in the West don’t understand the particular state of mind or how things are done in other places. The irony is that they think they know how things are done in their countries, but in reality, they don’t. Breeding ground for conspiracy theories of all sorts, and every single one is wrong. But people tend to believe what they want, and no one can do anything about it unless they are faced with a rather convincing argument in the form of “the gun pointed at the back of their head” metaphorically speaking. It’s different for each one, what is the gun. However, in the East, things are done differently. Lots of you laugh at Medvedev’s statements where he is saying this or that against West. But did you ever wonder, why such a high-ranking official is allowed to say such things? Do you think Putin doesn’t know about those statements? Not likely.

His successor is a very well-informed individual. “His successor?!” – you will laugh… “Is that a democracy? ” Let’s be honest. It isn’t. But the same goes for your places. Try to change something. Let us see. After all, you are all here because you can’t do a damn thing, but you don’t want to admit it. But here is the deal. He said what Putin doesn’t say loudly, because of manoeuvring space and the political game of probing the reactions of your elite. They laugh, your elites, from the beginning since they think of Russians as inferior. Inferiors with a bunch of nuclear weapons that probably don’t work. Some, however, we’re not convinced from the start, and some are becoming very worried recently. Be sure of one thing. If Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons, it won’t stop at tactical. It will only depend on you, your elites, that is, how far would that go, because, we are definitely sure, that you don’t understand the seriousness of the situation. Russia has patience, but it’s not indefinite. And keep laughing at Medvedev’s messages. From our point of view, they are also amusing, but for an entirely different reason.

Graphic of the night missile attack in UA.

At night, a combined attack was carried out on Ukraine using Daggers, Geraniums and cruise missiles.

What is known about the overnight strike by the Russian Air Force on targets in Ukraine

Most of the missiles reached their targets between 3 and 4 am. This time only military targets were hit.

Geran-2 UAVs worked in the first wave and destroyed targets in Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Khmelnitsky, Poltava, Cherkasy and Odessa regions.

The second and third wave used cruise missiles Kh-101 on targets in Khmelnitsky region. The airfield of Starokonstantinov, where the 7th tactical aviation brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force (7th BrTA, v/h A2502) and aircraft carrying Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles were based, came under the most dense fire. In addition to the Kh-101, hypersonic Kinzhal missiles were allegedly used against the airfield.

Targets in Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Ternopol, Kirovograd and Kiev regions were also hit.

 In addition, the Kinzhals were allegedly used against three currently unknown targets in Khmelnitsky, Vinnitsa, and Ivano- Frankovsk regions.

It is possible that we are talking about the airfield of Ivano- Frankovsk, where the 114th tactical aviation brigade is based, as well as the airfield of Vinnytsia, where the 456th transport brigade is based, the location of which was twice hit with massive strikes.

The Russian Armed Forces attacked an ATACMS missile warehouse in the Dnepropetrovsk region

In the Dnepropetrovsk region, a strike was carried out on a warehouse where American ATACMS missiles were supposedly located. This was reported by the coordinator of the Nikolaev underground, Sergei Lebedev.

According to him, on Sunday night there were two arrivals at military facilities in the city of Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region. The second impact was accompanied by detonation and, as residents describe it, “with strong fireworks.”

Lebedev said that the strikes were aimed at military unit 3024 of the National Guard of Ukraine. This week, according to underground workers, missiles that were similar in description to ATACMS were brought there to the warehouse on three KamAZ trucks.

On May 25, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of the border areas of Kharkov region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting for the settlement of Volchansk continued. Fearless, having knocked out the enemy from several strongholds, advanced in the southern direction by 150 meters.

The enemy tried to counterattack the positions of the Russian troops with the forces of 82 Odshbr. Having suffered heavy losses, it withdrew to its original positions.

The group’s assault units continued their offensive in the village of Tikhoye, advancing to a depth of 200 meters.

In the Liptsovsky direction, the Fearless advanced to a depth of 150 meters in the dacha settlement “Severny”, liberated a street and repulsed two enemy counterattacks.

Over the past 24 hours the enemy losses amounted to 350 men. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ MLRS BM-21 “Grad” in the Novaya Kazachya settlement;
▪️ M-777 howitzer in the village of Cherkasskiye Tishki;
▪️ Snov radar station in the village of Bobrovka;
▪️ 2S3 “Akatsiya” SPH in the Volchansk direction;
▪️ 120-mm mortar in the village of Volchanskie Khutora;
▪️ D-30 howitzer in the village of Vilcha;
▪️ SPH in the village of Shesterovka;
▪️ 4 vehicles.

In the confrontation with the “North” grouping, the AFU command has engaged almost all elite units.

The fearless are fighting against paratroopers, marines, special forces, nationalists, elite units of the GUR/SBU/SSO, as well as foreign mercenaries.

Worthy targets for our artillery and aviation!

Victory will be ours!

North Wind


Kupiansk-Svatove Direction: Liberation of Ivanovka
Situation as of the end of May 26, 2024

🔻After the liberation ( of Kotlyarovka and Kyslivka, the logical continuation of the offensive operation by the Russian Armed Forces units was the capture of Ivanovka.

First, the Russian troops worked with artillery on the settlement, after which they managed to advance and establish control over it. It is noteworthy that information about the capture of Ivanovka appeared several days ago, but until now there were no unambiguous confirming footage.

Only a video with servicemen of the 26th Tank Regiment and a flag they had deployed was published online, which was difficult to definitively link to the events in Ivanovka. This is largely due to the fact that the settlement is quite small in size, not to mention its poorly developed infrastructure.

❗️The final confirmation of the liberation of Ivanovka came from the opponent, on whose resources footage of strikes on the positions of the Russian Armed Forces within the settlement’s boundaries appeared. At the same time, this is the third settlement captured in this area, which indicates an intensification of hostilities in the Kupiansk direction.

At the same time, it remains unclear whether the Russian Armed Forces advanced along the railway between Kyslivka and Ivanovka. On the one hand, this would be quite logical, on the other hand, the AFU have most likely built strongholds in the wide forest belts on both sides of the highway.

🔻Also, today the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of Berestove. However, so far only footage has appeared online showing only partial control. Nevertheless, judging by it, the Russian troops have occupied at least half of the village, and Berestove is a rather small settlement, so its liberation cannot be ruled out.

Avdiivka direction: fighting in the Ocheretyne – Solovyovo sector, advance of the Russian Armed Forces towards Yasnobrodivka situation as of 2:00 pm on May 25, 2024

In the Avdiivka direction, despite the “shift of attention” to the Kharkiv region, the fighting and assault operations of the Russian Armed Forces have not stopped.

🔻Northwest of Ocheretyne, there was a new attempt to storm Novoaleksandrivka. An armored group reached the outskirts of the settlement, but came under artillery and UAV strikes. The footage of objective control does not make it clear whether they managed to gain a foothold in the built-up area, but the very fact of the attack confirms the absence of the enemy in the forest belts southeast of the village.

▪️West of Ocheretyne, assault groups are advancing through wide forest belts on both sides along the railway, with heavy fighting ongoing. The situation east of Sokil also remains difficult. The enemy from the 47th Motorized Brigade is actively defending, not stopping counterattacks.

According to footage that has appeared online, including the evacuation of the enemy, the forest belt south of the railway line came under the control of Russian troops some time ago. An M2A2 ODS-SA Bradley of the enemy also moved there, apparently to land troops or just strike the plantation, but was destroyed by an FPV drone strike.

🔻Southwest of Solovyovo, Russian assault troops are advancing from the south of the Ocheretyne gully towards Novopokrovske, but here too the enemy is actively counterattacking with the support of armored vehicles.

▪️The situation in the “pocket” between Berdychi and Novobakhmutivka remains in the “fog of war”. Given the configuration of the forest belts and terrain, the presence of the enemy may still be preserved there. Fighting also continues west of Semyonivka.

▪️After the final capture of Umanske on May 23-24, the Russian Armed Forces advanced towards Yasnobrodivka along the C051801 highway and the adjacent forest belt. Yasnobrodivka itself is a small village, with only one road remaining under enemy control. Further on is a lowland, which may allow increased pressure on Karlivka and somewhat facilitate the advance towards Netailovo. However, the western bank of the Karlivka reservoir is significantly higher than the eastern one and is heavily fortified. The M30 highway also runs there, convenient for the enemy to redeploy reinforcements from Selidovo.

“In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of the settlement. Arkhangelskoye, which has already been under our control for some time. Most likely, activities were carried out there to completely clean it up.

Plus, to the west of it there is a large enemy fortification from the so-called “Poroshenko Line”, built in the first years of his reign, which did not allow us to confidently control the western side of Arkhangelskoye. And it was precisely the successful actions to knock out AFU from this fortification that allowed our fighters to take confident control and completely liberate this settlement.

To the north of Ocheretino, the RF Armed Forces advanced in the direction of reservoirs, and to the west of it, to the south of the railway along a forest belt, they came close to the village of Sokol, on the northern side of which there is another large fortification of the “Poroshenko Line”.

Attacks in the direction of Novopokrovskoye continue, and strikes are also being made on Novosyolovka Pervaya using various types of weapons and aviation, which probably means preparations for assault operations in its direction.”

Marat Khayrullin

Donetsk direction: capture of Netailovo, fighting in Krasnohorivka
situation as of 7:00 pm on May 25, 2024

In the Donetsk direction, Russian forces are fighting in Krasnohorivka and have completed the clearing of Netailovo.

🔻The appearance of videos on the internet with flags in the center and on the western outskirts of Netailovo indicates the completion of the clearing of the previously occupied part of the village’s buildings. The first frames of objective control, indicating the exit to the outskirts of the settlement, appeared as early as May 15-16 from the side of the opponent.

▪️Now, it seems that the Russian assault troops have managed to clean up the buildings on Naberezhna and Kolkhozna streets, as well as at least part of the forest on the outskirts of the village to the south of the eastern part of the Karlovo reservoir.

▪️However, there is no information yet about the capture of the strongholds west of the C051801 highway and north of the Vodiana river. The presence of the opponent may well be preserved there. South of Netailovo there is a complex of farms north of the Domakha gully, where the presence of Ukrainian formations may also remain. In the first third of May, Russian assault troops at least tried to advance south, but the result is unknown.

❗️It is not worth assuming that the opponent will retreat. The AFU rely on the Domakha gully in the defense of the heights in the area of Nevelskoye, where the presence of enemy forces also remains. This section is important for as long as possible holding of Krasnohorivka, since it provides an overview of the northern outskirts of the city.

🔻In Krasnohorivka itself, heavy fighting continues. According to some reports, the opponent began to withdraw from the Vostochny microdistrict and the neighboring high-rise buildings near School No. 1, but there are no confirming footage yet. At the same time, at least part of the buildings of the microdistrict along Tsentralna street is already under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

▪️In addition, a few days ago, the Russian flag was raised in the complex of buildings of Secondary School No. 2, which also indicates a gradual breakthrough of the opponent’s defense in the area of buildings to the southeast of the Shevchenko Central Park.

▪️In the northeastern outskirts, no advances of Russian assault troops have been observed so far, at least in open sources. After the capture of the fortified area east of the Kaminsky garden, further advancement to the west is fraught with high losses due to the opponent’s control of the heights to the north, and the terrain to the west of the Borisovka pond and north of 1 Maya street is a difficult-to-pass lowland.

Vremivka direction: Advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Staromaiorske – Urozhayne sector
Situation as of the end of May 26, 2024

Throughout the week, Russian forces continue to expand the area under their control in the Vremivka direction, including along the line of Staromaiorske – Urozhayne.

▪️In Staromaiorske, assault teams of the Russian Armed Forces have almost reached the northwestern outskirts of the settlement – at the moment, about 100 meters on Verkhnia Street remain to be captured. Meanwhile, in the center of the village, Russian troops managed to occupy several more houses on Kooperatyvna Street.

▪️Between Staromaiorske and Urozhayne, Russian units have finally cleared the “pocket” in the lowland of the Mokri Yaly river bed. Apparently, if there were any Ukrainian formations left in this area until recently, they were extremely few in number.

▪️In Urozhayne, Russian servicemen have entrenched themselves in the low-rise buildings on the southern outskirts of the settlement – the Russian troops control several dozen houses (or what’s left of them) on Tsentralna and Sadova streets.

▪️The enemy periodically attempts counterattacks along the entire front line, but each of them is successfully suppressed by small arms and artillery fire. At the same time, Russian troops strike at the firing points and strongholds of the AFU along the entire line of contact.

Advance in Chasov Yar.

On the south side of the microdistrict Channel, we process enemy positions from Solntsepek. On the street Borisoglebskaya destroyed the enemy’s strongpoint.

On Zelenaya Street Russian troops took a vocational school dormitory and a high-rise building where the enemy had equipped a fortified position.

We are moving along Oleg Koshevoy Street.

Behind the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal itself, the enemy equipped fortifications.

RUSSIA HAVE THE HIGH GROUND; Ukraine can’t stop losing settlements – Ukraine SITREP

Key Russian Success On Road To Kupyansk

Russian forces captured Ivanivka [26 May 2024]

Berestove Has Fallen l Ukrainian Defense Line In Two Fronts Collapsed

Russian “Guided Bomb” Attack Kills 11 | Ukraine Probes Troops’ “Careless” Attitude In Kharkiv Losses

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (26 May 2024)

▫️The units of the Sever Group of Forces continue to advance deep into the enemy defences.

Russian troops hit the 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade and 125th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Liptsy, Volchansk, and Russkie Tishki (Kharkov).

One counterattack by an assault group of the 13th National Guard Brigade has been repelled near Glubokoye (Kharkov).

The enemy lost up to 300 servicemen, four MVs, one Grad MLRS combat vehicle, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

▫️As a result of successful combat operations, the units of the Zapad Group of Forces have liberated Berestovoye (Kharkov).

The 77th AFU Airmobile Brigade’s formations have been defeated near Stelmakhovka (LPR).

The AFU lost up to 285 servicemen, two AFVs, two MVs, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer.

▫️The units of the Yug Group of Forces have occupied more advantageous lines and defeated manpower and hardware of 54th mechanised and 79th air assault brigades of the AFU near Seversk and Konstantinovka (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 480 servicemen, three AFVs, five MVs, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers. Five ammunition depots of the AFU have been destroyed.

▫️As a result of successful combat operations, the units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved the tactical situation and defeated formations of 47th mechanised, 25th airborne brigades, and the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade of the AFU near Yevgenovka, Rozovka, and Novgorodskoye (DPR).

Russian troops have repelled one counterattack by an assault group of the 144th Infantry Brigade of the AFU near Novoaleksandrovka (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 355 servicemen, three AFVs, as well as one U.S.-made Bradley IFV, and two MVs.

During counter-battery warfare, one U.S.-made 155-mm M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, and four 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems.

▫️The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have occupied more favourable lines and defeated manpower and hardware of the 128th Territorial Defence Brigade and the 21st National Guard Brigade close to Prechistovka and Makarovka (DPR).

One counterattack by an assault group of the 72nd Mechanised Brigade of the AFU have been repelled near Vladimirovka (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 130 servicemen, three MVs, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, and one 152-mm D-20 howitzer.

▫️The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have defeated manpower and hardware of the 65th Mechanised Brigade and the 35th Marine Brigade near Rabotino (Zaporozhye) and Tyaginka (Kherson).

The AFU lost up to 40 servicemen, two AFVs, and four MVs.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, three 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have struck two ammunition depots of the AFU, as well as engaged manpower and hardware clusters in 128 areas.

▫️Air defence facilities have shot down five U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, 32 U.S.-made HIMARS and Czech-made Vampire projectiles, one Neptun anti-ship missile, and 41 UAVs.

Two Majors #Summary for the Morning of 26 May 2024; pub. 09:08ðŸ“

🗓 The Past Week ( was characterised by yet another showy detentions of high-ranking military officials of the RF MoD. For example, Lieutenant General Shamarin, the  MoD’s chief liaison officer and deputy chief of the General Staff, and Verteletsky, the head of the directorate of the MoD’s Department for the State Defence Order, were arrested. In addition, Lieutenant General Akhmedov, commander of the 20th Army, who is described by sources as a waste of personnel. Contradictory comments were caused by the arrest of the former commander of the 58th Army, General Popov, and even more strange was the fact that he was kept in custody despite the petition of the Investigative Committee of #Russia to mitigate the measure of restraint. Although the principle of “merits – separately, misdemeanours – separately” clearly shows the paradigm of work with regard to even honoured persons.

🟡The actions are indicative and pointed, sceptics speak of a rather political effect of what is happening and point to the need for a comprehensive audit of the entire MoD, which, however, may be fraught with paralysing the military machine:. The scale of corruption was intuitively clear even before the arrests.

⚔️On the Front, the Russian Army continues to hold the initiative. In the #Kharkov direction, the fighting is moving closer to positional. The enemy has pulled reinforcements from other parts of the front, which opens up new promising directions for the RFAF.

🔹In the #Svatovo-#Kupyansk direction, the offensive actions of our troops have been intensified. #Ivanovka north of #Kislovka has been liberated, there are battles near #Berestovoye and #Stelmakhovka.

🔹In the Battle for #ChasovYar, our troops stormed the eastern outskirts of the town, squeezed the pincers from the north and south, the reserve was occupied, there is fighting on #Kalinovka. To the south the RFAF occupied the ruins of #Kleshcheyevka and #Andreyevka.

🔹In the #Pokrovskoye direction, #Arkhangelskoye on the #Ocheretino ledge was liberated, and to the south, #Umanskoye and #Netaylovo. In the #SouthDonetsk direction there are battles in #Krasnogorovka and #Paraskoviyevka. On the #Vremyevka ledge, in #Staromayorskoye and #Urozhaynoye. On the #Zaporozhye front, gradually, with heavy battles, the “Rabotino Invasion” is eliminated. The #Kherson direction is characterised by the enemy’s statements about “withdrawal from #Krynki” and actions on islands in the #Dnieper floodplain.

❗️The Enemy, at the same time, is actively using #NATO weapons in #Crimea, launching terrorist strikes in #Belgorod and #Kursk regions. It uses many aircraft-type UAVs over considerable distances: as far as #Tatarstan. In the Black Sea, the use of drone boats with projectile guides from MLRS on Kinburnskaya was recorded, which forms new security threats to the Russian Black Sea coast.

📌 Thus, despite heavy losses in personnel and some problems with weapons and equipment (greatly exaggerated in the media), the AFU is conducting an organised defence, is able to strike at our rear, and is constantly mobilising the population. The RFAF are likely to become more active in a number of directions: #Kherson, #Zaporozhye, #Sumy, which will further stretch the enemy’s forces and continue to break its military machine, depleting the resources replenished by #NATO to prolong the conflict.

The enemy has been actively advancing in the Kupyansky and Avdeevsky directions for several days now. As a result of this, we lost the villages of Umanskoye, Ivanovka, Arkhangelskoye and the village of Netailovo,

In general, on the Svatovo-Kupyansk front, the Russians have become seriously active in recent days. Today they officially announced that they have captured Berestovoe and are approaching Stelmakhovka.

Probably such rapid losses of territory and the enemy’s advance are due to the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were forced to withdraw some of their reserves from this direction and transfer them to Kharkov to stop the advance of Russian troops from the border.

In the Avdeevsky direction, today the Russians attempted to storm Novoaleksandrovka, which is northwest of Ocheretino. The enemy armored group reached the outskirts of the village, where the Defense Forces were hit by artillery strikes and unmanned aerial vehicles. Also to the west of Ocheretino, Russian assault groups are trying to break through the wide forest belts on both sides along the railway, but the Ukrainian defenders are holding off the onslaught. East of Sokol, the situation also remains difficult, but fighters from the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade are actively defending, without stopping counterattacks. However, the forest belt south of the railway probably came under enemy control some time ago.

South-west of Solovyevo, the Russian army is trying to break out from the south from the Ocheretino ravine in the direction of Novopokrovsky , but their pressure is held back by Ukrainian forces, while also actively counterattacking with the support of armored vehicles.

At Uman, the Russian Armed Forces began to move in the direction of Yasnobrodovka along the S051801 highway and the neighboring forest belt. Yasnobrodovka itself is a small village and the Russians will try to push the defense down to the low ground, which could allow increased pressure on Karlovka.


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