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By Dr Richard Ruhling
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How Biden’s Weak Debate May Support Daniel’s Prophecy and Handel’s Messiah

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War with Iraq was predicted before 9-11, based on “the vision at the time of the end” in the book that Christ said to understand in Matthew 24. Daniel’s 8th chapter is about a ram pushing from the Middle East and it angers a goat that flies from the west to stomp the ram and break its horns that represent the Medes & Persians.

Those areas are now Iraq & Iran. With Saddam gone, it suggests a conflict with Iran, but we don’t  want war with Iran—what makes the goat angry to fight the ram? The Bible often gives data “here and there” to encourage reading for a broader picture and Zechariah 14 shows a successful attack on Jerusalem with the city taken.

Biden’s debate could embolden a Muslim attack due to a perceived weakness and Muslims may celebrate their mosque and Quran that says, Allah has no Son. Suddenly “the Lord shall roar from Jerusalem… heavens and earth shall shake.” Joel 3:16. Both of these texts have “day of the Lord” context that is often misunderstood as Christ’s 2nd coming, but when God judged Egypt for killing babies and enslaving Israel, it was the “night of the Lord,” Exodus 12. “Day of the Lord” is the end-time equivalent of “night of the Lord” with the beginning of the last 7 years…

The US is like Egypt, but different kinds of bondage–alcohol, tobacco and negative lifestyles, and 63 million babies have been thrown in the trash since Roe v Wade. The Exodus was a jubilee event that later came every 50 years, and 50 years from Roe was 2023 when Hamas attacked Israel and we see an escalation to include Iran that has been funding Hezbollah and other groups against Israel.

The question most people wonder is how it will affect us/US. When “the day of the Lord” comes, God will shake the earth terribly, Isaiah 2:12,21. We could expect the San Andreas that is 80 years overdue to destabilize with disaster for southern California, including Hollywood for exporting every kind of sin to the world. If you find this of interest, please like and post to your social media followers–thank you!

Revelation 8 has an earthquake initiating the 7 trumpets. The trumpets probably come on the Feast of Trumpets that comes on the first day of the 7th month, counting from spring as Exodus 12:2 shows. The first trumpet will bring economic collapse when “all green grass is burnt up.” This is based on James 1:9-11 that says, “as the flower of the grass, so shall the rich man fade.” They are no longer rich. Before the Exodus, plagues attacked Egypt’s gods. Money’s a god today.

I expected bigger events in May. The Bible says, No man knows the day or hour…but as the days of Noah. The Flood had Passover timing in the 2nd spring month. It was a 9-11 event—Numbers 9:10,11 provided for Pass-over a month later for reasons given in that text. That’s how Christ ended his parables in Matthew 25:13,14.

But like Israel that became God’s kingdom at Pentecost (Exod 19:5,6) the possibility of that history repeating mid-July as when the mountain shook at God’s presencea mini-judgment day when God gave the 10 Commandments. If that is to be, the new moon on July 7 may include an attack by Muslims on Jerusalem.

Because horns represent leadership of nations in Daniel 8:20,21, Genesis 22 is relevant. Abraham was tested on his willingness to sacrifice Isaac but spared by sacrificing the ram. The point is that the first horn was caught in a bush by its horn and George Bush caught Saddam. The 2nd horn is broken by the goat with a great horn. In Bible times, horns were used to make trumpets. The great horn could be Trump who makes America great, Daniel 8:8 but he could be assassinated because the horn breaks prematurely.

The great horn is said to be the first king of Grecia. That was Alexander the Great in history, but the vision is at the time of the end, and Trump might be like a king—kings are not elected and need for Commander-in-Chief could come before November if Muslims attack Jerusalem. Liking Trump, the military could say to him, Let’s get them, and he may say okay.

This possibility fits with Handel’s Messiah,  classical Christian music that’s sung as Christmas approaches from Haggai 2. The wording didn’t fit Christ’s first advent, but it could fit our time.

“Once a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth.” Verses 6, 21. A college Bible professor coined the phrase, twice speak. Walter Van Asperen says when God repeats a message, it’s once for history and again for end-times. The passage in Haggai 2:6,21 has unique timing that Ruhling believes could fit July 15.

Three times Haggai 2 has a date, the 9th month, 24th day. Scholars will recognize that date does not fit any Jewish timing that focuses on Passover in spring or six months later in the fall. Preachers say no man knows the day or hour. They are citing Christ who added, “but as the days of Noah.” Matthew 24:37.

The Flood began on the 17th day of the 2nd spring month, and this year, July 15 coincides with that date, but only if one uses a lunar calendar and counts to Pentecost. That was when God came to Mt Sinai with 10 Commandments in a mini-judgment day when the mountain shook. The world may shake again at Pentecost because 70 weeks later would be the obscure date of 9th month, 24th day of Haggai 2 when the foundation of the (3rd) temple is laid.

But this is not a physical temple for Jews to sacrifice lambs—Christ (Yeshua in Hebrew) was the Lamb of God announced by the Jewish prophet in John 1:29. Doing animal sacrifices again would be an affront to God who gave His “only begotten Son” as Christ explained to Nicodemus who became a believer when he saw John 3:16.

We can become the 3rd temple—Ye are the temple of God (1Cor 3:16) as we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and there is an anointing to occur 69 weeks from a decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9:25)  destroyed by the earthquake (Joel 3:16; Zech 14). The Jews failed to count the 70 sevens—weeks of years for Messiah’s first advent, so their temple burned in the next verse, 26.

The anointing for our time is when God gives power to shut the heavens (Elijah) and turn water to blood (Moses) for 3 1/2 years in Revelation 11:3-6 before the UN (New World Order beast of Revelation 13:15,16 gets power for 42 months—equal time for both sides in the controversy between good and evil (God and devil).

Then it’s all over when Christ/Messiah comes the 2nd time for what Haggai 2:7 says is “the desire of all nations.” It’s Christ’s kingdom with wise laws for our happiness  if we seek to live by every word of God, Luke 4:4. May God help us!

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