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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 01 2024

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Ukraine has fired up to 8 ATACM missiles into Belgorod after receiving approval from Washington to do so

About 20 explosions were heard in the sky over Belgorod, the Russian air defense system is working, a TASS correspondent reports.

We will have no idea the extent, or effectiveness of the ATACMs strike until tomorrow

But worth pointing out, one of the major red lines for Moscow, and justification for the hostile policy towards Ukraine and Ukrainian membership of NATO, was the idea ATACMs and similar NATO missiles being deployed so close to strategically vital areas in south and western Russia, that be in range of such systems

The gentleman handed the broom handle to the slaves. Now it will be much more convenient to carry water with it.

And without any jokes, here’s what the headline sounds like:

The United States reported that attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Russia could begin in the coming hours. Pentagon chief approves strikes with Western weapons.

Do you hear some howling far in the swamps? I don’t either – that’s why the swamps have been dryed out for the last two years. To be honest, I even feel a little nostalgic sadness about this – it’s interesting to see how alarmist articles would be perceived by the population now. Escalation? Yes. WW3? No. If only because there’s nothing new. Before the counter-offensive, the headlines were even louder.

The strikes on Russian territory themselves are not news to you and me. All sorts of small drones (sometimes launched, s I guess, from Russian territory) occasionally make an unconvincing hit on some object.

Increasing the range of destruction will only increase the length of the “sanitary zone” promised by the darkest, which is still expanding.

So why this farce? All for the same reason: the West has not yet decided to fight openly with the Russian Federation, even though it’s itching to. This whole adventure, from the Maidan to the SMO, is primarily an information war. Do you remember how in February 2022 RuNet exploded with calls to overthrow the government?

Do you remember how much money was thrown into contextual advertising with “STOP THE WAR”? Well, the plan hasn’t changed – it’s still the same in the arena.

Yes, for some reason they still think that if they put pressure on the emotions of the population of the Russian Federation, we will rise up and defeat Putin. And then we’ll call someone normal from somewhere like Poland.

The statements are loud, yes, but behind them is not a willingness to fight, but a calculation for the opposition that is well known to us from recent history. To be honest, according to my inner feelings, even the opposition is already starting to get tired of this approach.

And it’s a shame for them, cause It turns out, in Ukraine they were betting on the brave ones, but here in Russia they were betting on the coward ones.


The West has allowed strikes on “old” Russian territory – it seems that the Aerospace Forces are creating too many problems for Ukraine.
Journalists from the New York Times write that the first strikes by Western weapons on the territories of the Russian Federation outside Crimea and four new regions may take place in the coming days and hours. And this suggests, first of all, that the supply of air defence systems no longer solves the problem.

We are talking primarily about long-range ATACMS missiles, the range of which allows (in theory) to reach several large Russian air bases, the names of which are already known to everyone. They won’t reach Engels, but there will be questions with tactical aviation: the M39A1 has a range of up to 300 km, and the M74 cluster warhead can create a lot of problems for unsheltered equipment.

Secondly, these are cruise missiles (primarily the French-British Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG, in the future – German Taurus with a range of about 250 km. In reality, of course, less – no one will use them directly above the LBS.

Thirdly, these are the French AASM Hammer and American GBU-39 bombs, used by the Ukrainian Su-27 and MiG-29. The range of use is comparable to the UMPC, and this is more of a threat to Russian logistics. But that’s not the main problem.

The enemy will almost certainly try to launch a combined strike with all available means – similar to the attack on April 5. But they used several dozen drones for their design. An attack with the simultaneous use of up to 20 cruise missiles and MRBMs together with means of saturating and penetrating air defences (from ADM-160B MALD to Alders and Vampires) could become a serious challenge for Russian air defence.

Moreover, recent attacks on Russian air defence positions look exactly like preparation for this kind of attack. Moreover, if a potential strike on the Crimean Bridge has rather a symbolic meaning for Ukraine, then reducing the activity of Russian aviation is critically important for the Ukrainian army itself.

Western military equipment will be destroyed not only in Ukraine, but also on the territory of other countries if attacks on Russia come from there, Medvedev said.

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council added that Russia proceeds from the fact that all long-range weapons supplied to Ukraine are directly controlled by the NATO military.

The sanitary zone should be at least 200 km from Kharkov, said the head of the Russian administration of the Kharkov region, Vitaly Ganchev.

I can say as a Kharkov resident: the entire Kharkov region is native to me. And for me this entire so-called sanitary zone must end at least somewhere else 200 kilometres from Kharkov towards the west,
- Ganchev emphasized.

According to him, this is only the minimum distance for the sanitary zone, taking into account the interest of Kharkov residents.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow will again have to decide to create a so-called sanitary zone if Kiev is allowed to use long-range weapons to strike Russian territory.

Politico: Kiev is disappointed with the only partial lifting of the US ban on the use of American weapons for strikes deep into Russian territory.

At the same time, experts assure that Zelensky and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin will discuss expanding Kiev’s capabilities this week.

The publication’s interlocutors reported that Biden decided to review Washington’s policy on strikes after conversations with National Security Advisor Sullivan and US Secretary of State Blinken. It was they who convinced the American leader to lift the ban on attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces deep into Russia.

Earlier, Senator Lindsey Graham spoke about the American recipe for peace. According to him, the use of atomic weapons to end a war that the United States cannot afford to lose is appropriate and proportionate.

The European Conservative: decisions by the US and Germany are increasingly exacerbating the conflict.

Both Washington and Berlin noted that their decisions apply only to targets located near the border with the Kharkov region, where Moscow launched an offensive several weeks ago.
- the article says.

Experts note that in the Russian Federation such steps are considered to mark the beginning of a more acute phase of the conflict. They cite the words of Dmitry Medvedev, who warned that military equipment and NATO specialists will be destroyed not only in Ukraine, but also on the territory of other countries.

Analysts are confident that Joe Biden was under pressure from Kiev, the Baltic countries and Great Britain, who called on the United States to act. According to them, Biden initially refused to take this step, fearing that NATO could be drawn into a war with Russia.

Ukraine has the right to self-defense, which also includes the right to strike legitimate military targets on Russian territory,
- said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg added that the decision to allow Western weapons to hit targets in Russia was “nothing new,” as Britain had long sent cruise missiles to Kiev without any restrictions.

Ukraine brilliantly proved the weakness of NATO weapons

Washington is quietly trying to give Kyiv permission to strike with Western weapons on Russian territory. In other words, the Kiev junta can now do whatever they want, but no one believes in the effectiveness of this “anything” anymore, writes InoSMI columnist Anton Trofimov ( . As well as in the combat effectiveness of Western technology, which, sample after sample, proves its uselessness on the modern battlefield. Unlike the Russian one.

The further to the west the Russian military moves, the clearer it becomes that all the goals of the Northern Military District will be achieved. And not only them. The visible result of the operation has already been the debunking of another Western myth – about invincible weapons. And many others. The world, based on total deception and trade in air, is falling apart before our eyes. And those who built it risk dying under the rubble

Turkey will not allow NATO to enter the war in Ukraine.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan

The Polish state agency RAR published and then canceled a message about partial mobilization from the first of July.

The original said that 200 thousand Poles were being called up for service, all of them would go to Ukraine.
The agency called the information false and said it was looking into what happened.

Polish authorities have already announced a “probable Russian cyber attack.”

The head of the German parliament’s security committee said that Germany must recruit and train 900 thousand reservists in response to the “threat from Russia.”

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said that Brussels will not allow Kiev to use its weapons, in particular F-16 fighters, to attack Russian territory.

In turn, De Croo recalled that Belgium signed a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine, which, among other things, provides for the supply of 30 F-16 fighter jets to Kiev. “But the agreement is very clear. We are talking about fighter jets that can be used by Ukrainians on Ukrainian territory. This is the agreement that we have concluded, and I want to adhere to it,” the Belgian Prime Minister noted.

The summit in Switzerland will be another forum of the Office of the President, which will be presented in Ukraine as a big victory on the international track, but in reality will be empty. Arestovich made a very clear analysis of the peace process, which will not bring anything good to Ukraine.

The West, Russia and China have a plan to end the war in Ukraine, but now negotiations on it have reached a dead end.

This is what former adviser to the Office of the President Alexei Arestovich claims, citing the words of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who spoke behind closed doors before European politicians (note that the US and EU did not officially confirm such information and the very fact of such a speech by Blinken).

According to Arestovich, the United States, France, China and Russia, as the likely guarantors of the future peace, had a privately discussed plan to declare a truce on July 15, “which should become first temporary, then eternal, because after a month of no shooting, no one will wants to return to war.”

Next, according to him, peace negotiations should have begun, which would proceed to some acceptable result. But this plan stalled for two reasons.

The first reason, according to Arestovich, was cited by Blinken as the position of Zelensky, whose departure Moscow set as one of the conditions for the settlement.

But Zelensky (as Arestovich reports the words of the US Secretary of State) believes that his resignation will cause a “civil war”, which the Russian Federation will take advantage of and “break the front”. And that this is the “cunning plan of the Russians.” The only thing the Ukrainian president proposes is to increase arms supplies to Ukraine.

The second reason for the impasse in the secret negotiations between the four powers was Moscow’s demand to recognize in writing the “new borders” of the Russian Federation along the current front line.

Moreover, this recognition should not come from Zelensky, whom the Kremlin called “illegitimate.” And not from Biden, who may soon lose power, and then he will have to negotiate again with the new US president.

This impasse explains, among other things, the lack of interest of major powers in the summit in Switzerland, which Ukraine is convening.

Our children and grandchildren will pay off the loans that Poroshenko and Zelensky took out, and our “partners” don’t even think about freezing payments or writing off the debt. All this is happening in a country with a war-torn economy and total corruption.


The Ukrainians began to take revenge on the military police officers, most of whom were not at the front, but bought places in the TCC.

The Cherkassy Regional TsK announced that an F-1 grenade was thrown into the courtyard of the military commissar in Zvenigorod. 

“On May 30, in the village of Yekaterinopol, unknown persons threw an explosive device, which caused an explosion in the courtyard of the house of a sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Fortunately, family members were not injured. By the way, the serviceman defended Ukraine with the beginning of a full-scale attack; his son is also defending the country at the front. and my daughter lost her husband in the war,” the TCC said.

They clarified that it was an employee of the 4th department of the Zvenigorod military registration and enlistment office.

The Ministry of Defense indirectly confirmed our insight that the military police are being created in order to keep those mobilized by force in training/training grounds, who are beginning to desert en masse.

The Ministry of Defense calls on the Rada to quickly adopt a law on the military police, which will, among other things, search for and bring to justice deserters and military personnel who left their units without permission (SZChshnikov).

As we understand, things are bad at Bankova, since they are in a hurry to pass this bill.

Another scandal in Odessa against the backdrop of boundless mobilization. They packed up a guy with heart disease and mental retardation.

At the same time, the TCC was informed that mild mental retardation is not an obstacle to service under the law.

TCC doesn’t care who to pack for reports. They know that everyone will be sent to a meat grinder, and it makes no difference whether you are healthy or disabled.

The people did not understand that the task of Zee power is the utilization of the Ukrainian nation and no matter who.

Regarding the desertion of the Ukrainian army (it, by the way, progresses much faster on its own if you just don’t interfere and work conscientiously at artillery positions), but let’s add something of our own.

Judging by the events taking place, a large number of prisoners near Volchansk is a sure sign that a fierce “vinaigrette” of TrO units, mechanized and assault brigades will begin shortly.

During the attack on Rabotino and the Vremevsky ledge, something similar had already happened. Then the assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were knocked out and retreated, interfering with the work of the reinforcement groups, which received orders based on incorrect information and incorrect intelligence.

The result was not only the destruction of the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade “Magura” and hundreds of colourful shots of burning “Leopards” and “Bradleys”, but the need to bring three more mechanized brigades into battle – 116, 117 and 118, as well as an “additional breakthrough group” in the form 82nd Special Airborne Brigade.

However, intensifying the assault also did not help anything, because the brigades and battalions got in each other’s way due to the density of mining and artillery fire, FABs and ATGMs.

In the Kharkov region, especially taking into account the sad history of military operations of the Sonechko and Bratstvo GUR units, as well as the already existing hodgepodge of several brigades in the Belyi Kolodez area, one can expect something similar.

The West is actively monitoring all processes in Ukraine and analyzing possible scenarios in which we are still losing to the enemy in all respects.

The labor shortage in Ukraine is beginning to be felt more and more acutely. As Bloomberg notes, the same manpower shortages that have weakened Ukraine’s troops are also reducing productivity in the country’s factories, construction sites, service industries and mines.

The mobilization law, which came into force in mid-May, aims to replenish Ukraine’s armed forces with hundreds of thousands of troops. However, the shortage of able-bodied workers is becoming a burden on the large and small businesses that form the backbone of the wartime economy.

The news agency clarifies that the problem will only worsen in the future. But Kyiv’s Western allies, who came to help with the shortage of weapons and ammunition, will not be able to help this time – Vladimir Zelensky will have to try to fill the gaps left by mobilization and migration himself. This will be another advantage for Russia with its enormous resources.

The main reason for the current problems is considered to be the fact that many Ukrainians either left the country or went to the front after the start of the conflict. However, despite the sharp increase in wages in conditions of labor shortages during wartime, even those Ukrainians who could go to work are in no hurry to get a job in large companies and enterprises far from home, fearing military commissars.

Putin’s Revenge? Russia’s Missile & Drone Blitz Hits Ukraine’s Energy Facilities

As a result of night strikes, the Russian Armed Forces damaged energy facilities in the Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine, said the country’s Energy Minister Galushchenko.

Massive attack of the Dnepr Hydroelectric Power Station and other Ukrainian energy facilities!

At night, energy facilities were attacked in Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd, and Ivano-Frankovsk regions. The consequences are being clarified, said the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko.

Traffic along the Dnepr hydroelectric power station is temporarily blocked – patrol police of the Zaporozhye region (the detour is carried out through the Arch Bridge of Khortytsia Island (Sergei Tyulenin St. – Sechi St. – Taganskaya St.). And also through New Bridges and Khortitsky District).

At night, energy facilities were attacked in five regions of Ukraine – Ukrenergo

Energy facilities were damaged in Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd, Ivano-Frankovsk regions and in the enemy-occupied part of the DPR.

As a result of the night attack, two thermal power plants were seriously damaged, DTEK reports.

A total of 53 missiles and 47 Geranium strike UAVs were launched, Ukrainian media claim.

Trajectories of Russian weapons that were involved in night strikes on Ukraine.

The blow was delivered using:
- 35 Kh-101 cruise missiles
- 47 Geraniums
- 10 Calibers
- 5 OTRK Iskander missiles

Based on the map, we can conclude that the main target of the attack was objects in the Lvov region.

After almost a month of pause, the Russian forces have delivered a combined missile strike on the enemy’s energy and critical infrastructure facilities, using both Geran-2 kamikaze drones and various types of cruise missiles.

Explosions were heard in the city of Stryi: local channels posted footage of impacts, allegedly on one of the facilities in the city. Other facilities in Lviv Region were also hit: local authorities report at least six impacts on three critical infrastructure objects.

As a result of the strikes, one of the thermal power plants in Ivano-Frankivsk Region and Dnipro HPP in Dnipropetrovsk were damaged: the authorities have blocked the road to the latter. Emergency repair work is currently underway at the facilities, no reports of emergency power outages.

In addition, explosions were heard at critical infrastructure facilities in Kirovohrad and Vinnytsia Regions, the targets and scale of destruction are being clarified. In Odesa, port infrastructure was hit, and in Balakliia – a temporary deployment point of the enemy.


Ukrainian forces are reported to have reached the border of the Russian Federation, between the two Russian enclaves on the Ukrainian side of the border in Kharkov Oblast

Russian troops never seemed to attempt to occupy their area and it remained a bizzare grey zone until now

Russian forces have also been pushed back in certain areas of Kharkov

But again, I think this is by design, Russian forces committed here are limited and are not being reinforced.

They are drawing in more Ukrainian forces that outnumber Russian troops in the area roughly 3-1

Our source reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov direction this month lost the same amount of equipment and infantry as in the Bakhmutov meat grinder.

It seems that the West is constantly transferring weapons, but with such dynamics of the war, weapons reserves are constantly being used up.

This is “silence” according to the media, and only 2% of everything that happens at the front ends up online. On the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov direction can lose up to 50 pieces of various equipment (tanks, self-propelled guns, howitzers, guns, armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, MLRS, pickup trucks, support trucks, other vehicles, etc.).

Everything is very, very complicated.

Our assault troops were able to enter the “Canal” microdistrict in Chasov Yar from the southern side and gain a foothold on the outskirts.

The battle for pushing through the Ukrainian defense is going on right now, as @polk105 reports.

As we reported yesterday the Russian Armed Forces crossed the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal in Chasov Yar

Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces crossed the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal in the southern part of Chasov Yar.

The fighting took place in the next district of the city – the Novy microdistrict.

Earlier it was reported that Ukrainian units stationed in Chasov Yar in the DPR divided the city into three defense sectors, preparing for a retreat.

Military correspondents noted that the first line in the Canal microdistrict will likely be abandoned as the main forces of the Russian Armed Forces approach, and the second – in the Novy microdistrict – is the main defense area.

The third boundary has been identified in the area of ​​the refractory plant.

According to observers, Russian units now continue to close their pincers around the city.

Chasov Yar direction.

In the southern part of the    Canal microdistrict, battles are going on for high-rise buildings.

South of the Novy microdistrict, we destroy enemy strongholds.
On the side of the Golubovskie-2 behind the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal in the forest, the enemy equipped fortifications, making it difficult to identify enemy dugouts, as well as mined areas.

In addition, the enemy uses this forest as cover for infantry groups.

Avdeevka-Konstantinovskoe direction.

In the Ocheretino region, the initiative is on our side.

Fighting continues in the direction of Sokol, the AFU is using up Western free equipment in this area. In fact they don’t have anything else, so they’re taking everything to the contact line.

In the direction of Novopokrovskoye, control of the territory was expanded almost to the outskirts of the village.

We press towards Novoselovka.

Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 1, 2024

Russian forces have again carried out a combined attack on energy and critical infrastructure facilities of the so-called Ukraine in the Lviv and Vinnytsia Regions. The Burshtyn TPP and Dnipro HPP-1 were reportedly hit, leading to emergency power outages in the country.

On the Slobozhansky direction, heavy fighting is underway north of Lyptsi and in Volchansk, where the enemy is deploying reserves.

On the Bakhmut direction, Russian forces are storming the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Yar, and also expanding the area of control south of Krasne.

On the Avdiivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the area of Solovyovo, Semenovka and Umansky, striking at the enemy’s supply routes in the rear.

On the Donetsk direction, fighting continues in Krasnohorivka around the city administration building, which was captured by Russian assault troops the day before.

On the Zaporizhia direction, fierce clashes continue in Urozhayne and Staromaiorskoye. There are also the first signs of activation of the front north of Nesteryanki in a long time.


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Short update from the Ukrainian Front [1 June 2024]

 Morning Summary on June 1, 2024

▪️ Missile strikes with Tu-95MS, Kalibr missiles from the Black Sea, and Geran UAVs hit the enemy’s rear areas overnight. Explosions were reported in the Vinnytsia, Rivne, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Cherkasy, Lviv, and Khmilnytskyi Regions.

▪️ On the Kharkiv direction, fierce battles are ongoing in Volchansk in the area of high-rise buildings. The enemy is attempting counterattacks. On the Lyptsiv direction, the AFU are defending in forest belts and woodlands between the settlements of Hlyboke and Lukiiantsi.

▪️ South of Chasiv Yar, reports indicate that our forward units have crossed the Siversky Donets – Donbas water pipeline, which the AFU had previously used to build their defenses. In the “Canal” microdistrict, there are battles in high-rise buildings.

▪️ West of Avdiivka, the Russian Armed Forces continue to advance on several sections of the front, expanding the zone of control near Umansky and Netailovo.

▪️ The Zaporizhia front is characterized by offensive actions of our airborne troops northwest of Verbove, where enemy soldiers have been taken prisoner. West of there, our troops have occupied several enemy strongholds in the direction of the settlement of Shcherbaky, where several enemy servicemen have also surrendered. Earlier, the battles near Shcherbaky were of a positional nature.

▪️ On the Kherson direction, the Russian Army is actively operating on the islands of Frolova, Nestriga, and in the island zone of Kozachi Lahery – Korsunka. The AFU are shelling the civilian population. In the village of Kairy of the Hornostaivka municipality and the settlement of Dnepryany, two civilians were killed.

▪️ In the Belgorod Region, in Graivoron, one civilian was injured as a result of an attack by the AFU using three UAVs. Also, during the day, the AFU attacked a milk tanker in the settlement of Krasnoye of the Shebekino urban district with a kamikaze drone, the Poroz of the Graivoron urban district was shelled, and the village of Mokraya Orlovka was subjected to several attacks by AFU UAVs. In the settlement of Krasnoye of the Shebekino urban district, an agricultural enterprise was attacked twice. In Belgorod, a fixed-wing UAV crashed into an apartment building and detonated. Another explosion of such a UAV occurred in the village of Dubovoe. In Petrovka of the Belgorod district, a car was burned down by a strike from an AFU drone. On the outskirts of the city of Shebekino, a KAMAZ working in the field was attacked by a kamikaze drone. Novaya Tavolzhanka was shelled, and at night, our air defense system was activated over Belgorod and the Belgorod district. In the morning, Belenkoe in the Borisovsky district was shelled.

▪️ In the Kursk Region, Gordeevka, Troitskoe, Uspenovka in the Korenevo district, Veseloe and Sergeevka in the Glushkovo district, Oleshnya in the Sudzha district, and Staraya Nikolaevka in the Rylsk district were shelled. Drones attacked the Titov farm, the Krupets border crossing



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