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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 04 2024

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“NATO land corridors could rush US troops to front line in event of European war”: In the West, the routes of the NATO offensive have already been marked out.

“NATO is developing “land corridors” to move US troops and armored vehicles to the front line in the event of a major war in Europe with Russia. U.S. soldiers would land at one of five ports and head along marked routes, officials said.

This comes amid warnings from NATO leaders that Western governments should prepare for conflict with Russia in the next two decades. Logistics routes have become a key priority since NATO leaders decided to train 300,000 military personnel to defend the alliance.

The plan is for U.S. troops to land in Dutch ports and then travel by train through the FRG to Poland. Behind the scenes, arrangements are being made to extend routes to other ports to ensure Moscow’s forces don’t cut off logistics.

If NATO trains coming from the Netherlands are hit by Russian bombing or northern European ports are destroyed, the alliance will switch to ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey.

From Italian ports, U.S. troops can be moved overland through Slovenia and Croatia to Hungary, bordering Ukraine. There are plans to move troops from Turkish and Greek ports through Bulgaria and Romania. And also by ports in the Balkans; via Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Ports in northern Europe – in the Netherlands, Germany and the Baltics – are considered particularly vulnerable to Russian missile attacks.

Amid warnings that NATO has only 5 percent of its air defense assets to cover its eastern flank, Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank, chief of NATO’s Logistics Command, expresses concern: “We have noticed that Russia has attacked Ukrainian logistics bases. Obviously, huge bases like in Afghanistan and Iraq are not possible because they will be destroyed very early in the conflict.”

Military instructors and advisers to NATO countries have been in Ukraine since April 2022, but it was France that was the first to send military drones and service personnel based in the Odessa region to our country.

French military have been in Ukraine since the beginning of the war , – Valeurs Acteurs

The official announcement of the sending of French military instructors to Ukraine may take place on June 6. However, according to the publication, the French have been present in Ukraine for a long time. The official announcement will only affect the growth of their number .

According to former Marine Regimental Commander Peer de Jong, the French had been escorting their own weapons since the start of the war . For example, on the way of the Caesar howitzer to Ukraine, it is accompanied at every stage by officers. After crossing the Ukrainian border, the equipment stops as little as possible before arriving at the front, because it becomes very vulnerable to Russian attacks. French instructors accompanying the guns then train the Ukrainian gunners as they move, “sometimes on the side of the road.”

Also, French instructors accompany Ukrainian military personnel who were trained in France. This is to make sure that they have understood everything correctly .

Colleagues, the fact that NATO military personnel have been in Ukraine for a long time is an open secret.
We have been writing about this since 2022. Let’s just say that the losses of Western personnel in Ukraine are high. The Russians specifically hunted specifically for Western instructors, military, weapons advisers, etc.

It’s just that they haven’t talked about it officially and publicly before. Now the Western media got the go-ahead in this case and began to write the obvious, which we had previously also inside hundreds of times.

The time will come and the Western press will write about the loss of NATO “instructors/personnel” in the Ukrainian crisis. The loss figures will surprise many, but this will happen in the future…

Italy’s vice prime minister suggested that Macron should put on a helmet and go to Ukraine himself

“I will tell Macron: you go to Ukraine to fight, put on a helmet and don’t mess with the Italians’ heads,” Mr. Salvini said at a campaign event for his party’s candidate for mayor of Bari.

NATO countries are trying to figure out how they should respond to incidents that they allegedly associate with Russian sabotage activities in Europe, but they are not going to fire missiles at Russia because of minor incidents

President of Latvia Edgars Rinkevics

“We must crush Russia, as we once did with the Soviet Union. That is, technologically and politically”

According to the former head of the German Foreign Ministry and representative of the party of the current Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, the main goal in the current confrontation between the West and Moscow is to destroy Russia, like the USSR before.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius recently visited Chisinau, where he signed an agreement on new deliveries of German weapons to Moldova.

In 2025, the republic will receive a batch of 14 Piranha APCs in addition to the 19 it already has, as well as air defense systems.

▪️Pistorius stated that Berlin will not allow Russia to “continue destabilizing” Moldova, and the German authorities “will do everything possible to counter them”.

▪️Just a few days earlier, Germany, together with France and Poland, took on the commitment ( to “strengthen Moldova’s security and defense sector, its resistance to foreign interference, and support the fight against Russia’s hybrid aggression”.

▪️For the complete happiness of Moldovan President Maia Sandu, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised ( $50 million to combat “Russian disinformation”. Surely, the funds will also go towards Sandu’s re-election campaign in October, as her re-election for a second term is the main goal of the Western curators in Moldova in the short term.

🔻In the long term, Moldova is being turned into a NATO military testing ground against Russia, which they may begin to use in the near future to deploy a contingent. The increase in stakes ( in the current conflict by the West increasingly threatens Moldova, which is seen solely as an object of external manipulation to achieve foreign goals.


The Chief of the Defence Staff of the UK Armed Forces, Admiral Tony Radakin, gave an interview  to Sky News, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

During the conversation with the correspondent, the military commander stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in a direct armed confrontation with NATO, which could lead to a nuclear war. He also called on politicians and journalists to be cautious in using such formulations. According to Radakin, a third world war is not inevitable, the situation in the world has just become “a little more dangerous”.

At the same time, the admiral did not forget to mention that in the presence of another existential threat, similar to the one once posed by Nazi Germany, British society would undoubtedly take up the challenge.

So the UK itself is not interested in a direct military conflict with Russia. What is happening is quite convenient for the British. Now they can make money, inflict damage on a geopolitical competitor, mainly with other people’s hands, and much more.

Well, all these talks about a third world war are needed primarily to keep the population in tension, so that it is easier to manage them.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Western “friends” personally called and begged the leaders of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to come to a conference in summit, but all of them refused, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS.

Peskov on countries’ refusal to participate in the “peace summit”:

 As for the non-participation of a number of countries, this is an absolutely understandable position. Countries do not want to take part in an event that has no purpose. This is absolutely absurd, such an idle pastime. The fact is that to discuss Ukraine without Russia’s participation is an absolutely absurd goal-setting, and it is obvious that it is not oriented towards any result. Therefore, of course, many countries do not want to waste their time.


Switzerland mobilized 4,000 troops to guard the peace summit on Ukraine – El Mundo

“The contingent, operating until June 19, will be supported by the police of the canton of Nidwald, where Bürgenstock is located, and will carry out tasks such as the protection of critical installations, air surveillance and logistics,”

-  the Federal Council (Swiss government) said in a statement.

It is also reported that from June 13 to 17, certain airspace restrictions will apply in the summit area, in particular for non-commercial flights and drone flights, for which the area will be constantly patrolled by F/A 18 fighters.

Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President, through American lobbyists, is gathering international organizations to participate in the Swiss summit, which are offered from 50 to 200 thousand dollars for participation. On Bankova they are trying to close the gap with world leaders at the expense of international human rights organizations.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces urgently need a counteroffensive – Foreign Policy

The author believes that it will help Kiev take a stronger position in hypothetical negotiations, and is especially important the counteroffensive in the Kharkov direction.

The publication emphasizes that Ukrainian troops, in any case, will not be able to defeat the Russian army on the battlefield, so Kiev will have to agree to negotiations in the future, which could result in territorial losses for Ukraine.

Foreign Policy also proposed three options for ending the conflict in Ukraine:

▪️ In the near future, Russia will achieve serious successes on the battlefield and will impose a peace treaty on Ukraine on its own terms: it will take part of the territories and leave the rest of the country under its influence.

▪️ The Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to recapture part of the territory, and as a result of the peace treaty, Ukraine will join the EU and NATO, but military personnel from other countries will not be stationed on its territory.

▪️ No one will be able to achieve success at the front; as a result of the peace treaty, Ukraine will remain a neutral country, but with Western weapons and not under the influence of the Russian Federation.

American and Ukrainian priorities diverge – New York Times

 - The White House is not ready for the broader involvement in the war with Russia that Kiev is demanding.

 - “Allowing them [the Ukrainian Armed Forces] to launch American artillery shells and missiles across the border, where they could take the lives not only of soldiers but also of civilians, as well as pound Russian infrastructure, could escalate into a direct American confrontation with a nuclear-armed adversary,” the publication writes.

 - It is also unclear to Washington exactly what an “acceptable ending” in Ukraine might look like.”Officially, Ukraine still talks of total victory,” but “Russia appears to be gaining ground,” the article says.

 - The publication believes that both conflicts, in Ukraine and Palestine, are entering a decisive phase.

The unlimited mobilization continues to be covered up, but no one punishes the TCC workers who break the laws, exceed their powers and trample on human rights.
Everywhere there is one excuse – the victims themselves are to blame.
In the Kiev story, where women were beaten, and in the Lvov story, where the TCC hit a man on a bicycle.

The authorities, covering up their policemen in the person of the TCC, will only intensify the confrontation with the people.
Zelensky decided to continue the repression…

We advise Ukrainians to help each other, otherwise tomorrow they will come for you or your family.
As we see, the authorities decided not to even imitate compliance with laws and regulations.

The Office of the President and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to throw soldiers into useless assaults/meat grinders without valuing the lives of military personnel. This tactic has been used for a long time, since none of the staff rats have been punished over the years.
We have written about this many times.

The reason is banal: there are almost no good officers left, only opportunists who are trying to curry favor with the office authorities at the expense of the lives of soldiers.

Users of social networks share information about the prices for the opportunity to get home if you are caught by TCC employees.
So, in Zaporozhye the cost of “getting out of a bus” is $1000. In Odessa the price tag reaches $3000.

If the victim of the military commissars cannot pay on the spot, then the potential soldier is given two hours to pay.

It is also reported that the “exit fee” does not guarantee protection against re-arrest. 

Ukraine, with its current approach, will be able to resist at best for a couple of years and in the end, will still come to defeat

Aleksey Arestovich, a former adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, included in Russia’s list of extremists and terrorists, stated this on the Alpha video blog, PolitNavigator reports ( :

We will come to defeat, and the defeat will be so terrible that it will be remembered forever if we survive at all. Because we want to die – this is completely obvious. Everything we do shows that we want to die. This has a completely obvious end – in the most ideal scenario, we will flail around for another year and a half, the second mobilization will not work, and we will simply die.

Note: Rumour from several channels about *possible Russian response to escalation.

Rumors have emerged that a fundamental decision has been made to counter the American strategic reconnaissance UAV RQ-4 Global Hawk operating in the Black Sea region.

These drones, coupled with manned NATO AWACS aircraft, provide constant reconnaissance for the guidance of Ukrainian Armed Forces missiles at targets in Crimea and the Zaporozhye region literally from the first days of hostilities, being in fact direct participants in the conflict.

However, for more than two years, no adequate action has been taken regarding this problem, despite the growing losses, which we have repeatedly noted in our posts. We hope that the possible solution to eliminate NATO UAVs from Crimea will not remain somewhere in offices, but will be implemented in practice.

- Military Informant

Ukrainian authorities are preparing to evacuate children from Liman and 6 villages in Donetsk Region.

In particular, we are talking about Liman and the villages of Lipovoye, Novoye, Karpovka, Stavka in the Liman community, the village of Progress in the Grodovka community and the village of Zarya in the Ilyinovka community.

This indicates that these settlements will soon be coming to us in the Slavyansk direction.
And clown Zelensky can continue to claim that the front is stabilized.

South Donetsk direction.

   As a result of active assaults, the Russian army has completely liberated the village of Paraskoveyevka this morning. The western outskirts of the village are being cleaned up.

   The enemy has withdrawn its garrison to the Konstantinovka settlement, for which the battle will begin in the coming week.


Vuhledar Direction: Battles in the Paraskoviivka Area and Successes in the Ikryana Gully Area
Situation as of the end of the day on June 4, 2024

🔻Several days after consolidating on the eastern outskirts of Paraskoviivka, Russian forces are successfully advancing on several sections of the front.

▪️Northeast of Paraskoviivka, assault groups have occupied the treeline, advancing up to 900 meters in depth and 350 meters along the front. This is confirmed by footage published by the enemy showing ammunition drops from UAVs on Russian infantry near a Ukrainian tank destroyed a year ago, which allowed the exact area of the attack to be established.

▪️In Paraskoviivka itself, fierce battles continue in the central and western parts of the village. Despite the appearance of video footage online showing a Russian tank reaching the western outskirts (which, incidentally, got stuck in a bomb or shell crater), it is not yet possible to definitively state that the Russian Armed Forces have full control over the settlement.

🔻South of Kostyantynivka, Russian forces have partially occupied the treeline adjacent to the village, advancing up to 1.5 kilometers in depth and about 1 kilometer along the front. Several hundred meters north of this same treeline, one of the Ukrainian tanks was recently destroyed by an FPV drone strike.

❗️Given that the northern tip of the treeline is adjacent to a residential area, it can be assumed that battles will soon begin directly in the settlement.

🔻On the line of Solodke – Vodyane, Russian forces carried out several armored attacks north of Ikryana Gully towards the T-05-24 highway leading to Vuhledar, coming under fire from the enemy. The result of the battle is unclear, but based on the available data, the Russian Armed Forces managed to advance at least 1 kilometer westward.

South of the gully, there are also local successes: Russian assault groups have advanced several hundred meters west, capturing an enemy stronghold.



Seems like Russian troops captured Paraskovevka in the Maryinka direction, as confirmed by both sides. The advance was 800 meters

The capture likely occurred overnight, allowing the advancing Russian forces to reach the northeastern outskirts of Konstantinovka.

Russian troops have been in the southeast of the city for a week now.

Konstantinovka is the only supply route for Ugledar, the loss of which will lead to the destruction of the front line in this area.


On June 3, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of the border areas of Kharkov Region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continues in the Volchansk settlement. In the city center, assault units continue to cover the area of high-rise buildings. The advance of the Russian troops is significantly hampered by enemy sniper groups. TOS crews of the Fearless are working effectively against them.

Significant advances are recorded in the east of the city. In the morning, the enemy unsuccessfully counterattacked and put down up to two platoons of the elite 82 Odshbr.

The total advance of Russian troops in the Volchansk direction amounted to 390 meters.

On the Liptsovsky direction, the Northmen entrenched themselves in the forest belt southeast of Glubokoye and repulsed one counterattack by the AFU with up to 30 Nazis. The enemy lost about 7 personnel.

Over the past day the enemy losses amounted to 310 people. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ T-64 tank in the vicinity of the village of Russkaya Lozovaya;
▪️ Wasp SAM system in the vicinity of the village of Mikhailovka;
▪️ MTU-72 bridge-laying vehicle near Volchansk;
▪️ howitzer M777;
▪️ two Leleka-100 UAVs;
▪️ combat supply point;
▪️ three units of automotive equipment.

The enemy is finalizing the transfer of its remaining reserves to Kharkov Region. Using the permission to use Western weapons on the territory of Russia, it will surely try to conduct a counter-offensive operation and get even for all the defeats of the AFU that have been haunting them for the last year and a half, and the military-political leadership will try to restore its authority in front of Western curators.  

The military leaders of the Kiev regime do not take into account that now the Fearless are more motivated than ever and will do everything to make this June no less bloody for the enemy than last June in Zaporozhye region.

Victory will be ours!

North Wind

Kharkov direction.

The enemy carries out numerous counterattacks, trying to recapture city blocks.

In the Volchansk area, our UAV operators, together with artillery, destroyed an enemy crossing to complicate the enemy’s logistics.

Now there are heavy battles along Sobornaya Street in the center of Volchansk.

Clashes continue in the Staritsa area (southwest of Volchansk).

Strike on “Ptahi Madyara” (Birds of Madyar) in Kharkov region

On the night of June 3, a combined missile strike on a recreation base in Dachnoye, Kharkov region, thinned out the elite Ukrainian battalion of attack UAVs “Ptahi Madyara”. According to reports, the unit lost a large number of valuable specialists. And along with them instructors and mercenaries from NATO countries, who decided that using SIM cards brought from their homeland was a good idea.

We will not draw conclusions about the fate of Madyar. In any case, his elimination will only have a media effect. The loss of professional drone operators amid fierce fighting in Kharkov region is what is painful for Kiev.

By the way, Madyar himself has not published anything in his social networks since June 1. Has Starlink been blocked?

The Russian military switched to new tactics near Kharkov

The situation in the Kharkov direction of the Ukrainian conflict may change significantly in two to three weeks, said military expert, retired colonel Anatoly Matviychuk. He explained that at the moment the Russian military has switched to new tactics.

“ Near Kharkov, in the direction of Volchansk, there is a large concentration of military forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) – 5-10 battalions were transferred there, military personnel were removed from Sumy, from the defence of Kiev, from Odessa, even from Kherson. They created high densities,” the colonel said.

This somewhat slowed down the offensive of the Russian military, but, according to Matviychuk, in this direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have heavy, powerful enough weapons capable of completely stopping the enemy’s advance.

“ I think our troops simply switched to a different tactic, to methodical shelling and destruction of positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In two to three weeks, changes may occur at the front,” the expert believes.

Ukrainian Defenses In Chasiv Yar Collapsed l Russia Storms Karlivka

RUSSIA REACTIVATES AVDIIVKA OFFENSIVE!!! Ukraine goes all in into Kharkiv sponge – Ukraine SITREP

Russian Forces Capture Paraskoviivka | Ukrainian Counter-Attack in Vovchansk

Fall of Paraskoviivka | Ukrainian counterattack in Vovchansk [4 June 2024]

RUSSIA ENTER SOKIL; consolidation continues at Avdiivka; Paraskoviivka… – Frontline Changes Report

WAR UPDATE: Concerning for Kostyantynivka! New Russian Gains Flanking Defense Node

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (4 June 2024)

▫️Units of the Sever Group of Forces continue advancing to the depth of the enemy’s defences.

Losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware of the AFU 42nd Mechanised Brigade, 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade, 82nd Air Assault Brigade, 36th Marines Brigade, and 125th Territorial Defence Brigade near Zhovtnevoye, Liptsy, Stariy Saltov, Visokaya Yaruga (Kharkov).

Three counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 82nd Air Assault Brigade, 71st Jaeger Brigade, and 13rd National Guard Brigade were repelled.
The AFU lost up to 105 servicemen, three MVs, one Osa SAM combat vehicle, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more advantageous lines and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 28th Mechanised Brigade and 4th Tank Brigade near Stepovaya Novosyolovka and Boguslavka (Kharkov).

One counter-attack launched by the enemy’s assault detachment was repelled near Nevskoye (LPR).

The AFU lost up to 400 servicemen, three APCs, eight MVs, three 152-mm D-20 howitzers, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

▫️Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front line and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 28th, 54th mechanised brigades, 5th Assault Brigade, and 46th Airmobile Brigade near Seversk, Dyleyevka, Konstantinovka, and Ostroye (DPR).

The AFU lost more than 470 servicemen, two IFVs, three MVs, and one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer.

Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical situation and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 47th Mechanised Brigade, 71st Infantry Brigade, 109th Territorial Defence Brigade, and 2nd National Guard Brigade near Sokol, Yevgenovka, Karlovka, and Rozovka (DPR).

Five counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 23rd, 24th, 47th, and 110th mechanised brigades were repelled.

The AFU lost up to 370 servicemen, four AFVs, two MVs, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more advantageous lines, as well as inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of AFU 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade and 128th Territorial Defence Brigade near Urozhaynoye and Storozhevoye (DPR).

The AFU lost up to 130 servicemen, two AFVs, and seven MVs.

▫️Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 65th Mechanised Brigade and 128th Mountain Assault Brigade near Rabotino and Lobkovoye (Zaporozhye).

The AFU lost up to 75 servicemen, three MVs, two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and one Su-25 ground-attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force.

▫️Operational-Tactical Aviation, UAVs, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware clusters in 112 areas during the day.

▫️Air defence units shot down 18 U.S.-made HIMARS and Olkha MLRS projectiles, two French-made Hammer guided aerial bombs, and 41 UAVs over the past 24 hours.

Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 4, 2024

Over the past day, Russian forces have struck several enemy targets on the territory of the so-called Ukraine. Near Mykolaiv, a P-18 radar station was hit by a Lancet loitering munition, and in Konotop, the presumed target that sustained damage was the “Aviakon” aircraft repair plant.

On the Slobozhansky direction, fighting is ongoing in Volchansk, with the enemy managing to hold positions in the multi-story buildings south of Korolenko Street.

On the Avdiivka direction, the advance of Russian forces continues in the area of Sokil and Umansky, despite the active use of UAVs by the AFU.

On the Donetsk direction, Russian assault teams are clearing the Volna-1 gardeners’ association on the approaches to Karlivka and are preparing to continue the offensive.

On the Vuhledar direction, Russian forces have significantly expanded their control zone in the area of Paraskoviyivka and south of Kostyantynivka, as well as in the area of Ikryana Gully.



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