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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 09 2024

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Russian state TV wants the West to fear Russia

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 International defeats and alarm bells are ringing en masse for Ukraine.
Just in one day.

- Erdogan refused to go to a conference on the Ukrainian crisis in Switzerland
- in the elections to the European Parliament, a huge number of seats are gained by parties with anti-Ukrainian rhetoric/agenda.
- Macron is forced to announce early elections to the French National Assembly due to the “defeat” of his party in the elections to the European Parliament.

At the same time, there were rumors that no financial fund for Ukraine would be created at the NATO summit (the case of Stoltenberg and his initiatives about the 40 billion annual aid fund for the war in Ukraine).
There will only be promises.

Scholtz suddenly started talking and spoke outright nonsense. Or, as we would say in our well-known language, he has lost his way. Scholz said that the Russian President should recognize that Ukraine is strong and it cannot be brought to its knees.

Ukraine? What’s that? Today’s ex-Ukraine is, to put it in high doldrums, something of a dominion, directly ruled by the U.S. and NATO countries. It is, though not without difficulty, completely maintained by them. It is, despite the protests of its own population, receiving all kinds of the most lethal weapons.
Even the weird guy with the nasty lumpy face, Borrell, admitted that the conflict in Ukraine could be over in a couple of weeks if arms transfers to Kiev were stopped.

What’s the power then, sausage man? Insane fountainhead corruption? The total embezzlement of Western aid by the Zelensky clique? The dying population, half of which lives in Russia and Europe?

Shame. He should just get down on his knees and repent to the Ukrainians.
For lying about the inevitable “victory”.
For condemning them to extermination, at the same time sacrificing the well-being of the Germans entrusted to him.
For the revival of Nazism in the form of Banderovshchina.
For the indescribable ineptitude of the administration.
For the historic loss of confidence in the SPD, which made Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt roll over in their graves many times over.

However, nonentity is nonentity in all things.



The Deputy Prime Minister of Italy called Macron an unbalanced individual

Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Matteo Salvini said that French President Emmanuel Macron is an “unbalanced individual” who poses a danger because of his calls to strike at Russian territory.

As the Italian official noted, he considers NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the French leader to be criminals. Thus, according to Salvini, any initiatives of an aggressive nature towards the Russian Federation increase the risk of the outbreak of a third world war.

Italian experts fear that such rhetoric from Salvini could provoke a diplomatic scandal between Rome and Paris ahead of the G7 summit on June 13-15.

The Americans will not be able to sit it out. Senator from the Zaporozhye region Dmitry Rogozin spoke about the rash actions of the United States supporting the Kiev regime.

Rogozin is convinced that “the distance from the theatre of military operations creates the illusion of impunity” for America.

In another statement, an official representative of the White House speaks about the disastrous consequences of the escalation of hostilities for the European continent, apparently being confident that the Americans will again be able to sit on their island, spending evenings in pubs discussing the latest news about a distant war,

- writes the senator.

Rogozin believes that the Americans have not fully understood that they are completely vulnerable to further escalation of the conflict. The consequences of the confrontation will not be limited to Europe and will have the nature of a global catastrophe that will also affect America.

We do not want to scare anyone and engage in so-called “nuclear rhetoric,” understanding that repeated words materialize. But it seems to us that the American political class is inadequate,

- concluded Rogozin.

Orban is confident that the West dreams of getting to Russia’s riches.

Western leaders who are on the warpath want to defeat Russia militarily. Their brilliant plan is absolutely simple, because it is about money, which gives influence and power,

- said the Prime Minister of Hungary.

He recalled the period of the 1990s when “Europeans were welcomed into Russia with open arms and entered into its economy unhindered.” According to Orban, at that time the West tried to exploit the Russian Federation, but “the Russians eventually took everything into their own hands and rebuilt it in their own way.”

The politician believes that now many in the West would like to return to those times and “dream about a great restructuring in the East.”

“The events in Ukraine, during which the conflict between the Russian Federation and Western countries is developing, are slowly but surely leading the world to disaster”

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic

“The West has no good cards in the fight against Putin.” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic believes that Europeans greatly underestimate the Russian leader.

If you bet that someone is bluffing, it means you don’t have the best cards. You just think that your opponent is even worse. But you didn’t see what was there.

I would always be very careful when assessing Putin’s will and his next steps. I can’t be in his place, I can’t look through his eyes, but this will only make the situation worse,
- Vucic said.

According to the Serbian President, everything is complicated by the fact that in the West everyone is talking about war. Nobody is trying to come to peace.

There is a theory that I don’t approve of, but I understand. It lies in the fact that the West is confident of an easy victory over Putin. They want to wear Russia down in Ukraine. And then join in yourself. Then, in their opinion, Russia in its current territorial borders will cease to exist, and Putin will be overthrown

Vucic added.

He summarized that this is slowly but surely leading the whole world to a global catastrophe.

Bezuglaya: everything is lost, the command is not creating “drones”, young talents are being removed, Syrsky is a traitor

Maryana Bezuglaya once again gave birth to the post of “zrada”: her favourite chief of artillery of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Baranov, was transferred to the army corps, and the command of unmanned systems (Maryana, out of ignorance, calls him UAV) was never created, and all this despite Zelensky’s decrees.

Bezuglaya is confident that defeat is inevitable due to “outdated corrupt officials from the highest headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”

Maryana also laments that only civilians fight in Ukraine (how they do this is unclear).

Another curious thing is that the resource TsIPSO “Informnapalm” calls Maryana a mouthpiece of Russian propaganda, and Bezuglaya herself, although not directly, accuses Syrsky himself of working for Russia.

In defence of the Russian agent Syrsky from the Russian spy Bezuglaya, we note that in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there has long been no principle of unity of command – decisions are made in the Pentagon, London, on Bankovaya, but not by Syrsky. His predecessor Zaluzhny at least imitated some kind of role, while the current commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine only conducts drill reviews at the forefront, reprimanding his subordinates for the “non-statutory” arrows on the maps, realizing that he can’t do anything more…


On the Baltops-24 exercise

There are more and more rumors about NATO preparing for a direct armed conflict with Russia. There are many reasons for such discussions: sharp statements, permission to use missile weapons, and an increasing number of provocative exercises near the Russian borders.

🔻Starting on Friday, the active phase of the multinational event Baltops-24 began in the waters of the Baltic Sea, involving more than 9,000 military personnel, over 50 ships, and 80 aircraft from more than a dozen NATO countries, practicing various scenarios of employing joint armed forces.

▪️In particular, on Gotland Island, which is very popular in Western military-adjacent media due to alleged Russian claims on it, NATO units are training to repel an attack on the outpost, including an airborne assault. And this is just one of the tasks being carried out as part of the exercise.

▪️The aviation is conducting reconnaissance, air combat, and defending against missile and drone attacks on Alliance facilities, while the naval group is striking enemy ships and blockading the main sea routes near the Kaliningrad Region and in the Gulf of Finland.

▪️The composition of the exercise participants is quite diverse. From footage from open sources, including the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania, one can see both large-displacement ships and small British patrol boats.

🔻Of course, we are already used to NATO’s training. For the Alliance, “Russian aggression” is the cornerstone of the bloc’s existence. It’s just that since the start of the SMO, the hype has noticeably increased, making each such exercise seem provocative and aimed at escalating the conflict.

At the same time, against the background of the permission to use long-range missile weapons against the old Russian territories, the practice of blockading the Baltic Sea and strikes on Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg, together with the participation of Scandinavia in the exercise, will clearly serve to increase tension in the region.

U.S strikes Russian Airbase

Ukrainian drones travelled over 1000km across Russian territory to hit a Russian Air base in North Ossetia that MIG 31s were based at

About the alleged first defeat of the Su-57 fighter jet in the Astrakhan region.

The 🔺GUR of Ukraine claims that the defeat of the fighter jet took place on June 8, 2024 at the Akhtubinsk airfield.

What are we talking about?

Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian side has been citing alleged satellite images of the airplane’s parking lot at the airfield. These images show that on June 7, the fifth-generation fighter jet stands on the runway without damage, and the next day craters from an explosion and characteristic burning stains appeared near it, probably from the arrival of a drone.

What data is available for analysis?

The distance from the possible launch site to the airfield in Akhtubinsk is 646 kilometers. Given that a range of 1,000 km is not a problem for modern drones, this is a realistic version.

Shortly before the reported attack on Akhtubinsk, there was an attempt to hit the airfield in Mozdok. It is highly probable that these events are connected.

How could the Su-57 have ended up in Akhtubinsk? The 929th State Flight Test Center named after V.P. Chkalov is located there. While still a prototype under the T-50 index, the fifth-generation fighter was tested there. It is not known how many machines are there, but most likely we are talking about either prototypes being tested or mock-ups for equipment development.

What’s the bottom line?

The airfield site in Akhtubinsk is declared by the Ukrainian side as a military airfield, but in fact, the Chkalov Flight Center is more of a research facility. It is not known about the performance of regular combat sorties from its territory, but this does not mean that they did not take place.

If the Su-57 hit had been a strike against formation fighters, the satellite images would probably show a group of machines and ground-based airfield equipment. The photos provided by the GSD clearly show only one vehicle and some equipment, the origin of which is unclear.

Apparently, the test site is perceived by the Ukrainian side as a suitable object for a media strike (with no consequences on the battlefield), and the defense of such a facility should be approached in the same way as conventional military airfields: hangars, electronic warfare complexes and mobile firing groups.

Military Chronicle

Regarding the fact that a hangar for equipment is an incredibly expensive endeavor:

The frontline tank monster “Tsar-mangal” – is it expensive or not? Based on the capabilities of frontline repair bases, it can be assumed that this is not the most expensive design.

And is this a successful solution? After a couple of dozen enemy FPV drones failed to destroy one of the “mangals”, it engaged targets and accomplished other tasks, we can definitely say that this is a very capable design. To put it mildly.

From this, the question arises: is it really so unrealistic to improve quickly deployable structures to shield our aviation from, at the very least, the enemy’s homemade drones? 


Our source says it is unlikely that Ukraine will be given permission this year to use F-16s on a large scale in the Ukrainian crisis.
Most likely, several copies of the aircraft will be transferred. There will be loud PR and window dressing, but there will be no mass application. Aircraft will be used in a targeted manner. In reality, they will not be stored and placed in Ukraine. Although they will convince everyone that they are stationed at local military airfields.

There are also rumors that many F-16s will most likely be flown by Western aces, but this will be top secret. Ukrainian pilots will be shown in media.
Also, on the “flying radars” transmitted by Sweden, there will be a completely NATO “team”. There is a terrible shortage of personnel in Ukraine.

They are transferred just for the “bundle” with the F-16. The task/mission of Western personnel on Western toys is to try to resist Russian bombing attacks on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They will be hunting Russian aviation, we previously insided about this.

A Ukrainian plane struck the Belgorod region for the first time, British Sky News reports, citing its source in the Ukrainian army.

According to the publication, this was allegedly the first case of Ukrainian aviation using weapons on Russian territory.

However, this is an obvious lie or stupidity, since helicopters and planes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, starting in the spring of 2022, have repeatedly flown into “pre-referendum” Russian territory and tried to strike with Soviet unguided weapons.

Most likely, the material was referring to the first case of a Ukrainian aircraft using Western weapons on Russian territory , and not the first case in general, which fits into the framework of the recent receipt of permission from the United States and some other countries for such attacks. Then it is most likely that high-precision aerial bombs were used for the strike: either the American JDAM-ER or GBU-39B , or the French AASM-250 , which the enemy is actively using in the Kharkov border area.

So far, no attempts to use Storm Shadow cruise missiles (SCALP-EG) in the Belgorod region have been recorded, however, given the current trend and the complete disregard for the ever-increasing attacks by already authorized means, another shift in the red lines will not be long in coming


Mirgorod airfield

The Russian Aerospace Forces launched two missile attacks on the Mirgorod airfield, Poltava region using Kh-69 missiles.

The enemy was preparing the aircraft for departure in advance to strike Belgorod and the region. There were two hits, fires at the arrival site. The planes did not have time to leave the airfield.


“In the current state of affairs, Ukraine has two options – a catastrophic escalation of the conflict or an unpleasant settlement option.

It is becoming clear that Zelensky and his sponsors in Washington are increasingly inclined to choose the first rather than the second option.”
“This is happening because the tide of the war has turned, perhaps permanently, in Russia’s favor (which is itself a completely predictable development, despite the wishful thinking that precisely characterizes what is served here in Washington as good quality analysis).”

American Conservative

The Swiss initiative does not live up to expectations, the main idea was that this would be a summit, but now everything is reduced to the level of a conference, the agenda is redrawn on the fly and is clearly not in favor of Ukraine, and with Biden’s refusal to come it has lost all meaning.

It is noteworthy that even ardent supporters of Ukraine are not particularly eager to attend the initially stillborn “peace” conference. With Biden, everything is clear – there are elections ahead and we need to resolve our own issues, but Argentine President Javier Miley’s refusal to participate in the Swiss conference on Ukraine is already interesting. As it turned out, a fan of Ukraine, Miley, decided to stay in the country to celebrate national holidays on June 17 and 20 – National Latin American Freedom Day and Flag Day.

As we can see, the importance of the Swiss summit is decreasing day by day – half as many delegations take part in it as planned, the countries of the global South refused to discuss Zelensky’s “peace formula”, which forced the State Department to urgently change the format of the event and form the safest drafts for discussion. As a result, the gathering will be mainly Europeans, who are already constantly discussing Ukraine, but they will no longer talk about the “borders of 1991,” the thesis on which the entire Office of President Zelensky rests.

Ukrainian troops are running out of people for “meat assaults.”

It is clear that the reserves are coming to an end, so in almost all directions, they went on the defensive, having already surrendered both Krynki and Rabotino. That is, the enemy is exhausted, this is obvious,

— said the governor of the Zaporozhye region, Evgeniy Balitsky.

He is sure that the problems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces also lie in the fatigue of the West and the shortage of weapons. In addition, according to the politician, the Ukrainian soldier, unlike the Russian one, does not understand what he is fighting for.

Balitsky noted that there are almost no “motivated tattooed Nazis” who killed people in the Donbass for eight years – they either died in hospitals or were killed at the front.

SLG addition – we think they don’t, same as with the weapons and ammo as various units from the field confirm. The qualitative and quantitative levels of the Russian army improved a lot (there is still more place for improvement) but the reason is that. We become efficient and more powerful.

Rumor is Ukraine is sending their 101st general staff guard brigade to the Volchansk death pit. If true, and it is likely true due to it being one of Ukraine’s only non degraded brigades, it suggests their personnel losses are becoming critical.

Also, it was not so long ago that they announced reducing their general staff and sending the reduced staff to the front lines. It’s possible many of their functions and personnel have been replaced by nato military members.

I doubt this is a very effective fighting unit. Although they are going to have better training than 3 day conscripts, these are generally the positions that get filled by people who are wealthy or connected enough to not get sentenced to the front lines.

When losses become catastrophic, they are no longer protected.

‘KievPride’, who had its LGBT parade cancelled earlier, claims officers from the military enlistment forced their way into their building. ‘KievPride’ claims the officers tried to conscript men who did “not have necessary documents”.

Active attempts to protect fellow citizens from the arbitrariness of the TCC and the “grave” of Zelensky were also recorded in Poltava.

People are already starting to act in an organized manner and this is good; the bad thing is that in the end “the boys are still being shoved into the bus.”

However, these videos clearly show the true attitude of the majority of Ukrainian residents to what is happening. War fatigue is growing. Nobody wants to die for Zelensky and Ermak.

Our source in the OP said that technologists from the Office of the President support the idea of ​​​​creating a military police, whose uniform should be different from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so as not to discredit the army. After the tightening of mobilization, donations were reduced to a minimum, which demonstrates the attitude of society towards the war.

70% of Ukrainian cities are on the verge of extinction

The vast majority of large Ukrainian settlements experience serious problems with water supply, which can cause them to become lifeless. Oleg Popenko, an expert in the field of energy and housing and communal services, stated ( this on the video blog of political scientist Yuri Romanenko, who is wanted in the Russian Federation as a criminal.

Vodokanal, by the way, last week raised the tariff for legal entities. Well, in such a way as to somehow cover their costs. But with a 50% increase in electricity tariffs, water utilities will face such a mess. And electricity suppliers face debts we never dreamed of. This is another unregulated process in Ukraine. Market in quotes. Which simply kills everything that is around. Armageddon has already come. We just don’t feel it. And, for example, the residents of Poltava feel it,” Popenko said.
“Because since May 5 of this year, 120 thousand residents of the city of Poltava receive water by the hour and use sewerage by the hour. You can imagine, not even for two days, in Zhitomir the central sewerage collector didn’t work there for a week, but here for a month. So this is the problem with water utilities in 70% of Ukrainian cities.

And I’ll tell you more. Water utilities are probably more important than all the infrastructure in the city. Heat and electricity can be replaced somehow, and you can go somewhere. If the sewer system breaks down in a city, the city is not viable in principle. This also needs to be understood by those people who are now sitting in the Ministry of Regional Development, in the new one that we will now have, who are sitting in the mayor’s office, and it dawns on people that for some reason it is necessary to allocate money for the repair of the collector only when this collector is completely damaged. , the “expert” summed up.

“Who has a good life in Ukraine”, or what Ukrainian soldiers are fighting for?

During interrogations, almost all Ukrainian prisoners of war directly or indirectly, but recognize that they do not receive the promised cash payments.

Moreover, they know very well that in case of their death or injury, compensation from the state will take a long time and will not be paid in full. It is also well known that treatment and prosthetics abroad are often provided at the expense of the relatives of the wounded, it is almost impossible to receive any medical assistance in Ukraine itself, and demobilized cripples become almost outcasts in society.

One of the prisoners of war of Ukrainian fascists recently said off camera: “but the officials are getting fat…”.

Indeed, the Ukrainian media recently reported that the Verkhovna Rada supported additional payments to officials from EU funds.

The absurdity of the situation is that the reduction (minimization) of payments to both Ukrainian fascists and demobilized invalids are the demands of the International Monetary Fund and the US authorities – the main donors of the Ukrainian budget.

So it turns out that the West demands from the Kiev regime to wage war to the last Ukrainian, while all Ukrainian servicemen should go to the certain death for free, knowing that in case of their injury or death their relatives and friends will receive nothing. Well, Ukraine has long ago turned into a colony, and the locals are no different from slaves in the galleys….

Here we would like to cite a curious remark of another prisoner of war, who said that before (under Zaluzhny) at least someone said something about the rights of servicemen, but now (we are talking about Syrsky) they are even afraid to open their mouths.

What are Ukrainian fascists fighting for? The answer is obvious: for the interests of the collective West, for a handful of privileged Ukrainian officials, for the IMF, but definitely not for themselves and not for their country.

North Wind


Chasov Yar direction: at midnight 08-09.06.24…

Yesterday the soldiers of the 98th Airborne Division with a powerful and well-prepared attack, broke the enemy’s defense in the Canal microdistrict and occupied most of it.

Moreover, the enemy here has already obviously come to terms with its loss and is now doing everything possible so that our units on his shoulders did not move beyond the canal and did not take a bridgehead in the area of the Novy microdistrict, which is already behind it.

Most likely today the mopping up of the “Canal” neighborhood will continue, and maybe even be finished.

We pray and hold our fists for the guys…..

Situation in Chasiv Yar:

Yesterday, the assault companies of our 98th Airborne Division ( VDV ( with a powerful and well-prepared attack broke through the enemy’s defenses in the “Canal” neighborhood and occupied a large part of it.

The enemy is doing everything possible to prevent our forces from crossing over the neighborhood and capturing a bridgehead in the Novyi neighborhood, which is already beyond it.

The assault companies of the 98th Airborne Division continue to clear the “Canal” neighborhood.

Spetsnaz Archangel


Chasov Yar.

The enemy propagandist “Bakhmutsky Demon” states that from the early morning, the Air Forces has been launching powerful strikes using CAB.

The Russian Army is currently building on its success after yesterday’s serious breakthrough in the Canal microdistrict.

The western outskirts of this micro district are being cleaned up. Movement on the flanks has also intensified. A serious combined arms operation has begun, and the Russian army is introducing reserves.

So, Russian troops crossed the border in the Sumy region. The Russian army continues to create new points of tension for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the face of a shortage of enemy reserves

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced the occupation of the village of Ryzhevka in the Sumy region on the border with the Kursk region by Akhmat fighters.

As a result of large-scale planned offensive actions (, the Ukrainian side suffered significant losses and was forced to retreat. The coordinated and effective work of fighters from all units made it possible to achieve this result without any difficulties in just three days,” Kadyrov wrote.

Ukrainian propaganda previously dispersed the thesis that the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to stop the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kharkov direction. However, for this, the Ukrainians had to transfer reserves from the Kherson region and leave the advertised bridgehead in Krynki. Having pulled in reinforcements, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have so far been unsuccessfully trying to counterattack. Russian troops took up defensive positions.

The Russian occupation of new territories in the Sumy region will be, first of all, a political blow to Kiev. Indeed, in the Kharkov region in May, the Russian army managed to take much more territory than during the unsuccessful counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 2023. Moreover, the Russian army recently cleared the village of Rabotino from the enemy, the capture of which by the Ukrainian Armed Forces came at the cost of great casualties and losses of NATO equipment, PolitNavigator notes (


Russian troops crossed the border and knocked the AFU out of Ryzhevka, Sumy Region.

Our units filmed footage of mortar, artillery, drone and tank strikes on the enemy. Also at the end of the video is shown a sign of the Ryzhevka library.

On June 8, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of border areas in Kharkov Region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting continues in the Volchansk settlement. The enemy is making desperate attempts to counterattack and regain lost positions. In the morning, the enemy attacked near Gorky Park, lost 12 people killed and withdrew. In the afternoon in the east of the city, also had no success.

At the same time, assault units of the Fearless occupied two more buildings in the neighborhood of the Aggregate Plant.

The total advance of Russian troops in the Volchansk direction amounted to 250 meters.

In the Liptsovsky direction, the enemy, supported by APCs, once again unsuccessfully tried to attack the Fearless positions in Glubokoye.

In the area west of the Zelenoye settlement, the assault units of the Northmen advanced westward and occupied two dominant heights.

The total advance of the Russian troops in the Liptsovsky direction amounted to 900 meters.

Over the past 24 hours, enemy losses amounted to up to 250 men. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ Mi-8 helicopter;
▪️ 2S3 “Akatsiya” SPH near the village of Zamulovka;
▪️ 2S1 SPH;
▪️ AN/NPQ-50 radar near the village of Revolutskoye;
▪️ D-20 howitzer near the settlement of Shesterovka;
▪️ D-30 howitzer;
▪️ EW station;
▪️ two 120-mm mortars near the towns of Volchansk and Staritsa;
▪️ Ammunition warehouse;
▪️ four vehicles.

Russian aviation destroyed a crossing over the Pechenezhskoye Reservoir near Stariy Saltov. The successful actions of the “North” group are forcing the enemy to shift its plans regarding the launch of a counter-offensive operation in Kharkov region. Despite the fact that the Russian army has the initiative in all directions, the AFU command does not want to give up its intentions.
This time the Kiev regime’s troops intend to rely not on Western weaponry, as it was last year, but on the mass use of FPV drones. This battle will be a true embodiment of the “war of the future”, and the Fearless show their advantage in this battle!

Victory, will be ours!

North Wind

Kharkov area attack

Are we looking at a trap? The first thing that comes to mind when looking at the Russian Kharkov excursion. It was obvious from the start that the assembled forces were not big enough for a genuine offensive in this area but were big enough to create a crisis, forcing Ukrainians to react and give battle, to prevent the excursion from developing into something more serious. As already parroted multiple times, UA transferred reserves, significantly weakening another sectors of the front line. What we are seeing now is an attempt to counterattack the Russian grouping, with success at Liptsy, but that is about it for now. What encourages is the methodical destruction of rear lines, especially roads and bridges, which is starting to isolate the entire operational area, leaving, also for now, just a few roads which are under the fire of artillery and/or aviation, still not under proper impact but that can change and create choke points. Practically, the geographical pocket is being formed around big UA grouping. Moreover, AFU can’t afford to lose more ground here since that would create a danger for their big group in the Kupyansk area, 50.000 strong which rear will be exposed. From the other side, the big Russian group is being assembled in the border areas, with estimates ranging from 30.000-50.000 men. Now, the speculative part unfortunately coming. The new Russian group, or the main part of the group North, can go to Sumy or Chernigov regions, creating another big crisis for stretched AFU troops. As in the first scenario, it doesn’t need to have ambitious goals, except provoking and giving battle, depleting Ukrainian resources even more. The second option would be supporting and enlarging the grouping fighting in the Volchansk, thus creating local superiority, which would in turn allow defeat or retreat of AFU further back, which, as told, open road to get into the rear of the Kupyansk group of Ukrainian troops. Whatever goal is chosen, it would be very unpleasant for Ukraine’s high command, which is already patchworking front lines almost everywhere. Transfer of troops to new hotspots will weaken already depleted units facing Russian Army groups West, North and South. Perspective isn’t good, and whatever the Russian high command decides to implement, it will have heavy consequences for AFU. Don’t expect blitzkrieg type of warfare since the time of those is finished, at least on this front, because of the massive use of drones. But it doesn’t need to be fast and lightning, as long as it serves the overall strategic picture which is to bleed AFU dry. An interesting summer is ahead. SMO may be finally entered in its closing stage. And, to be honest, Ukraine’s resolve to hold onto every piece of land is actually a perfect thing for us. Zelensky, for political reasons, is doing us a favour.

Fierce fighting on several fronts [9 june 2024]

Has The Russian Kharkiv Offensive Been Succesful? | Chasiv Yar Microdistrict Collapse

SHOCKING NEWS at Kanal, Stepova Novoselivka, Sokil, Kalinina; OSSETIA ATTACKED? – Ukraine War SITREP

RUSSIA TAKES HALF OF KANAL; frontline corrections giving emotional damage – Frontline Changes Report

Massive Russian Breakthrough In Chasiv yar l Ukrainian Defenses Are In Deep Trouble

 Morning Overview Report on June 9, 2024

⚡️The past week saw an intensification of European politicians’ rhetoric about the need to prepare for war with Russia. Germany has developed a domestic plan, including conscript service, area evacuations, food distribution, and hospital preparations. The German Defense Minister cites 2029 readiness. NATO’s Steadfast Defender 24 exercises involved over 90,000 personnel, 50 ships, 80 aircraft, 1,100 armored vehicles, 133 tanks, and 533 IFVs, including preparing 5 routes for US military deployment to the eastern front. A figure of 300,000 NATO troops ready for Ukraine is mentioned.

▪️The Russian military is increasing pressure on the AFU defense in several directions. At Kharkiv, the enemy is trying to dislodge our troops from Volchansk and push back north of Lipetsk. Heavy fighting is underway.

▪️In the Kupiansk direction, the Russian offensive has formed salients near Ivanovka, Kyslivka, Tabaika and Berestove, with our troops trying to expand control.

▪️Near Bilohorivka, our units’ frontal attacks without accounting for enemy artillery and drones led to predictable losses.

▪️In the Chasiv Yar outskirts, our paratroopers have taken positions in the canal microdistrict, with the enemy withdrawing to the west.

▪️West of Avdiivka, our troops are advancing in Sokil, with the enemy counterattacking. The Umanske-Netailovo line has been straightened.

▪️The enemy is resisting fiercely in Krasnohorivka, with Ukrainian officers ordering locals killed if they hinder AFU defense.

▪️On the Zaporizhia front, Robotyne is under Russian control, but the north lacks consolidation under AFU strikes. Our troops have captured positions south of Shcherbaky and expanded control near Novopokrovka.

▪️In the Kherson direction, there are clashes on the islands, with the enemy losing Krynky but creating new tensions.

▪️Russian strikes on the Ukrainian energy system led to massive power outages and a ban on air conditioner use, though military facilities have enough capacity.

✨Thus Original msg (

Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 9, 2024

Russian forces struck AFU targets in Kharkiv. The enemy, in turn, continued to shell the Russian border areas, including with the use of Western-made guided air bombs.

In the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, Russian troops are advancing along the railway towards Stepova Novoselivka.

On the Bakhmut direction, there are battles in the center of the Kanal microdistrict and on the territory of the Chasiv Yar Repair Plant.

In the Avdiivka direction, Russian troops expanded the control zone north and northwest of Umanske, consolidating in the area of Babaky Gully.

In the Vremivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces are fighting on the northern outskirts of Staromaiorske in the area of Molodizhnaya Street, where the presence of the AFU is still preserved.



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  • Wayne

    It is all scripted even these wars and every event according to plans and remember 196 Governments Colluded to first kill as many as possible with a Bio Weapon and many other ways and all part of the New World Order which say to kill over 90% of Humanity and enslave the rest so why bis humanity helping with their shows and simply useful idiots aiding the Money Changers and agencies they own not American Government or any other Government and they laugh and smile while doing just that and I think the Cell phones have indoctrinated too many of Humanity and Universities which the same frauds control and now have shown they do run Governments and Military’s and every Human Slaves a lifetime paying these freaks who are the true useless eaters who only Rob and have others kill for their Pleasure even the Children which God will surely show his wrath upon everyone who sits in silence

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