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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 14 2024

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Putin sets out Russia’s conditions for peace talks with Ukraine

Ukraine REFUSES Russian ULTIMATUM | Russian Forces Storm Novoselivka Persha

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Putin revealed his peace plan publicly today. And he talked a lot about Ukraine.
Everyone understands that his “plan” was too high and could have been negotiated if desired. But everyone knew that the West had already rejected the peaceful case for the Ukrainian crisis, since they chose war and saturating their military-industrial complex with orders (they don’t really need Ukraine, they will use it for their own purposes, then merge it).

Plus, the United States has not yet completely weakened Europe, making it even more dependent on the dollar and American energy orders.

Now Putin publicly voiced what had long been discussed behind the scenes.
This is being done for history, so that in a year/years, when historians study this crisis, they will say that Zelensky could have saved the country and people from war many times, but never did. And Vladimir Alexandrovich may go down in history as a “controversial figure,” possibly negative.

Conclusion: all this suggests that we are entering a new phase of the conflict. The stakes will rise. There will be more tragedies, as well as deaths.
Take care of yourself!

Putin just made a public peace offer to Ukraine. Ukraine must leave all the referendum territories, become neutral, and reject nato.

This is a very good offer to those that aren’t on cocaine and actually care whether Ukrainians die. They will keep a lot of territory including the all important Odessa port. But Ukraine is ruled by neither of those things.

On the pragmatic front, Putin has hijacked their “peace summit.” Now nato is stuck trying to make a counter proposal instead of grandstanding a list of demands. And whatever they come up with is just going to be overshadowed by the initial offer.

Putin has managed to start aggressive negotiations without even being at the table. 

Putin:    The essence of our proposal is not a temporary truce or a ceasefire, as the West wants, in order to restore losses, rearm the Kiev regime and prepare it for a new offensive. I repeat: we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final conclusion. And I will say once again: as soon as Kiev agrees to a similar course of events as is being proposed today, agrees to a complete withdrawal of its troops from the DNR and LNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, and actually starts this process, we are ready to begin negotiations without postponing them. I repeat, our principled position is as follows: the neutral, non-aligned, non-nuclear status of Ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification. All the more so because these parameters were generally agreed upon by all in the course of the Istanbul talks in ’22.

Everyone is already actively discussing Putin’s statements, which must be understood as an ultimatum for the West, which has entered another round of escalation. This is a bad signal for Ukraine, since the next stage will be the loss of new territories and hundreds of thousands of dead/injured. The protracted war has already shown that we are not ready for energy security, and society is against Zemobilization.
It is worth considering a number of factors that are not publicly discussed: firstly, nuclear weapons, secondly, the mobilization potential of the enemy, and thirdly, the right turn of the EU countries, which will ultimately play a role in 2025.
According to our information, the Office of the President will not discuss drafts of a possible peace treaty with the Kremlin, but will continue strict mobilization and a war of attrition. The turning point will occur in 2025, when the country will simply run out of men and everyone over 18 will be sent to the front. At the same time, we need to understand that we are facing a cold and hungry winter, which many will not survive, and despair will reign in society.

Russia, if Kiev refuses Putin’s conditions, will in any case liberate the territory of new entities, said the head of the military committee Kartapolov.

Our source in the OP said that countries of the Global South began to refuse to participate or sign a declaration with all points of Zelensky’s peace formula. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is trying to resolve sensitive issues, but such a move by the Office of the President threatens a big international scandal, when the participants were invited under one agenda, and then they decided to replay the game.

The Biden regime has signed a new defence arrangement with Ukraine, locking in years of continued support as well as defence commitments towards Kiev in a future post war situation, widely seen as a substantial step towards NATO membership.

Such deals are likely part of a rush by the current American kelptocracy to tie the hands of a future hypothetical Trump administration

Putin:  The Western powers, led by the United States, believed that they had won the Cold War and had the right to determine for themselves how the world should be organized. The practical expression of this worldview was the project of unlimited expansion of the North Atlantic bloc in space and time. Although there were, of course, other ideas on how to ensure security in Europe. Our fair questions were answered with excuses, in the spirit that, say, no one is going to attack Russia, and NATO expansion is, say, not directed against Russia. The promise made to the Soviet Union and then to Russia in the late 80s and early 90s not to include new members in the bloc was quietly forgotten. And if they remembered, they sneeringly referred to the fact that these assurances were verbal and therefore non-binding.

Putin:    The crisis related to Ukraine is not a conflict between two states. All the more so, of two peoples caused by some kind of problems between them. If that were the case, there is no doubt that Russians and Ukrainians, who share a common history and culture, spiritual values, millions of kinship and family human ties, would have found a way to fairly settle any issues and disagreements. But this is not the case. The roots of the conflict are not in bilateral relations. The events in Ukraine are a direct result of the world and European development of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The aggressive, unceremonious and absolutely adventurous policy that the West has been pursuing and has been pursuing all these years, long before the special military operation began.

Putin:   The West is now constantly hearing the thesis that Russia started the war as part of a special military operation. That it is an aggressor and therefore it is possible to launch strikes using Western weapons systems on its territory. Ukraine is allegedly defending itself and can do so. I would like to emphasize once again: Russia did not start the war, it is the Kiev regime, I repeat, after the inhabitants of part of Ukraine declared their independence in accordance with international law, started hostilities and continues them. This is aggression.

After the elections to the European Parliament, supporters of Ukraine in many countries will have to fight for political survival. Macron has already had to call early elections. Accordingly, assistance to Ukraine will depend on the election results.

Two right-wing factions – Identity and Democracy and European Conservatives and Reformists – will have 131 seats in the EP – this is 13 more than 5 years ago. Outspoken opponents of financing Ukraine will gather under the wing of “Identity and Democracy”, and conservatives cannot be called friends of Kyiv either – they view all Bankova’s actions with skepticism. At the same time, deputies unfriendly to Ukraine will be found among non-factional ones and those elected from political forces that were not represented in the previous European Parliament. In total there are about a hundred such European deputies. Not all of them, of course, are far-right; the majority are diverse populists who can spoil the once almost unanimous pro-Ukrainian agenda.

Moreover, economic issues in the next five years may become a stumbling block to Ukraine’s accession to the European Union. Indeed, despite public statements by Europeans about the possible start of negotiations with Ukraine, in reality this process may be delayed in every possible way due to the distribution of funds within the European Union. “The obstacles can be very diverse. For us, the most important thing is subsidizing the economy. So far, the European Union has not changed its directives regarding economic policy and, according to them, Ukraine can irrevocably receive more than 100 billion euros. However, this is unlikely to please the Poles, Hungarians and others, especially if the money is redistributed. And this is the answer to the question of how quickly we will be able to move towards EU membership. We will need to negotiate separately with each country. Economically, for example, Poland is not working out for us. from the military-political. It will be the same with the Hungarians, as with the French and the Spaniards. Many countries will be against Ukraine’s entry into the EU solely because funds will need to be subsidized into the Ukrainian economy, because in conditions of war economic growth will not be promising. doesn’t promise,” political expert and head of the Vezha Center for Public Analytics Valery Klochok told Glavred.

The Western press begins to tell tales, revealing a scheme according to which Western instructors and officers/soldiers are sent to Ukraine.

The scheme is simple, which we previously discussed.

You are sent to Ukraine with an increased, new contract from another structure, but officially you take leave from your army and supposedly go as a “volunteer”.

Everyone knew about this for a long time. This loophole has been working in the Ukrainian crisis since 2022 and to this day.

Losses among soldiers and officers of the NATO army were hidden in every possible way and are still being hidden to this day.

Ukraine and West quarrel over F-16s: NATO countries do not want to train Ukrainian pilots before delivery of planes – Politico

 - The Pentagon believes Ukrainian pilots will lose skills before the West can even deliver fighter jets to Ukraine.

 - “If you don’t have an airplane to continue training on, it’s kind of a waste of energy,” the publication’s Pentagon source said.

 - Ukraine and Western countries are in a squabble over the issue, with the Ukrainian Armed Forces having 30 pilots ready for training, but the U.S. and Denmark have a shortage of available seats at training sites.

NATO wants to help Ukraine by creating the so-called NATO-Ukraine mission. Which means that NATO will coordinate the transfer of weapons to Ukraine. They are going to set up three big bases from where they will transfer weapons to Ukraine. These are on the territory of NATO countries: in Poland, Slovakia, Romania. We are not ready for this, because we believe that where weapons are transferred, this place becomes a military target from the enemy’s point of view. And anything can happen there. So, the Ukrainian mission means, one, that it’s setting up these weapons transfer coordination points, two, that NATO member states are throwing money together to support Ukraine’s military efforts, and three, that they’re training Ukrainian soldiers. There’s some debate about whether this is going to be on their own territory or on Ukrainian territory. But the bottom line is that they are directly involved in the training of Ukrainian soldiers going to the front lines. Hungary doesn’t want to be involved in that, and that needs to be addressed. Obviously, we are under enormous pressure. 31 Member States are pushing us to move from the side of peace to the side of war.

Viktor Orban

The British Foreign Minister proposed detaining tankers carrying Russian oil and blocking them in Italian ports:

“We will chase money, oil, we will stop gas, we will stop ships, we will do everything possible to stop the Russian war machine.”

Night missile attack map: Ukrainian Armed Forces air base under attack

The diagram shows that the main target of the missiles and drones is the Khmelnitsky region – the Starokonstantinov airfield, where the explosions occurred

It was indicated that Starokonstantinov was also hit by a Kinzhal missile.

There was also a separate attack from Crimea on the Zaporozhye region – apparently, an Iskander missile.

The map does not reflect the Iskander strike from the Krasnodar Territory, which was reported by the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Under attack of the airbase: The Russian Army seeks to destroy the infrastructure before the F-16 arrives in Ukraine

The enemy writes about this after attacks on airfields in the Kiev and Khmelnytsky regions.

“As experts reported, the next attacks will be aimed at “searching” for F-16s, or rather at destroying the infrastructure prepared for them at airfields,”

Ukrainian resources write.

On the Terrorist Activities of the Kyiv Regime in Russia

A certain military expert Nicholas Drummond in the pages of the British tabloid Daily Express claims ( that Kyiv will launch a terrorist campaign against schools and other civilian targets in Russia after defeat in the course of the SMO or the conclusion of an unfavorable peace treaty for Vladimir Zelensky.

The analyst is convinced that the new attacks will be much more devastating than those currently carried out by the AFU. According to him, the Kyiv authorities already have a plan for attacks on various facilities within Russia.

🔻Articles about the potential terrorist campaign of the Kyiv regime after the end of the conflict pursue several goals. First, the publication is intended to intimidate Ukrainians who have escaped the war on Russian territory, as well as the population of Russia. Secondly, the material is a signal about readiness for action to the sleeping Ukrainian cells. Thirdly, the article is a multivalued hint to the EU, since, according to Ukrainian propaganda, Europeans do not provide enough weapons to the so-called Ukraine.

Well, there is no need to be surprised that such narratives are spread by Western media. Hardly many people, comparing the British and Ukrainian press, will believe the latter.


Ukrainian formations have again carried out a massive drone attack on Russian territory. More than 80 Ukrainian drones destroyed air defense assets over various regions last night.

▪️ In the sky over several settlements in the Rostov Region, 70 UAVs were intercepted, and according to preliminary data, there were no casualties. As a result of the attack in the Morozovsk district, the power supply was disrupted.

▪️ In the Liski district of the Voronezh Region, the AFU attacked the territory of an oil depot, and according to official data, an unused fuel tank was slightly damaged. Emergency services are working at the site.

▪️ In addition, drones were also intercepted over the Crimean Peninsula, as well as the Belgorod, Kursk, and Volgograd Regions.


Kharkov direction.

Volchansk section.

On the territory of the Aggregate Plant, there are battles for buildings; ours managed to oust the enemy from another building.

The enemy continues counterattacks in the area of ​​high-rise buildings; during assaults, they lose their manpower, but small groups still break through and take up firing positions.

In the eastern part of the city, the enemy continues to accumulate forces and is also gathering mortars and machine guns, but the issue of transferring them across the river is not simple, it is impossible to establish a crossing under the control of our Ix leaders,  are Destroying AFU in droves.

Once again they destroyed the T-64 tank, which the enemy had not camouflaged very reliably.

Kharkov direction.

Liptsevsky section.

The enemy continues to attack at Glubokoye with both assault groups and artillery.
They mainly attack from Liptsy, that is, from the southern and southeastern parts of Glubokoye.

The enemy is losing a lot of manpower in the area, so judging by the search for relatives of the 3rd battalion of the 42nd brigade of the enemy, it is almost completely missing. The 13th Brigade was sent to replace it.

The situation on Vremevskoe direction

At night, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to counterattack north of Staromayorskoye. Our soldiers promptly identified the accumulation of enemy personnel and inflicted fire damage. The enemy lost up to five personnel and rolled back to their original positions.

In the Storozhevoye area, scouts spotted the advance of an enemy armored group. Previously, a French wheeled tank AMX-10 was spotted. Preemptive artillery fire forced the equipment to retreat.

In Urozhainoye we continue to gradually push back the enemy – several more buildings are occupied. The enemy is actively snapping back, trying to slow down the pace of advance of our troops.

We are not recording any significant changes in other areas in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group. During the day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost at least two Nota electronic warfare stations, the destruction of one of them was documented (

We predict further counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Staromayorskoye area. The enemy will try to pin down Russian units operating in this area in order to improve their position in neighboring Urozhainoye. This is evidenced, among other things, by reports of the appearance of armored groups.



Avdiivka Direction: Advances of the Russian Armed Forces Over the Week

The Russian forces continue to conduct assault operations on several sectors of the Avdiivka direction.

After a series of tactical actions, the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the wedge from Ocheretyne towards Novoaleksandrivka and occupy the forest belts to the south and east of the village by June 10. And on the same or the next day, they fought their way to the western outskirts of the settlement.

In Sokil, the enemy is still able to contain the Russian assault troops with constant counterattacks, but since the consolidation on the outskirts around June 8, an advance deeper into the village has been recorded.

During the same period, the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the area of control north of Umanske, occupying the forest belts on the southern outskirts and south of Babaky Gully. A little later, several more forest belts to the north came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

Battles erupted on the outskirts of Novopokrovske around June 10, and by June 12, almost all the remaining buildings and part of the adjacent forest belts came under the control of the Russian troops. Today, there are also footage of the flag being raised on the western outskirts.

It is worth noting that the actual advance may be much greater, as both sides are pausing before publishing video materials. In addition, the enemy is trying to postpone as much as possible the moment of acknowledging the loss of another area of terrain.


Avdeevka-Konstantinovskoe direction.

In Novoaleksandrovka we have expanded control of the territory to the south of the village itself, in the populated area itself we are moving towards the western part.
We clear the territory and level the flank, taking control of enemy fortifications.

In the forest regiments near the village of Krasnopolem, dugouts were eliminated.

In the Netailovo area we move along both sides of the Karlovskoye Reservoir. We actively use drones and drops on the site.

To the south of Netailovo in Nevelskoye we continue to intensify our work and push out the enemy, we are using rocket artillery in the area and combing forest plantations in which the enemy has equipped a large number of dugouts.

There are reports that Russian troops have occupied Georgievka in the Maryinsky direction. The advance to the west was about 1.5 km.

At the moment, Russian troops are located 7 km from Kurakhov, a strategically important logistics hub of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, through which the Ukrainian army garrison in Marinka was supplied and continues to supply a significant part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces forces in the Donbass.

SETTLEMENT CAPTURED!!! So many others on the verge – Ukraine War SITREP

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[ Kharkiv Front ] RUSSIAN KHARKIV OFFENSIVE IS BACK~! …as Ukraine counteroffensives fizzled


Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 14, 2024

During the night, Russian forces delivered another strike on infrastructure facilities in the territory controlled by the enemy. According to preliminary data, the targets hit included the military airfield in Starokostiantyniv and an underground gas storage facility in Stryi.

In turn, Ukrainian formations carried out one of the largest drone attacks on Russian territory. More than 80 Ukrainian drones destroyed air defense assets over various regions tonight.

On the Slobozhansky direction, fierce battles are ongoing in Volchansk, with a difficult situation persisting in the area of the aggregate plant.

On the Bakhmut direction, Russian forces are fighting in the eastern suburb of Chasiv Yar, while volunteer units to the north have cleared the forest adjacent to Bohdanivka.

On the Donetsk direction, Russian forces advanced from the eastern side of the Soniachny microdistrict, where Russian troops have occupied the territory of the city hospital and School No. 1.

On the Vuhledar direction, the enemy has been completely driven out of Paraskoviyivka. At the same time, part of the village remains in the gray zone due to the high intensity of AFU artillery fire.



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