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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 21 2024

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Some Zelensky continues to pretend to be the president of bleeding ex-Ukraine. He is deliberately and without any justification trying to perform the duties of head of state, which officially ended on May 21, 2024. However, he usurped power long before that date, having committed a number of state crimes. This talentless figurine, together with his bandit clique, had spit on the Constitution of his state long before that date, and began merrily, with narcotic excitement flaring his nostrils, greedily appropriating powers. 

These operetta characters became criminals back in 2020. Their goal is simple: to establish their own dictatorship. The fact that their illegal actions were not properly countered in Ukraine eventually led to the SMO. The Kiev camarilla, hiding behind a hollow declaration about the abolition of presidential elections, hopes to enrich themselves on war and fight to the last Ukrainian until the last day. There can be only one attitude towards Zelensky and his associates: they are criminals who committed a crime under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The acts issued by them are illegal and not subject to execution. The officials appointed by them are not authorities. They are impostors and have no right to issue any instructions.


Our source reported that Zelensky promised his Western partners not to demobilize, but only to increase reserves in order to prepare a new counter-offensive.
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Klimenko, made it clear that demobilization, which MPs have recently begun to announce more often, is not yet possible.

“If we demobilize those people who, for example, served for two years, then our front will sag and the units will be inferior. We now or must restore the combat effectiveness of the units and we must have, at a minimum, an equivalent replacement during the rotation of active brigades and battalions … We do not have the right to collapse the front,” Klimenko said in an interview with Radio Liberty.

According to the minister, conversations about demobilization are possible only when new military personnel with experience appear.

 “To retain, we need experienced military personnel. For example, these people who are now training at the training ground, they will become experienced military personnel in a few months… If there are two trains, then we can talk about greater demobilization,” Klimenko said.

“Ukraine is in a catastrophic situation. Sending everyone to the front is insane and inhumane. The time has come for negotiations, but the reality is not in Kyiv’s favor.”

Caroline Galacteros, Doctor of Political Sciences, colonel of the operational reserve of the French Armed Forces, director of the GEOPRAGMA analytical center, spoke about her vision of the Ukrainian conflict.

Commenting on the dangerous statements of President Macron and a number of other European leaders, the political scientist noted that today NATO does not have the capabilities to organize military operations of such a large scale.

“According to many experts from the US and UK, NATO is not capable of organizing a global offensive. Yes, there is a fairly high level of military integration between the countries of the Alliance, many actively support Ukraine, but NATO does not have the resources to organize something colossal. You may have seen bilateral agreements between Ukraine and several NATO countries. This creates risks that our countries could be drawn into conflict.”

Carolina Galacteros is confident that the EU is not capable of supporting Ukraine on its own, without the participation of the United States. Moreover, the anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian policy of Brussels is primarily associated with an orientation towards Washington. So European politics could change dramatically if Donald Trump returns to the White House.

“At the strategic level, no. Europe cannot support Ukraine on its own. Today, various democrats in the EU are trying to escalate the situation, presenting it as follows: “Donald Trump will soon return to power, the United States will abandon us and we will be left alone.” In my opinion, neoconservatives in America today are in a panic, they are afraid of the upcoming elections. Our European leaders are guided by the United States, so today they are following an anti-Russian course. Europe wants to be independent, but in reality remains extremely dependent on the political situation in the United States.”

Describing the current situation within Ukraine itself, Colonel Galacteros described it as “catastrophic.” Kyiv lacks the resources to continue the war, but at the same time it does not negotiate. This impasse threatens not only the people of Ukraine, but also the whole of Europe.

“Ukraine is in a catastrophic military situation. It lacks people, weapons, and ammunition. Lack of everything. Ukraine today needs 500 thousand people to hold back Russia’s advance. But where will she find these 500 thousand? This is a question of mobilization, because Europe will not send its population. Russia explained very clearly what will happen to the armed forces of European countries on the territory of Ukraine. The time has come for negotiations, but the West does not want this. Because the situation at the front was not in favor of the West. Moscow does not need negotiations because it is now in a position of strength. I hear Russia’s position, which is the surrender of Ukraine. I think that the further continuation of the conflict is extremely dangerous both for Ukraine and Ukrainians, and for Europe as a whole.”

Many sober-minded people today declare the need for negotiations. However, things have changed a lot since the talks in Istanbul. Carolina Galacteros calls for taking into account the fact that Russia has annexed four new regions.

“The only way out of the conflict should be negotiations. It must be shown that there is no other alternative. President Lukashenko explained that the “Istanbul Agreements” could become the foundation for further negotiations. However, much has changed since the talks in Istanbul. Russia included four new regions. Therefore, I am not sure that Moscow will want to return to all points of that agreement.



Support for Ukraine has become one of the main reasons for the failure of ruling parties in many European countries in the elections to the European Parliament.

France and Germany are examples of this. Indeed, French President Emmanuel Macron admitted that his party was “sunk” by its connection with Ukraine in the European Parliament elections. This is how he commented on the dissolution of the French parliament, which followed immediately after the failure of the presidential party. “In Europe, parties that oppose aid to Ukraine have strengthened their positions,” Macron noted. But in Germany, the SPD of Chancellor Olaf Scholz was only third, losing the elections to the CDU/CSU bloc and the Alternative for Germany party.

And all these are very bad signals, both for supporters of Ukraine in Europe and for Kyiv itself. If the former now have to worry about their own political survival (the elections in France will be a kind of touchstone, which could lead to a change in its course), then Ukraine itself will most likely have a difficult time – unfriendly forces in the European Union may change the agenda and increase criticism.

Now Ukraine is urgently receiving air defense installations from European countries.
The United States convinced the leaders of these countries to give up their Patriot air defense systems, and in return receive new ones in 2025-26.

 The Netherlands and another country will supply Ukraine with another Patriot complex – the head of the Dutch Ministry of Defense, Kaisa Ollongren.

The United States is specifically in a hurry to saturate the Ukrainian Armed Forces with air defense systems right now before the offensive. The Americans do not need 2025, because they understand that it is more important to throw all the resources into this large-scale offensive so that it succeeds in time for the Biden election. If the offensive fails, then this will affect Biden and the Democrats.

The USA will suspend deliveries of missiles for Patriot and NASAMS SAM systems to third countries in favor of Ukraine, US mass media and journalists have quoted their sources as saying.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that other countries waiting for the delivery of the US systems would have to wait because “everything we have will be sent to Ukraine until their needs are met”.

Recall that Romania announced its decision to transfer the existing Patriot SAM system to Ukraine, previously tying this decision to the need to receive a similar system in return.  

Trump notes Biden attempts to put Ukraine in NATO caused the conflict in a interview with David Sacks (tech venture capitalist and friend of Elon Musk).

David Sacks: “To make a peace deal, would you take NATO expansion off the table?”

Trump: “For 20 years, I’ve heard that Ukraine joining NATO is a real problem for Russia. That’s why this war started. Biden said Ukraine will go into NATO, which was wrong. During my presidency, Russia never considered attacking Ukraine. As soon as I left, they started forming along the lines. Biden’s rhetoric provoked Russia. If you’re running Russia, you wouldn’t be happy about NATO on your border. It’s always been a no-no. Now, they’re talking about Ukraine entering NATO again. It’s provocative and escalates the conflict.

Trump also noted he will not put US boots on the ground and if France decides to do so, then they are on their own.

NATO will have a military mission in Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban has said, noting that Budapest will not participate in it.

We have reached the minimum goal, I have agreed with the NATO secretary general, Hungary will get off the train. NATO will have a military mission in Ukraine, but Hungary will not take part in it
At the same time, “the train driver could not be convinced” and now only Trump will be able to “stop the train” if he returns to the White House, Orban believes.

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller – scaring Americans about Russia:

No American citizen for any reason should travel to Russia. And I know it sometimes comes to a very painful choice for Americans who have family members in Russia, sometimes with health problems and they want to see them, but traveling to Russia is a tremendous risk of being detained, being imprisoned and convicted. So we will continue to make it clear to every American – do not, for any reason, travel to Russia.

Americans continue to treat everyone as complete morons.
Imagine if Nazi Germany during World War II had approached the USSR with a proposal to put the issue of limiting the production of any weapon (tanks, airplanes, or BM-13 Katyusha) on a separate negotiating track. Like, let’s limit their production. Absurd, insane, the ravings of a madman?

But the United States is quite seriously suggesting that we negotiate a new treaty on strategic offensive arms reduction. They will supply the neo-Nazis with all kinds of weapons, including long-range missiles and airplanes, and discuss a new START treaty with us.

What a bunch of bigoted, cynical bastards! No, this is possible only after refusing to supply arms to the Bandera regime and blocking its admission to NATO.

Otherwise, everything should develop in a completely different scenario. That, as in 50-60th years of XX century, in the USA total psychosis with construction of bunkers from Russian bombs and missiles on all territory has come. Let all their elite worry! Let them tremble and shake, rotters! And let some of them throw themselves out of the window with the words, “The Russians are coming!” As former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestol did on May 22, 1949, while in a psychiatric hospital.


Lavrov on scenarios for ending the Ukrainian conflict:

   The most realistic basis was proposed by President Putin. The territories that are designated clearly, unambiguously, definitively as territories of the Russian Federation in our Constitution should be completely free of foreign troops. And troops, and instructors, and mercenaries, and, of course, weapons.

 I have stopped following what the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says. There have been many different threats, promises and demands. They claim that all Russians must get out of Ukraine, as Zelensky did even before the special military operation began, and then they threaten, as can be seen in the quotes of virtually all representatives of the Ukrainian leadership, to destroy Russians everywhere and anywhere, to imprison or even physically liquidate Russians when Ukraine regains, as they say, Crimea, Donbas and other territories.
This alone should have somehow raised questions in the civilized West about the adequacy and conformity of the Kiev regime to the very European values that the West says Zelensky is supposedly defending in the fight against Russia. This is a disgrace to those who posed as bearers of the ideals of democracy. That is why I stopped reading statements about how they want to get out of this crisis a long time ago. It is impossible to analyze them.



Ukrainians should prepare for hyperinflation and rising prices for everything.

Power outages will increase the cost of bread, confectionery and dairy products, Forbes writes.

According to our data, prices will increase by 20-50%, as the hryvnia will decline, the energy sector will suffer, logistics will become more expensive, fuel shortages will increase, etc.

Our advice. Be prepared for worst-case scenarios. Stock up on everything except hryvnia. It is better to have cash than money on cards. Winter will be very difficult, and next year will be even more difficult.

Massive AFU strike on Crimea

🔻During the night, the AFU carried out a new massive attack on the southern Russian territories, including Kherson and Zaporizhia Regions, Crimea, and Krasnodar Krai, after a short break.

▪️The raid was carried out in several successive waves. The drones were launched from more than six directions: from the side of Odesa, Illichivsk, Mykolaiv, and Kryvyi Rih.

▪️Air defense units in Kherson and Zaporizhia Regions began operating around 10-11 PM. Pantsir-S1 air defense systems shot down more than 15 UAVs.

▪️By midnight, the crews of the 31st Division, naval aviation aircraft, and infantry units in Crimea were engaged, destroying most of the UAVs in different parts of the peninsula.

▪️Several dozen more drones, having crossed the Sea of Azov, were shot down over Yeysk, Kozetsk, and Enem in Krasnodar Krai, again targeting Russian military fuel depots and airfields.

❗️In total, 114 drones were destroyed overnight, with one resident of a settlement in Krasnodar Krai killed by falling UAV debris.

However, it is not the time to relax. Missile strikes usually follow such raids, as the goal of the massive UAV launch is to force air defense units to expend their ammunition.

Moreover, in parallel with the drone attacks, USVs are being launched towards the Crimean coast. The plan is simple – to expose Russian air defense systems to strikes by Russian aircraft tasked with countering the unmanned surface vessels.

Furthermore, since early morning, a US RQ-4B drone has arrived in the Black Sea area, not only to assess the night attack but also to identify new potential targets for attack.


The U.S. has told Ukraine it can use American-supplied weapons to hit any Russian forces attacking from across the border — not just those in the region near Kharkov, according to U.S. officials.

The subtle shift in messaging — which officials insist is not a change in policy — comes just weeks after the U.S. quietly gave Kiev the green light to strike inside Russia in response to a cross-border assault on the city of Kharkov. At the time, U.S. officials stressed that the policy was limited to the Kharkov region, among other restrictions.


114 Ukrainian drones overnight. 70 UAVs were shot down/intercepted over Crimea and the Black Sea, another 43 UAVs over Krasnodar Krai and one drone over Volgograd Oblast. These are the official statistics.

The attack on Kuban is already being called the most massive, the number of drones could be higher. In Krasnodar, a boiler house was damaged, debris killed one of the employees, the building of the Southern station and buses in the area of the Yablonovsky bridge were damaged, possibly buildings in the village of Yablonovsky across the river from Krasnodar, in Adygea. Three people were wounded.

There are also reports of hits on the Ilya and Afip refinery and a heavy fire in Yeisk, near the thermal power plant, although unfriendly channels write about a fire near a military airfield.

In Volgograd Region, drones were spotted near the Lukoil Oil Refinery.

In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, our naval aviation hit six unmanned boats.

On June 20, the “North” group of troops continued the liberation of the border areas of Kharkov Region.

In the Volchansk direction, fierce fighting is taking place in the Volchansk settlement. The units of the “North” advanced in the south-western direction, pushing the enemy to the Volchya River. Attempts by the AFU to bring in reinforcements were stopped by dense fire from artillery and TOS.   

In the eastern part of the city, the AFU resumed offensive actions and attacked the positions of the Fearless twice during the day. Both attacks were repulsed. The enemy’s losses for the day amounted to more than 100 Nazis.

The total advance of the Russian troops in the Volchansky direction amounted to 200 meters.

On the Liptsy direction at night, with the expectation of taking our fighters by surprise, the enemy in small groups totaling up to 50 men and one BMP attacked four times the positions of the Fearless near the village of Glubokoye. “Warriors of the North” repulsed all attacks, destroying up to 40 personnel and a BMP.  

Over the past 24 hours, the enemy’s losses amounted to up to 350 people. Also uncovered and destroyed:

▪️ D-30 howitzer near the village of Izbitskoye;
▪️ two D-20 howitzers;
▪️ BMPs near the Liptsy settlement;
▪️ UAV control point near Liptsy settlement;
▪️ Plastun radar station;
▪️ combat supply point in the village of Volchansk;
▪️ two 120-mm mortars near the villages of Izbitskoye and Liptsy;
▪️ 82-mm mortar near the village of Varvarovka;
▪️ five vehicles.

The enemy became more active in all directions and resumed the search for weaknesses in the “Northmen” defense. It deploys additional means of EW and reconnaissance. Our fighters do not give the slightest reason to doubt their determination and courageously repel all enemy attacks, artillery, TOS and aviation are actively working.

As our Supreme Commander-in-Chief correctly noted: any attempts by Kiev to squeeze the Russian Armed Forces out from under Kharkov will cost it dearly. Every Ukrainian serviceman will pay this price if he does not come to his senses and continues to follow the orders of the Nazi regime.
Victory will be ours!

North Wind


Artemivsk direction: Advance of the Russian Armed Forces on the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Yar
Situation as of 9:00 PM on June 21, 2024

In the Chasiv Yar area, Russian troops continue to advance with heavy fighting on the eastern outskirts of the city and its surroundings.

▪️In the Kanal microdistrict, the Russian Armed Forces have pushed the AFU out of the ruins of the “Gidrozhelezobetonny” plant, fully taking control of the area north of Oleh Koshovy Street. The enemy is resisting and trying to maintain positions on the eastern bank of the “Siversky Donets – Donbas” canal, west of which the main territory of Chasiv Yar is located.

▪️In Kalinovo (Kalinivka), according to some reports, Russian assault teams have managed to significantly advance within the settlement. However, the incoming information about the enemy’s withdrawal across the “Siversky Donets – Donbas” canal has not yet been confirmed from the ground.

▪️Part of the Orlova tract has also come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, but fighting continues in the forest area north of the railway. After the Russian troops reach the O0506 highway, a deep pocket will be formed between Kalinovo and the southern outskirts of Bohdanivka, which will worsen the tactical position of the AFU units there.

▪️At the line of Krasne – Klishchiyivka – Kurdyumivka, there are local clashes. At the moment, no changes in the configuration of the contact line have been recorded, and the previous statements about the occupation of the ruins of Klishchiyivka and the neighboring villages have not yet been confirmed due to the lack of objective control footage.


Deputy Maryana Bezuglaya spoke about our breakthrough in the Gorlovka direction towards Toretsk and New York. She blamed General Sodol for this, who, according to her story, withdrew a fresh brigade from there, and in its place put another beaten bastard, while there were no fortifications in the direction. This threatens our speedy re-cutting of the route to Toretsk. Maryana says that there are lies at headquarters, and Syrsky either does not control the situation or, on the contrary, is an accomplice.

Battle for Chasov Yar: the situation in and around the town is very difficult.

 - This was reported in a statement by the 24th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

 - Russian troops are “constantly organizing massive assaults, as well as trying to bypass the settlement from the north and south.”

 - The Russians are also “mercilessly shelling Chasov Yar with guided aerial bombs and all possible types of weapons.”

 - 24 OMbr writes about losses on both sides.

New York and Chasov Yar. Ukrainian militants complained about the “continuous actions” of the Russian army

Russian military personnel began an assault on the village. Chasov Yar from Toretsky’s direction. Military Ukrainian Armed Forces and political scientist Kirill Sazonov spoke about this on “Espresso”.

According to him, the Russian Armed Forces are also conducting active offensive operations from Gorlovka towards Shumy and New York. The militant complained that Russian fighters do this continuously, leaving no chance for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“Over the last week, assaults have been taking place constantly, you can see this from the official reports. There is not a single minute now where there is not an assault taking place anywhere so that there is some kind of pause,” Sazonov noted.

The situation in the Vremevsky direction: counterattack in Staromayorsky

The enemy made another attempt to counterattack on the northern outskirts of Staromayorsky, using armoured vehicles for the first time in a long time. He was warmly received by units of the 5th Army and special forces of the Vostok group – at least one tank and several vehicles were blown up on the spot, another tank was “caught up” a little later during the crew’s attempt to retreat. The landing force that the enemy managed to land was destroyed.

Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 21, 2024

Over the past day, Russian forces struck targets in Kryvyi Rih and Kirovohrad, and explosions were also heard in the area of Odesa. Ukrainian formations, in turn, again carried out a drone strike on the Republic of Crimea, and the Ilsky Refinery in the Krasnodar Region was also damaged.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy is conducting counterattacks in Volchansk and Hlyboke, trying to dislodge Russian troops from their occupied positions. Strikes on civilian infrastructure in the Belgorod Region also continue.

In the Artemivsk direction, Russian assault troops have occupied the industrial zone of the Canal microdistrict and the area north of Oleh Koshovyi Street, as a result of which the enemy retains control only over the southwestern part of the microdistrict.

In the Oleksandro-Kalinovo direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards Druzhba and Leninske, but the lack of objective control footage does not allow assessing the scale of the advance.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops expanded their control zone in Krasnohorivka, advancing north along Matrosova Street. Battles also continue on the eastern outskirts of Maksymilianivka, but no significant changes in the situation have been recorded.


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Battlefield Ukraine Russian Guided FAB3000 Hammer

Russian forces advanced in Krasnohorivka [21 June 2024]

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Morning Summary as of June 21, 2024

▪️ By nightfall, the enemy organized a massive drone attack on the Crimean peninsula, reporting the destruction of more than 30 Ukrainian drones. In the early morning, the attacks on Crimea continued: the Cape of Fiolent was attacked. In the Black Sea, the enemy’s small armored artillery boats were destroyed. A large number of drones were also used to attack the Krasnodar region: in Krasnodar, the building of a boiler room next to the “Yuzhny” bus station was damaged. In the Seversky district, on the territory of the oil refinery, administrative buildings were damaged. The fire of 50 sq.m. has already been extinguished. Two people were injured. There were also initial reports of explosions in the Volgograd region and Adygea.

▪️ On the Kharkiv direction, fierce battles are raging in the settlement of Volchansk. Russian Armed Forces units advanced in a southwestern direction, pushing the enemy back towards the Volchya River. Attempts by the AFU to redeploy reinforcements were thwarted by dense artillery and TOS fire. In the eastern part of the city, the AFU resumed offensive actions. On the Liptsovo direction, at night the enemy attacked our positions in the area of the settlement of Hlyboke with small groups four times. The enemy has become more active in all directions and resumed searching for weak points in the defense of the “North” group of forces. It is deploying additional electronic warfare and reconnaissance assets. Artillery, TOS, and aviation are operating. For the first time, a FAB-3000 with a JDAM was used.

▪️ Intense fighting continues in the eastern microdistrict of Chasiv Yar “Channel” in the multi-story buildings.

▪️ On the Avdiivka direction, fighting continues near Arkhanhel’ske and Novoaleksandrivka, as well as on the line Sokil – Novopokrovske. The Russian Armed Forces are advancing west of Netailovo, bypassing the Karlovo reservoir.

▪️ On the Vremivka direction, the Russian Armed Forces repelled AFU attacks on Staromaiorskoye from the north and engaged in counterattacks in Urozhayne.

▪️ On the Zaporizhia front, there are no significant changes. Battles are ongoing north of Robotyne, our troops are striking AFU positions in the area of Maly Shcherbaky. The enemy attacked the power substation of the city of Energodar with a drone.

▪️ On the Kherson direction, there are counterattacks in the island zone of the Dnieper, clashes north of the settlements of Krynky and Kozachi Lahery.

▪️ In the Belgorod region, Rzhevka and Pankov of the Shebekino urban district, Murom of the Shebekino urban district, Petrovka of the Belgorod district were attacked.

▪️ In the Bryansk region, an aircraft-type UAV was shot down over the territory of the Klintsy districtOriginal msg (


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