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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on June 28 2024

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The March To The Apocalypse

KINZHAL Hypersonic Missiles Rain On NATO Airbase In KHMELNYTSKYI┃FAB-3000 Demoralized Ukrainian Army

Zelensky stated he was preparing a “comprehensive plan” to end the war between Russia and Ukraine – AFP

In the near future, Ukraine will present its detailed vision of energy, food security and exchanges, he said at a press conference with Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar.

“The peace summit has passed and now we are working in detail on three plans: energy, food security and exchanges. I am confident that we will resolve these issues. At least we will prepare a detailed plan. This will happen in the near future”
 the former president said.

INITIATIVES ON UKRAINE IGNORING RUSSIA  ARE FUTILE – Turkish Prez Erdogan states sternly   (

Ending Ukraine’s destruction as soon as possible and achieving just peace for both parties is possible only through diplomacy – Erdogan.

It has started…dismemberment of Ukraine.

Orban demands the recognition of Transcarpathia as a traditional Hungarian region

In exchange for agreeing not to interfere with the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU, Budapest presented 11 demands, among which the protection of the rights of Hungarians stands out. As part of that, Hungary demanded that the whole Transcarpathia be recognized as traditionally Hungarian.

At the beginning of the year, Kiev received Budapest’s conditions. The point about the rights of Hungarians is based on the 2001 census, according to which Hungarians make up more than 10 percent of the population of the Transcarpathian region.

Budapest insists that Transcarpathia’s status as a traditional Hungarian region should be granted automatically, bypassing the voting process in local councils.

Slavic Bear

Call it the fool’s-based international order: Every government of a major Western country is in chaos. Biden is an embarrassment. Kishida polls at 21%. Macron’s party got 15% of the vote in the June 9 European Parliament elections, and the three German coalition parties together got 30%. Britain’s Tories poll at 20%. Nothing like this has ever happened before-1968 comes closest. Our Atlanticist elite is dragging the world kicking and screaming into a place it doesn’t want to go, and electorates are rebelling.

A wonderful trinity in NATO and the European Commission. Mark Rutte, Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas. New and old leaders, each more handsome than the other.

Number one. Mark Rutte, former prime minister of the Netherlands and now NATO secretary general. Quite a peculiar guy. In a relatively short time, this moderate figure, whom I once met at summits, has turned into an inveterate Russophobe and a staunch Atlanticist. What substances from Amsterdam coffeeshops caused such an abrupt change in his mood, we will not know. The Dutch are peculiar people even against the background of the rest of free Europe. Ostentatious modesty in everyday life is combined with fury on the political podium. They hate our country fiercely.

Number two. Ursula Gertrude von der Leyen. 65 years old. Bad Belgian-German political grandmother. Looks like a medium-sized Volga vobla.
During the pandemic she made a good profit on overpriced Pfizer vaccines. Even the usual liberal “sort of men” in the European Commission are clearly wary of her. Especially since her record includes her tenure as German Defense Minister, during which time she also became the heroine of a corruption scandal involving millions of dollars in contracts with “outside consultants”. She was already preparing for a dishonorable resignation, but the dried vobla does not sink.

Number three. Kaja Kallas, 47. Will become the European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs and security policy to replace the flabby-faced Borrell. So far, prime minister of the superpower, the formidable Estonia. It is clear that such a country has a prime minister to match. Kaja perfectly combined the two most important features for a successful European politician: nuclear Russophobia and endless thirst for profit. 

While she was screaming hysterically throughout the country about the Russian threat, her own hubby Arvo Hallik, one of the owners of a transportation company, was doing business with Russian companies at considerable profit. And for the years 2022-2023 he made about 1.5 million euros. By the way, at one time the wife herself invested in her husband’s business 350 thousand euros (according to her version, “borrowed”). When all these facts came to light, and the furious Estonian society tried to call the clever lady to account, she cold-bloodedly lied to the respected public that she “knew nothing and is very sorry”, but she will not resign anyway. She needs the money. Excellent in the defense of human rights. Author of the famous Nazi phrase “visiting Europe is not a right, but a privilege”.

More seriously, European freak shows are becoming more and more fascinating: the further away they go, the uglier the contestants get. We’re waiting for some Pennywise to appear from across the ocean.


The British newspaper The Times has published an article  about the “Russian opposition’s” plan to overthrow the government in Russia. In addition to the standard set of good Russians, which traditionally includes calls to tighten the sanctions regime and provide more weapons to the so-called Ukraine, there are also some new proposals.  (

This time, the ex-Russians propose to physically eliminate Russian politicians. In their opinion, a change of regime in the country can only be achieved by force. At the same time, for the West, supporting the revolutionary movement in Russia is now not an opportunity, but a duty.

In fact, it’s not just about officials. It’s not hard to guess what the “people’s deputies” will do with the majority of people who don’t agree with their position.

It’s comical that the article calls a handful of pro-Western pseudo-deputies a “shadow parliament”. When reading this phrase, an analogy comes to mind with the British political system (, where the opposition leader appoints his “shadow cabinet” to oversee the government’s work.

These self-proclaimed representatives have made all sorts of proposals over the past two and a half years. Now they have once again demonstrated their true face and openly called on the West to organize and support a revolutionary terrorist movement in Russia. The fact that such theses appear in the pages of British newspapers is hardly a coincidence.



Zelensky was hit with a wave of criticism on Instagram under a post congratulating him on Constitution Day.

“It’s very symbolic to pack people into beads on Constitution Day.”

“What article of the Constitution allows the TCC to pack people on the street in beads against their will? Or are you not aware of these events, Mr. President?”

“Right now they are illegally transporting the guys who were wrongfully detained by the TCC in Lviv yesterday.
They detained me all night somewhere outside the city, and now they are taking me to a training ground in Rivne. Where are the police, where are the human rights?

“A stray dog ​​has more freedoms and rights.”

“We’ve never been in such a mess as we are now. It’s fucked up on our streets, but we’re telling stories.”

And we remind you that unlimited “land mobilization” destroys the government’s rating faster than failures at the front. By the end of the year, real support for the president will fall by a historic 10%, which will be a sign of a redistribution of power within the state.

The further it goes, the worse it gets for the Ukrainian people.

This is a perfect demonstration of what is happening now in the so-called Ukraine and the attitude of the authorities of this fictional state entity towards their own citizens: the employees of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers are shoving ( some poor guy into a car, caught on the street.

The brutal actions of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center employees are no longer news. From the very beginning, they have treated their fellow citizens like cattle that needs to be taken to the slaughter. This is what we see with our own eyes, looking at this episode and many others that we have, by the way, mentioned before (

From this and other examples, it is clear that there are enough acts of discontent, but on a nationwide scale, they are critically few to influence anything. It is simply worth paying attention to the behavior of the men passing by in this video.

Someone just looked around and went on, someone is talking on the phone as if nothing is happening, only women with children are asking questions to the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center employees. The indifferent people passing by think that this does not concern them. However, this is a mistaken opinion, since if they came for one, they will come for others.


Dnepr, a damaged rocket “fell” into a 9-story residential building.

Air defense knocked out a rocket, which partially fell into a residential building.

This happens all the time. So, by the way, it happened in Belgorod, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired a missile, the Russians shot it down, and it “fell” and demolished the entire entrance of a residential building.

The only difference is that the Russians admitted the fact of shooting down the missile, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Office of the President always lie that the Russians specifically aimed at civilians.

A series of powerful explosions have occurred in Odessa Region

Dense black smoke can be seen in the area of Ilyichevsk.


Ukrainian formations have once again carried out a massive drone attack on Russian border and rear regions.

▪️In the Smolensk Region, in the Pochinok District, air defense and electronic warfare forces destroyed nine Ukrainian drones that tried to attack a military facility. One of the possible targets for the attack could have been the Shatalovo military airfield.

▪️In the Tambov Region, a drone attacked one of the oil depots in the Michurinsk municipal district. The fire has been localized, and the aftermath is being cleared.

▪️In the Bryansk Region, air defense forces were active throughout the night and morning. Five Ukrainian drones were shot down over the Trubchevsk District, later the AFU attacked civilian infrastructure in the village of Belaya Berezka with kamikaze drones.

Another four UAVs were shot down over the Navlya and Suzemka Districts. One drone was neutralized by electronic warfare means over Bryansk. Six jet-powered UAVs were destroyed in the Karachev District, with no casualties or damage.

▪️Two drones were intercepted in the Kursk Region, one each in the Rostov and Voronezh Regions, with no casualties or destruction.


Defense Minister Andrei Belousov has instructed the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces to take measures to promptly respond to US provocations over the Black Sea.

Yesterday, also the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Ryabkov, admitted the possibility that the Russian side will go for a military-technical response to the actions of the US authorities in connection with the attack on Sevastopol.

Six battalions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces refused to go into battle with the Russian Armed Forces
The former adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine said that this is not an isolated case and such refusals will be repeated. The reason is the wrong attitude towards people in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Arestovich believes.

“We have a [Russian] breakthrough near Toretsk. Do you think it’s because all going well? There will be several more in the near future. In one of the key areas the day before yesterday, six neighboring battalions refused to carry out a combat mission. Do you think this is the only case? Do you think this won’t happen again?”
- he said.

Another example of such a refusal is the conflict between “Azov” and General Sodol, who was fired for missing the Russian breakthrough to Toretsk. Now the National Battalion militants are refusing to carry out the order to attack, allegedly due to the lack of artillery ammunition.



The Russian army continues its assault on New York!

Meaning: New York, Donetsk Oblast, of course!

The Russian army is breaking through the enemy defenses, making its way towards Toretsk in a sudden offensive operation. Ukrainian sources confirm: Russians are in New York! In southern outskirts of the town.

Meanwhile: Russian troops have captured village of Shumy and have entered the village of Druzhba North East of New York

The picture is the same since the takeover of Avdeevka: Russian army slowly but surely takes village by village.

Zaporizhia direction: Counterattacks along the entire front line
Situation as of 9:00 am on June 28, 2024

The situation remains tense in the Zaporizhia direction. After the active phase of fighting in the spring and early summer, the front line has relatively stabilized, and the sides have transitioned to mostly raiding operations against each other’s positions. The sides are engaged in counterattacks along the entire “Robotyne salient”, from Nesteryanky to Novopokrovka, trying to improve their tactical position.

▪️North of Robotyne, combat operations continue. Russian artillery crews and UAV operators are striking Ukrainian formations and artillery positions, but no significant changes in the front line configuration have been observed in recent weeks.

▪️In the Nesteryanky – Kopani area, fighting is ongoing north and northwest of the settlements. For over a year, the front line has remained relatively static here, with the sides limited to exchanging strikes and reconnaissance.

▪️Northwest of Verbove and in the area of Novopokrovka, battles continue for strongpoints and adjacent treelines: neither side has been able to achieve any significant successes over a long period.


Donetsk direction: Advances of the Russian Armed Forces in Krasnohorivka and Heorhiivka, liberation of Paraskoviyivka
Situation as of 8:00 pm on June 28, 2024

After a period of calm on the Donetsk direction, the Russian forces managed to carry out a series of successful attacks. Advances were recorded from the direction of Heorhiivka and Peremoha, where there had been little information about the front line for a long time, as well as in Paraskoviyivka and Krasnohorivka.

▪️In Krasnohorivka, the Russian forces expanded their control zone to the east of Shevchenko Park, moving along the streets of Skovoroda, Lomonosov, Tolstoy and Khmilnytskyi.

To the north, the presence of AFU units is still maintained, but their supply is hampered, as Ukrainian formations have to move across open terrain in the park area to bring in reinforcements.

According to some reports, in the northern part of the city, the Russian forces advanced in the area of Belinsky and Ostrovsky streets, and also reached the intersection of Nakhimov and Sadova streets. However, due to the lack of footage from the site, it is not yet possible to reliably establish the area of the advance.

▪️From the direction of Heorhiivka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced several hundred meters to the west and entrenched themselves on the outskirts of Tsentralna and Oktyabrska streets in Maksymilianovka. Russian assault troops also partially occupied several forest belts south of the village. According to some reports, they also managed to gain a foothold in the ruins of farms south of Maksymilianovka.

▪️In the area of Peremoha, the Russian forces occupied a forest belt to the west of the village, and also expanded the control zone in the area of the T-05-24 highway leading to Vuhledar. The AFU remain highly active in the area: the enemy periodically counterattacks, trying to regain lost positions.

To the south, in the area from Peremoha to Paraskoviyivka, several forest belts north of the Svynyacha Gully came under the control of the Russian forces. At the same time, an offensive is developing in the direction of the T-05-24 highway.

▪️The Paraskoviyivka came under the full control of the Russian assault troops. The assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces crossed the Kutsaya Gully, which leads to the Sukhyi Yaly river, and entrenched themselves in the forest belt to the west of the village. Now, the Russian forces have a path to Kostyantynivka from the north, but before that, they will have to occupy several more strongholds east of the settlement.

Russians advance in Niu York [ 28 June 2024]

[ Avdiivka Front ] Russian forces reaches Zalizne – D854

Robotyne Front Reactivate l Sudden Russian Advance In Robotyne l Russians Entered Niu York

RUSSIA HAMMERING continues despite Ukrainian counters – Ukraine War SITREP

Chronicles of the special military operation
for June 28, 2024

Ukrainian formations attacked several Russian regions with drones, a fire broke out on the territory of the Druzhba main oil pipeline in the Tambov Region, after its elimination, work is underway to eliminate the consequences.

Russian troops struck OTRK “Iskander” at AFU targets on the territory of the so-called Ukraine. In particular, in the Mykolaiv Region, a hangar with MLRS M270 and other AFU equipment was hit, and in the Odesa Region, the missiles destroyed illumination and low-altitude detection stations, as well as a control point.

In the Kupiansk-Svatove direction, the Russian Armed Forces advanced to the administrative borders of Miasozharivka, driving the enemy out of positions in the forest belts east of the village.

In the Siversk direction, Russian paratroopers from the 106th Airborne Division, as a result of heavy fighting, completely liberated Razdolivka, driving the enemy out of the settlement.

In the Avdiivka direction, 90% of the territory of Novoaleksandrivka is under the control of Russian troops. At the moment, the area is being cleared of scattered enemy groups.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces advanced from Georgiyivka to the outskirts of Central and Oktyabrskaya streets in Maksymilianivka and expanded the control zone southwest of Peremoha.



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    Dead people for sale clone the military like china did

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