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The Mother Of All Black Ops

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Vatic Note:  This is a very extensive read, so its definitely not for the fast food info readers.  This digs so deep down, that even I missed the power of the directed energy weapons that are now being used, under the NDAA, against Americans, and especially whistleblowers and dissidents.   I don’t believe I have ever seen anything like this, put together to give us the most comprehensive treatment of these weapons and how they have been used both in the past and recently. 

All of this is done in the context of the Satanic global New World Order and how its been done so far, to date.   Most of us have been exposed to the various false flags that have occurred, in order to ensure, the minions in Congress and the White House, will continue to do as they are told.  But how long, and how prevalent their use is in achieving this agenda by these black hearted, corrupted individuals.  Once you read this,  all will become very clear and will explain the great number of true Patriots have been eliminated using these weapons.

This is another one, where its important you read this for yourselves and then ponder it carefully, even rewatch and reread to see just how far down the rabbit hole, this all goes.  Even if you have to do this is several different sittings, it well worth the effort. 

“The Mother Of All Black Ops”

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

World Zionism’s Sabbatean And Frankist False Jews & Their Intent To Create A Satanically Driven Global Government, Overseen By Their Antichrist

The Movie Deja-Vu Is An Example Of How The U.S. Military-Intelligence Complex Uses The Media To Show The Public Technology That Really Exists, Yet Is Presented In A Fictional Venue For The Purpose Of Plausible Deniability – If You Advance This Movie To About 31 Minutes Into Deja-Vu, You Will Be Able To See The Type Of Advanced 3D Thermal Imaging Technology That The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Is Using To Spy On American Citizens Within The Privacy Of Our Own Homes – This Technology Is Being Used To Completely Circumvent The American People’s 4Th Amendment Rights Under The Draconian Patriot Act

FBI/NSA Complicity In The Directed Energy Weapons’ Murder Of A Madison Avenue Executive Named Suzanne Hart – Tortures & Murders Committed By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex With Complete Anonymity Through The Use Of Directed Energy Weapons – These Arcane Weapons Have Become The Ultimate Means Of Covert Warfare

This Author Documents 16 Consecutive Months Of FBI/NSA Orchestrated Directed Energy Weapons’ Torture & Organized Stalking Psyop Attacks On My Person & Family, In Retaliation For Documenting My Experiences As A Target Of MK-ULTRA And COINTELPRO For Nearly 40 Years, And For Publicly Accusing The NSA, Pentagon & CIA Of Secretly Implementing A National Brain Mapping Program In The United States, Which Is Being Used As Part Of A Signals Intelligence Driven Domestic Spy Program – What Possible Reason Could The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Have For Decoding The Individual Brain Maps Of Each American Citizen And Then Cataloguing Them Into A Central Government Computer Database? How About Using It As A Covert Means Of Enslaving The American People, As Part Of Rothschild Zionism’s New World Order World Communist Government, By Electronically Branding Each Of Us Like A Head Of Cattle

Synagogue Of Satan
Rothschild Zionism’s 21St Century Feudal System
Written by James F. MarinoIn the modern day, the Internet is replete with an historical account of the House of Rothschilds’ covert infiltration of every country on the face of this planet, through its establishment of institutions overseen by white collar criminals. Those whose intent has been to launder their counterfeited currencies through our economies, while looting the gold from our Treasuries, in order to bankrupt our nations, in the interest of subverting our governments, for their own satanic agenda.

While euphemistically referring to themselves as central banks.
Less understood, however, is the critical role that the Sabbatean and Frankist *false Jews (followers of Sabbatai Sevi and Jacob Frank) have played in the creation of Zionism is significant in regard to Rothschild Zionism’s intent to create a 21St century global feudal system, after it has destroyed every legitimate government on the face of this planet, through its subversion of their economies with Rothschild Communist central banks like the Federal Reserve System.

* As opposed to those legitimate Jews who have fallen prey to these Satanists
The House of Rothschilds’ primary purpose for creating the Federal Reserve System was to use the Fed to loot the U.S. Treasury, while the Federal Reserve counterfeited and laundered its own worthless fiat currency, in order to bankrupt the U.S. economy.

The Federal Reserve and its IRS “collection bag man” were created based on the outright lies that the Federal Reserve Act and the 16Th Amendment were legally ratified by the U.S. Congress, when in fact, they were not.

This has already been proven by the late Eustace Mullins in his book “Secrets Of The Federal Reserve” and the investigative research conducted by former IRS investigator Bill Benson, whose research compiled in a book entitled “The Law That Never Was,” proves that the 16TH Amendment is treasonous. Since having proved that both the Federal Reserve Act and the 16Th Amendment were never legally ratified, and that the Federal Reserve System and IRS exist illegally, a U.S. court has violated Bill Benson’s 1St Amendment rights by censuring Benson, preventing him from selling (or even circulating) his book.

This is an excellent example of the Rothschilds’ furtive use of an American court to obstruct justice, by ordering what is tantamount to evidence in a criminal case being sealed, in order to block a legitimate investigation into the IRS and Federal Reserve System’s rampant criminal activities.

This is typical of how the Rothschilds subvert political elections to ensure that their own “change agents” are elected to the body politic, and that this body politic only appoints federal judges whom the Rothschilds approve of in advance.
It’s the same for the U.S. President’s choosing from a list of men furnished to him by the Federal Reserve System’s Board Of Governors, to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The reader should consider that this also applies to the U.S. Supreme Court, each of whose judges are appointed to the bench by the Zionist controlled White House.

By subverting a federal government through such covert means, the Rothschilds have been able to corrupt the governments of every country they have infiltrated, while their subversion of the military intelligence complexes in these countries has also ensured that the media systems are government controlled as well, and therefore, useless as legitimate venues for news gathering and reporting.

This subversion of the U.S. federal government has been done in the interests of bankrupting the American middle class and destroying our sovereignty, while using false flag terrorist attacks like 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing, to not only turn our nation into a militarized police state, but to ensure that it stays that way.

Once Rothschild Zionism’s world government is fully implemented, the American citizenry (like those in every country whose constitutional government has been destroyed by these Satanic interlopers) will find themselves being subjugated to a 21St century technocratic feudal system; a citizenry enslaved through the creation of a world government, technocratic police state, which will be used to imprison the citizenry of this planet through the use of brain mapping programs, Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Networks and over the horizon radar systems.

All of which function in unison in order to electronically brand each citizen like a head of cattle, who can be instantly identified and tracked by these high-tech and weaponized surveillance systems, while the neural pathways of their very own brains are remotely interfaced with artificial intelligence computers, for the purpose of remotely programming their minds.

The precursor to a future cybernetic society whose citizenry operate from the same computer generated hive mind; spiritually and creatively dead, a race of enslaved beings no longer capable of expressing individual thought, or emotions such as love.

As a target of MK-ULTRA for most of my life, this author has done everything humanly possible to alert the American people (as well as the rest of the citizenry of this planet) to this pernicious scheme.

I have done so in an effort to expose this agenda to enslave the human race through government financed and implemented national brain mapping programs, which are already being used on a mass scale by our own subverted governments, against an unwitting citizenry, which has no concept of the extent of this conspiracy; or how it will result in the enslavement of their persons and families for generations to come.

That is unless the public begins to realize what is occurring right before their very eyes, and acts in concert to end this Orwellian betrayal of our trust, through a massive, yet peaceful non cooperation campaign, which focuses on the removal of Rothschild Zionist driven governments from our own countries.

Given this covert subversion of our own governments, the reader should also consider that both your person and Family may well be EEG heterodyned at present, without your knowledge or consent. And it does not matter where you live, whether it’s North America, South America, Europe or any continent on the face of this planet, since signals intelligence satellite networks like the *NSA’s Echelon, know no boundaries.

*Editor’s Note: According to Dr. Robert Duncan, the Echelon program has many subdivisions, and now operates under a different name.
Moreover, false flag terrorist attacks like the one on 9/11, continue to be perpetrated in an effort to force this planet’s citizenry into accepting Rothschild Zionism’s New World Order, world government agenda; a radical and deadly political ideology which includes the establishment of a global 21St century feudal system.

9/11 was such a false flag operation, orchestrated by the Zionist think-tank, The Project For A New American Century – *under the Bush 43 White House – and used as part of a conspiracy by the House of Rothschild and the British Monarchy, to maintain furtive control of this planet’s underclasses, through the use of spy satellite networks like the NSA’s Echelon based Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

*Google: Richard Behan’s “The Fraudulent War – The Facts About The Bush Administration’s War On Terror” and “John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency – 1992 lawsuit against the NSA”
All done under the cover of national security and in the interests of propagating Rothschild Zionism and its Satanic belief system.

In other words, our own subverted governments are using their military intelligence complexes to attack us, while blaming other countries for doing so, and then enforcing Draconian legislation such as the Patriot Act, in the interests of destroying our freedom in a plausibly deniable way.

And since they also control the mainstream media, the organizations which should be exposing this epic scandal and high crime of treason, are not only prevented from doing so, but also used to attack any citizen who has the courage to expose this treasonous betrayal by our own elected leadership.

The catalysts of this demonic crime against humanity are the Sabbatean and Frankist false Jews, who along with the Jesuits (the Jesuit order is said to have been founded by crypto-Jews), were also responsible for bringing Hitler and the Nazi Party to power in the 1930s, as well as the propagation of the Third Reich, which allowed for the murders of millions of legitimate Jews during the Holocaust.

They are also directly responsible for the creation of the Zionist movement and are preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist, whom authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam – in their book “Exo Vaticana Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R and the Vatican’s Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior” – have stated will return to earth over the next few years.

This would certainly explain their intent for an expedient and efficient system of mass mind control for the citizenry of this planet, via the NSA’s Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, the Pentagon and CIA’s MIND, TAMI, SATAN and CHRIST computer to brain interfacing networks, and through the construction of cellphone and GWEN towers, as well as HAARP over the horizon radar systems, like the Pentagon’s HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska.

World Zionism isn’t about an open society where the citizenry are free to think for themselves and to challenge a government’s questionable activities. It is about class warfare and the menticization of the under classes, in the interest of securing this planet and its natural resources for the Satanically driven investment class.

An investment class that presently controls the military intelligence complexes of every industrialized nation on the face of this planet.

- James F. Marino
Bill Clinton’s Version Of The “Dead Pool” – A Disturbing List Of People Who Were In Someway Connected To Bill & Hillary Clinton, Who Ended Up Dead

New Footage Of 9/11 Recently Released With People In Manhattan Warning Others To Go Home Instead Of Going To Work, Because The World Trade Center Towers Were Being Blown Up With Dynamite Charges – This Offers Further Evidence Of The Controlled Demolition Of The North & South Towers On 9/11 As Well As Building 7

FORMER BUSH 43 DEFENSE SECRETARY, DONALD RUMSFELD REFERS TO BARACK OBAMA AS AN APE, In Reference To Rumsfeld’s Racist Comment That A Trained Ape Could Do A Better Job Of Running The White House – Rumsfeld, A Zionist False Jew Who Believes In Satanism And Eugenics, And That Minorities Are Inferior Races Who Should Be Enslaved And Experimented On, Was One Of Several Former Members Of The Zionist Think-Tank “Project For A New American Century,” Which Devised The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks On America 

- In Fact, Along With Bush 43 Pentagon Under Secretary Of Defense, Israeli Zionist, Dov Zakheim, Rumsfeld Was Likely Also Conspiratorial In The Theft Of More Than 3.5 Trillion Dollars From The Pentagon Under The Bush 43 White House, Which Was Later Likely Smuggled Into Israel

- On The Day Before 9/11 Took Place, Rumsfeld Had Called A Meeting To Announce That Trillions Of Dollars Of The Pentagon’s Budget Was Missing, And That Accountants Had Been Hired To Locate The Missing Trillions – On The Following Day Those Accountants Were Murdered When A Cruise Missile Slammed Into The Pentagon – Interestingly Enough, The Missile Struck The Only Side Of The Pentagon Which Had Been Structurally Reinforced (Which Was Likely Intentionally Done In Advance Of And As Part Of The 9/11 False Flag Operation, In Order To Ensure That The Missile Did Not Damage A Much Larger Part Of The Pentagon Complex)

Did The FBI Stage A Fraudulent Interrogation As A Cover For The Premeditated Murder Of Ibragim Todashev, Because As A Friend Of One Of The Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects, Todashev’s Testimony In The Trial Against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Could Have Been Used To Exonerate Tsarnaev, Or Possibly Even Implicate U.S. Government Agencies (Perhaps Even The FBI) In The Boston Marathon Bombing?

Electoral College A Scam From The Start” – The Electoral College Was Created To Make Certain That The U.S. Presidential Candidate Whom Rothschild Zionism’s Change Agents Wanted To Take Office, Actually Got Into Office; Even If Their Candidate Was Not The American People’s Choice 

- When One Takes Into Account The Deception Of The Electoral College As Well As The Diebolt Electronic Voter Machine Fraud In The 2004 Presidential Election, Regarding The State Of Ohio, We Can Begin To See How Naïve Americans Are In Their Belief That America Is A Democracy Whose Body Politic Is Really Chosen By The Popular Vote – According To The Late Charles Schlund, What He Read Regarding The Don Bolles’ Papers Claimed That Every Presidential Election In The United States Since Woodrow Wilson Took Office, Has Been Rigged

Making Modern Day Slaves“Interviewee: ‘These bio-communication weapons are repulsive and amazing. The best I can do to help someone understand their power to control humans is to use an analogy. This is modern day slavery. Imagine that you have a choke collar on and if you remove it, it will explode. The collar provides electric shocks according to the handlers’ directives. Just with this capability *depatterning of good behavior for survival can be erased and bad behavior can be reinforced. If this technology was available during the slave trade in America they would never have let it go.’”

Excerpt from “PROJECT SOUL CATCHER”*Editor’s Note: The concept of “depatterning” was first developed by CIA asset Dr. Ewen Cameron in the 1960s, as part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control research. The above comment serves as further proof that the mind control program which is being illegally conducted by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex in the modern day via the electromagnetic spectrum, is based on the original CIA MK-Ultra program of the 1950s – ’70s.

The major horror today, however, is that unlike the limited scope of the original MK-Ultra program, today’s second generation MK-Ultra program and its bio-communication mind control weaponry, is being used covertly by many of the federal agencies within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, including the Pentagon, National Security Agency and CIA, so this mind control weaponry can be used on any citizen, or every citizen simultaneously, because this Nazi idealized black operation is conducted through the air via signals intelligence satellites and HAARP over the horizon radar systems, which broadcast on the same frequencies as the human brain.

What does this really mean? That each of us is vulnerable to this covert satellite predation by our own corrupted government, without ever even realizing that it is taking place. And that we can be subjected to the torturous whims of these Satanic psychopaths, through their use of this Orwellian technology.

This author has documented FBI/NSA involvement in using directed energy weapons to torture my person as well as other members of my Family for several years. I have also publicly accused these organizations of using directed energy microwave weapons to murder other people whom I personally knew, or other people who appear to have been randomly picked and later used as part of the MK-ULTRA experimentation that I am remotely subjected to through the EEG heterodyning of my own brain. I received word yesterday that another friend of our Family’s died very suddenly this past week.

I am also certain that a Madison Avenue executive by the name of Suzanne Hart was covertly murdered in 2011, after the elevator she was entering was remotely tampered with through the use of a signals intelligence satellite, which resulted in her being crushed to death.

The following comment was made by another target of this Orwellian technology. The protocols for each targeted individual (TI) are designed expressly for that person, with the intent of causing that person as much psychological damage as possible, in order to ensure that if they don’t actually kill themselves (the goal these psychological operations), that they at the very least do something which will result in their incarceration.

In the following situation, the protocol used against this particular target of “Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment” involves the use of myriad different psychological triggers, including, colors, numbers, foods, objects etc., which are used in an attempt to control every single aspect of this person’s daily life.

The harassment is so specific that if this person wears the wrong color, someone he knows will be murdered for it. If this person eats a food that the agents who use this technology against his person deem to be unacceptable, something in his home can be damaged (usually an electronic appliance), since these crimes involve the NSA’s use of signals intelligence weaponized satellites to perpetrate these acts of covert predation.

The objective here is the total enslavement of the person, including the enslavement of that person’s mind.

The NSA’s objective in using this technology for such covert, yet totally bizarre forms of electronic torture is to make certain that the claims of its victims sound so outlandish, that the person will be deemed to be crazy by society. However, as the Internet continues to become the venue for exposing these Orwellian crimes, and this arcane technology becomes better understood by the general population of the United States, it will eventually become impossible for the U.S. Military Intelligence complex to continue to perpetrate these despicable crimes (including murder) with the plausible deniability, that they have in the past been able to rely on when committing them.

“Third Relative Killed Yesterday”“Yesterday I received word that my father passed. As a targeted individual I know that events such as this are not natural causes. It seems that for one of two or perhaps both reasons, the feds decided to murder him. There was a veiled threat issued about going to Von’s (a nearby grocery store) yesterday.

Then there was the use of the color purple, which was the color of a can of room spray that I was using. They use colors to sensitize to the things they do. If I wear or use anything purple, it becomes a death sentence for a family member. I haven’t worn purple in years due to the death originally of my uncle years ago.

And now this can that I bought this week was close to purple although borderline, so I knew I was taking a chance. Well, it ended up that my dad, though 92, therefore no one would suspect wrongdoing, I know that it was murder.

“This is the third murder of a family member since I arrived in California. First was my oldest sister. 72 years old, in perfect health. Then sudden death. Perfectly healthy the night before, dead the next day. This happened in May of last year. Then around Christmastime they killed my uncle. He had multiple health issues that started in June of last year. Now it is my dad.

“I now so regret ever joining the military. I never would have if I knew they would devastate my family members. This is an evil state.”

The above quote was made by a target of this insanity who worked for the NSA more than thirty years ago, and has been subjected to such remote electronic warfare harassment ever since leaving this Nazi indoctrinated organization.

The NSA is one of the main perpetrators of these furtive crimes, which is why the Agency, which was once so invisible to the America public that insiders joked that the acronym NSA should stand for “no such agency,” is now using its furtive control over the media in the United States, in an attempt to convince the American people that they really have nothing to fear from the NSA.

Of course this an outright piece of propaganda being promulgated by the NSA and the Fox News Network, whose Brett Baier is in the process of hosting General Keith Alexander on Baier’s “Special Report” program, in an effort to allay the fears of the American people regarding the NSA’s complete disregard for the 4Th Amendment.

However, when it concerns the NSA, Americans have more to fear from this Orwellian and Satanically indoctrinated behemoth than they can possibly imagine. The NSA is part of a modern day Third Reich capable of domestic surveillance and mind control experimentation, that Hitler, himself, could have only dreamt of.

The reader will find the book: *”NSA, Citadel Of Evil” By Steve Smith, to be of interest, since Smith describes how the NSA uses torture as part of its creation of psychic warriors, who are used as part of the NSA’s psychotronic warfare program. Smith was murdered for writing this book a year after having published it.

* “NSA – Citadel Of Evil” by Steve Smith

A year before the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place, Israeli Zionist, Dov Zakheim, co-authored an article for the Zionist think-tank “The Project For A New American Century,” called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses – Strategies, Forces and Resources For A New American Century,” in which the following quote can be found: “The process of transformation even if it brings revolutionary change is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor” 

- Prior To Being Appointed By George W. Bush As The Under Secretary Of The U.S. Department of Defense And Controller Of The Pentagon, Zakheim Was The CEO Of The International Division Of Systems Planning Corporation, A Company Which Was Partially Financed By The Israeli Government, And Which Amongst Its Products Contained A System For Being Able To Remotely Fly Up To Eight Aircraft From One Location (Could This System Have Been Used Regarding The Aircraft Which Hit The World Trade Center On 9/11 & The Cruise Missile Which Struck The Pentagon?) -

Zakheim Has Been Accused Of Complicity In The Theft Of More Than 3.5 Trillion Dollars From The Pentagon During His Tenure As Under Secretary Of Defense, Which The Group Of Accountants Who Were Killed On 9/11/2001 (When The Pentagon Was Struck By A Cruise Missile) Were Hired To Locate – Was This 3.5 Trillion Smuggled Into Israel?

Rothschild Zionism & Crypto Jesuit/Nazi Jew Freemasonry Collude In The Creation Of A Satanic World Government — “The New Underworld Order” By *Christopher Story – Free PDF Download

* This author finds it of great interest that only four days after he posted the following information, accusing several members of the Illuminati – including George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama – in a conspiracy to murder him, Christopher Story ended up dead. The reader will also note that only a week after conservative media personality, Andrew Breitbart, publicly announced that he had information which was going to bring down the Obama Administration, Breitbart died suddenly under mysterious circumstances – the likely victim of a directed energy induced heart attack.

See: On July 10Th 2010 Christopher Story published the following information in regard to what he claimed was a conspiracy to murder him, only to end up dead four days later. Story’s informants, as well as his own concerns about being murdered turned out to be credible

In 2008, only days after she met with a newly elected Barack Obama to implore Obama to open a new investigation into the 9/11 false flag operation, 9/11 activist, Beverly Eckert, was killed in a staged plane crash. Given its arsenal of classified weaponry, there are obviously more ways for the U.S. Military Intelligence complex (and the Illuminati hierarchy which controls it) to murder people with plausible deniability, than the average American citizen can possibly imagine.

In this author’s opinion, Eckert, Story and Breitbart were each murdered for their refusal to acknowledge the official 9/11 propaganda campaign, recognizing that the U.S. federal government’s complete lack of candor was deliberate, in order to conceal that 9/11 was perpetrated by factions within the U.S. federal government, and as part of Rothschild Zionism’s agenda to implement a world government under Satanic rule, and to incorporate the United States into this world government.

This author has also wondered if the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission Report – both of whom have since admitted that the Bush 43 Administration sabotaged their investigation into 9/11 – will eventually be murdered for having done so. One of these co-chairman was former NJ Governor, Tom Keane.
We know that a plane crash was the method chosen in order to kill Beverly Eckert. However, the question in regard to Andrew Breitbart and Christopher Story is by what means were they killed, and was directed energy weaponry involved?

The reader should also note how less than two months after Breitbart’s death, the coroner who was doing the pathology work on Breitbart was poisoned to death. Did he find something anomalous in the pathology of Breitbart’s autopsy that he was concerned about, which may have indicated that Andrew Breitbart had been murdered? If so, did those who murdered Breitbart also murder this coroner?

Coroner Investigating The Death Of Andrew Breitbart Dies Suddenly After Being Poisoned
One must also make the same claim in regard to journalist Michael Hastings, given the way that Hastings’ died in a fiery one car collision, which may well have been caused when the computer in his brand new Mercedes was remotely “taken over” by someone with access to computer software, which is capable of doing so. Was a signals intelligence satellite also used as part of the covert operation to murder Michael Hastings, and as revenge for the Rollingstone article he wrote regarding General Stanley McCrystal’s criticism of Barack Obama, which resulted in McCrystal’s forced resignation from the U.S. Military?

The Jews’ “Worst Enemy” is Now OursBy Henry Makow Ph.D.June 9, 2007
In 1962, Christopher Story was the only ‘goy’ working at Jewish banker “S. Japhet & Co.” in the City. The Eichmann trial was in the news and Story asked a Jewish co-worker, a “nice middle aged lady,” if Adolf Eichmann wasn’t himself Jewish?

She replied:” Didn’t you know that a Jew’s greatest enemy is another Jew?”
Story, 68, now a veteran British journalist, believes that many Nazis who planned and implemented the Holocaust had Jewish blood. Jews who belonged to the (Masonic) Illuminati conspiracy “sided with the Luciferian German Nazis to exterminate millions of their own race in what amounted to an inter-Jewish civil war and ethnic cleansing operation…” (532)

The motivation? Prevent Jews from disappearing as a nation and trick them into becoming Zionists and advancing the New World Order. He cites the famous article in the Jewish owned “Daily Express” headlined “Judea Declares War on Germany” (March 24, 1933). It states that Hitler “has aroused the whole Jewish people to a national consciousness.” (535)

Before Hitler came to power, less than 3% of Germany’s 500,000 Jews belonged to the Zionist movement.

The account of the Nazi Jews is one of many startling revelations in Story’s new book, “The New Underworld Order” which at 740 pages is an encyclopedia of the Illuminati conspiracy, past and present. (The Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry.)

The author is a devout Christian who has contacts in intelligence services. His new book is a must-read for anyone seriously interested in the NWO. I’m not saying everything is the gospel truth; you’ll have to weigh the information yourself. I question some interpretations and details but this is natural in a work of this magnitude


I emailed Story about his Eichmann claim. He referred me to Jewish historian David Cesarani’s “Eichmann: His Life and Crimes.” The book states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish. Eichmann’s stepmother had Jewish relations and he associated with Jews. Later, as a Gestapo officer, Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration.

Mr. Story says Reinhard Heydrich’s maternal grandmother was Jewish and the fact forced Heydrich to commit heinous crimes out of gratitude for not being exposed. (Wighton, “Heydrich: Hitler’s Most Evil Henchman” 1962).
According to Story, Himmler’s grandfather was also Jewish, as Hitler’s was half-Jewish. Hitler wasn’t even an anti-Semite until he was recruited by the Illuminati.

It’s possible that some part-Jews became anti-Semitic because they were persecuted by Jews who didn’t accept them.

We must remember that by the 1930′s, 60% of all German Jewish marriages were interracial. In his book, “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers” Brian Rigg states that 155,000 Nazi soldiers had Jewish blood, including some generals.

One of these, SS Lieut. General Horst Hoyer submitted a report in 1952 on the role Nazi Jews played in the Holocaust. Helping plan the “Final Solution” were Jews named Walter Sonnenschein, Zuckerhorn, Spitze, Lowenstein, Gregor and Feckler. Organized Jewry offered Hoyer 30,000 DM to suppress this report but he refused. He was murdered some years later. (533)

One commentator who read the report said:

“One must be mindful of the intense inter-Jewish tension and contrast, above all between the objectives of the nationally-assimilated Jews and those of world Jewry and Zionism. These divisions are much much deeper than the relationships between believing and non believing Jews…one group of Jews fell victim to another…” (532)

Last week I featured evidence that Martin Bormann who signed the cheques for the whole Nazi hierarchy, including Hitler, was working for the Soviets, i.e. Illuminati. In my view, the whole Nazi enterprise was a conspiracy to destroy the German people and trauma brainwash Jews into taking Israel for the New World Order.

The “Jewish Conspiracy” is really the “Half-Jewish Conspiracy.” Many prominent members intermarry or are the products of intermarriage. John Kerry is an example. Many are Jewish and many are not. What they all really have in common is loyalty to the Masonic Illuminati Order, which has subjugated the planet by manufacturing war.


Christopher Story’s new book is packed with too many revelations to list. He goes into Masonic ideology and symbolism, drug importing intelligence agencies, and the details of 9-11. He talks about the former KGB generals running Homeland Security. There isn’t much dirty laundry he doesn’t record. A typical bombshell: he says Hurricane Katrina was a regional test for Illuminati takeover:

“Following scalar promoted Hurricane Katrina, a large number of pre-prepared orders (Executive Orders) were implemented, providing for the seizure of power supplies, personal vehicles, food supplies, …and even the Amtrak station which was converted into a prison. A US Navy ship sat outside New Orleans jamming communications….Some weeks after this catastrophe-atrocity Vice-President Richard Cheney paid a visit to New Orleans [uttering] the following Freudian slip: “We are on top of this exercise.” Senator Mary Landrieu ..criticized the Federal Government for its criminal behavior.” (485)

The Jewish beggar is killed for the crimes of Jewish bankers. The Jewish bankers have intermarried with the corrupt aristocratic dynasties of their respective countries to advance their Masonic world dictatorship.

Throughout history Jewish banker leaders have used pogroms (i.e. anti-Semitic massacres) to control their fellow Jews. They tell the Jewish masses they are hated for no reason and thus dupe them into advancing their Masonic one-world agenda (i.e. Communism, Zionism, Socialism.) But this is exactly the reason for anti Semitism. One-world government is about moral degradation, atomization, homogenization and tyranny. People want to keep their culture, race, religion, nation and family. They want to keep their freedom.

The Holocaust was a giant “pogrom” that convinced Jews they had to establish a national home by throwing the Palestinians out of theirs. The Illuminati want Israel as the capital of their world government. We can see this in the Masonic design of the Rothschild-sponsored Israeli Supreme Court.

The events of 9-11 were another “pogrom” aimed at the American people, designed to make them forsake their freedom and wage a phony “war of terror.” Just as in the Holocaust, Illuminati Jews were probably part of 9-11. The Jews’ worst enemy is now all of ours.

Christopher Story’s “The New Underworld Order” exposes the satanic cancer that threatens to destroy civilization.

————— Note: In a 1960 Life magazine interview described a deal he made with Zionist Reszlo Kasztner who was:

“a fanatical Zionist. He agreed to help keep the Jews from resisting deportation — and even keep order in the collection camps — if I would close my eyes and let a few hundred or a few thousand young Jews emigrate illegally to Palestine. It was a good bargain. For keeping order in the camps, the price of 15,000 or 20,000 Jews — in the end there may have been more — was not too high for me. And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful, I would let his groups escape” (“I Transported Them to the Butcher,” Life [5 Dec. 1960], p. 146).

— List of Nazis claimed to have Jewish blood in Dietrich Bronder’s “Before Hitler Came”

“der Fuehrer und Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler; seine Stellvertreter, die Reichsminister Rudolf Hess und Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering; die Reichsleiter der NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank und Heinrich Himmler; die Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (der mit dem berühmten Zionisten Chaim Weizmann, dem 1952 verstorbenen ersten Staatsoberhaupt von Israel, einst Brüderschaft getrunken hatte) und von Keudell; die Gauleiter Globocznik (der Judenvernichter), Jordan [and] Wilhelm Kube; die hohen SS-Führer und z. T. in der Judenvernichtung tätigen Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski und von Keudell II; die Bankiers und alten Förderer Hitlers vor 1933 Ritter von Stauss (Vizepräsident des NS-Reichstages) und von Stein; der Generalfeldmarschall und Staatssekretaer Milch, der Unterstaatssekretaer Gauss; die Physiker und Alt-Pg.’s Philipp von Lenard und Abraham Esau; die Uralt-Pg.’s Hanffstaengel (NS-Auslandspressechef) und Prof. Haushofer (s. S. 190).”

The Nazi Jews are the subject of Hennecke Kardel’s “Hitler: Founder of Israel” available on line.

See also my “Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews” and “Illuminati Hired Hitler to Start WW2″

Editor’s Note:
The role that the Sabbatean and Frankist *false Jews (followers of Sabbatai Sevi and Jacob Frank) have played in the creation of Zionism is significant in regard to Rothschild Zionism’s intent to create a 21St century global feudal system, after it has destroyed every legitimate government on the face of this planet, through its subversion of their economies with Rothschild Communist central banks like the Federal Reserve System.

* As opposed to those legitimate Jews who have fallen prey to these Satanists

The House of Rothschilds’ primary purpose for creating the Federal Reserve System was to use the Fed to loot the U.S. Treasury, while the Federal Reserve counterfeited and laundered its own worthless fiat currency, in order to bankrupt the U.S. economy.

The Federal Reserve and its IRS “collection bag man” were created based on the outright lies that the Federal Reserve Act and the 16Th Amendment were legally ratified by the U.S. Congress, when in fact, they were not.

This has already been proven by the late Eustace Mullins in his book “Secrets Of The Federal Reserve” and the investigative research conducted by former IRS investigator Bill Benson, whose research compiled in a book entitled “The Law That Never Was,” proves that the 16TH Amendment is treasonous.

Since having proved that both the Federal Reserve Act and the 16Th Amendment were never legally ratified, and that the Federal Reserve System and IRS exist illegally, a U.S. court has violated Bill Benson’s 1St Amendment rights by censuring Benson, preventing him from selling (or even circulating) his book.

This is an excellent example of the Rothschilds’ furtive use of an American court to obstruct justice, by ordering what is tantamount to evidence in a criminal case being sealed, in order to block a legitimate investigation into the IRS and Federal Reserve System’s rampant criminal activities.

This is typical of how the Rothschilds subvert political elections to ensure that their own “change agents” are elected to the body politic, and that this body politic only appoints federal judges whom the Rothschilds approve of in advance.
It’s the same for the U.S. President’s choosing from a list of men furnished to him by the Federal Reserve System’s Board Of Governors, to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The reader should consider that this also applies to the U.S. Supreme Court, each of whose judges are appointed to the bench by the Zionist controlled White House.

By subverting a federal government through such covert means, the Rothschilds have been able to corrupt the governments of every country they have infiltrated, while their subversion of the military intelligence complexes in these countries has also ensured that the media systems are government controlled as well, and therefore, useless as legitimate venues for news gathering and reporting.

This subversion of the U.S. federal government has been done in the interests of bankrupting the American middle class and destroying our sovereignty, while using false flag terrorist attacks like 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing, to not only turn our nation into a militarized police state, but to ensure that it stays that way.

Once Rothschild Zionism’s world government is fully implemented, the American citizenry (like those in every country whose constitutional government has been destroyed by these Satanic interlopers) will find themselves being subjugated to a 21St century technocratic feudal system; a citizenry enslaved through the creation of a world government, technocratic police state, which will be used to imprison the citizenry of this planet through the use of brain mapping programs, Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Networks and over the horizon radar systems.

All of which function in unison in order to electronically brand each citizen like a head of cattle, who can be instantly identified and tracked by these high-tech and weaponized surveillance systems, while the neural pathways of their very own brains are remotely interfaced with artificial intelligence computers, for the purpose of remotely programming their minds.

The precursor to a future cybernetic society whose citizenry operate from the same computer generated hive mind; spiritually and creatively dead, a race of enslaved beings no longer capable of expressing individual thought, or emotions such as love.

As a target of MK-ULTRA for most of my life, this author has done everything humanly possible to alert the American people (as well as the rest of the citizenry of this planet) to this pernicious scheme.

I have done so in an effort to expose this agenda to enslave the human race through government financed and implemented national brain mapping programs, which are already being used on a mass scale by our own subverted governments, against an unwitting citizenry, which has no concept of the extent of this conspiracy; or how it will result in the enslavement of their persons and families for generations to come.

That is unless the public begins to realize what is occurring right before their very eyes, and acts in concert to end this Orwellian betrayal of our trust, through a massive, yet peaceful non cooperation campaign, which focuses on the removal of Rothschild Zionist driven governments from our own countries.

Given this covert subversion of our own governments, the reader should also consider that both your person and Family may well be EEG heterodyned at present, without your knowledge or consent. And it does not matter where you live, whether it’s North America, South America, Europe or any continent on the face of this planet, since signals intelligence satellite networks like the *NSA’s Echelon, know no boundaries.

*Editor’s Note: According to Dr. Robert Duncan, the Echelon program has many subdivisions, and now operates under a different name.
Moreover, false flag terrorist attacks like the one on 9/11, continue to be perpetrated in an effort to force this planet’s citizenry into accepting Rothschild Zionism’s New World Order, world government agenda; a radical and deadly political ideology which includes the establishment of a global 21St century feudal system.

9/11 was such a false flag operation, orchestrated by the Zionist think-tank, The Project For A New American Century – *under the Bush 43 White House – and used as part of a conspiracy by the House of Rothschild and the British Monarchy, to maintain furtive control of this planet’s underclasses, through the use of spy satellite networks like the NSA’s Echelon based Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

*Google: Richard Behan’s “The Fraudulent War – The Facts About The Bush Administration’s War On Terror” and “John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency – 1992 lawsuit against the NSA”
All done under the cover of national security and in the interests of propagating Rothschild Zionism and its Satanic belief system.

In other words, our own subverted governments are using their military intelligence complexes to attack us, while blaming other countries for doing so, and then enforcing Draconian legislation such as the Patriot Act, in the interests of destroying our freedom in a plausibly deniable way.

And since they also control the mainstream media, the organizations which should be exposing this epic scandal and high crime of treason, are not only prevented from doing so, but also used to attack any citizen who has the courage to expose this treasonous betrayal by our own elected leadership.

The catalysts of this demonic crime against humanity are the Sabbatean and Frankist false Jews, who along with the Jesuits (the Jesuit order is said to have been founded by crypto-Jews), were also responsible for bringing Hitler and the Nazi Party to power in the 1930s, as well as the propagation of the Third Reich, which allowed for the murders of millions of legitimate Jews during the Holocaust.

They are also directly responsible for the creation of the Zionist movement and are preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist, whom authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam – in their book “Exo Vaticana Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R and the Vatican’s Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior” – have stated will return to earth over the next few years.

This would certainly explain their intent for an expedient and efficient system of mass mind control for the citizenry of this planet, via the NSA’s Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, the Pentagon and CIA’s MIND, TAMI, SATAN and CHRIST computer to brain interfacing networks, and through the construction of cellphone and GWEN towers, as well as HAARP over the horizon radar systems, like the Pentagon’s HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska.

World Zionism isn’t about an open society where the citizenry are free to think for themselves and to challenge a government’s questionable activities. It is about class warfare and the menticization of the under classes, in the interest of securing this planet and its natural resources for the Satanically driven investment class.

An investment class that presently controls the military intelligence complexes of every industrialized nation on the face of this planet.

- James F. MarinoAlso See:

Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt regarding just some of the concerns of this signals intelligence based mind control technology. The excerpt has been taken from Dr. Robert Duncan’s book: “PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER,” which should be required reading in American high schools.

“The objective of many computer hacking strategies is to insert software that allows remote control and monitoring of a computer without the user knowing that it is there. While the attack could be directed to a specific computer, in general zombification payloads recruit an army of machines before receiving instructions from an unknown server, via virtual or physical hardware connections.

“The U.S. Army called their projects Zombie I-V when zombifying human beings. Their research involved creating remote controlled soldiers who would blindly follow instructions like zombies without questioning the morality and ethics of what they do.

“The zombie slaves could receive their instructions through an ear piece or brain chip implant.

“Modern day technology directly sends the instructions to the brain via neural encoded instructions, often called bioamplification, without brain chips. In popular literature this technology is called ‘mind control’ via ‘psychotronics.’

“These programs by the US DoD/CIA have created sleeper agents, assassins, and an army of disposable assets all over the world. Current estimates of size are ten thousand people, with ten thousand handlers. About two thousand of these are in the United States. 

Of course, only a small percentage will be successful. These sleeper cells can be activated all at once or individually. Zombies, hypnotized humans, can be used to commit acts of aggression with several levels of indirection and therefore have a high degree of plausible deniability for the criminal minds that activated them.

“Suicides, car crashes, poisons, heart attacks, cancer induction, or menticidal drugs and viruses have traditionally been the methods to eradicate undesirables, but programmed assassins are used for high profile targets. Mind viruses are designed to only infect about 1% of the population but this is by design.
The goal is not to kill the whole human race, just enslave it at a pace that will not be noticed by those who have yet to learn about the methods.

“Remote lobotomies, menticide, and mind hobbling are useful tactics in putting down humans that begin to become too aware of this strategy. The Nazis used a similar tactic of gradually shipping off Jews to camps, family by family. 

Enslavement works by increasing the technological gap between military and civilians. For example, let’s assume that the Echelon monitoring system for the mind doesn’t work very well yet and that no key thoughts trigger a warning system. Simply by analyzing brain patterns though, it is obvious who uses their brain more than 10%. These are the people that could threaten the spread of the mind limiting viruses.

“So like with how HIV works, attacking the possible immunity of the species or cultural group first is of greatest importance. This strategy was credited to the Russians. This is similar to the way thieves cut the wires of the phone and power and use cellular jammers to make sure an alarm system can’t signal out. More sophisticated alarm systems use radio technology which can be jammed or their radio codes intercepted digitally and duplicated.

*Many car locks, garage door openers, TV remotes, etc. are intercepted by the signal and communication warfare unit to do these things.

* As a target of MK-ULTRA and NSA signals intelligence satellite predation for decades, this author has seen electric door locks on a car that I was driving, open and close by such remote means. I also witnessed the car’s alarm being set off while it was being driven. I have also seen TV and radio remotes being remotely accessed to turn our TV and radios on and off by remote means, and our garage door opener being remotely triggered, as well as the motion sensitive spotlights around our home.
I am also certain that a woman named Suzanne Hart was murdered in 2011, after the electrical system of an elevator she was attempting to enter was remotely sabotaged via signals intelligence satellite, which resulted in *Suzanne Hart’s becoming trapped in the elevator’s doors, and being crushed to death as her body was dragged to the next floor of the building.

*See: Suzanne Hart Killed When The Elevator She Entered Experienced A Billion To One Odds Power Surge

Dr. Duncan’s commentary resumes:

“A human beings life can be completely manipulated using the fully integrated system. Winning the hearts and minds strategy uses a scalable enslavement strategy. This is often called the sheeple effect. Weak minds tend to herd rather than use critical reasoning to go against the grain. One will learn later in the book that brains can be programmed while they are sleeping. This is another strategy to win the minds of the people during their weakest state.”

- Dr. Robert Duncan
“PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER”Editor’s Note: Microwave Energy Attacks Continue To Occur On A Rotational Basis This author’s *Father is again being subjected to a microwave induced headache via the EEG heterodyning of his own brain! The attacks are perpetrated by the same FBI/NSA psychopaths who have been attacking this author with microwave energy weapons for the past two decades.

* After I post this, the EMF attacks on my Father decrease, however, they increase against my person, while I am also subjected to a microwave laser attack on my leg which causes the area being targeted to burn.

The U.S. federal government doesn’t torture American citizens? This is yet another of the myriad lies that the American people are being told.
The reader should keep in mind that this particular EMF frequency can be increased at any time to cause my Father to have another microwave induced seizure like he had twice in late 2011, or even used to murder him.

This is what Americans are paying taxes for? To unwittingly aid and abet the torture of their own citizens, while an agency like the FBI or NSA spends millions of dollars each years in their torture of each target of these Orwellian crimes against humanity.

The reader will also note that although my Mother has been repeatedly attacked with microwave energy weapons over the past several years causing a number of hospitalizations, she has been experiencing relief over the past few weeks, while my Father (who has been doing much better since being hospitalized for two directed energy induced seizures more than a year ago) is suddenly being neurologically targeted by these weapons again.

This is how the electronic warfare harassment is usually perpetrated on a rotational basis – one victim at a time.   FBI/NSA agents who perpetrate these crimes against us also use the cover of medical treatment as plausible deniability in these attacks.

Specifically, once the victim of these crimes seeks medical treatment for symptoms which are being artificially caused by these weapons, their symptoms may abate for a time, which allows the target to attribute their symptoms to a bogus diagnosis, which a *physician who has been coopted by the FBI and NSA, is told to use in order to conceal the fact that the Targeted Individual’s symptoms are being caused by directed energy weaponry.

This is just one example of how the alphabet agencies can interfere with the relationship between a Targeted Individual and every person whom they deal with, including other family members, as well as those within certain businesses whom the targeted person would be dealing with, such as physicians, *restauranteurs, mechanics, shopkeepers etc.

* As one of the early aspects of the psychological warfare operation that this author has been subjected to for decades, the FBI would speak with the cooks in the kitchen of a restaurant I would patronize, who would then be told to in someway interfere with my meal. Usually, the interference would involve either over or undercooking a particular food that I’d ordered, to the point where the meal was inedible. The FBI would also call my credit card company and tell them to reject my credit card when I attempted to use it to purchase a meal, even though my credit card was in good standing.

I had an excellent credit rating before this began.

The slander campaigns which an agency like the FBI can promulgate in regard to a Targeted Individual are beyond the understanding of most Americans, given that the FBI can use any means possible in which to both demonize and dehumanize the target of such a slander campaign, while the agents responsible for this smear campaign, lie pathologically in order to either conceal, or even worse, defend their own crimes.

This is why these operations are used to circumvent the Constitutional rule of law in the United States, because if these agents ever entered an American courtroom in an effort to prosecute a Targeted Individual, based on the FBI’s trumped up charges and entrapment schemes (in addition to the FBI’s physical and psychological torture of the TI), these agents would have to perjure themselves, in order to cover up the myriad crimes which they have perpetrated against any Targeted Individual.

They would also have to coerce any witnesses whom they planned on using to testify against a Targeted Individual, under oath, in order to cover up the fact that these witnesses were part of the FBI’s COINTELPRO entrapment of the Targeted Individual, and as such, that part or all of their testimony may be perjured.

In other words, by using these so called *”witnesses” as part of its entrapment scheme, the witnesses have themselves become party to the FBI’s criminal conspiracy against the Targeted Individual. As such, the FBI can now use this to control these so called “witnesses.”

* Each of whose credibility would be called into question in a court of law; something the FBI is able to conveniently avoid by circumventing the Constitutional rights of the Targeted Individual through its Nazi idealized Organized Stalking campaigns

The FBI has a long history of suborning witness perjury in cases that involve its COINTELPRO operations, which is why the FBI continues to subject the TI community to its Orwellian violations of our civil rights, by circumventing the Constitutional rule of law.

In reference to the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations involving Targeted Individuals, the fact is that this situation has become so outrageous in regard to these crimes (which include psychological warfare operations and both the torture and murder of TI’s through the FBI’s use of directed energy weapons), that the entire federal government, including the White House and Congress, have become conspiratorial in colluding to cover up these crimes.

Moreover, as part of these psychological warfare operations, FBI agents will use directed energy weapons (especially to remotely attack elderly Targeted Individuals because their advanced age offers further plausible deniability in these attacks) in order to force their targets to obtain medical treatment, that they would not need if they were not being targeted by this electronic warfare technology.

These attacks are in part about forcing people to take medications which will make them sick and keep them ill, rather than allowing their bodies’ to heal themselves naturally. This usually results in these people being placed on medications that they do not need, nor want.

Moreover, these medications can also have many different side effects, which can be used as plausible deniability when perpetrating further directed energy weapons’ attacks against these people in the future.

In post 9/11 America, the Rockefeller controlled U.S. medical community has become totally conspiratorial in covering up these covert directed energy weapons’ attacks, by using fraudulent diagnoses to conceal the fact that these “illnesses” are being artificially created via signals intelligence weaponized satellites, and HAARP over the horizon radar systems.

Oftentimes, this results in the targeted person’s finding themselves in the clutches of the Rockefeller controlled medical community, usually being prescribed treatments (including drugs) which they don’t need.

Once this occurs these federal agents will usually temporarily ease up on the electronic attacks, by modulating these frequencies downward, while ghoulishly waiting for their opportunity to wage a future directed energy attack, when the concept of plausible deniability is again possible.

The reader should also keep in mind that amongst the FBI’s torture victims are young children, as well as the elderly.

This is just a further example of the complete viciousness and inhumanity that these Nazi idealized government Satanists are capable of, when attempting to conceal their own crimes from the American people.

Including, and especially crimes which involve a second generation of the CIA’s original MK-ULTRA program, which for more than thirty years has been conducted by way of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The latest furtive electronic attack on my Father was preceded by the burglar alarm on the *home diagonally to the left of our own, being remotely triggered in the middle of the night(3/29/14).

FBI/NSA psycho’s use of signals intelligence satellites to remotely trigger motion sensitive spotlights, electronic home alarms, automobile alarms, garage door openers etc., has been commonly reported by myriad targets of these Orwellian government sponsored terrorist campaigns; all of whom have arrived at the same conclusion – that our own government has been completely overthrown since the 9/11 false flag operation, and that the current shadow government in America is controlled by the most evil villains on Earth.

* Late this afternoon, the driver of a red sedan shows up at this home, shortly after I post the above, honking their horn twice (another psychological trigger). This car is not owned by a person who lives at this residence, so it’s someone who is likely directed to show up at this home via instructions from a local fusion center.

* Many members of the TI community have reported that the color red is often used to represent death. Either the imminent death of the TI, or someone either close to them (such as a family member or friend), or some **unsuspecting person who has been unwittingly chosen in advance to serve as a victim as part of this Satanic psychological operation.

Earlier this week we were contacted by the wife of a friend of this author’s Father, who died quite suddenly over the past week, most likely having been murdered by a directed energy weapon.

“Sudden deaths” as the result of a directed energy weapon attack have become quite common in post 9/11 America, even though the body politic and media in the United States will deny this fact, because according to them, the United States does not torture people.

** Something that they will also deny is that a woman named Suzanne Hart was murdered via directed energy weaponry in 2011, having been sacrificed as part of the Satanic psychological warfare operation that FBI/NSA predators have been subjecting this author to for the past decade.

FBI/NSA Complicity In The Directed Energy Weapon’s Murder Of A Madison Avenue Executive Named Suzanne Hart
Hart was intentionally crushed to death in an elevator accident, in which the doors to the elevator were remotely triggered via signals intelligence satellite, in order to trap her in between them.

Once her leg was trapped in the elevator doors, Suzanne Hart was helpless to save herself, and was crushed to death when her body was dragged upwards and became lodged between the upper portion of the door frame for the elevator and the floor of the elevator.

A truly gruesome and horrific murder that has since been blamed on an innocent group of men, who are being used as scapegoats, in order to conceal the fact that Suzanne Hart’s death was not an accident.

As previously stated, as a precursor to the directed energy weapons’ attack on my Father, in the early morning hours of 3/29/14, FBI/NSA psycho’s used a signals intelligence satellite to set off the burglar alarm in the home diagonally across the road from our own.

The homeowners are away so this allows these federal miscreants the ability to remotely set off this alarm system anytime they care to, knowing that the alarm will run for about 30 minutes before it resets itself – because no one is home to turn the alarm off.

These *”noise campaigns” are just one facet of the organized stalking street theater that Targeted Individuals are subjected to as part of the aggressive psychological warfare tactics used against us, by these murderous and Satanic government psychopaths.

*This Author Documents 16 Consecutive Months Of FBI/NSA Orchestrated Directed Energy Weapon’s Torture & Organized Stalking Psyop Attacks On My Person & Family, In Retaliation For Documenting My Experiences As A Target Of MK-ULTRA And COINTELPRO For Nearly 40 Years

The home directly across from our own is also used for this particular type of signals intelligence induced electronic harassment, anytime the owners are away on vacation.

This enables these federal reprobates to use both of these homes as part of this psychological warfare operation, rotating between them when the homeowners are away.

The homeowner directly across the road has complained in the past about having to take part in the harassment of this author (probably citing that he has better things to do with his time – who can argue with such devastating logic?) and has been subjected to furtive warnings to do as he is told.

As an example of these intimidation tactics, he and his wife were followed home one evening by an organized stalker, who got out of his vehicle and began a verbal confrontation with this neighbor. At one point the confrontation grew very loud before this organized stalker returned to his vehicle and left our neighborhood.

About a week later we had a snowstorm and the person who lives across the road had his driveway plowed out. The person plowing his driveway “accidentally” hit my neighbor’s new car, causing enough damage to the car, for him to have to have sent the automobile to a body shop for repairs.

The “accident” in reality was no accident at all, but instead an intimidation tactic used to force this neighbor to follow orders in the future, which he is now doing. I have no doubt that if he failed to comply, he would have found himself (or perhaps other members of his own family) being targeted by directed energy weapons’ attacks (if this has not already happened in the past).

I document this to prove that our communities are being coerced into taking part in Organized Stalking crimes, based on the intimidation tactics they are subjected to; intimidation tactics being orchestrated through the more than 72 DOJ/FBI/DHS fusion centers which have *sprung up across the United States since the 9/11 false flag operation began.

As a result of this, not only are communities across the United States being used to take part in these Orwellian hate crimes, they are also being used to destroy the very foundations of the United States, with their total disregard for the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration Of Independence.

* I also find it of interest that since doing an episode of his Conspiracy Theory program regarding Targeted Individuals and mind control, former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, has moved out of the United States, and now lives in Mexico.

If Ventura is seeking to avoid electronic harassment or the types of invasive spying this author documents on this Website, he will find his efforts to be futile, since he is in all probability being remotely tracked via the NSA’s Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and as such can be remotely tortured or even murdered by those using these classified weapons, at any time.

I document this here in an effort to prevent this from occurring, since Ventura may already be under such a covert electronic warfare attack without even realizing it, and as such, could be murdered at anytime through the use of directed energy weaponry.

Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” program was very successful with consistently high ratings and more than one million viewers, when Time Warner was pressured into cancelling the program, after Ventura did the episode on Targeted Individuals and government mind control, entitled “The Brain Invaders.”

It would appear that Jesse Ventura has now become a Targeted Individual, simply for attempting to expose this Orwellian phenomenon in the United States.
I will update the latest directed energy attack on my Father, to see if the frequency being used to target his brain is either increased to cause another seizure, or perhaps even a stroke, aneurysm or heart attack; or modulated downwards so that his microwave induced headache will “miraculously” disappear just as it began only a brief while ago.

This author has been targeted with such directed energy induced microwave weapons’ attacks for more than 20 years, as a target of MK-ULTRA.
And as such I can say this with absolute certainty: What we have operating within the U.S. federal government in post 9/11 America concerns Rothschild Zionism and its connections to the occult world. These people are nothing less than a Satanic coven concealing themselves behind the façade of a government.

And their intent to create a “world government” feudal system based on Satanism, has become thoroughly ingrained within the societies of every country on the face of this planet, with myriad examples of such Satanic symbolism being seen in everything from buildings such as the Vatican and United States Capital, to the Federal Reserve Systems’ fiat currency and the Satanic imagery that Hollywood displays in many of its feature films.

* This author recently notices that Heineken beer is selling cases of beer with bottles that have different design logos, as part of its “limited edition” campaign.
The artwork on one of the bottles in this collection contains a decal which states:  
“THE FUTURE ONE WORLD STAR” – And the decal shows all of this planet’s continents situated in such a way that they appear to look like a *Pentagram or the Israeli flag (The Israeli flag is a direct copy of the Rothschilds’ “red shield” insignia, except that it is blue and white instead of red and white), which has come to represent Rothschild Zionism’s New World Order Satanic world government.

* The U.S. Department Of Defense’s five sided Pentagon facility is another covert expression of Satanism and the Pentagram. Another sign of the House of Rothschilds’ furtive control over the United States. In fact many of the buildings in Washington D.C., including the Capitol building were all designed based on the Satanic symbolism of Illuminati Freemasonry

Political Historian, Eustace Mullins’ Last Interview, In Which He Describes Awaking To Find Himself Disoriented When Visiting Jekyll Island, Georgia, To Do More Research On The Federal Reserve System’s House Of Rothschild Roots – Mullins’ Believes The Stroke-Like Symptoms He Experienced Were Caused By His Enemies – Was Eustace Targeted By A Directed Energy Microwave Weapon? And Was He Ultimately Murdered By One?

posted by James F. Marino at 5:55 AM

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


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