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The Coming Spiritual Twilight

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Volume XXIX
Issue VI June 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916

“But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ…”

I Thessalonians 5:1-9

“For the ministry of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

II Thessalonians 2:7-12

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look at a situation that has now come upon us and will be defined for us by the Scriptures. We have never faced a time in all of our nation’s history such as this one, and as I write this, I fully realize that there are two kinds of people who are reading this. There are many who never look at things from a spiritual standpoint, and there are those that have the God-given ability as true Christians to look into the depth of what is happening in the corresponding unseen world. It is essential that we understand that since the beginning of the world there has been a conspiratorial adversary called Satan. Satan knows that his time is limited. History is filled with the activities of this rebellious dark prince, and Bible prophecy guides the children of God every step of the way and helps them to understand what is truly happening.

We are now at the end of the age at the very end of time when Satan makes his final grand attempt to seize upon the entire world and set himself up as the one world dictator in the form of a man. As he does this, it become ever clearer to Christians what is happening. However, to the undiscerning and unbelieving, there is confusion, anxiety, and misunderstanding.

Never has there been a time in our nation’s history when the people of America have been so alienated from their own government, and everything now seems to be happening at once. The huge budget deficits, the astronomical national debt, the senseless wars, and even the many disasters have left people wondering. We know that every sign of these times was foretold by the Lord Jesus Christ over two thousand years ago. It is a fact that very soon the skies will be filled with the angels of God and our Lord will return. The important question is: will you be ready for that great day? I urge you to open your heart and seek the Lord and you will find Him. He will hear your prayer. Eternity never ends, and we must look to the Saviour now to prepare us for that great day just ahead. Surrender your heart to the Lord Jesus now while there is time.

Antichrist Politics in America

Our nation of the United States of America is populated by approximately 300 million people. All of these people are governed by a relatively small group of elitist rulers including the President, Vice President, Cabinet members, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. America has always taken great pride in stating that the government is “by the people, for the people, and of the people.” We have noticed, especially since Barack Obama became President, that the ruling class believes that the vast majority does not know what is good for them. The people of the United States are continually being ignored by those governing them. This concept is not new but is found within the writings of Dr. Albert Pike, the infamous Freemason, who wrote the book Morals and Dogma. In his book, he made it clear that the great populations must be micromanaged and that they do not know enough nor do they possess the ability to make decisions physically, spiritually, economically, and so on. We are watching in horror as Obama and his administration completely and absolutely function independently, being completely out of touch with the American people. No matter how great the protests, Obama pushes forward to what is now clearly identifiable as Marxist socialism.

Many people have wondered why Obama has such a driving force toward government run health care. The answer is that there are so many things built into that massive bill that have nothing to do with health care. Obama has used this to push forward his agenda in many and varied ways. We remember hearing his campaign pledge when Barack Obama clearly stated that he wanted a national security force, not the National Guard or anything like that, but a civilian one. If people were listening, they would know that on July 2, 2008, in a speech made in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Obama called for a police state. Buried within the revisions of the health care bill in subtitle C, entitled “Increasing Supply of the Health Care Work Force,” under section 5210 is a provision establishing a ready reserved core. This is Obama’s private army. In this ready reserved core, all commissioned officers shall be appointed by the President of the United States. Commissioned officers of the ready reserved core must at all times be subject to the call of active duty by the surgeon general. (1)

On April 9, 2010, HB1388 passed, and very few people seem to have heard about it. With the passing of this bill, we have just spent twenty million dollars to move members and supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States, offering them housing, food, and many other benefits. The news media was relatively silent on this, but the passing of the bill can be verified by going to the Federal Register’s website. (2) Barack Obama ordered the spending of 20.3 million dollars for migration assistance. This bill allows many hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to the militant Hamas to resettle in the United States. If we look at the actions of Barack Obama, we do see a pattern forming. When he first became President, his first call to any head of state as President was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television. His first executive order was to fund and facilitate abortions, not just here within the United States, but throughout the world, using U.S. tax payer funds. (3)

Our world is a very volatile place, and two major wars are currently being fought. The amount of money being spent on the logistics for these wars is enough to stagger the imagination. The provision of housing, meals, laundry, showers, water purification, bathroom cleaning, and so on is outsourced to private companies. And even though many companies would like to have this business, only one company seems to be getting the contracts. According to Bloomberg Business Week, on May 6th, 2010, Kellogg, Brown, and Root, known as KBR, was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as 568 million dollars to provide these services. The Pentagon didn’t even allow anyone else to compete for the business. Of course, KBR and Halliburton both have strong financial ties to former Vice President Dick Cheney. (4)

We know that our Bibles tell us in Matthew, chapter 24; Luke, chapter 21; Mark, chapter 13; and various other places that wars and rumors of wars will be the course of the entire last days. All of this is leading up a final conflict which we can read about in Revelation, chapter 19, called the Battle of Armageddon. All nations will be involved in this battle and very few people understand that the enemy of all these armies of the world is our coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation, chapter 19, verse 19, we read as follows: “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.” This scripture clearly states this to be forthcoming, and it will most assuredly come to pass. Can you imagine the weapons of this world being turned on the coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, in an attempt to stop Him? The result of such foolish actions are found in Psalm 2, verses 1-4, as follows: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”

Barack Obama is clearly trying to unify the militaries of the world. He is using the phony peace bait of scaling back on atomic weapons. Obama has clearly stated that the United States has 5,113 nuclear warheads. His Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton, also issued the following statement in an Associated Press article on May 4th, 2010, “We think it is in our national security interest to be as transparent as we can be about the nuclear program of the United States.” (5)

The Russians seem to have quite a different attitude toward weapons information. In early April a very unusual event happened in Russia as an airplane carrying the Polish President, his wife, high government and military officials, and others crashed near Smoliensk, Russia. There were at least 88 people aboard the Tupolev Tu-154 when it went down killing everyone on it. This was an amazing historic event in that one plane crash nearly wiped out the government of Poland. (6) The crash was quickly ruled accidental due to pilot error and other extenuating circumstances. But now we have learned, according to an article published in the Washington Times on May 13th, 2010, that Russia stood to gain much by this crash. On board the airplane and still intact was a windfall of military secrets, including pocket memory sticks that contained sensitive NATO data. In addition to that, Poland’s in-term government has not pressed the Russians for answers to questions about the crash, such as why, without any investigation at all, the crash was ruled pilot error. (7) Strange things are going on here and there is much more to come.

Is Economic Recovery Possible?

As we know, the mass communication media has constantly downplayed the severity of the depression that we are in; they still call it a recession. However, we know that something far worse than that is wrong. Ever since my last trip to New York City in September 2008, I could feel the dark shadows of deep problems beginning to waft over the earth. When I looked at the Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs, and the other big banks and saw the large detachment of military personnel guarding the whole area, including the New York Stock Exchange, it became very obvious that something was about to explode that would change our nation forever.

I did my work in New York and returned home, and that very next week one bank after another of the world’s largest banks went bankrupt and fell like a house of cards. The ripple effect was staggering; banks of all sizes were going bankrupt, and mortgages were not being paid.

Our U.S. banking system was doomed for failure right from the start because it is based on fractional reserve lending, which simply means that when deposits are put into the bank, the bank can loan out ten times the amount of that deposit and draw interest on that entire amount, 90% of which does not exist at all except as paper debt. This practice is not exclusive to the United States of America; it was the brainstorm of the Rothschild banking dynasty, and on March 21, 2010, Washington Blog reported that a German central bank admitted that credit is created out of thin air. Germany’s central bank, the Duetsche Bundesbank, is one of the most influential banks in all of Europe. (8)

Just a glance at the system of fractional reserve lending shows us how crooked the operations of the bank are even though among themselves it’s considered to be normal. This method of operation by the big banks of the world has a very direct effect on the condition of their corresponding stock markets in the world. If the money supply is increased, the stock markets will go up, but the value if fictitious. It is as if you opened a packet of Kool Aid and kept adding water to the original amount. Soon no one would want it!

We must also remember that prosperity is not truly indicated by the stock market because it has become so internationally locked together with the other markets. You could have a major corporation with a hundred thousand employees and lay off ninety thousand of them, then go to India and hire a hundred thousand workers there for far less money. Your appearance on the stock exchange would be that you are doing very well. But how about the people walking the streets?

One example of how fragile the situation can be is illustrated by what is going on in Greece. Greece is part of the European Union that uses the Euro currency. The entire financial systems of Greece have absolutely failed and are in a state of bankruptcy. This is a severe loss, and so all the other banks on Europe are rushing together to find a solution. It is called the great Greek Debt Crisis. (9) We must note that the very conditions that put the nation of Greece into their bankruptcy are identical with several other economies, including those in Portugal, Spain, and the United States. We must ask ourselves did all of this just happen by itself or are there those that caused it to happen in order to bring forth a new world order, which would be forced upon the people?

Another example of the volatility of the US stock market is revealed on May 7th, 2010. On that day, investors stood speechless as their market went down and plunged 1,000 points. This sort of thing was unheard of, and no one seems to know how or why it happened. It recovered nearly everything it lost by the end of the day, but someone was pulling a fast one. (10) It is reminiscent of the 1929 crash when the Krupp’s, the Kennedy’s, the Warburg’s, and other U.S. investors quickly pulled their money out and brought in all the call money and deposited it in banks in Canada. This brought our nation down to a level so low that there were still after effects in our country into the 1970′s. All of the experts have been seeking an answer as to why and how the market could plunge, and no one has come up with an answer. It is thus far a complete and unknown mystery. (11) On the state level, at least twenty-two banks in Wisconsin have special orders from the U.S. regulators to fix their problems or be closed. (12) On April 9, 2010, thirty-three states were reported to be out of money to fund the unemployment benefits. (13) States all over the Union are also delaying tax refunds because they just don’t have the money. This was reported on MSNBC in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 9, 2010. (14) As we look at this whole picture, it should be fairly obvious that there are two possibilities why all of this is happening. One is that the legislatures don’t know what they’re doing and just keep pumping out money and increasing debt. The other is that they do know what they’re doing, and they’re intentionally sabotaging the economies of the entire world to bring forth their god Lucifer. It is time for all of us to watch and pray and help others to wake up.

Humanity in Open Rebellion Against God

To us who know the God of our salvation, it is difficult to understand how man could ever openly rebel against God when things are not going well. My first thought is to take the problem to the Saviour. All true believers do this. But there is a very great apostasy forming, and Satan has invested much time, money, and effort into his cause, and now we are seeing the results of it. For the past decade, Janet Rowling’s Harry Potter books have taught countless millions of people to think like witches. Since then, numerous other programs, books, and movies have done the same thing, and the most recent trend seems to be vampires. Vampires are not fictitious. They are people possessed with blood spirits, and they don’t actually turn into bats or get destroyed by sunlight; and they’re not immortal. The Twilight book series and subsequent movie series have become so popular that young women are now naming their newborns after the vampires, one of them being the name Malia. (15) Vampires, however, do wander among us, and their evil work is the very essence of hell.

The number of occultists in our military is also quite alarming. They are found on all the major bases and forts, including places such as Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Fort Hood, Texas. Our US government has been continually making policies that assist them in their occult activities. It is almost impossible to get rid of them, unless their time of service is up and they choose to go. Many of them don’t because they have plans. They are there to recruit people to their cause. Now, In March 2010, the Pentagon lifted the ban on gays serving openly, so they can now openly practice their lifestyle among the other soldiers. Any repercussion from other soldiers could be considered a hate crime. (16)

Another example of mass open rebellion against God is the forthcoming world cup soccer tournament to be held in South Africa in June 2010. This event will no doubt draw countless thousands of people to Cape Town, South Africa. In order to provide entertainment and pleasure to the many dignitaries’ guest visitors, an order is put in for one billion condoms and the importation of forty thousand sex workers. (17) Those who know what the Bible says about all such things should be completely shocked by this. Yet to most, it is just an item of news.

When sin reaches its full potential, those who hate God quickly look for some other way to insult Him. In Revelation, chapter 13, verse 1, we read of that spirit by name as follows, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” It is the spirit of blasphemy that rises up, and we are certainly seeing this today. We have now learned from the Hollywood Reporter that on May 5th, 2010, Comedy Central began developing a Jesus Christ cartoon. The program is about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his powerful but apathetic father and live a regular life in New York City. In the show, God is preoccupied with playing video games while Christ, the ultimate fish out of water, tries to adjust to life in the big city. He is never called Jesus Christ, but always J.C. (18)

Humanity Ensnared in Chemical Reactions

In past issues of the newsletter, I had reported about the grave dangers our world now faces because of pollution by chemicals. And since these chemicals have gotten into the water supplies, our atmosphere, and all of our eco systems, it seems there’s no escaping them. One of the most dangerous chemicals on the market today is BPA. This is the substance used almost universally to coat our aluminum cans to keep the food from deteriorating them. BPA is actually a synthetic female hormone answering to estrogen. Numerous scientists in the United States have fought the large chemical companies on this issue, and the Food and Drug Administration agreed to set a deadline on what they’re going to do about it. The problem is the FDA continues to miss their deadline, and it’s happened three times now. (19)

Another dangerous chemical is fluoride. Scientists have known for years that it’s a neurotoxin and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed. There are other known health problems linked to excessive fluoride use. Yet it is found commonly in toothpastes and tap water. (20)

According to the Journal Doctors for Responsible Medicine, April 2010, the children have been especially targeted. The United States has become the psychiatric drugging capital of the world for children being medicated at a young age. In some states, medical records show infants less than a year old on drugs for mental disorders. Powerful antipsychotic use in children, ages 2-5, in the United States has doubled between 1999 and 2007. The hazardous effects of these drugs include adverse cardiovascular effects that shorten lives, and adverse metabolic effects that induce diabetes. Even though so much is known already, they continue to be used. (21) Again it is the old reprehensible money trail.

According to Reuters News Service, a common weed killer has been turning male frogs into female. The fact is atrazine exposed male frogs were both demasculized (in other words, chemically castrated) and completely feminized as adults. A recent study using forty frogs showed that all forty of the male frogs went through a process which completely feminized them, even causing eggs to grow in ten percent of them. It is believed that the atrazine will work on mammals and people as well. These chemicals are explaining why our world statistics clearly show that even among humans, men are becoming more feminine, which leaves the door open for many women to become more masculine. (22)

Response of God’s Power

With all of the things going on in the earth, we must always remember to look up to the heavens for our redemption draweth nigh. For the past several months, we have seen huge earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, space threats, and just about every other kind of threat possible. These are all signs of the Lord’s soon coming. CNN reported from London, England, that a massive volcanic eruption happened in Iceland and the plumes of ashes were so large, going well into the upper stratosphere, that all jet engines had to be grounded. (23) But the volcanic cloud didn’t stop with England. It smothered most of Europe, drifting over major cities and countryside. (24) The economic impact throughout Europe was great as the cloud continued in the volcano. (25) The picture was an amazing one, as one million Britons were stranded by the ash, and food shortages were expected. The earth was truly going through a massive convulsion, but what is even more shocking were pictures of the mouth of the volcano from the top view. It is one of the most demonic frightening and evil looking faces I’ve ever seen. I have only a black and white copy, but copies are available on request by writing to Last Trumpet Ministries. This report with photographs came from the London Daily Mail. (26) Volcanoes are terrible events that literally cause mountains to flow down and make the sea to boil. We will see a lot more of them, as our Lord prepares to return to the earth, but on April 14, 2010, there was also a terrible earthquake of magnitude 6.9 in a mountainous region of China near Tibet. Many hundreds were killed and more than ten thousand people were injured. There are buildings everywhere that were flattened around the people. (27) Throughout the United States, violent storms and killer tornadoes raced through areas ten miles wide, killing people and destroying everything in their path. People have never seen anything like it. (28)

Elsewhere in the world strange things are going on. In Guatemala and other areas of Central America, earthquakes continue to rumble. The famous Jordan River of the Bible, where Jesus and many others were baptized was once a rushing and raging river, but it has now been reduced to just a trickle in some places. About the only thing feeding into the once mighty Jordan River are streams of pollution and waste. (29)

Some disasters are called natural disasters, or acts of God, and some are manmade. One such manmade one is a recent mammoth oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We have been told that this oil spill was an accident and due to a faulty part according to the head of British Petroleum. So much oil leaked out so quickly that the Gulf was soon filled with pollutants. (30) Try as they may they could not contain it. From an aerial view, you would be able to see rivers of oil for ten miles long. (31) Amazingly, this oil rig which totally failed, causing many deaths and untold devastation, was presented with a safety award just last year. It has recently been discovered that this oil rig, which was named Deep Water Horizon, had not been adequately inspected for the last several years. (32)

One more thing I would like to mention before closing is that scientists are now baffled because one of the stripes on our largest planet Jupiter has completely vanished. It was a massively wide stripe surrounding the circumference of the planet and was one of the things I looked for when using my telescope. There is no explanation as to what happened to the stripe, but the planet Jupiter has been going through changes for some time. (33)

In closing, I would like to thank all of you for your cards and gifts, prayers, and best wishes during my recent illness and hospitalization. I desire your prayers greatly. If you have any special prayer requests, please send them to us, and we will give them individual attention. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Meyer

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      blah blah….blah blah blah…blah.


    • Pix

      “there are those that have the God-given ability as true Christians to look into the depth of what is happening in the corresponding unseen world.”

      = Ego masturbating. When you get over yourselves and stop tripping over your giant inflated egos, then and only then can you claim to have a smidgen of morality.

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