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Alert Warning #3 - Obama's Inauguration The Portals Will Open! ~ From Nathan Leal

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Nathan Leal – January 2, 2013


Several weeks ago, I released a warning about a very profound event of spiritual darkness that is coming to America on Inauguration Day – January 20, 2013. Link to article

Since then, I have come across additional information that exposes another layer to the dire events that are now approaching America. This alert is a sincere effort to warn of these things.

We have just entered the year 2013, in the coming future; America is going to experience rumblings of catastrophic proportions. The nation is going to be shaken in ways that most American citizens never imagined.

Awake or Denial

To those who are awake and know what time it is, please read this warning and share it with all who will listen.

For the pretenders living in Slumber-Ville America, there is a belief that the coming year will be business as usual. But my friends, business as usual is now in bankruptcy and LaLa-Land is in foreclosure.

Before I move on, it is imperative that as Christians, there is an understanding that this thing is not going to be stopped.

Ladies and gentleman, America is presently under Divine judgment and it is going to take place as a mandate by God Almighty.

When judgment happens over a people, it takes place in several categories;

  • Famine – Economic duress, drought, crop failure, extreme weather.
  • Pestilence – disease, plague, death,
  • The Sword – War, political tyranny and oppression, riots, chaos, death.
  • The Release of evil – evil spiritual entities are allowed to infest a land and wreak havoc.

    Audio Program that explains judgment - Judgment of God explained

America’s Fall into Tyranny

Based on the findings that I am about to share, an event is approaching America that is going to take place on Inauguration Day – January 20, 2013. This day is just a few weeks away.

According to what I have been able to uncover, the United States is headed for her metamorphic fall. After this happens, she will take on a new identity. This change will redefine America as a tyrannical police state under a cloak of dark evil.

The approaching darkness will enchant most people with blindness. The spell will make them unable to realize that a yoke of oppression and bondage has arrived.

History records that prewar Germany went through similar events including apathy towards the deterioration of their freedom. Most of them believed in the cliché of optimism – “Our government would never hurt us!”

The world knows the result of that short sightedness. Unfortunately, most Americans either forgot their history lesson or did not pay attention in class because America is going to repeat this episode of dark antiquity.

Folks, these things are not coming in 20 or 30 years. They are approaching NOW!
As they arrive, most American citizens will not realize that they are taking place. And sadly, most people will blindly welcome their chains of bondage and oppression.

  • Tyranny will masquerade itself as safety and rescue.
  • Social upheaval will deceive its presence as moving forward.
  • Economic poverty will cloak itself as shared sacrifice.
  • A great deception will re-label everyone as either cooperative or insurgent.

Those who wish to live as Bible believing Christians will become outcasts of society and persecuted. Being a true Christian will not be welcomed by the state.

Happy New Year! 

This new season of change is quickly approaching and while most people recently celebrated with the words, “Happy New Year!” – the coming year will paint a different reality.

2013 will continue the mutation process as America becomes an oppressive infidel. 
I am not sharing this information to sensationalize the news headlines but instead to warn of what is approaching.

Ladies and gentlemen, at twelve noon on Inauguration Day, (1-20-13) very powerful demonic forces are going to invade the government of the United States of America. This event will take place in the invisible realm beyond the focus of most people. 

When this happens, a spiritual gateway/portal is going to be opened to the underworld. The result will be the release of evil entities and principalities from their abyss and their infusion into Necropolis, USA.

(Note – When I use the word “portal” I am referring to the doorway to the bottomless pit / abyss that is referenced in the scriptures. i.e. Revelation 9)

They will first begin their invasion into America’s seat of power which is the White House. At this point in time, Obama is going to be the one who is sworn in on Inauguration Day. Therefore, when the spiritual invasion occurs, the Presidential Office of America is going to be infested with demonic entities.

Please note, it does not matter who the President is when this takes place. Again, this is a part of God’s Divine judgment. God is going to allow the tide of demonic sludge to infiltrate America because America has chosen evil.

As I have stated in previous programs, the episodes that occurred in Old Testament Israel and Judah are going to once again occur in a similar fashion for America.

The outline of what is coming can be found in Jeremiah chapter 39. I released the outline of these things several weeks ago, and since then, new information about this matter has come to my attention and I must now share the updated findings.

Folks, please make note, the remainder of this warning is going to be VERY SERIOUS!!

In Jer. 39:2 the Bible reveals a hidden cipher about the timing of America’s coming invasion of evil. Again, I have explained this in a previous article.  But in summary, the verse 2 reveals that Babylon invaded Judah 11 years, 4 months, and 9 days after Judah’s king was placed in power.

“And in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth day of the month, the city was broken up.”

Or in other words, the city was “penetrated”, i.e. – invaded!

Applying this same verse to America and using the starting point of September 11, 2001, we arrive at Inauguration Day which is just a few weeks away.

Therefore on Inauguration Day, America’s spiritual walls are going to be “penetrated.”

The Principalities of Babylon! 

In Jeremiah 39:3, the first part of the verse reads:

“And all the princes of the king of Babylon came in, and sat in the middle gate,…”

In similar fashion, the spirit of mystery Babylon is going to also penetrate America.

When I released my previous alert, I did not elaborate on the last half of verse three. But I received emails from two people, “thanks C. & Dr. T.K.,” who shared with me that the names of the princes mentioned in verse three are actual names of demons! 

Verse three goes on:

 …even Nergal-sharezer, Samgarnebo, Sarsechim, Rabsaris, Nergal-sharezer, Rabmag, with all the residue of the princes of the king of Babylon.”

Because of the two leads that I recieved in recent emails, I began researching the names mentioned in Jeremiah 39:3. And folks, based on the results, I am releasing this emergency warning.

When I shared my previous alert, I had limited information on who the entities are and what they are going to do to America. But with recent findings, I now have a much clearer picture of these things which reveal that America’s situation is dire and very concerning.


The first prince mentioned in verse three is Nergal-sharezer. When we examine the name in the original Hebrew, we can break it down into two words. According to Strong’s:

  • Nergal - one of the chief deities of Assyria and Babylon and worshiped by the men of Cuth.
  • Sharezer - “prince of fire”

Based on the Hebrew meaning, Nergal-sharezer was a “false god” and a “prince of fire”who was worshiped in Babylon.

But it does not stop there because after researching this name further, the results were stunning and it now appears that these names are not just human princes of the past, but are instead names of demonic entities who exist now!

Folks, please make note that it appears that these “princes” are entities who are going to enter America on Inauguration Day.

Examining “Nergal” from Wikipedia - Wikipedia – Nergal

Here are excerpts:

The name Nergal, refers to a deity in “Babylon”. Also in part a solar deity, sometimes identified with Shamash, but only a representative of a certain phase of the sun. 

Portrayed as a god of war and pestilence, Nergal actually seems to be in part a solar deity, Nergal seems to represent the sun of noontime and of the summer solstice that brings destruction.

For starters, as noted above, Nergal is known as a deity of several attributes.

  • A god of war
  • A god of pestilence.
  • Represents the sun at NOONTIME!

Obama’s Inauguration Ceremony will take place on January 20th at noon!  Nergal is an entity whose resume includes favoring a time schedule of noontime! Is this a coincidence?

But it does not stop there. This evil entity functions under several attributes.

Excerpt from Wikipedia continues:

Nergal was also the deity who presides over the netherworld, and who stands at the head of the special pantheon assigned to the government of the dead.

Standard iconography pictured Nergal as a lion, and boundary-stone monuments symbolize him with a mace surmounted by the head of a lion…

In the late Babylonian astral-theological system, Nergal is related to the planet Mars. As a fiery god of destruction and war …

…As God of the plague, he was invoked during the “plague years” during the reign of Suppiluliuma, when this disease spread from Egypt….

… his original seat… formed of him as a god of the dead acted in making him feared rather than actively worshipped.

In demonology

Being a deity of the desert, god of fire, which is one of negative aspects of the sun, god of the underworld, and also being a god of one of the religions which rivaled Christianity and Judaism, Nergal was sometimes called a demon and even identified with Satan.

According to Collin de Plancy and Johann Weyer, Nergal was depicted as the chief of Hell’s “secret police”, and worked as an “an honorary spy in the service of Beelzebub”.

…end of Wikipedia reference…

(Note – Both Plancy and Weyer were occultic historians from the 17th and 18th century.)

So according to the researched citations on Wikipedia, Nergal is not just an archaic deity of yesteryear. He is instead, a demonic principality whose resume includes:

  • A principality – demon of war.
  • A principality – demon of pestilence.
  • He presides over the Netherworld. He is a sentry who watches over hell.
  • He is pictured as a lion.
  • He is identified with Satan.
  • Stands at the head of the special pantheon assigned to the government of the dead.
  • Involved in government of the underworld.
  • Related to the planet Mars. As a fiery god of destruction and war.
  • He is a plague of disease and death.
  • Chief of Hell’s “secret police.”
  • An honorary spy in the service of “Beelzebub”.

Ladies and gentleman, the entity Nergal is not fictional and benign. It appears that he is one of the chief princes of the underworld who is going to spiritually invade the White House on January 20, 2013.

Based on his resume above, he will influence the US leadership to succumb to war and destruction.

We can also read that one of his specialties is tyranny. He is chief of hell’s secret police and demonic spying.

Translation – Based on these pieces that are coming together, an evil entity is going to have a role in ushering the nightmarish tide of secret police tyranny into America. He is going to infect the leadership of America into a new chapter of unconstitutional barbarism and cruelty.

At the time of this writing, many Americans are beginning to catch wind that the Obama Administration is favoring the butchering of several parts of the constitution. This includes the second amendment – gun rights.

The thing that most people do not realize is that these events are not just politics of human idealism. What America is witnessing is a changing tide under the engineering prowess of Satan.

In the natural, the end result is going to be an angry and unsettled portion of American patriots longing to be free. This is going to result in civil unrest and mayhem.

And my friends, it is also going to result in the casualties of the innocent and the valiant. 

Bloodshed is what Satan desires for America.

God desired to bring nourishment and life. But the people chose death! And on New Year’s Eve 2013, how many chose to sing along with the words of John Lennon’s – “Imagine there’s no Heaven!” as it was performed on nationwide television that night?

Sadly, too many!

So the princes of Babylon will now have their way and enter into the land.

The Second Principality 

The second prince mentioned in Jeremiah 39:3 is - “…Samgar-nebo…”

According to Strongs’ - Samgar-nebo means “sword of Nebo”  - The word “Nebo” in this name is not to be confused with the Nebo that we find in the geography of the Old Testament, i.e. – Mount Nebo. 

This version of the word “Nebo” originates from the Babylonian deity – “Nabu.”

Therefore, the name “Samgar-nebo” in Jeremiah 39 verse 3 means “Sword of Nabu.”

“Nabu” was an Assyrian / Babylonian god worshipped as the son of Marduk.

One of Nabu’s attributes is he is the “scribe” and “keeper of the records of destiny.” As a god who decides the sacred record. He has the power to increase or diminish, at will, the length of human life.

Ancient Babylon was the source of the false deity Marduk. This deception began with pagan worship which originated with Nimrod of Ancient Babylon.

Nimrod evolved into one of the first deities of Babylon. His name began as Bel/Baal-Nimrod. Later, it evolved into just Baal. Over time, other names replaced Baal and were exported throughout the earth., i.e. – Nimrod = Baal / Marduk / Osiris, etc.

In the religion of Baal worship, Nimrod’s son Tammuz also became a god along with his mother Semiramis. As their worship spread, the names changed but their religion was the same – deception.

Nimrod’s son Tammuz became – Horus, Ninus, Nabu, Nebo, etc.

Semiramis became – Ishtar, Asherah, Isis, Dianna, Queen of Heaven, etc.

According to the ancient tradition, the entity and prince “Nebo / Nabu” is said to be Marduk’s son. I find it ironic and typical that these false gods have forged resumes which are similar to the True and Living God – Yahweh.

In pagan worship Marduk is said to be the creator. His son “Nebo” is said to be a “scribe.” This is a counterfeit of our God who is the True Creator of all things and Jesus Messiah who is the Word of God.

There is a dark prophecy that exists which says that Marduk will someday return to Babylon as a messianic new king. If the prophecy is true, what can this mean?

Samgar-nebo means “sword of Nabu.” How will this play out? A sword cuts and slashes. A sword kills. If this person also represents a demonic entity, what influence will it have over humans?

According to the dark prophecy about Marduk, will Samgar-Nebo claim to be the son of Marduk come in the flesh? Could this demonic principality infect the leadership in the Oval Office to believe that they are an incarnate of these entities?

Being that Nabu is the “son” of Marduk, will the coming entity seek to claim that they are an incarnate son of the Creator? In other words, could these entities invade the White House and influence those in power to believe that a “messiah” has arrived?

Could these spirits place Obama under their spell and deceive him into believing that he is a messiah?

Brethren, I know that I am asking hard questions, but these concerns are very real! If these things are true, it may signify that we are much later in the game than many want to accept!

The Other Princes

The remaining princes named in Jeremiah 39:3, have several meanings. They appear to be titles of their said authority.

  • Sarsechim = (several possible meanings) – “prince of the eunuchs”, “overseer of black slaves” or “overseer of the mercenary troops.”
  • Rab-saris – Chief of officers.
  • Rab-Mag -  Chief sorcerer and magician.

Based on the names of the three above, it appears that these remaining entities have temperaments associated with their titles.  

  • Sarsechim is a prince overseeing a group of lessor entities. Possibly slaves or mercenaries!
  • Rab-saris is a chief of lessor demonic officers.
  • Rab-mag is a chief principality over sorcery and magic. Deceptive signs and wonders will be on the platter as these entities invade America.

Ladies and gentlemen, based on the information presented here, it appears that God may have allowed a glimpse of some of the principalities and entities who are going to enter into America and morph the USA into Mystery Babylon – The fallen nation of perdition!

My concerns about these matters are many. I know that in the natural, this proposal sounds preposterous and farfetched. But we cannot limit ourselves to the natural perspective. There is a spirit world that surrounds us and the other dimension is going to play a role in the final chapters of the end times.


Stargates, portals and doors to the underworld are going to be opened in the last days. These events do not mean that God cannot handle evil. It means that God is going to allow evil to chastise the people of America and the world.

As the tides of darkness arrive, what will you be doing? I want to challenge everyone reading this to seek the mercy of God with humbleness and repentance. Gather His strength. Seek spiritual victory and peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ Messiah.

The challenge of Psalms 91 must now become our lifestyle.

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1

Several months ago I released an audio message on finding spiritual strength during God’s Judgment. This message was an in-depth study of Psalms 91.
It is found here: Judgment of God explained 

Again ladies and gentlemen, Based on the information that is before us, I believe that something very profound is going to happen to America in the coming weeks, and especially on Inauguration Day – January 20, 2013 at high noon!

The time to prepare for this incoming event is NOW folks! Get your spiritual house in order.

( to be continued…)

God bless you all,

Nathan Leal 
Watchman’s Cry

permission to post this article by Nathan Leal

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    Total 43 comments
    • hostile177

      Nice story bro.
      And you know this how?

      “According to what I have been able to uncover…”

      Care to share that proof or is the bible all you got? :mad:

      • Anonymous

        According to Ephesians 6, certain powers and principalities are associated with the PTB. However, this elaborate concoction is an unnecessary and dangerous diversion. :mad: There is absolutely no way any non-secretive person can verify that Nergal takes power at the noon witching hour. You speculate and then extrapolate with an unholy knowledge. This reveals nothing but your knowledge of the pagan which you wield like a club on the uninitiated who are wondering what to be afraid of.

        If anything, this is pure Gnosticism akin to Sorcha Faal sucking her thumb.

        • PaulTarsuss

          Once again, Willow, you put things in context, and are certainly blessed by our Father!


      • Anonymous

        Why do we even read this s…..

    • King of Shambhala

      Heckler Yells “Obama You Antichrist” (Videos)

      Look at this guy yelling “Obama, you’re the Antichrist!” (at 15:48)

      Obama’s really flustered at that!

      Hey this must be a sign of the Apocalypse.


    • theDoctor

      Dude I’m sorry but a lot of the stuff in the Bible sounds like stuff from Lord of the Rings. Regardless of which candidate someone voted for this is just crazy. And I think that more people than just President Obama would be flustered at first when being accused of being the antichrist, especially when he himself is a Christian. This is just a crazy conspiracy theory. At least Obama pays his taxes.

      • King of Shambhala

        The BEAST aka Antichrist has 7 heads i.e. Christainity, Islam, Judaism, Communism, Radicalism, Black Nationalism, Black Liberation Theology.

        Obama’s got a hideous mixed up faith like black creole voodoo.

        (Blacks) Obama mixes all things, without making any difference, seeing (he) they don’t study them anyways in any case.

        It’s all the same to (him) them, good and evil.

      • teapartyguardian

        Where did you get that owebama is a Christian? His dad was muslim, that makes him muslim. At least to muslims it does. Even rev. wright would not admit owebama converted to Christianity.

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s the Hideous Beast with seven heads which are seven faiths.

          Creole voodoo in the Islands is how blacks have their faith; mixing it all up and it’s all faked, just imitating all of each.

          Like Bob Marley who claimed to be a (Jewish) Rastafari or like in Kinshasa Africa, where the people go to each temple, church or mosque alongside the road every day, just visiting each place as if it were a walk-in theater.

      • horedog


        • King of Shambhala

          Yeah, I know Obama’s Muslim.

          I’m just relling you all blacks mix up evrey faith.

          They don’t mind being mixed Muslims-Jewish-Chrsitains etc…wake up and open your eyes to what kind of crap black “religion” is.

        • King of Shambhala

          Obama’s the Abomination: he had sex with his father.

          Breaking: Obama Sex With Own Dad


        • crantic

          Obama is Christian. You know people. Look at him. Listen and study his body language. There is nothing about him that is muslim, and no muslim would pretend to be Christian. That, I imagine, would be an extreme sin amongst muslims.

        • King of Shambhala

          Blacks all mix religions.

          For ex. Rev. Jeremiah Wright was a Muslim then converted to Chrstian and became an preacher.


    • YellowRoseTx51

      Well, he got a few things right. The ‘time’ and ‘location’ are how the doorways are opened. That is why his ‘time’ is “NOON”, and the location will be at the certain degree line that is that entrance. Amun, lord of the Flies and carrion eater, is also Called “Yahweh”. By law, the Priest Kings must have a Tiltled name, and a Common Name, and every Coven they created they gave a new ‘coven’ name to these same individuals. One is his egyptian name, the other is his hebrew name, and both mean ‘Hidden’. And this is “Pagan Ea”. His son, was ‘Azazel’ which is the Coven name of Alexander Helios.

      • Joerg Klaemt

        No he is not Muslim ,he is not Jewish although he is controlled by them,therefore he is either a Zionist(Sammy davis Jr. converted over)or he is Satans Instrument to fulfill the text of the Bible.
        The Beast is 666 Israel flag portrays Hexagon 6 triangles and 6 Stars=666…..
        Guess what? the answers are found in the :evil: Talmud :evil: . ,that is why none Jews must perish,
        that’s you and me Brother and sisters,white yellow or black.

        • King of Shambhala

          Nobody knows who he is and what his name or faith really is.

          We will know.

          The day of reckoning is here “all things hidden will be revealed.” (Bible – about the Apocalypse.)

    • watertiger

      Look it does not matter or not of you believe this or not , there are greater powers at work here , you do not believe in God or the Devil fine , it simply does not matter what YOU believe they are REAL , just as there is a battle between good and evil , are you going to tell me good and evil are just figments of my animal imagination?? Paaaaaaallllleeeeeeeaaaaasssseee!! These things will come to pass and there is nothing you can do but take a side and go along for the ride. If you are with the dark forces and evil you still have time to switch sides before you are crushed into eternal oblivion by the good forces………….

    • Anonymous

      I disagree with the timing as well as how Obama goes forward.
      America will suffer an economic crash, and I agree with Max Keiser on the timing of around March-April for that event. I believe we will see civil war around issues like gun control, property rights and UN troops will be brought in to take our guns.

      Obama will become the Antichrist AFTER he is assassinated and possessed by either Lucifer or one of his high ranking angels. He will then no longer be a dumbass and puppet of the globalists, he will become their master and he will show true brilliance compared to what he is now.

    • Pix

      ” America is going to experience rumblings of catastrophic proportions.”

      Lolz. What sort of “rumblings”??

      Definition of RUMBLE

      intransitive verb
      1: to make a low heavy rolling sound
      2: to travel with a low reverberating sound
      3: to speak in a low rolling tone
      4: to engage in a rumble

      transitive verb
      1: to utter or emit in a low rolling voice
      2:British : to reveal or discover the true character of


      Thunder rumbled in the distance.
      The train rumbles through town twice a day.
      We watched as the trucks rumbled past.
      The gangs rumbled in the alley.

      • Pix

        If all America has to worry about are “rumblings” even of catastrophic proportions if such a thing could be applied to “rumblings”. Then your gonna be just fine.

        It’s a bit like claiming there will be hoards of growling teddy bears of catastrophic proportions. The two things don’t really gel that well.

        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Pix

      “When judgment happens over a people, it takes place in several categories;

      Famine – Economic duress, drought, crop failure, extreme weather.
      Pestilence – disease, plague, death,
      The Sword – War, political tyranny and oppression, riots, chaos, death.
      The Release of evil – evil spiritual entities are allowed to infest a land and wreak havoc.”

      What an unimaginable bastard… and this is the entity you worship? You’re judged for all eternity on the few years you’ve lived, where you were born an atheist and as such it’s down to the pot luck of where you are born, and have to make the best of things with limited information?

      I always knew the religious were idiotic but that takes the prize for supreme dumbass of the century award.

      • Realist

        Indeed. And the christian wretches claim that God is good. How delusional you can get?

    • Anonymous

      “”…For what shall I do, and what shall I say, to these who speak My name continually, invoking My words from Scripture and My statutes, and then going in that self-same hour and disobeying them? Shall any man, who thinks himself righteous because he knows My name, be taken out of The Lord’s day as a reward for his disobedience and high-mindedness?… Surely not! What of all these men, who speak My name and My Word continually, in the judgment of others, to exalt their own selves? Shall I then reward them for their lack of humility, exalting them to Heaven, though they stand firm for themselves and not Me?… Surely not!…”"…*All_Shall_Be_Saved._The_First_Harvest_Shall_Be_Lowly…The_Second%2C_Plenteous.

    • Anonymous

      Brutal Video of Syria Rebels Executing Prisoners – GRAPHIC us $ paid to slaughter humans…

    • Anonymous

      The author has way too much time on his hands.

    • Anonymous

      ‎”"…Thus says The Lord to the United States: Obama shall lead you. And by him shall My will and judgment against your nation be fulfilled, for all its forsaking of Me and My Israel…
      And so I have brought from among your enemy even one from Ishmael, to rule over you for a time and a season, foreordained, until that foretold is accomplished and the king of fierce countenance rules. Then, by that deception conceived of by your enemy and this transgressor, him being full of lofty and elevated words, lies and dark speeches sold as hope, will it return against him ten-fold of the same, by him called Perdition…”" (Given 03/07/08)

      • Joerg Klaemt

        You poor misled soul ………
        The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:
        “I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
        Further read the Talmud and unless you are a Jew your day will come soon no matter what color,no matter what religion you are…………………………….
        Her you go this tells it all:

      • Anonymous

        Er, uh . . . what forsaking of Israel ??? He’s handed Israel the keys to our front door already!

        If you want to know what BHO’s belief system is, just look at his actions. He obviously believes in abortion (his first act as prez), genocide (continued subterfuge bombings of muslim nations), usury, fraud, racketeering and various other whitewashed hypocrisies.

        He is a chameleon-style religionist who becomes whatever kind of believer someone wants to hate.

    • Mellissa

      The people who compiled the current bible did not have america’s 2013 inauguration in mind. They were busy removing parts that did not mesh with the current mode of thought. Other stuff added, names changed and so on.
      They needed to yoke the minds of the peoples they wished to believe their work in their time. They thought they were in the end of days, they had their own anti Christs and things to make people worry and be distracted from what is going on in the big picture.

    • artmaniac


    • MG

      When Obama cast his vote for the first election the cat was let out of it’s cage. Tiamat is free and if you understand what that means then good for you.

      • Praise Jebus

        I understand that you are a whack job,I’m laughing at your god as hes passing through :twisted:


      Zechariah 13:2, 13:4 “…I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirits to pass from the land … the prophets shall be ashamed of their visions.” All the while Jesus held out nothing but love for the nations and these false prophets over the centuries have been screaming God’s judgment if not repent. Some disasters these evil man said was God’s doing (ex: Pat Robertson Haiti earthquake) Matthew 12:20 no judgment until Christ sends forth judgment unto victory. Rev. 6:10-11 Judgment begins for 1 reason only: that last person killed for giving testimony of Christ that completes the total number of those to be so killed. And no man knows that number. God does.

    • Xinthose

      that is a peculiar timing coincidence

    • Anonymous

      look the dude has no birth certificate so jail him….that simple yes we can…yes we can!

    • Shanobi

      You need the real bible before you interpet it…………..JUST SAYIN

    • Monticello
      • Anonymous

        Yep Monti, something’s coming. History hurdles toward total revelation. However, the testimony of Jesus is not about the terror of judgment in this age. The terror of judgment is reserved for Satan and his followers. Hence, Satan projects fear of his own judgment onto the human race. Misery loves company.

        The testimony of Jesus is about mediating our experience of the ever-present grace of God as part and parcel of Creation. He is a King who pardons rebels who judge themselves rightly. Faith perceives this reality. Knowing and understanding these things eliminates those religious manipulations which require special insider knowledge. This grace is open and free with no shadow of turning.

        As far as spiritual warfare goes, we must realize that fighting the NWO is not a fair fight. They don’t follow any rules — that’s the mystery of lawlessness and the true nature of the Beast. Indeed the shadow people are assembling their own parade until they are ready — to second-guess that date by mere appearance is folly.

        When we see an exponential profusion of evil moving forward with an infinite energy to wreck havoc — the real question is — Do we have the wisdom to deal with being overwhelmed?


    • karna

      same as dec 21

    • King of Shambhala

      Missing Link: Obama’s Name is “Pope”

      Linda Joy Adams, Obama’s aunt third removed, gives her pov on Obama’s problems formulating his name and his family. She claims Obama’s not only American and entitled to be president but in doing so, she differs from the birthers. Her reason for talking out, after remaining quiet during these first couple of years of the Obama presidency, is because she’s a Tea Party and opposes Obama’s spending and various issues. Here’s a further excerpt from her blog (she treats the name changes as a very minor effect and something she thinks the American people can overlook in Obama’s case. She seems to evoke three reasons one should overlook Obama’s changing names and changing accounts of his own past: because of the instability and problems of poor people in the 50s’ rural Kansas; because of the racial difficulties encountered by young people while eloping; and/or the foolishness of youth…. because Obama’s grandfather stole Stanley Dunham’s wallet to enroll in the Army while he was still underage.):



    • Realist

      I find it ironic how christians give bad name for demons and call them “evil” while they’re simply doing their job, but God forbid if anyone dares to guestion whether angels (or Archons as they’re also called) are good!

      There’re several texts which points out that angelic realm has deceived humanity into believing angels are good, and demons are the bad guys.

      According to these texts both demons and angels are one and the same, they’re just have different ideologies and goals, as well as different methods, just like humans.

      Neither side is truly good or evil. Angels most certainly aren’t very good; they’re indiscriminately cruel, violent and hell-bent on enslaving humanity. some demons are evil, yes, but generally their attitude ranges from bening to indifferent.

      Also, according to these same texts, Lucifer is the one and only God of humanity, not the insanelly cruel, murderous, heinous psychopath you call Yahweh.

      I’m an atheist, but sometimes i think whether i should become Luciferian. After all, he hasn’t threatened to torture anyone for not licking his ass.

      • Pix

        Actually Lucifer is the Latin translation of the Hebrew word for Venus, the bright morning star. So I wouldn’t recommend licking it’s ass. :wink:

        Yahweh is a made up name by Christians. The name of the biblical deity is El of the Elohim, El is singular and masculine, Elohim is plural and feminine. El originally had two daughter/wives, dusk and dawn and an only begotten son called Baal/Dagon the fish god.

        It’s all in the name Israel. The 3 solar deities of the Semites. osirIS + RA + EL. They represent the 3 aspects of the sun. The story of Osiris, he loses his penis = minimum activity. Ra is ferocious = maximum activity. El therefore must = balanced activity producing life and abundance. :grin:

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