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An Explanation for A Hollow Earth improved

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I will offer what I truly believe the Lord has taught me. You can be the judge. I warn you that this is different, lengthy and hard to believe.

I am more than convinced that the earth we live on is hollow, just as described in the book The Hollow Earth written by Dr. Bernard. I find ample scripture to prove this to be fact and not fiction. For example there is a bottomless pit somewhere that is closed but that will be opened when a star hits the earth. From this pit will come Abaddon with his army that have the face of a man and hair of a woman with teeth like a lion. There is also the great flood. Genesis 7 tells us the bowels of the great deep burst open AND it rained 40 days and nights. Job 38 tells us that the waters issued forth as from a mother’s womb.
From what I understand there are 2 crusts to the earth; one outside where we live and one inside where Abaddon lives. At the very center of the earth is a star that appears like our sun out here. The earth is like a basket ball with a soccer ball inside of it. Between these 2 crusts is where the lava is trapped. The spinning of the earth causes friction between the 2 crusts which helps to keep the lava from cooling completely. The earth spins at a rate of around 1000 miles per hour.
The place of the lava is where I believe hell is now. Scripture says hell will be moved at the end of the millennial reign of Christ. We are told that hell itself will be cast into the lake of fire where the false prophet and the beast are.
Hell is not the lava, it is simply in the location of the lava. Neither is hell at the center of the earth as many teach. Jesus went into the lower regions of the earth, not to the earth’s center. He was outside of hell in Abraham’s bosom, but could see hell from there location in the lower regions of the earth. Jesus preached to those in Abraham’s bosom and brought them out with him. About 500 were seen around Israel when Jesus was resurrected. This record in the gospels.
Hell is the body of the disobedient that have gone before us plus those that go into hell in the future who will join them there until judgement day.
The hollow earth was created from the beginning just as Genesis describes. Before creation of the earth there was a vast ocean that filled the universe. Read Genesis chapter one again, verse one. I have no idea where this ocean came from, how God created it or how long it existed, but scripture tells us it was there, though every teacher I have heard has missed it.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; and the earth was without form and void; and the Spirit of God was brooding over the face of the waters; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
Paraphrased: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Stop. This is a statement of fact. Now He begins to tell you the process.
The earth as yet had no form or shape, it was just a vast void, but the void was not space. It was a vast ocean, if you will, that was void of any matter such as earth. Earth was not below the surface; earth had not come into existence yet. The Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of this vast ocean that was the universe at that time. He was thinking of what He was about to do; brooding. Looking into the waters He could see a darkness way down deep in the ocean. Then He began the creation of the universe as we know it. He said, “Light be!”
Energy was released from the throne of God that penetrated to the very core of the ocean that lay before Him. And the water began to boil. Bubbles the size of Jupiter and bigger, and bubbles the size of our moon, and smaller were released as the heat from the light, (energy) separated the gases and minerals within the water. These bubbles immediately headed toward the surface of this vast ocean, light years away from the core, as they were displaced.
As the water boiled, minerals that were long created in the ocean where separated as well. But unlike the minerals in a boiling pot that are cooled by the water and cling to the bottom of the pot because of gravity, these minerals stayed in the center of the bubbles forming stars of various diameters. Instantly gravity was created at the center of each of these molten mineral stars. The heat from each star rose through the atmosphere of its bubble to the surface of the water surrounding it and evaporated even more water causing a torrent of rain that finally quenched the fiery surface of the star forming a crust and was covered and hidden by the waters on the surface of the once burning star. And so there was a firmament separating the water above from the water below on the surface of the globe. Is this not what Genesis says?
Is it Peter that tells us that the unbelieving are willingly ignorant of the fact that the earth was made in the water and of the water? In other words they refuse to believe God’s word concerning this.
This has been easy to paint thus far, but what took place beneath the surface of this earth once the crust was formed and flooded? We have to call on God for good judgement to learn this. And it must be seen in the scripture.
After the initial crust formed the center began to cool and the crust thickened and immediately took on a gravity of its own.  As the minerals inside cooled they contracted and a vacuum began to take place. At the core the liquid minerals stayed because this was the place of the original creation of gravity. The molten mineral was draw to the inner crust or to the core, whichever was closest, leaving a great cavity between the 2. The core formed a star and the surface of the inner crust flowed with molten minerals. This was the beginning of a hollow earth.
Then God said, “Let the dry land appear.” And the crust broke open at the weakest points and the vacuum inside sucked the ocean of water from outside into the cavity below. The weakest points were the poles as centrifugal force drew the bulk of the flowing minerals inside to the equatorial region. When the water was sucked into the earth it was drawn by the gravity of the crust and flowed around the inner surface far below the star that shone done from the core. The water cooled the inner surface and formed a new crust inside trapping the flowing molten minerals between the inner crust and the outer crust.
When the water was sucked into the inner earth it was with such a velocity that ice formed over the cold Polar Regions capping the holes made by the breakage forming what is known out here as the ice age. This process may have happened twice as they found a mammoth frozen in Northern Siberia. Or there may have been an asteroid hit later to cause this, God knows.
Meanwhile on the outside surface dry land appeared. The waters above the earth’s atmosphere were drawn away by the other bubbles that had been created to form planets and stars and moons in the same way. Each was drawn into orbit around the largest of its system. The planets were created just as the earth and must all be hollow. The sun consumed all of the water that was within its grasp without cooling. Many of the bubbles where made of Hydrogen but 1/3 were made of oxygen. The many causes and effects that they went through formed what we see in the universe today.
This is why all planets and stars are in a spherical shape.
The rest of Genesis creation of seeds and man are adequately described in the bible, but the hollow earth has been basically hidden until the time of the end. Now!
Now, as the waters inside the earth began to heat up by the heat from the star at the core shining down on it the ice at the Polar Regions slowly eroded until God told Noah to build the ark. You see, all things work according to the purpose of God’s will. When the time was right God gave the command and the ice cap broke up under pressure from inside and the bowels of the great deep burst open and the ocean of water inside came gushing out like water issuing from a mother’s womb, (Job 38) out of the poles. And the surface on the interior became a visible inhabitable place for the creation of Abaddon and his kind.
When the ice cap burst the warm humid atmosphere from inside billowed out displacing the protective layer of the ozone and pushed it higher into the atmosphere. Now when the oceans evaporated they no longer rose and fell in a vapor, but the evaporated water now rose higher and cooled to form storm clouds and it rained for the very first time in history.
With the lower thicker ozone canopy man lived for up to 969 years. But after the flood the lifespan was slowly reduced to 120 years.
When the flood occurred the earth was broken up into continents that floated away from each other as the earth grew to over twice its original size. A great video that shows this is the expanding earth videos that can be found on YouTube. These prove the earth is hollow as well because if it is bigger, then there must be a cavity inside. I have spoken with the author of those videos and he can see clearly that the earth has expanded to at least twice the original size but he argues that the earth would not be hollow. I find this strange, but pride blinds us from the obvious.
But the story of creation is not yet finished, because there are things in scripture that as yet are not clear. The hollow earth reveals parts of the book of Revelation as well as events seen throughout the bible.
Now for a minute I need you to step back and look at the universe from a distance. Pretend that you are looking at our solar system from outside the system, looking in. We know that all things in the earth grow from a seed, but that God created the first of each creation without a seed. So, look at the Sun and the planets in our solar system. They were made from the water. Is it possible that all the planets are hollow with stars at their core? I believe it is so. Perhaps some of the farther smaller planets from the sun have frozen insides, but most planets should be hollow. The weight of each planet would be different than we have been taught and because they are all different and the weights are calculated with the theory that they are all solid, they would remain in their same orbits if they were all hollow to some degree. Just use circular reasoning with a belief in a hollow earth, lol.
Now look at Jupiter. Between it and mars there is a huge asteroid belt right where a planet should be to balance the solar system. Asteroids are simply made of planets that exploded or imploded.

Remember that the planet would be hollow and there would be a star at its core. So where is the star from that planet?

I believe this star is free and now roams the solar system, dancing around the sun, if you will, as a comet.
I know this is strange but it does make sense. And if it is true, is it possible that the earth will also explode and release the star at the core of it. However, God has a plan in place to prevent the earth from exploding. What scriptural evidence could we find that would prove this?
How about, “If not those days be shortened no flesh would survive”? This gives reason for God’s next big planet saving move.
But first let me explain what would happen if God did not plan to save the earth.
Understand that there are huge deposits of crude oil and natural gas beneath the surface, obviously. There is also a massive supply of lava stored between the crusts of this hollow earth.  Next picture the oil and gas pipe lines that are wrapped around the earth like a net. Finally count the nuclear power plants that are scattered around the globe. If you do a search on these you will find that they are built almost strategically in places relative to fault lines.
Please don’t think that this is a conspiracy by some government.  This was organized by one only; Satan; the God of this age; the destroyer. Not Abaddon, but the angel of this age.
The earth was split up to create continents and there are consequently plutonic plates beneath the surface that shift occasionally causing earthquakes in diverse places. This shifting has been on an increase over recent years. I am sure that if God does not do something to prevent it, the shifting will escalate in the next 50 years until it is so severe that a chain reaction will release lava into gas deposits, exploding and igniting the oil and perhaps the coal causing massive explosions that will rip pipelines apart causing more explosions and causing nuclear meltdowns on a massive scale that will ultimately end in the earth’s fragile relatively thin crust flying apart to create another asteroid belt and release the star inside so it too can dance before the queen of this solar system, the Sun.
So, how then is God planning to prevent this? Well, Jesus dying on the cross accomplished both our salvation, if we believe on him, and the salvation of the planet. It is His word of prophecy that will move an asteroid that will ultimately save the planet. The funny thing is the governments of the earth don’t understand this and will actually work very hard to prevent the asteroid from hitting. Now if you read Psalm 2 you will better understand what God is laughing about.
There are lots of scriptures that reveal that there is a star that will crash into the earth in the near future. The best are Isaiah 13:9-13. He will move the earth out of its place on the great and terrible day of the Lord. Then Mathew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Right after the great tribulation, (which by the way only lasts a few months to maximum 3 years) we see signs in the sun, the moon and the stars. Some scriptures tell us the earth will be like a drunkard on that day.
But the most revealing is Revelation 8 and 9. With the understanding I have given above, these chapters are almost word for word descriptions of an asteroid hitting the earth. It comes in burning like a lamp. It looks like a mountain burning with fire. (An asteroid burning as it passes through the upper atmosphere has a long fiery tail so it looks like a mountain burning) It lands in the sea. This is important because the sea will cushion the blow while still allowing the force to accomplish moving the earth. It destroys 1/3 of the ships, obviously, and 1/3 of the fish in the sea. Verse 12 is the clincher. 1/3 of the sun is struck, 1/3 of the moon and1/3 of the stars causing 1/3 of the day, night and light to vanish.
The earth will be spinning 1/3 faster after the star hits and the full day will be reduced to 18 hours from 24 hours. If we knew the exact length of a new day we could really monopolize on watch making. The after effects will cause all kinds of plagues etc for a time until a new balance is reached and the dust settles. Don’t worry what scientists tell you. I have it on good authority that we survive. Even Muslims survive for the next 1000 years. But that is a different topic.
So, we can imagine the consequences of this event out here on the surface. They are described all through the bible. But what happens inside if the earth is hollow?
Well the star at the center of the earth will be dislodged from its place and come crashing down to the inner surface just when the asteroid does out here. The only thing preventing the star from falling now is the equilibrium of its present position. With the earth shifting out of its place, (its orbit) the star will lose its equilibrium. When it hits the inner surface it will light an inferno inside that will spread over the whole interior putting the light out in the beasts kingdom forever.
This will infuriate Abaddon and he will send his armies out to punish the surface dwellers.
Understand that the holes at the poles are not open right now. They are flooded with ocean water. The star that hits out here has the key and opens the polar holes (at least the one in the North Pole anyway).
Let me explain this better. With a hollow earth and hole in the North Pole if we enter the passage into the inner world the center of gravity is not at the core center of the earth, but in the wall of the tunnel leading into the imnterior. Gravity holds us to the outer surface and holds Abaddon and his lions to the inner surface. But at the poles there is this huge hole. Some say it is up to 1500 miles across from side to side and that it is always open and kept secret from us by the government. I don’t believe this, because the star (asteroid) has the key and opens the pit. In other words the pit or hole is closed. It is blocked with the Arctic Ocean. I also don’t believe it is that far from side to side.
You see, with the center of gravity at the half way point between the inner and outer crusts, around the hole the center of gravity is deep into the sides of the hole. Gravity is taught to be mass attracts. If there was no water on the globe and you were to walk into the interior through the hole you would be drawn by gravity toward the side wall of the hole. In the same way, with an ocean, water is also drawn to the sides of the hole. The passage is about 500 to 700 miles through to the inner world. The deeper the ocean water out here on the surface, the smaller the hole will get because it is equally deep in the tunnel. And if the water is deep enough then the hole would become just a whirl pool as the 2 sides met and deeper still would make it disappear altogether.
I believe this is why some have gone looking for it and can’t find it, but others have gone and because the earth is closer to the sun in the summer months and they arrive at low tide, the hole is visible. 

Others only find a whirl pool. But if you spin the earth faster by 1/3 then the centrifugal force on the equatorial regions inside and outside will draw the water away from the pole opening the bottomless pit. And the smoke from the fire inside will come out like the smoke from a great furnace and so abundant that it will block out the sun out here. The atmospheric change due to gasses released by the fire inside will cause the moon to appear to turn red and the smoke will block the sun or darken the sun.
Then the way will be clear for angry Abaddon and his army to ascend from the pit out of the smoke like the smoke of a great furnace just 5 months before the return of Christ when Jesus will send him back and throw him into the lake of fire that was created inside on the inner surface when the asteroid hit. This fire will burn forever and this is where hell with all of the wicked will be thrown on judgement day 1000 years later to spend eternity trapped by the literal weight of their sin because they have refused to be cleansed and made whole by the blood of the Lamb.
This is not future in the spirit, but it is past. God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, omnipresent and eternal. He is in the past, in the present and waiting for us to catch up in the future. The scriptures have already unfolded in him. It is like He is watching a rerun of Gilligan’s Island but at the same time experiencing all of the pain and sorrow we experience on our way. Eternity is so hard to grasp. But we need only to rest in him and not worry about the events to come. They have a purpose and that will be done. 

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    • Pix

      “I am more than convinced that the earth we live on is hollow,..”

      Then you are a moron, because if the Earth was hollow we wouldn’t be able to detect seismic waves passing through the interior, which we can… all apart from the small very central core which is believed to be super dense iron. It is under such pressure that despite the furnace temperatures, it’s forced into a solid.

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