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The War Against God Is Gripping Our World

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The clouds of war are gathering all over our world, but it’s not just a war of guns and missiles, it is war against God, the Creator Himself.


Pastor Joseph Chambers / Paw Creek Ministries


The Holy Ghost warned us in the prophesies of David. He wrote,“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” (Psalms 2:1-3) From entertainment to the high courts of America, the blasphemous world is staging a war against God. The atheists, liberals, and apostate Christians all want a life without restraints and without the fear of judgment for sin. The words “Merry Christmas,” must become “Happy Holiday”, the Ten Commandments must be out of public sight, the preachers must remain behind closed sanctuary doors, and everything else must be stripped of morals. If God won’t die, then at least the world wants His mouth shut.


Turn on the news and even conservative “Fox News” is stripped of morals.One of their stars, Bill O’Reilly, comes unglued if someone declares they believe in the Bible as the standard of living. When Bible-believing people are routinely criticized or treated as morons, war is being waged against God, not the individuals. While I deplore the God hating organizations like “American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),” “People for the American Way,” “National Organization of Women,” “National Education Association,” and their many counterparts, the biggest problem in this war is liberal and apostate Christianity. Let’s try to understand both the secular and the religious facts about this war against God.


First, do I need to tell you who is going to win? God Himself has plainly stated, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” (Psalm 24:1) If you have read the last chapter of His infallible Word, you already know that He will have the last word and will be victorious. He said by His Spirit, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.” (Psalm 2:4-5)


“The LORD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD.” (Psalm 146:10) A Bible-believing Christian should not fear, be anxious, or trouble himself over our glorious future. The future of this earth and every saint of God is star-studded and breathtaking. Write it down in your book and walk with God in peace and hope.


The Facts about this War Against God


Americans must wake up and join this war that our enemy has engaged.Our God is going to win in the end, but the Bible makes it plain that your victory on a personal level is yours to fight. The devil has no power but what you either give him by choice or what you allow him by default. He has the right to engage you and stand against you and you have the responsibility to resist him or he wins. The world is loaded with wrecked lives because they did not join in the war to stop their enemy. Your family needs a priest that stands in the door of your home and says, “Wait a minute, devil. I’m in charge around here.” The church must have pastors and elders that refuse the enemy’s efforts to destroy. Even the nation needs Godly prophets and prayer warriors that lead the charge against the destroyer. In each battle that is engaged, somebody wins, and the choice is ours.


The American Civil Liberties Union


This atheistic misnamed outfit has done more to destroy America than any other organization. It is not American but clearly anti-God. They have led the charge to remove every manger scene, every word of prayer, every affirmation of our Biblical heritage, and every expression of God from the public arena of our nation. They look for schools to sue over some benign expression of the Christian faith. They support the entire homosexual/lesbian agenda, the absolute right to kill unborn babies, and the rights of children over their parents. This organization has worked tirelessly to defeat conservative judges from even receiving a fair hearing. Their goal is to dominate every judge in America and strip our nation of judicial morality and constitutional honesty. It’s a battle to the teeth, and we have not realized that it is a spiritual war unequated by God’s saints.


Joining this organization is the People for the American Way, another misnamed group. Their goals are perfectly matched with the ACLU and groups like the National Organization of Women and the National Educators Association. These four groups represent almost the entire liberal wing of America. There are certainly hundreds of similar groups competing with these four to see which can be the most evil and damaging. Their greatest triumph is when they can defeat a Biblical idea or stop some great expression of faith. What a clever job they have done in their war on God while the church in America has been sleeping. Wake up!


We are experiencing some wonderful wins. Liberals succeeded in forcing the post offices in Montgomery County, Texas, to remove a framed picture of our flag, which included the motto, “In God We trust.” That is, except for one postmaster who refused, saying, “over my dead body.” Her stand caused the necessary attention all the way to Washington, DC. Now, the United States Postal Service has had 38,000 pictures of the Statue of Liberty, which include “In God We Trust,” framed to hang in every post office in America. While President,George Bush signed into law a bill reaffirming the words, “In God We Trust,” as our national motto. This is a war we lose only when we do not join in the battle.


The Killing of the Unborn


“Killing unborn children is not a matter of a woman’s right, but a matter of a war against God. Every created human, whether in the mother’s womb or in the mother’s arms, is an eternal soul created by the Creator. A person that supports abortion is an enemy of God. There is no other way to say it. The Bible makes it plain that children are known from the mother’s womb. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost when Elizabeth was six months with child. “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.” (Luke 1:15) The presence of the Son of Man in Mary’s womb was the very source of John being filled in Elizabeth’s womb. All our physical parts are known before we are conceived and listed in His book of human substance. Listen. “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm 139:13-16) To war against the unborn is to wage war against their Creator.



The Faith in Public Life


It has become clear that liberals love religion but hate the God of Holy Scripture. Once they were able to stop prayer in public schools and to demand the removal of the Ten Commandments, their attitude began to change. Now, they are demanding that Islam be studied and allowed as a faith issue in public life. They want all religions to be accepted as equal. This reduces Christianity to an empty idea on par with all religions. In this case, God is no longer a threat because He has lost His capital “G.” They do not mind God with a little “g” because then He has no authority to set moral standards on their lives. It is nothing but war against the one and true God.


Because the constitution is a Biblical document clearly based on Biblical principles, it must be destroyed. The war against God includes the war against the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution. Individual rights are a Biblical matter and anathema to the liberal agenda. Capitol punishment is a Biblical deterrent to the destruction of innocent lives and must be forever destroyed. This unbridled warfare is a tool to create complete government domination over the populace of the people. Biblical government “of the people” cannot rightly take the wealth of the taxpayers to pass it out to whomever they choose. Every liberal issue is a Biblical issue. The liberals do not just want more government control; they want total government control because that is the Babylonian idea of one-world control. It is war against God and if they win, God’s kingdom loses. This cannot happen except in a limited fashion and for a limited time. But, if and when it does happen, you have nothing less than the horrors experienced by the Soviet Union until it destroys itself. The liberals of America will destroy this nation unless they are stopped. And the only reason they can win is if we fail to engage them in a spiritual battle by the power of God and His Word. Wake up, my friends, and join the war.


The Religious War Against God


As bad as it is to watch the liberal crowd rage war against truth, it is even worse to watch the church world do the same. Removing the Ten Commandments from public life would have ended long ago if the church had not followed suit. Removing prayer from our public schools could not have succeeded if the church had not stopped praying. A church on its knees can change every aspect of its society. It’s invincible. Now, the liberal churches in America are anti-God and apparently unaware of their sick condition. The evangelicals and fundamentalists are following suit at neck-break speed. Religious television has an incurable disease. The theology of church life has slowly changed to sociology. The hottest model for ministry is now the “Sin Friendly and Rock Music” model and is nothing but sociology with an empty prayer. It will soon fall on its own head and, unless we awake, be replaced with something worse. Liberalism always follows the normal course of social evolution, going down, down, down until invaded by God’s people joining the war against their God. Remember, prayer is our first offense.


“Feel Good” church is not Biblical church at all. God’s Word in God’s pulpit is “like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces.” (Jeremiah 23:29)There is no such thing as a soft and mushy Christian church, and when a church proposes this idea, they are in a war against God, not for Him. Soft religion is worse than no religion. I’d rather be in a bar room than a liberal church. “Feel good” religion puts the saints to sleep so the liberals can take control of public life. It’s all part of Satan’s schemes.


The Evangelical World


The “Rick Warren” model has invaded many evangelical churches even though it is a liberal idea saturated with liberal thinking. At the same time, many other ideas are infiltrating the evangelical church world. This also includes Pentecostal and fundamental churches. Let’s look at a few of the worst of these ideas.


Religious Rock, Rap, Etc.


It’s hard to believe that the Rock music industry could so quickly become acceptable in what used to be Biblical churches. First, let me make it plain that rock music of every type, secular or religious, is in a war against God. Listen at the wild and undisciplined sounds, look at the unkempt and unruly appearance of the singers and try to hear the incomprehensible words and then fool yourself by calling it anything but war. It’s war against sensibility, war against discipline, war against sound reason, and it’s war against spiritual mindedness. The religious rock world is only a short span behind the secular. Almost every religious rock group gets their inspirations, some of their lyrics and, especially, their sounds from the most godless rock singers in the industry. Quit fooling yourself by calling this anything but war against God.


DC Talk


DC Talk is one of the biggest religious rock groups spreading the venom of the Antichrist. One of their releases is named “Jesus Freak.” Toby McKeehan will often open their concerts screaming, “Welcome to the Freak Show!” The Dallas Morning News reported one adult at a DC Talk concert as saying, “This is just like the Beatles.” Of course it is. The “religious” groups are copying the secular groups. DC Talk has actually opened up concerts with a Beatles’ song. Another song by one of the worst Antichrist groups, “All Apologies,” which was written by Kurt Cobain, is used on the DC Talk freak shows. Kurt Cobain is reported as decorating his home with blood splattered baby dolls hanging by the neck. The very album from which DC Talk got this song was named “Nirvana.” It has a picture of “chopped up babies.” Do not think that DC Talk is spreading the gospel unless you believe Satan has his own “false” gospel.


Jars of Clay

This “religious” rock group is another that easily moves between the world of satanic rock and their own world of so-called “Christian” rock. They actually sing one of Ozzy Osbourne’s songs during their concerts. Nobody doubts that Ozzy Osbourne is one of the most evil personalities in America and beyond. The name of this song is “Crazy Times.” They could not have found it without listening to Osbourne’s album and loving it enough to adopt it for themselves. Even a secular newspaper has enough sense to see the connection. The Birmingham Post-Herald said, “You’ve got to give Jars of Clay credit for a wicked sense of humor. Why else would they do a languorous, offbeat treatment of Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Crazy Times’ . . . the former lead singer of Black Sabbath and a man noted for his interest in the occult.” (The Birmingham Post-Herald, August 31, 1996, p. 2A.)

The truth of religious rock is too apparent to be ignored. A church, Christian college, or ministry, who invites these groups, is engaged in the war against God on the wrong side. These kinds of facts can be proved over and over and the remnant of Godly people must rise up to oppose this compromise.

Trendy Religious Movements

The church world has become so jaded to truth that every fresh trend takes the church by storm. People who have a rich relationship with Jesus Christ and are deep lovers of truth deplore these silly things. They do not need them nor want them and are offended by the constant splash that these new ideas make all around them. It is like we have to constantly defend why we do not want to be a part of such superstitious ideas.

The book, God Chasers, is so childish that the very thought is repulsive.Chasing God sounds like some immature kids playing games of marbles. The God that gave His Son to redeem mankind and sent His Holy Spirit to abide in the New Testament temples does not need to be chased. He has already revealed Himself and awaits the surrendered life. I’m sick of such childish games.

Following the God Chasers, we have had to endure the Prayer of Jabez.The Lord’s Prayer has lost its appeal because it does not promise instant gratification. This new trend served to promise the dead church and dead saints a bypass around Biblical fasting and prayer and the supernatural results God’s greats have always enjoyed. A Bible-believing church or believer does not need these emotional hypes. They are detractive rather than inspirational. Anything that supplants the supernatural powers of the Gospel is war against God and must be opposed by the saints.

Islam, Another Front in this War

The religion of Islam has absolutely no kinship to Jehovah God. Every false religion or idol god has behind it forces, spirits, and fallen angels that serve Satan. Allah is none other than the ancient Moon God that arose out of Sumer, the cradle of civilization. Originally, this god was called Nanma and the possible ruins of her first temple can be seen in the desert of Southern Iraq. The city where this ruin is located is called Erech in Genesis 10:10. I visited that archaeological site in 1988. There is a rebuilt temple to Nanma in Ur where Abraham was called to follow God. This temple was seen on the news during the Gulf War with one of Saddam’s fighter planes parked under its shadow.

As paganism progressed, there came to be 361 gods in the pantheon of gods represented at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Mohammad was successful in reducing this list of gods to one deity named Allah. There is great proof to show that the different religions which have been spawned from every idea of false gods has always produced poverty and pain. The spirits of Lucifer are spirits of destruction and they cannot promote lofty and ascending ideas. Their nature is destruction, not construction. Anyone following Allah has the potential of becoming possessed by the spirits that foster this false god. The result of this possession is the very source of the terrorists we are witnessing in Al Quaeda and other terrorist groups. Allowing this religion free reign in America is suicide.


Satan does not just win when people join his world and surrender to his dark lifestyle, but he wins when you raise the white flag in careless living.When you are idle or caught up in self-life, he wins by default. Unless you join the army of Jesus Christ, the devil is going to make mincemeat out of you. Choose to live and lose or choose to fight and win.


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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 11 comments
    • Pix

      Politics again. Yet another pointless party political broadcast by the thought and belief intolerant dictatorship party. Complete with narcissistic self promotion, vilifying everyone else who disagrees, dishing out orders to all and sundry like you’re god personified to obey your lord and master. Followed by threats of eternal torture if you disagree and whining about persecution after being told to get a life.

      Wrong section, try politics. :wink:

    • Emery

      In case you haven’t noticed, we are at the end of the end of this age or system of things. Armageddon is the blink of an eye away. 99.99% of the Earth’s population will not survive. They have all turned to false Christianity, and away from God. Any religion made by man is false, and the most heinous misleading of mankind ever. It has made almost everyone God’s enemy, and they aren’t even aware of it.

    • Truthseeker007

      There is a war against your imposter god. That’s all it is.This is an information war to show how your bible god is an imposter. We are learning more everyday and the truth will keep moving on to lock this bible god away. He is clearly not GOD!!!!

    • Karl

      The battle front (while abortion is a major one) is with our born children. We keep letting them be trained by our enemies!

      IndoctriNation ( disclosed the danger and Operation Jericho ( is showing the solution.

      Additionally, please see

    • Pix

      “3. All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.”

      So much for the 2.1 billion Christians in the world. Seems you want the argument both ways, you claim a political majority, and then claim everyone is evil… stupid.

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Michael

      Forget the “war against God” for just ONE moment.

      It is the war against TRUTH which is gripping our world.

      Christian theology, for example, against the Teaching of Jesus that the Doctrine of “the resurrection” is a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’…

      Jewish theology against the understanding that the Torah implies the Doctrine of “the resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’, as specifically taught by Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Malachi…

      Muslim theology against the Truth that Mohammed was Elijah and John the Baptist ‘raised from the dead’ in fulfillment of the Prophecies of both Malachi and Jesus.

      THEN you can consider again the “war against God”.


    • dewey

      The Struggle within America—Isaiah Saw It All!
      by Avraham Gileadi Ph.D.

      Many regard Isaiah’s prophecy as a sealed book. Who does it address, only

      people in the past? A key to this mystery exists in the linear and synchronous

      structures that govern the book of Isaiah. These enable us to read it as a

      prophecy about the past but also as a prediction of the future. The book of

      Isaiah, in other words, serves a twofold purpose. Without taking anything

      away from what happened in the past, it uses the past as an allegory of the

      future. In that case, persons and nations of Isaiah’s day typify ones who

      perform similar roles at the end of the world. The names of past persons and

      nations function as codenames for their endtime counterparts.

      The importance of understanding Isaiah’s message increases daily as world

      events line up like planets for the fulfillment of his prophecy. Under the

      codename “Egypt”—the great superpower of Isaiah’s day—America is predicted to

      suffer spiritual decline, political ineptitude, economic collapse, internal

      anarchy, and invasion by a foreign military world power from the North—a

      latter-day “Assyria.” On the other hand, a community of covenanters in “Egypt”

      will turn back to Jehovah,
      who will send them a savior and deliver them. In the end, at the commencement

      of the millennial age, America will again become “my people”—a covenant people

      of God (Isaiah 19).

      5. 20. 2010

    • dewey

      End-Time “Assyria”—A Militaristic Alliance
      by Avraham Gileadi Ph.D.

      Featuring prominently in the book of Isaiah is a militaristic superpower that seeks to conquer the world. Indeed, God commissions its king figure—an End-Time archtyrant—to punish God’s people when they turn to evil and apostatize: “Hail the Assyrian, the rod of my anger! He is a staff—my wrath in their hand. I will commission him against a godless nation, appoint him over the people [deserving] of my vengeance, to pillage for plunder, to spoliate for spoil, to tread underfoot like mud in the streets. Nevertheless, it shall not seem so to him; this shall not be what he has in mind. His purpose shall be to annihilate and to exterminate nations not a few” (Isaiah 10:5–7).

      Following the pattern of ancient Assyria, this ruthless world power and its alliance of nations will commit genocide on a world scale: “Hark! A tumult on the mountains, as of a vast multitude. Hark! An uproar among kingdoms, as of nations assembling: Jehovah of Hosts is marshaling an army for war. They come from a distant land beyond the horizon—Jehovah and the instruments of his wrath—to cause destruction throughout the earth. Lament, for the Day of Jehovah is near; it shall come as a violent blow from the Almighty” (Isaiah 13:4–6). Although all nations in their wicked state suffer destruction, it is the apostasy of God’s covenant people that is the catalyst.

      11. 23. 2011

    • dewey

      End-Time “Egypt”—A Superpower in Decline
      by Avraham Gileadi Ph.D.

      Isaiah’s use of types of ancient world powers that foreshadow End-Time ones extends to the great superpower Egypt. As with all nations and persons who appear in the book of Isaiah, their true identity emerges when we observe how Isaiah characterizes them, not when we apply historical or archaeological data, though at times that may help. In searching the world today for a nation that matches Isaiah’s description of “Egypt,” the sole candidate is America. That connection is further strengthened by the fact that God’s people anciently dwelt in Egypt, that Joseph ruled Egypt, and that the birthright tribe of Ephraim sprang from Joseph and Asenath, an Egyptian woman.

      Isaiah’s “Egypt,” however, is a superpower in decline: “The ministers of Zoan have been foolish, the officials of Noph deluded; the heads of state have led Egypt astray. Jehovah has permeated them with a spirit of confusion; they have misled Egypt in all that it does, causing it to stagger like a drunkard into his vomit. . . . Manufacturers of combed linen and weavers of fine fabrics will be dismayed. The textile workers will know despair, and all who work for wages suffer distress. . . . I will stir up the Egyptians against the Egyptians; they will fight brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor, city against city and state against state” (Isaiah 19:2, 9–10, 13–14).

      11. 16. 2011

    • dewey

      The book of Isaiah—Blueprint of Our Time
      by Avraham Gileadi Ph.D.

      What sets the book of Isaiah apart from all other prophetic writings is its all-inclusiveness in depicting an End-Time scenario. More complete in its portrayal of that time than even apocalyptic writings such as Daniel and Revelation, it spells out a great confluence of events to which humanity may look forward. Using Israel’s ancient history as an allegory of the end of the world, it predicts the future by drawing on events of the past. Only a prophet–poet with extraordinary literary skills could have predicted “the end” based on the world’s beginnings (Isaiah 46:10). Only a visionary who saw both time periods could have crafted such a prophetic masterpiece.

      While the book of Isaiah’s apocalyptic message accords with Jewish tradition, and while literary structures provide proof of its twofold applicability—Isaiah’s day and the end of the world—it still requires a leap of faith to believe that this is indeed a handbook for our time. For one thing, it may mean discarding much or all of what we have been taught. Isaiah foresees this confusion when he speaks of the deaf “hearing” and the blind “seeing” the words of his book. Only then will “they who erred in spirit gain understanding and they who murmured accept instruction” (Isaiah 29:18, 24). Fortunately, not all of God’s people fall in that category (Isaiah 66:2, 5).

      10. 12. 2011

    • dewey

      A Pattern of World Conquerors from the North

      by Avraham Gileadi Ph.D.

      The Assyrians and Babylonians who conquered the ancient world both came “from the North” in relation to Israel when God’s people turned to wickedness. Those events established a pattern that would repeat itself prior to Jehovah’s coming to institute the earth’s millennium of peace. This time, however, it would not be the ten-tribed kingdom of Israel or the people of Judah in ancient Judea who would suffer invasion and destruction by a world power but God’s people who turn to wickedness in the modern age. This time, too, it would be an End-Time world power “from the North” that would overrun the world, following the pattern of those former events.

      When God’s End-Time people reach the same level of wickedness that ancient Israel did, God will respond as did before: “Hail the Assyrian, the rod of my anger! He is a staff—my wrath in their hand. I will commission him against a godless nation, appoint him over the people [deserving] of my vengeance, to pillage for plunder, to spoliate for spoil, to tread underfoot like mud in the streets. Nevertheless, it shall not seem so to him; this shall not be what he has in mind. His purpose shall be to annihilate and to exterminate nations not a few” (Isaiah 10:5–7). “From the North shall come [pillars of] smoke, and no place he has designated shall evade it” (Isaiah 14:31).

      6. 8. 2011

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