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Nostradamus Prophecies for 2015 - 2020. Antichrist and Alien Invasion (Video)

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Nostradamus Prophecies for 2014, 2015 – 2020. Rise of the Third Antichrist 666 in Russia. UFO Alien invasion. Including the rise of the Antichrist President Vladimir Putin of Russia, and alien UFO invasion of earth and modification of human DNA for immortality. French prophet Nostradamus visions of the future.


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    Total 21 comments
    • Sarkoloff

      Wow,.. can the biased view of this article possibly be more “pro-America” and “anti-Russian” than this woman is presenting it? I don’t think it could be. The big trouble, i suppose, with Nostradamus’s prophecies is that they indeed are left so widely open to interpretation, but I don’t feel this woman’s ideas are even ‘close’ to the true meanings. I too, am an American for my 52 years of existence, having first read the prophecies a good 25-30 years ago, and I feel quite fortunate, now, to have initially received the quatrains without the tainted opinion of someone like this woman. It’s bad enough to view things with yourself, or your ‘world’, being at the center of it all, but to throw in added prejudice from your personal “beliefs”, to me, is just so “wrong”.

      • Tom Isman

        I agree with you. Things are not as simplisitic as the author of the video wants them to be. “An evil dictator called the Antichrist, described in Revelation 13, is in my opinion Russian President Putin”, quote from T. Chase’s website who is a man, and not a woman by the way.

        Nostradamus rather describes world events as being manipulated not by a single person – as he also referred to at least 3 (!) Antichrists, and not a single one – but by what you may describe as a powerful secret society. In his letter to King Henry II, Nostradamus is very explicit about this !
        F.e. when he writes “The chief and governor will be cast out from the middle and hung up, ignorant of the conspiracy of one of the conspirators with the second Thrasibulus, who for a long time will have directed all this.” “All this” meaning the events since at least 1945/48 when the “Empire of the Antichrist” emerged, which includes not only the USSR of Stalin, but also the European Union, described by Nostradamus as “Babylon”, and the USA, Nostradamus’ “New Babylon”.
        And quatrains 1.81, 10.100 and 10.66 f.e. rather point to Europe, and cities like London and Rome in particular, as being the center of the Beast system.

        And quatrains 1.91 and 10.75 f.e. adress ETs – in my opinion the “good ones” – who will come and cooperate rather with the Powers of the East, in order to overthrow the global Beast system. So exactly the other way around as described by T. Chase in his video.

        Mr. Sarkoloff, if you should be interested in the prophecies of Nostradamus, I can recommend you to take a look at the following website:
        It’s a website by a 70-year old French gentleman, Mr. Christian Turpin, who – for the first time ever ! – cracked the timing code of the prophet Nostradamus.
        All the other interpreters are scams ! Including T. Chase.

    • MikeKnows

      Good grief, Christians you have been mislead on 666, and no it is not evil.
      And what/Who was Jesus.
      Mislead, very mislead. there is no Antichrist. they’ll be no beast. :twisted:

      • HotFish

        Oh fill us in then?

    • Tom Isman

      I agree with you, Mr. Sarkoloff. Things are not as simplisitic as the author of the video wants them to be. “An evil dictator called the Antichrist, described in Revelation 13, is in my opinion Russian President Putin”, quote from T. Chase’s website who is a man, and not a woman by the way.

      Nostradamus rather describes world events as being manipulated not by a single person – as he also referred to at least 3 (!) Antichrists, and not a single one – but by what you may describe as a powerful secret society. In his letter to King Henry II, Nostradamus is very explicit about this !
      F.e. when he writes “The chief and governor will be cast out from the middle and hung up, ignorant of the conspiracy of one of the conspirators with the second Thrasibulus, who for a long time will have directed all this.” “All this” meaning the events since at least 1945/48 when the “Empire of the Antichrist” emerged, which includes not only the USSR of Stalin, but also the European Union, described by Nostradamus as “Babylon”, and the USA, Nostradamus’ “New Babylon”.
      And quatrains 1.81, 10.100 and 10.66 f.e. rather point to Europe, and cities like London and Rome in particular, as being the center of the Beast system.

      And quatrains 1.91 and 10.75 f.e. adress ETs – in my opinion the “good ones” – who will come and cooperate rather with the Powers of the East, in order to overthrow the global Beast system. So exactly the other way around as described by T. Chase in his video.

      Mr. Sarkoloff, if you should be interested in the prophecies of Nostradamus, I can recommend you to take a look at the following website:
      It’s a website by a 70-year old French gentleman, Mr. Christian Turpin, who – for the first time ever ! – cracked the timing code of Nostradamus.

    • Stormy_Wind

      Amazing, people who pretend to understand this babbler and then reject the bible which is much easier to understand.

    • David Montaigne

      My first book was on Nostradamus prophecies and I assure you he RULES OUT a Russian Antichrist and CLARIFIES that RUSSIA and Western EUROPE will work together against the Antichrist.

      Aquilon is the mythical land of the north wind and Nostradamus repeatedly uses it as a poetic term for RUSSIA.

      in Quatrain 10:86:

      “Like a griffin will come the King of Europe,
      Accompanied by those of ‘Aquilon’:
      He will lead a great troop of red ones and white ones,
      And they will go against the King of Babylon.”

      What kind of threat would unite the red and white and monarchist nations of Western Europe (Spain, France, England) with Russia? What foe could be so strong to require all of Europe on the same side?

      The King of Babylon is perhaps the most common Biblical nickname for the Antichrist.

      And as R.A. Coombes said, there are almost 100 bible references to Babylon matching details of the land of America and specifically the city of New York. The King of Babylon is the American President.

      Read: Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

      • Arlene Johnson

        David Montalgne and all others who don´t believe this information- Putin is not Russian; he´s a Jew. See this exposé from one of my supporters who is Russian:

Putin’s Grandfather—Jew Mordahey Blinchikov

        Arlene´s note: Sorry the photography of Putin´s grandfather didn´t come through. They are the spitting image of each other. If you don´t believe me, send me an Email to [email protected] and put in the subject line: Putin´s grandfather, and I will reply with what I tried to post here.


        Arlene Johnson

      • DocNo

        The Red and White ones are Russia and China indeed..

    • Grover

      “The King of Babylon is the American President.” – Happy birthday Mr. President!


      Forget that it could be saying ANTE-CHRIST (before or in front of)
      the “anti-christian” is the Muslim!

      The Hidden Texts say in many lines that the Elohim (who “bred” the “christs”) are behind Putin right now!
      Any one including a blind man can see that Putin, being judged by WHAT HE IS DOING – is
      a) “FOR” the planet and saving her – evidenced by his attitude towards genetically manipulated organisms
      b) looks after the people of Russia LOVINGLY (and I have spoken to Russians who vindicate this) which is MUCH MORE THAN THE MUSLIM PRICK AT THE HELM OF AMERIKA is doing for “his” people!

      • Arlene Johnson

        Hiddentextor-Tell that to my Russian friend who sent me the fact that Putin is a Jew. She is what is known as a Targeted Individual who fled Russia. Now lives in Oregon, which in my opinion, is not a good place to be either.

        As for Obama, he´s a Jew too. He uses Islam as a cover. His mother was a Jewess who posed nude. I have 3 photos of her in that mode of undress. No Muslim woman wold do that. I´m sure you agree.

        As for the Anti-christ, at first he is well liked, adored. Isn´t that correct?

        Just as all the leaders (not sure about Mussolini) were Jews during the Second World War. Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt whose real surname was Rosenfelt, now all the leaders are Jews too. Get it?


        Arlene Johnson


      The Hidden Texts say in many lines that the Elohim (who “bred” the “christs”) are behind Putin right now!
      Any one including a blind man can see that Putin, being judged by WHAT HE IS DOING – is
      a) “FOR” the planet and saving her – evidenced by his attitude towards genetically manipulated organisms
      b) looks after the people of Russia LOVINGLY (and I have spoken to Russians who vindicate this) which is


      Forget that it could be saying ANTE-CHRIST (before or in front of)
      the “anti-christian” is the Muslim!

      The Hidden Texts say in many lines that the Elohim (who “bred” the “christs”) are behind Putin right now!
      Any one including a blind man can see that Putin, being judged by WHAT HE IS DOING – is
      a) “FOR” the planet and saving her – evidenced by his attitude towards genetically manipulated organisms
      b) looks after the people of Russia LOVINGLY (and I have spoken to Russians who vindicate this) which is

    • amerikanazi

      More israeli Propaganda

    • Barking Spider

      Sorry, but for goodness sake open your eyes and engage your brain – the most likely candidate for Antichrist is one Barack Hussein Obama!

      • The Watcher

        Obama is TOO DUMB to be the antichrist! Putin is THE ANTICHRIST!

    • The Ferrett


    • Daydreamer

      This BS ought to be deleted from Beforeitsnews.

    • Mayhem

      Does anyone else think it’s absolutely hilarious to have the different branches of Nostradamusists arguing over which interpretation is correct?

    • Prophet

      My Jesus show me the true way to not follow the path of evil,
      Please show me how you distinguish right from wrong, where is the Antichrist
      the son of perdition who has deceived people in the world, which all
      would give homage, even innocent children:
      The prodigal son treacherous, ask about things that from the beginning of time
      long since been shown, reading sacred books that were you
      communicated to you so that you may take them learn, as I was among you,
      otwóżcie your hearts and minds rozjaśnijcie without your deceptive
      interpretation, and then you open up your eyes, ujżycie truth
      the secret that is within you, you know you constitute the key to this truth:
      On the ground, the Antichrist has a long history,
      is in each of you, you constitute his own strength, his jealousy,
      hatred, envy, contempt filthy life, lack of faith, and the lack of
      mutual forgiveness, without the possibility of reconciliation,
      you constitute the strength of the beast, one reason is senseless
      that turns to him and destroy everything around you,
      killing neighbor, murdering children, murdering for: money,
      views, past, nationality, borders, country, children, parents,
      I never look at another neighbor as each other,
      always as an enemy or someone better or worse,
      you do not see him as a man, a brother, so you as the Antichrist
      which is now counted in the billions, which has billions to drive,
      jednoczycie when to kill and destroy as much beast are you?
      beast a man, a man with a choice of evil, a man without faith,
      programmed man, a man who lived in an absurd system
      forgot what freedom and well-being, which is why each of you waiting for the fight
      the antichrist who is in you, because given the time and showing what
      During live, so sent the oldest and strongest souls to
      helped you overcome what dwells within you, everyone who looks
      in yourself, who will survive even one day without lying, cursing,
      annoyance, sarcasm, jealousy, hatred, hypocrisy, deceit, malice, envy, etc.
      This will create good energy, will be released from the infection of evil,
      the antichrist, everyone who thinks that his life is not filthy
      influence in the world in which he lives, will be eaten by that which
      feeds, does not create evil, evil devours everything that was created,
      devours souls, worlds, creatures, systems, Anyone who thinks that the antichrist
      there is one being is wrong!, anyone who thinks that such a creature
      was created in error, if there were such a being in the second
      devoured by the worlds and beings in those worlds, and no creature,
      no soul unable to resist it, so
      you look at the people and call them evil, call it what form the evil
      but none of these people is not the same as it faces other people,
      other creatures that live on this planet, and each chose good or evil,
      each fed the antichrist or the Creator, as you you feed it daily
      so they do it by destroying you, because evil devours goes on and on,
      so the weight lost worlds but each was given time and place for a wake up call,
      the choice, it’s time to destroy the antichrist in itself, the time is now on the ground,
      poured out the absurdity of the system, given foreign aid and spiritual beings, so that you can
      destroy the antichrist in itself, if you do not take advantage of the opportunity you will be
      eaten and become its energy, you do not have the faith in goodness,
      for evil know how to do it perfectly because look at each other
      and others and see that the time of the antichrist takes ages on this planet,
      So change your his life before he begins to devour the world.
      Each of your word, thought, deed is the energy that is evil or goodness
      and that we are creating energy depends only on your whole being,
      because your consciousness has been released, now is the time to fight with the one
      cultivate rather than destroy.
      So I guess I do not need to write next that idiocy is writing and waiting
      being that comes with such abilities as God and begin to fire volcanoes,
      throw in our toy cars, houses, devour our souls, etc.,
      seriously and the truth about what are and what they sow as a lie, the Creator created
      this process fun souls as good and evil, and as much as created beings
      good just created bad, but the struggle between good
      and evil takes place in August in all of us, and that we are powered by one or the other side,
      each of us becomes the antichrist or an angel, the choice is simple,
      but whether we can afford to live without evil to flourish in ourselves, without envy,
      jealousy, rush for money, hate, can we truly love our neighbors,
      understand the way of the soul, to understand the essence of creation and thrive despite bad all around,
      I hope that this time has come and the time I did not create the antichrist
      which will trigger a world war 3 and devour our children, our world, and only then
      understand the stupidity of the division of nationality, country, past, language, race,
      because the division is one and it is easy for good or bad, on the other side of death,
      one does not judge us from the fact that we were a Pole, a Jew, a Russian, Englishman
      Only if we were good or evil being, each of us is born pure and good man,
      the art is to leave this world and the times we have to learn,
      The advent WILL NOT ANY OF ANTICHRIST he is already in all of us,
      I only wish that blinded us so much that we think is good evil and evil as normality.
      You say that someone does wrong in law, but the law of gravity is the god of this world,
      blind and without conscience, and therefore exhort you to open your eyes and began to
      fight the Antichrist who is within you, for your own good,
      And do not you know that you are the temple of the living God who dwells within you?
      so either you feed the love of God in you to grow in you, you spiritualizing
      the holiness of God, or you will feed the evil within you and you build temples for
      antichrist who devours everything, the choice is yours:

      My Lord, tell me how the antichrist is in us, since it is written that he has a
      sit in the temple of God and proclaim himself “god”? :

      Did you not read the Holy Scriptures that there are not able to give to God, because
      and so everything has been designed by him, so what is the temple of God
      talking about? or not it is written that God does not live in Temples uczynionych human hand?
      have you not read that you are the temple of the living God that is within you the Holy Spirit?
      So why do you try to distort the Scriptures and follow the path of Baal?
      if you will cultivate goodness and love in your heart, it is only then begins
      you live in the same God as the temple, and if you begin to cherish evil, who
      you begin to live as a temple? Oh yes, the son of perdition antichrist can be in any
      with you, because it is written in the Scriptures that many antichrists,
      and not one!

      My Lord, how human rights can be comparable to the “god” of this world,
      Yet human law has some determinants, which is aimed to sort out
      life in the community, so that people can follow the path of non-violence:

      And have you not read in the Holy Scriptures or the fall of the first man was a process
      lack of submission to God and submission to a foreign will? which appeared to man
      other determinants which are still designed in the present world as a right?
      for it is written that a man does not want to give up the law of God, so now
      must be subjected to human law, but the law is not human constant and stable
      but no guarantee of eternal life, because letter of the law is lost in time
      with the death of a man, but the word of God is eternal and lives forever, God’s law gives
      man to guarantee the freedom of his life, for it is written that God has given to man
      free will, which even the angels do not have, and if God gave man free will
      So it begins to interfere with human rights in the law of God, for man setting right
      human free will receive the opportunity that was given to man by God,
      So in this way the human right is comparable to the “god” of this world which is
      to violation of the rights of God and human slavery under a blanket of security,
      because human law tends to dictatorship, which is not prepared in the best interests of the
      society, and is only directed against society

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