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By Larry Hollifield
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Behold, You Have Been Warned!


Do you live near the eastern coast of the United States? If so then, for many of you, you might only have from 3 to 5 months left on this planet. Does that surprise you? It shouldn’t.


There is a major asteroid heading towards the earth! Yeah I know, you’ve heard that before. Difference is this asteroid is on a collision course and there is no way out of it’s path. Surely you must have heard something about this on the nightly news or perhaps read it in your daily paper, right? WRONG! Our government has prohibited the major news outlets from publishing this information, opting to keep it’s existence a closely held secret instead.

Why? Simple, a warning issued by the government of a high probability impact with an asteroid off the coast of Puerto Rico would cause major wide spread panic. Keeping this a secret from the public and only letting the ‘rich and powerful’ in on it has to be the ultimate act of betrayal by our Government! For several months our government has been quietly stocking up their hidden underground bases with food, water and other supplies necessary to sustained them for at least 15 months. There have been multiple reports on the internet by citizens who have witnessed these convoys as they enter and exit many of those bases and questions about what is going on; what is the government getting ready for.



At What Price Do We Decide It’s Too Much To Pay?                                               


As you are probably aware, over the last 15 years a large number of scientists and researchers have suddenly died under mysterious circumstances. Steve Quayle has worked very hard to documentation all of these deaths and the circumstances surrounding them. This documentation can be found at these locations;  


from 1994-2003 here

from 2004-2014 here.


Many of these scientists and researchers were astronomers which raises the question of whether their deaths were related to what they knew or what they were working on at that time. It’s entirely possibly that their research led to the discover of this asteroid and its collision course with the earth. A discovery of this nature is so important that the general public of the world must be made aware of it immediately so they have sufficient time to prepare.

Fears on the part of our Government that the release of this information would result in a nation wide panic as the public becomes paralyzed with fear of what was ahead of them. This resulted in a decision by our Government to suppress this information and/or its release regardless of the cost. Since there was no way to guarantee that the scientists and/or researchers would never leak what was going to happen to the public, a decision was made to completely eliminate this threat by assassinating all who had any knowledge of this asteroid and its collision course with the earth.


Behold, There Is One Who Dares To Stand And Ring The Bell!


Efrain Rodriguez, a pastor from Puerto Rico, first started reporting the existence of an asteroid and its collision course with our planet in 2009. This asteroid impact that is being prophesied by Efrain Rodriguez is NOT Wormwood. Also, this is not the “end of the world” event, but there could be as many as 40 million people who die as a direct result of this collision. Efrain was told of the existence of this asteroid; where it would impact; when it would impact; and the destruction and deaths left in its aftermath in a dream sent to him by GOD. In his dream GOD told Efrain that on or around September 24th, 2015 this giant asteroid would collide with earths ocean just off the coast of Puerto Rico. The area of impact and size of the asteroid would result a chain reaction of events that would cause the death of more than 40 million people world wide.


Starting in 2010 Efrain Rodriguez wrote a series of 6 letters which he sent to: President Obama; The Puerto Rico Governor; Pastors; NASA and various News Agencies, warning of this upcoming disaster and the millions of people that would perish as a result. This was done in an attempt to force these different factions of society to ring the bell and warn the people of the world what was in their near future.

Unfortunately, this did not work and (for the reasons stated above), a decision was made by our Government to withhold this information from the people while they quietly made plans and preparations to save their sorry self’s, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves!

This act of secrecy shows what little respect our government has for the people of this country and what little value they place on our life’s. By keeping this information secret they deny us the opportunity to prepare and millions of people will die unnecessarily, deaths that could have been prevented by releasing this information and allowing the people adequate time to prepare.




In The Beginning, So Shall It Be!


Following are the events and disasters that result from this asteroids collision with the earths ocean. Try to remember as you read all of the events in this section that happen as a result of the impact ...EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE EVENTS THAT TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE FIRST 3 DAYS AFTER IMPACT WILL TAKE PLACE IN TOTAL DARKNESS! ;

  • (Ground Zero) In the early morning hours of September 24, 2015 (there are some predictions that this might take place prior to September, as early as May 15, 2015) under the cloak of darkness, an extremely large asteroid will enter the earths atmosphere and collide with the surface of the ocean just off the west coast of Puerto Rico in the early morning between the hours of 2:00 am to 5:00 am. This collision will be equal to a 60,000 megaton blast and instantly vaporizing the asteroid as it blows a cavity in the ocean floor 11 miles across. The ocean floor is about 3 miles deep at that point. Some of the impacted material from the asteroid will break through to the hot lithosphere and maybe the even hotter asthenosphere mantel of the earth exposing molten rock


**Note - An asteroid on its way to impact pushes aside the air in front of it creating a “hole” in the atmosphere. The atmosphere above the impact site is also pushed aside for as long as 30 to 60 seconds. After impact (before the surrounding air can rush back in to fill the gap) material from the impact (vaporized asteroid and a 20 kilometer area of ocean water that’s instantly vaporized into superheated steam) escapes through the hole and is pulled high into the atmosphere.

As the surrounding water that was vaporized and displaced by the asteroids impact rushes back in to fill the huge crater it makes contact with the hot, molten rock of the asthenosphere and, once again, is instantly vaporized into superheated steam. This results a massive steam explosions that greatly compounds the effect of the initial impact and sends more superheated steam vapor into the stratosphere.

For the next few months (possibly as long as one year) the heat produced from the shock wave of the entering asteroid and the reprocessing of air close to the impact site produces nitric and nitrous acids which will wash out of the air when it rains in a worldwide deluge of acid rain. These acids are extremely destructive to the ozone layer; They dissolve the shells of the upper ocean organisms (which would normally turn into limestone) resulting in their death; They damage and destroy foliage; They have a destructive weathering effect on continental rock.


  • (Ground Zero) The force from the asteroids impact creates a Tsunami with a 1000′ wall of water traveling at speeds above 500 mph as it spreads out in all directions from the point of impact.

**Note- Tsunami’s that are the result from an asteroid impact are different than those that are the result from an earthquake. Asteroid Tsunami’s tend to dissipate much faster than their earthquake cousins.


  • (Ground Zero) When the asteroids impact with the ocean floor it strikes a major fault line. The initial blast forces a shifting of the earths crust along this fault and creates a seismic earthquake that registers 12.0 on the Richter Scale, shaking all of the Continental USA. This 12.0 earthquake (and the hundreds on aftershocks that follow) will split the USA in half from the Great Lakes all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Large areas of the west coast will break free and slide into the ocean.


**Note- To my knowledge none of our existing building codes require that new buildings be able to sustain a hit from a 12.0 earthquake. Most existing structures will be completely destroyed. Any structures that manage to stay standing will be severely weakened and damaged.



  • (Ground Zero) The force of the asteroids impact is such that it will cause the earth to stop rotating for 3 days. Since the time of impact is early morning while many are sleeping it will still be dark outside and will stay that way until the earth starts to rotate once again.

**Note - The earth rotates to the east at approximately 1000 mph. At the equator the ocean surface has a 700 foot bulge of water that is a result of this rotation. When the earth stops rotating this bulge of water will flow north and south away from the equator. Unable to make a sudden stop, the oceans will continue to flow rapidly eastward creasing devastating floods to all land masses with a west facing coastline worldwide.



  • (25 min from Ground Zero) The Tsunamis 1000′ wall of water instantly strikes the south western coastline of Puerto Rico traveling inland 3 to 7 miles while working its way around the island. On the northern and eastern coastlines it spreads inland 12 to 20 miles. 25 minutes after impact the Tsunami will completely surrounded Puerto Rico and continue eastward into the North Atlantic Ocean headed towards the coast of the Africa. (7hrs from Ground Zero the Tsunami will reach the west coast of Africa).

  • (10 min from Ground Zero) Puerto Rico lies is located between the Caribbean and North American plates. Because of this, the Island is in a never ending battle to resist deformation from the tectonic stresses caused by the interaction of these plates. The 12.0 earthquake that results from the asteroid impact will cause these plates to shift drastically resulting in massive deformation to the islands terrain and wide spread loss of life of more than a million people.


  • (Continuing over the days and weeks following impact at Ground Zero) Puerto Rico has many of the most important caves in the western hemisphere and many of these will be destroyed by the earthquake and Tsunami. The third largest subterranean river in the world, the Rio Camuy River, is in Puerto Rico. Part of the river runs underground and this course could be altered when the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates are pushed around by 12.0 earthquake.


  • (1hr 15 min from Ground Zero) When the Tsunami reaches the coastline of Venezuela it will be 500 to 600 feet in height and traveling at speeds topping 500 mph. Due to the close proximity of the mountains to the coastline, inland penetration of the Tsunami will be minimal.

  • (5hrs from Ground Zero)When the Tsunami reaches the eastern most tip of the Brazil coastline it will be 100′ in height traveling at a speed of 200 mph continue inland 7 to 15 miles. from here this part of the Tsunami move away from land as it continues into the South Atlantic Ocean.


  • (2hrs 25 min from Ground Zero)When the Tsunami reaches the Panama coastline it will be 400 feet high and traveling at approximately 400 mph inundating the low lying coastal areas. Panama is divided by two range of mountain, one located in the south and one in the north. The lowest point in Panama is between these mountains and that’s where the Panama Canal was built. When the Tsunami reaches this area it will find an unobstructed pathway to the Pacific Ocean and completely inundate the canal area as it crosses from the Atlantic to the Pacific side in a matter of seconds. Damage to this area and the canal could total in the billions, shutting it down for many months and possibly as long as a year or more for repairs.

**Note- The companies that depend on the canal for access to the Pacific Ocean will now be forced to sail south and clear the southern most tip of Argentina before turning north and sailing back up the coast of Chile and Peru as they head towards the west coast of the USA. This course change, as opposed to crossing through the Panama Canal for USA west coast access, adds an additional 11,547 miles to the trip and anywhere from a few days to a week or more in additional time. As a result the cost to ship merchandise to the USA west coast will increase as much as 900% forcing final sale price for all items to new record highs world wide.



  • (2hrs 30min to 4hrs from Ground Zero). The coastal areas of Dominica Republic, Cuba, Costa Rico and Nicaragua will experience a wall of water from the Tsunami from 250 to 500 foot in height. Its inland path will be restricted by the mountains that exist in these areas.


  • (2hrs 30 min from Ground Zero)When the Tsunami reaches the Florida coastline it will be a 400 foot high traveling at a little less than 400 mph continuing inland through Louisiana and Mississippi approximately 35 to 50 miles. The whole Florida peninsula will be completely inundated by this massive wall of water. The force created by the wall of water, preceded by a debris field, will completely destroy any an all structures as it inundates the Florida peninsula from coast to coast causing a huge loss of life in the area

  • (5hrs from Ground Zero) When the Tsunami reaches the Texas coastline just west of Huston it will be a 300 foot high wall of water traveling at 300 mph continuing inland as far as San Antonio.


**Note The 12.0 earthquake that precedes the Tsunami and splits the continental USA into separate land masseswith the split starting somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico area probably between Huston, Texas and Louisiana all the way north to the Grerat Lakes. This will result in a new river way that flows south from the Great Lakes and spills into the Gulf of Mexico. This provides an obstruction free pathway allowing the Tsunami free access to points inland. It’s impossible to say how far inland the Tsunami will reach once it starts up this river conduit.



  • (3hr 30min from Ground Zero)When the Tsunami reaches the Virginia coastline it will be 200 to 300 feet high in height traveling at 300 mph and continue inland 25 to 50 miles in areas void of rivers.

**Note – The east coastline of Virginia has several issues that will tend to make the damage from the Tsunami reach further inland than other coast areas. There is a 23 mile gap between the coastline from Virginia Beach to what’s called known as the “Eastern Shore” of Virginia. This is where the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean meet as the bay flows into the Atlantic.

The Eastern Shore and Virginia Beach coastline are connected by a series of private owned bridge/tunnels which consist of; 3- bridges, 75′ above water level, and 4- 2 lane, one way, underwater tunnels which span the 23 mile distance, connecting the two coastlines. All of the bridges will either be destroyed or severely damaged when the 300′ wall of water and debris field pass over them and enters the Chesapeake Bay.

Five rather large, major rivers flow from inland Virginia into the Chesapeake Bay. Each one will provide an obstruction free pathway for the Tsunami to continue inland. With no obstructions and very little resistance the wall of water could travel as far inland along these rivers 100 miles before dissipating. This also allows the Tsunami to flow further inland on either side of the river banks for 20 miles or more.



  • (4 hrs from Ground Zero)When the Tsunami reaches the New York coastline it will be 150 to 200 feet high traveling at 200 mph reaching inland from 26 to 50 miles





For Your Sins, So Shall You Pay And The Price Will Be High


The Tsunami will contaminate most, if not all, drinkable water sources for the eastern states. The majority of the food supplies will be contaminated by the Tsunami waters and ruined. Drinkable water and food will be scarce and starvation will become a driving force among those that manage to survive the earthquake and Tsunami. Armed gangs will roam the area in search of water and food taking from those who have and killing those who resist or fight them.


Millions will die from the earthquakes and Tsunami. The body count will be staggering and unburied bodies scattered about will result in disease and sickness. All medical supplies in the eastern areas will be destroyed making treatment of the simplest of sickness or injuries very difficult.


Stand Above All Others, Let No Man Be Your Master!


The USA will declare Martial Law and existing Executive Orders put FEMA in charge as the new acting government of the USA. The Constitution and all elections will be permanently suspended. Survivors in the eastern states will be rounded up and transporter to FEMA camps which are scattered through the USA. There will be much resistance to the efforts of FEMA and armed revolutionaries will start to appear everywhere.


Banks, financial institutions and money handlers will shut their doors as the USA financial system collapses. Any and all paper money will be of no value and you will not be able to purchase any food, water or other supplies with paper money. Gold, Silver and other precious metals will be the only form of payment accepted by merchants for their products. What food and water there is for sale will be very scarce and very expensive as price gouging for these items is openly practiced.



The Secrets, The Lies, The Deception! Retribution Is At Hand


Government officials, the rich and powerful “elite” who made the conscious decision to withhold the information of the asteroid and its collision course with earth from the people, while they spent months stocking up and preparing for the disaster in secret, all the while USING OUR TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR ALL COST ASSOCIATED WITH THEIR PREPERATIONS will soon come to realize that the choices they made and the deception they choose to practice will backfired in their face.

The people who survive will demand payment and justice for the untold, unnecessary pain and suffering they intentionally forced upon us with their decision to prepare in secret and deny us any opportunity to prepare, all the while knowing that their decision would guarantee that millions would die from starvation; exposure to the elements or at the hands of armed gangs roaming the land, scourging for food and shelter. Millions who could have avoided death, if only they were made aware of the up coming disaster. If only our Government had chosen to make public the information about the asteroid and its collision path with earth, they could have stocked up on food, water and other supplies; they could have prepared for the starvation, disease, and violence that came in the after math and improved their odds and their chance of survival.

The Government along with the rich & powerful elite believe that they will be protected by the military, federal agents, secret service. Sheltered form any violence and/or retaliatory acts that result from the crimes they willfully committed against humanity and the people. This is a mistake! When those chosen to defend them witness the death; the suffering; the hopeless disparity; when they look deep into the eyes of those who are forced to suffer unnecessarily their hearts will fill with anger and their blood will boil as they decide to stand with the people from who they come. To wash their self clean of the horrific sins committed by the Government, the rich, powerful elite . Judgment day is at hand and payment is demanded and shall be rendered! For their sins they will by hunted, persecuted and eliminated. by those they so sinned against!



The Time Is Now! Fall Before GOD And Repent. Last Chance


THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! GOD is punishing Puerto Rico and the USA for turning away from his teachings and for their ungodly and sinful nature. This is his final warning before the rapture and the end of times to all people: repent your sinful ways, ask forgiveness and call on Jesus Christ to come into your life and show you the way to the Father.


I have done much research into this prophecy Efrain has put forth and that of others who speak of similar life altering event. Though I am normally very skeptic of these predictions, this prediction IMHO has the ring of truth to it. So much so that I must take it at face value and prepare best I can for the time when it comes due. I know many of you do not believe in GOD so you will probably dismiss this prophecy. Guess what, that’s OK with me, it’s your ass, not mine. In the end those that heed these warnings and prepare will probably survive; those that do not …. well, let’s just say we will not have to worry about the resources you would have consumed and that means there will be more for the rest of us!



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    Total 5 comments
    • Bill Lyle

      Sorry, dude. You had my attention, til I saw Steve Quayle.

      • Larry Hollifield


        Not sure what your beef with Steve Quayle is and it really doesn’t matter. Personally, I have no opinion about Steve one way or another, but he does have an excellent data base as far as the dead scientist are concerned. He actually has documented more than 120 scientist who have died suddenly or mysteriously from 1999 through 2015, including DOD, COD and some general information about each one, including pictures for the majority.

        Like Steve or not he does have the most complete and up to date documentation for dead scientists anywhere on the internet. Since I linked his DS database in the article I had to give him credit for the information

        • Chew

          “dead scientists”.

          Dude, the first name on the list was a deputy medical examiner. 0.2% of the working adult population dies every year. There are 850,000 medical doctors in the US. That means you can expect an average of 1700 working MDs to die every year.

          There are 10,000 members in the International Astronomical Union. You can expect an average of 20 members of the IAU to die every year. You can expect 360 to have died in the last 15 years.

          Was that too hard to figure out?

    • Larry Hollifield

      @ Chew
      “Dude”, My my, you seem to be so full of yourself that you missed the point. Granted, people die every day, all the time! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out and you score no points for taking such pride in pointing it out. Unfortunately, you didn’t see the forest for the trees. If you had paid attention to the cause of death for almost all of the names on the list you just might notice that the circumstances surrounding their deaths was anything other than normal!

      Sure, people die of natural causes and other than natural, however if you run the numbers you would find that natural causes far out number other than natural causes by a 90 to 1 majority. That “Dude” was the “wake up and smell the roses” intent of the “Dead Scientist” part of the story.

      Now, you tell me “Dude” ( that term sounds so 60′s, don’t you agree?), was that too hard to figure out?

      • Chew

        I did run the numbers. If you look closely you’ll see I specifically stated, “0.2% of the working adult population dies every year.”

        >>>working adult population<<< "working adult population" obviously excludes retired geezers. Your 90 to 1 ratio applies to the entire population and that includes very, very old people.

        Of the working adult population 0.04% of them die in accidents every year. You should expect to see 340 MDs die in accidents every year.

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