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By Israel Ben Barzle
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Planet X, the Prophet Habakkuk, and the Western Banking Elite

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Planet X, the Prophet Habakkuk, and the Western Banking Elite

By Israel Ben Barzle
Yehoshua Ben Barzle


We have gone through some preliminary paces to introduce the idea that the Hebrew Scriptures plainly communicate in detail an upcoming series of Mega Events that are planet-wide and are triggered by a source in the heavens. The “winged sun” of Malachi describes this source in the cosmos to a tee. Isaiah and Jeremiah both outline the geophysical effects of just such a near pass by of this “winged sun”.

Now we will go deeper.

The title of this article “Planet X, the Prophet Habakkuk, and the Western Banking Elite” should intrigue most readers. I am sure that for most they are scratching their heads saying to themselves “what in the world is the possible connection between Planet X, an ancient Hebrew prophet, and the elite powers that be”?

As we will see, there is a DEFINITE connection, and it is a little known prophet of the Old Testament who ties such a bizarre idea all together.

The prophet Habakkuk in the Hebrew Scriptures is a prophet not too familiar to the majority of us. His name in the Hebrew means to “really squeeze something”. You might say accurately that Habakkuk the prophet is the prophet of the “Great Squeeze”.


 If we take a look at what this minor prophet has to say, honestly, we will be majorly stunned. At first glance his writings seem rather ordinary; prophetic this, that, and the other. However, do not be fooled. For such a small book of the Scriptures the book of Habakkuk packs an incredibly powerful punch.

In fact, Habakkuk speaks in a very, very, very specific way to the modern readers who live within the economic structure of the West—particularly those economic realities of the United States of America. The book of Habakkuk connects the coming horrific events of the Last Days, which are spelled out in detail, with the specific financial scheming which has become the norm in our day. In many ways Habakkuk answers part of the equation of why the Creator is actually judging things to such an extreme.

To put it bluntly to the modern reader here in the West, a region of the world embroiled in all sorts of monetary chicanery, this prophetic book, especially when viewed in the Hebrew language, is nothing short of just outright spooky….


Fair Warning

The basic underlying subject matter of the Book of Habakkuk is about a particular End-time nation immersed in a massive amount of financial debt; and then, as the prophecy unfolds, what eventually happens to this nation. This debt is not just your everyday debt either. According to Habakkuk, this debt is an immoral debt in the sense that it is purposefully disingenuous—the borrower has no intention or means of paying back its obligations. This premise in Habakkuk expands to include a debt scheme that is used as a financial weapon of mass destruction to fleece the common working people of the world of what they have rightfully earned.

Habakkuk starts off on this subject in chapter 2, verse 2:


“And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”


Right off the start, the Creator makes a very strange, ominous statement to Habakkuk. He basically states that this whole prophetic vision is so the reader can put two and two together and “run”, “move”, “get the heck out of Dodge”, from the impending calamity about to be unleashed. So please understand, if you read this prophecy from Habakkuk, it comes with a set of clear, Amityville-horror type of instructions:

“Get Out!”

“Get Out!”

“Get Out!”

OK, so it seems pretty clear. The level of potential danger here is being made very apparent to the reader in the very beginning of the narrative. Obviously this is not just your ordinary run of the mill doom scenario, this one has some especially bad juju on its way. And we can see that the Creator has made a purposeful attempt to emphasize, not just the doling out the doom, but it comes with an underlined importance that Habakkuk communicates this prophecy with a prior, all-important “heads up”.

The best way to describe this, as it is presented in Hebrew thought, is that it means in the case of an unaware defendant, a red-letter Legal Notice of Intent is being served.


It’s the Economy Stupid

With that dire warning stated upfront, let us see what the critical issue is setting the stage for this prophetic outcome, starting in verse 3:

Habakkuk 2:3-6

 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!


First off, notice that this passage is about insatiable desire, the kind of desire that can never be satisfied with enough. It is a desire to have more and more and more and more. It is coined here as a desire that is as big as “Hell itself”. This is not talking some whim of feeling. We are talking an insane desire. More to the point, the Hebrew here says that it is a deadly desire (maveth) that is at the center core of its existence (nephesh). In other words, a desire for more and more is what makes it tic; its engine runs on it. It is this unquenchable desire at the epicenter of its being that leads to insane, completely irrational actions, which ultimately brings about death and demise.

And just to be clear so there is no confusion: because it says “he” or “him” in the passage it does not mean that this is speaking about an individual person. Hebrew is always written in gender form, and most of the time throughout the Hebrew Bible groups of people, kingdoms, and nations are termed “he” or “she”. I can promise you by the use of words, pronouns, and outcomes this is not talking about a single person, but an entity, specifically a national entity, that has a voracious appetite.

You will also notice this entity has transgressed by some form of “wine”. This is not in any way talking about real wine—nothing wrong with real wine. “Wine”, and the resulting drunkenness from it, is used throughout the prophetic books of the Hebrew Scriptures as an across-the board idiom for the intoxicating greed of money, an intoxication you just can’t get enough of.

So what does this insatiable desire lead to? There is a heaping of all the peoples. This is the Hebrew word “qabats” and it means to “grasp them” so as to have control, specifically to have control over a collection of people.

And who is being grasped, controlled?

The nations (goyim)—all peoples (kol haamiyim).

This is more than intriguing. In this Last Day’s passage, there is a particular entity that is full of an insatiable lust for more, more, more. In order to feed this lust this entity uses their power in such a way as to control the nations of the planet, literally in the Hebrew EVERYONE—ALL PEOPLE.

So how does this entity do it? How do they control everything and everyone? Verse 3 gives us the answer.


“Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!


What we have here is a very poorly translated passage in the English. It is almost as if parts of this passage have been purposely translated incorrectly so as to try and hide what is being said here very plainly in the original tongue.

What we can tell by the beginning of the sentence is that there is an ongoing process of this entity increasing what does not belong to him, and in the Hebrew it points out that it has been going on for some time. The language here suggests something of a sarcastic question: “how long do you think this can keep going”? “Something, at some point, has to give, right”? “You cannot possibly believe that you can just keep doing what you are doing at this rate—mathematically it just doesn’t jive”?

And how does this entity keep increasing goods that really do not rightfully belong to him?

According to the end of the verse, this entity “…loads himself with thick clay”

In Hebrew this is: “v-mekabid ali’v abtiyt”. The word “abtiyt” in Hebrew means an “immense load of debt”, not thick clay.

When you go through all the Hebrew nuances of this passage, what this means in simple terms is this entity that is being talked about prophetically in Habakkuk is able to gather up the nations of the earth and increase wealth and a wealthy lifestyle by using them. The wealth and the associated goods have not really been paid for (hamarbah lo li’v). This entity was able to pull all this off by accumulating an immense load of debt (abtiyt). . They continue to accumulate the debt without any end in sight (ad methi), with no real intention of ever paying it back.

Does this sound at all familiar?

It gets worse as the passage continues.

Habakkuk 2:7-10

Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?

Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!

10 Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul.


For the sake of brevity I will summarize this passage of Habakkuk 2:7-10 using the precision of the Hebrew and the thoughts these words contain. The following is a creative point by point summary of what this passage is really saying:

In this portion of the prophetic narrative of Habakkuk 2, the nations that have been taken advantage of rise up against the debt perpetrator to take back what is rightfully theirs (ki athah shluwth goyim rabim k-shlowth’i).

A power confrontation ensues, a war of the lender nations versus the borrower nations (phata quwm’i nashek’i).

The lender nations gain the upper hand and violently take back material goods as a return for what they have lent (v-hayeyeth l-meshiseth lemev).

This entire issue has come about because of coveting—wanting more and more things without having the means to pay for them (batsa batsa ra’ l-bayitev).

The leadership of this debt-perpetrating entity has placed safe-houses in locations of high elevation in order to escape what they know is coming (l-suwm b-marowm qenev).

The ones responsible for this immense, untenable debt shamefully disregard everyone else as they attempt to personally save themselves (l-hanatzal mekaph ra’).

Because of the unique nature of this type of selfish, greedy, grievous sin of the soul, this dastardly betrayal absolutely must be dealt with by the Creator (basheth l-bayithek qetzuwth rabim v-chuta nepheshek).


Folks, as hard as it may be to comprehend, the Prophet Habakkuk is precisely talking about, and can only be talking about, the banking powers that be of the United States of America and its Western allies. They are the only ones who fit the bill. The USA and its western partners in crime are the ones who have infected the world as we know it with this kind of a debt scheme; it is a debt scheme that controls the people of the world; it is a scheme that requires more and more increase of borrowed money to increase more and more goods; it requires an immense debt load, one that will NEVER BE PAID!

Just EXACTLY like Habakkuk outlines.


What’s Mine is Mine—and What’s Yours is Mine

Think about it. No, REALLY think about it. What Habakkuk precisely portrays is an entity that functions EXACTLY like US fiscal policy functions.

This entity must have more and more, and has an economy based on having to have more (verses 5 and 9)

This entity borrows vast sums of money, more than can ever be paid off (verse 6)

This entity steals what is not theirs by intrigue, they become rich (verse 6)

This entity gains control of the peoples of the world (verses 5 and 8)

This entity has a plan to eventually cut off the common people (verses 8 and 10)

This entity is resented by the rest of the world because of its theft via debt (verses 7 and 8)

This entity is finally overthrown by the countries it had stolen from (verses 7 and 8)

No nation on planet earth has ever implemented the kind of criminal monetary policy to the extent we see today as the United States Government using the international banking cabal, AKA the Federal Reserve. In essence, the US Fed and its western banking elite, aided by the US political establishment, has created an immense debt load (money they don’t really have) to fuel a bogus prosperity (goods that have not been paid for), backed by a bogus world currency (a currency backed by nothing but more debt). By doing this, the US banking establishment and its allies have literally borrowed their way into ultimate control of the planet and its people.  The banking cabal owns the printing press, so to speak, and so they just print as much as they want out of thin air. And they have printed so much fiat funny money, there is no way possible it can ever really be paid back—nor is it ever going to be paid back.

How nice for them.

This way of conducting gangster-like, international monetary policy, getting rich by stealing other people’s resources, and doing so with money that does not even exist, has had a HUGE impact on how the world conducts its finances. Literally, by these banking oligarchs having maneuvered the US Dollar (a promissory debt-note) into “THE” world’s reserve currency, it forces the rest of the world to play along with the debt con game. Thus, the entire planet is saturated in a dishonest money making scheme crafted and executed by the global elite, and there’s almost nothing anyone can do about it. From the guy that works in the corn fields of Nebraska, to the wealthiest Arab sheik, all are ultimately controlled by what policies the US Federal Reserve enacts. It’s either play along, or perish.


The Great Bug Out

This has brought an unparalleled façade of prosperity to the West never before seen in the history of the world, and the whole thing is Bravo Sierra. It is a con game perpetrated on the masses. And this con game of unjustly taking from others and enriching themselves is underwriting the banksters’ escape plans.

Let me make crystal clear how spot on Habakkuk really is by asking you this questions? As is portrayed in verse 9 of Habakkuk chapter 2: do we not see growing evidence of a hidden agenda of the power elite in this country to “bug out” when the time is right—when their con game is up—when something big is about to occur—something big only they know about because they control all the major information gathering sources?


Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!”


Ladies and Gentlemen, this seemingly obscure verse in Habakkuk is happening right now as you read this article. I don’t care if you are talking Denver Airport underground complex, newly renovated Cheyenne Mountain, etc., etc., billions and billions of dollars are being spent in preparation to safely house and feed the privileged class.

Hands down, any angle you want to look at it, the Last Days narrative from the Prophet Habakkuk is talking SPECIFICALLY about the self-serving, central banking powers of the West. The primary player in this End-time fiasco is the United States with its Federal Reserve and its petro-dollar, debt based, world currency—no two ways about it. And these banking elite who have corrupted the world with their schemes know something nasty is coming, and they are in hell-bent preparation mode.

Even now we can see the moves that these elitists are making and know that something really big is going to happen very soon. This is why we see Habakkuk telling the reader in verse 9 that those who implemented a system of “evil covetousness” are “setting their nest on high” to “deliver themselves” from some great “power” that is coming.

And what exactly is it that these elite are hoping to escape from? Is it a societal collapse? Is it war? Is it something far more deadly?

In Part 4 of our series Habakkuk will vividly communicate with specificity what it is exactly that terrifies the powers that be—and as the ultimate End-game, we are talking something way beyond an economic collapse, global contagion, or a Third World War. Yes, all of these are very nasty, and they are all coming to a neighborhood near you. However, this Hebrew prophet of old will take this issue to its final climax, and in doing so, he will begin to connect the dots between our modern world of dishonest dealings and insatiable greed, and a coming nightmare of absolute unimaginable proportion.   

For more information please see our website:  and download our Free E-Book regarding these and other very pertinent issues.

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    Total 8 comments
    • Knarlydawg

      This is spot on. However, when the western nations, who have allowed themselves to be usurped by this elite group of conspiring Banksters (money changers), are sucked dry of their wealth and discarded and attacked by those who have been abused by the West, the real culprits of this wickedness, (at the core of this grand scheme of usury), the “Synagogue of Satan” crew will escape to their fortress spidy holes. I realize that they ultimately get their due recompense, however this entire template scenario doesn’t just end with the United States and it’s allies. This same prophetic template applies to faux Israel, Zionist Israel, the “Synagogue of Satan” Israel. This prophecy ultimately comes home to roost on the present day nation of Israel, the counterfeit Israel that was created by the hands of the Synagogue of Satan, money changer, criminal Bankster, Luciferian elites. As the victimized masses of the world slowly become aware that the core of wickedness has taken up resistance within a sub-group within the tribe of Israel…..Whoa be to those who live in Israel. This is why the Kings of the nations of the world will attack Israel…..not because of Her status of “the chosen people of GOD” but rather because the trail of destructive abuse will lead straight back to the “Synagogue of Satan” within Her midst. The “Synagogue of Satan” sub-group within the tribe of Israel is the fleshly root of this usury wickedness spread throughout the Western world. Just as the people of the Western nations must suffer the consequences of their association and submission to the criminal “Synagogue of Satan” Luciferian elites, so shall the people of Israel suffer for their association with this “Synagogue of Satan” elites. All who have gained (and not repented), from the ill-gotten gains of these “Synagogue of Satan” Bankster elites will be adversely affected by the rapidly approaching judgments.

      • Knarlydawg

        to Israel Ben Barzle: As I have begun reading through your eBook it becomes clearer to me that you expanded your beginning premise that all the inhabitants of the earth are required to adhere to the 10 “Choq”, written in stone laws (the Ten Commandments), to later include an ever expanding list of laws. I’m sorry dude, but there are many Christians that do accept the Ten (written in stone) Commandments as the foundation of their beliefs along with the teachings of JESUS, (whom you never mention in your writings). It is true that many Christians don’t have the Sabbath day correctly determined but the Seventh-day Adventists do. You imply that all of us goyim are going to have to accept Jewish law as universal law in order to be be accepted by GOD…..well you’re going to have a hard time getting most of us goyim to accept some of these Jewish laws, such as……… pg. 36 (7). Sarah’s right to keep Gentile servants. Gentile servant is considered Lawful property: Gen. 16:1-­‐6; Torah Instruction —Lev. 25:44-­‐46 ……….(8). Abraham’s right to sleep with servant as property (shifkaw): Gen. 16:1-­‐6; Torah Instruction—Lev. 25:44-­‐46………..(9). Sarah’s right to own the children of a servant: Gen. 16:1-­‐6; Torah Instruction —Lev. 25:45-­‐46.

        I’m sure there’s plenty more of this Jewish Supremacy Bravo Sierra in this eBook “The House of Israel Returns” but this is exactly why JESUS came on the scene, to put an end to this Jewish Supremacy crap. Math. 5:17…..”Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill….. :18 “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.… Matthew 7:12…..So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Romans 3:31…..Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. Most Christians will agree that the 10 (written in stone) Commandments are rock solid as a foundation of their beliefs and build from there with the teachings of JESUS and don’t accept any of this Jewish Supremacy crap that you people have been taught from your Rabbinic interpretations of the Torah. It’s the Jewish worship of the Law that has derailed them.

        Mr. Israel Ben Barzle, you do speak some truth but your Jewish Supremacy crap is never going to fly with any of us Christian, Goyim, or any non-Jewish person. This is precisely why you people have so much trouble in the world……you are not supreme over anyone else. JESUS is the human example of the Law perfectly adhered to. He was sent to accomplish what the Jewish tribe couldn’t accomplish.

        JESUS is the way to GOD, not strict adherence to a bunch of Rabbinic interpretations of the Torah.

    • Ephraim

      Hello Mr. Israel,
      I will assume, by your name, that you are Jewish. The city of London elite bankers are Jewish (Rothchild), the Federal Reserve is Jewish (owned and operated), Goldman Sachs is Jewish, all the major banks are Jewish, the IMF is Jewish, the IRS is Jewish. There seems to be a connection with banks and Jews. Why are you deriding your fellow Jews? I agree the Jewish bankers are the cause of the world’s problems, but again, is there some reason you are not among them?

      • schneebly

        My guess is your name has a lot to do with it.

        • Ephraim

          You are correct. I am a caucasian American – a true Israelite – a descendant of the so-called lost tribes – a geneological immigrant of England – of the tribe of Ephraim – thus my name tag is Ephraim.

    • sean michael blacab

      The whole thing run by the JEWS out of denver,Some american traitors
      and all you jerked off jews.The scum jews always puts it on another.
      Wasnt your first jew slave ship called jesus,your story denied.


    • they.pierced.My.hands.and.My.feet.

      Serving the whore mammon includes loading self with its’ knowledge.

      Same tree, same results.

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