September 23, 2015 -- What Will Happen? (Video) Must See!
What Will Happen on September 23, 2015???
By Rob Breaker
There are a lot of people talking about September of 2015 and all the things that are supposed to happen in that month, especially on September 23, Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. Some have long lists of things that they claim will take place that just might be fulfillments of Bible Prophecy. (The last I saw was a list of 33 THINGS that will happen in September 2015).
But many who are talking about all this are forgetting the most important part of this whole September 23 thing. If it is the day of the rapture, and the beginning of the New World Order, the start of the anti-christ’s kingdom, and the opening of the portal to hell with CERN, and all the other things that people say will happen, then the question is: ARE YOU PREPARED SPIRITUALLY?
The following video goes through the list (or lists) of what many are saying with happen in September of this year (2015). I’ve also added a few other things you’ve probably not heard of before. And, at the end I give the answer to how to be prepared spiritually for what’s the come.
Truly we are living in exciting times! So here’s the video, it’s worth a watch!
In case you have trouble watching the video, click here to watch in youtube…
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Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.
– Matthew 24:42
CERN nerds don’t have the key to the abyss. The 5th angel in Revelation does according to the book of Revelation.
We are obviously in the season, though. I’m with you there.
Ill say this again , The end of the world is not going to start or happend in september 23-28
You are all being lied to and taking it all hook line an sinker,
I feel so horriable for all of you who believe this non sense
being led a stray by false christians !
and when october comes and nothing happends in september,
everyone will no that your lieing becaues these articles get stored in your *MORE STORIES SECTION*
so everyone will see you for the lieing false christian you are!
everyone will be exposed soon,
You might want to get your fact rights on Yasir Arafat Day LOL
What will happen? Nothing. The same as Y2k, 2012 and every other doom prophecy.
The Catholic Church not only changed the Saviour’s birthday ( and the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday etc.) but they also changed his name from Yahshua (Yahweh saves) to Jesus which is a combination of two god’s names : Zeus and Chrishna
Learn more about it here :
Yahweh’s Feast are a Shadow of Protection from things to come. Learn more about this Prophesied Place of Protection in these Last Days at
As we know the Word of God actually used YHWH for the name of God, and as we also know, many claim Yahweh is the proper way to spell it since YHWH is un-speakable in any language. Consider the following historic facts regarding the use and origin of the name “Yahweh.”
“Pagan leaders used the name Yahweh. The name was inscribed on the Moabite Stone in Jordan about 830 B.C. exactly as it appeared in the Old Testament. The Lachish Letters, written between 589-587 B.C. and discovered in 1935 in the ancient town of Lachish near Jerusalem, frequently used the name Yahweh. ” (Source: )
” Yw, Yawu, Yah, Iahu, IeuoYw or Yawu is given as the original name of Yam in the Myth of Ba`al from Ugarit, and is probably the same as Ieuo in Philo of Byblos’ Phoenician History. He is possibly to be identified with Yahweh. Coincidentally, a likely pronunciation of Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh really is Yahuh (Yahoo!).” (Source:
” The Protoindo European god Yayash, Yaë or Yave, a protective god whose symbol was a tree, signifying possibly ‘”walking”, “going”, “a pilgrim”, has been dated back to the Indus River valley, circa 2900 B.C.E. He has been identified with the Turko Syrian YHVH, a “sacred animal or organization”.
“Yahweh appears to have been originally a sky god – a god of thunder and lightning. He was associated with mountains and was called by the enemies of Israel ‘a god of the hills’. His manifestation was often as fire, as at Mount Sinai and in the burning bush.” – Great Events of Bible Times
“Originally, these four consonants [in YHWH] represented the four members of the Heavenly Family:
Y represented El the Father;
H was Asherah the Mother;
W corresponded to He the Son; and
H was the Daughter Anath.
– Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 18
“In accordance with the royal traditions of the time and region, God’s mysterious bride, the Matronit, was also reckoned to be his sister. In the Jewish cult of the Cabbala God’s dual male-female image was perpetuated. Meanwhile other sects perceived the Shekinah or Matronit as the female presence of God on Earth. The divine marital chamber was the sanctuary of the Jerusalem Temple, but from the moment the Temple was destroyed, the Matronit was destined to roam the Earth while the male aspect of Jehovah was left to rule the heavens alone.” – Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 18 (Source: Biblical Beginnings in Canaan, Op. Cit.)
“A letter found in a mound northwest of the modern town of Ta’annek written in the fifth century B.C. proves that ‘Yah’ was a deity of the Canaanites. Yah is associated with the Canaanitish Mother-goddess, Ashtart-Anat as seen by the Father-Mother titles of the deity of the Jews at Elephantine. There, the title of Anat-Yaw is seen as well as Ashim-Bethel and Afat-Bethel where the titles of Astarte are combined with the Sun-god, Bethel. At Gaza, Yah appears as a Sun-god on a coin and coins were frequently inscribed with the figure of Ashtart-Yaw, Anat-Yaw, and Anat-Bethel, which corresponds to the Phoenician Melk-Ashtart and Eshmun-Ashtart” – The Mythology Of All Races, Vol. 5, p. 44.
“Yah was identified with the Aramaic Thunder-god, Adad. A coin from the fourth century B.C. in southern Philisti (when the Jews were in subjection to the Persian kings) has the only known representation of the Hebrew Deity. The letters YHW were inscribed just above a bird which the god held on his arm. The most likely identification of the god Yah of Gaza is the Hebrew, Phoenician, and Aramaic Sun-god El or Elohim whom the Hebrews had long since identified with Yah.” (ibid., pp. 42-43).
“The collection of ancient manuscripts found at the Jewish colony of Elephantine demonstrates the use of Canaanite religious terminology in conjunction with the name of Israel’s God Yahu. Such compound names as Anath-Yahu, Anath-Bethel, Ishum-Bethel, and Herem-Bethel are found there. These names all represent the attempt to combine differing philosophies and religious beliefs that were prevalent in the centuries following the Israelite conquest of Canaan. For example, Anath was the ancient Canaanite goddess, the sister of Baal (Bruce, p. 53), and Baal was one of the ancient names for Nimrod.” (Hislop, p. 232).
“It was from the divine name Yah that the Greeks took ‘Ie’ in the invocations of the gods, especially the god Apollo. The name ‘Ie’ was written from right to left and inscribed over the great door of the temple of Apollo at Delphi (Taylor, p. 183). Iao, a variant of the Tetragrammaton, was applied to the Graeco-Egyptian god Harpocrates or Horus. Horus was called Harpocrates by the Greeks. The ancient Greeks had an acclamation similar to Hallelujah (Praise you Yah). They used Hallulujee in the beginning and ending of their hymns in honor of Apollo.” – Taylor, p. 183. Source:
“Many Vedic chants of praise also contain Yah, e.g. Rama-yah, Isha-ya (Yah my Divine Husband), Jai-ya (Yah as joy); Shiva-ya (Yah is purity, holiness, truth); Krishna ya (Yah is the transcendental loving Witness); Vishnu yah (Yah is all pervasive Light); Kali ya (Yah is the creative manifesting force or energy).” etc. etc. Source:
If the Yahweh movement is accurate and we are only to use the name Yahweh for the Lord, why was the following passage penned?
Exodus 3:13-15, “And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.”
y2k part two!
Part three actually. How did you forget 2012?
The real question is, if the pre-Trib Rapture turns out to be a ruse and you find yourself in the Great Tribulation … are you prepared spiritually?
Better study the issue carefully.
A “careful” study of the “Prewrath Rapture”
The rapture was stopped by The Macho Man Randy Savage.
I stopped watching as soon as I saw you write down that the tribulation would last 7 years…
How on earth do so many people confuse 42 months for 7 years?
I stopped watching, no wait I never started watching after I read “rapture.”
Fact: Messiah, Jesus Christ, was cutoff, and then, almost 40 years later, the temple was destroyed by the Romans. These two things must precede the Antichrist, ergo there must be a gap between Daniel’s 69th and 70th week. The Lord Jesus, Himself, referred to the “abomination of desolation” as a future event, hence the Antichrist future. The Antichrist, the beast, the man of sin, the prince that shall some, or whatever you prefer to call him, has not come, yet. Which leads to another fact: The fulfillment of the 70th week Daniel events have clearly not happened, as this is to include a “one week” confirmation of a covenant Antichrist makes, hopefully don’t need to point out he needs to make an appearance to confirm a 7 year covenant with many. Therefore, the 7 year period of Antichrist is very clearly in scripture.
As to the blessed hope, we who see it’s clearly in the Bible cannot expect agreement on this with the naysayers, who are even venomous, show a lot of slander and fang, which is interesting, is telling. But we should keep in mind it’s not our red wagon or any skin off our rears what people don’t believe. Just present the truth and leave it at that, praising the Lord Jesus every day for His mercies and sure promises!
That’s an awful lot of talking without any Scripture…
Revelation 12:6: “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”
a thousand (1000) + two hundred (200) + threescore (60) =
1260!!! / 30 = 42
Is there a confirming witness? Of course!
Revelation 13:5:
“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”
There it is again! 42 months.
The time is CUT short. It doesn’t say 7 years anywhere, or you would’ve quoted it.
I did refer to scripture, and anybody who knows Daniel wouldn’t find this necessary. Daniel 9:27 refers to the covenant, broken after 3 1/2 years. Also, everybody knows the 42 months or 3 1/2 years is the latter half of the tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation, which begins with the abomination of desolation. But this is Scripture 101 stuff, which I don’t like arguing over. You get it, or you don’t, believe it, or you don’t, have done your homework, or you haven’t. So this is a personal problem, albeit not my problem. I have no desire to publish half the Bible for anybody and explain it, especially simple basics to somebody who doesn’t have it right. when there are good exegetical websites out there, with seminarians who will set you straight. Bottom line, why bother? You’ve clearly rejected Rob’s good exegesis of these basics, so discussing anything with you is unprofitable, or with anybody who believes what they want to believe or what they learned from some crackpot.
42 months IS the tribulation. That’s why all you ever see in Scripture is 42 months.
You still didn’t quote anything about 7 years. And I know you’re position on Daniel quite well. I used to believe the same thing. But the truth is that the 42 months I speak of aren’t even prophesied by Daniel.
Answer this: Why aren’t those in Judea commanded to flee to the mountains until the Abomination of Desolation, when there is without question 42 months left? What is everyone doing those first 42 months, if this is a seven year tribulation?
“So this is a personal problem, albeit not my problem.”
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
“I have no desire to publish half the Bible for anybody and explain it, especially simple basics to somebody who doesn’t have it right.”
You ASSUME I don’t have it right. I’ve spoken to you before, but not at length, and I always get this self-exalted sense of haughtiness from you – even when we are in agreement. I’m not asking for you to publish half the Bible, I know the Word much better than you think. All you need to do is quote ONE verse that demonstrates a seven year tribulation, and Daniel 9:27 isn’t going to cut it, because even that makes my point.
“why bother?”
Because you’re commanded to stand up for the Truth.
“You’ve clearly rejected Rob’s good exegesis of these basics, so discussing anything with you is unprofitable, or with anybody who believes what they want to believe or what they learned from some crackpot.”
Does this sound like a statement coming from someone deeply invested in the Word? Or does this sound like a statement coming from a haughty individual, or a lazy researcher, who could care less about what some “crackpot” thinks?
use your Bible and see if this is what you find:
Lev 26: 28 begins the last 7 years of the time of the end.
The first 3 1/2 years (1260 days) are the completing of the first 4 Seals.
1st is it false prophet rises
2nd wars and more wars
3rd food rationing leading to disease and famine
4th World war 3
The second 3 1/2 years (1260 days) begins with the Abomination which starts the 5th Seal which is the Great Tribulation.
the 6th Seal which is the heavenly signs stops the 5th Seal and ushers in the 7th Seal which is the DAY of the LORD,
The 5th Seal is 2 1/2 years and the Day of the Lord is one year completing the 3 1/2 years. In prophecy a day is a year.
Daniel 12: 11 I read as follows; and when the daily sacrifice is stopped or prevented until the abomination is set up, there shall be 1290 days.
The daily is stopped 30 days before the 1260 days of the first half of the 7 years begins.
Leviticus 26:28 says nothing about 7 years (punishment x 7).
But you very well could be right about the seals, however, I have to disagree with your analysis of the first four.
Again, you could be right, but I won’t be sold on these expectations. Expectations, that aren’t based on assurance, can only be problematic when the nature of the Word demands our understanding to be flexible in the face of paradigm shifting revelations.
I think these first four seals were given to us from a much deeper spiritual perspective than the physical one you describe, however, this is not an area that I’m proficient in. I’ll spend some time thinking over your understanding while producing one of my own, and I’ll get back to you at a later date – after I’ve ironed out my own analysis.
Leviticus 26: 13 -39 reveals how God brings Israel to repentance or if they will not repent – destruction and captivity.
As God does not change He will away follow this path.
there are 4 periods each one 7 years in length.
In prophecy a “time” is one year thus 7 times is 7 years. 4 X 7 – 28 years.
A time, times and a half time is 3 1/2 years.
Each of the 7 years begins on the first of Tishri which is the Feast of Trumpets. What everyone is talking about right now is the 29 of Elul which is the end of a 7 year time that is called the Release.
The 1st of Tishri in the next day after the 29 of Elul. The beginning of the civil year and the beginning of the next 7 years.
Any time Israel repented during the first 21 years the punishment stopped — once the last 7 years begins the punishment does not stop, Israel is utterly destroyed and taken into captivity.
Read verse 28 on and see if this is not total destruction ending in captivity.
scanner, before you begin your study — ask God to give you understanding, the Bible is not understood by the mind of man.
Yes, I see what you are saying now.
But I did a quick search to check the lexicon and I see a completely different word used to describe the “times” in Leviticus, as opposed to what we can find in Daniel 7:25, 12:7. And I’m not sure of what to make of it yet.
Regardless, you’ve shown that I clearly need to do more research on this subject before I open my big mouth.
Tell you what, here’s authentic, scholarly, Reformed theology on the subject of the tribulation period, that fundamentalist scholars would line up around the block, in agreement with all the main points and not squabble over some finer points. This treatise is theologically sound, the likes of those who are men of God by profession, seminarians who’ve studied it all. You wanted a larger explanation? I’m not inclined to reinvent the wheel. This is good teaching of what I also learned, can stand with it but for a few interesting, but minor, exceptions, take it or leave it: for you to seek, if you’re sincere about truth and will listen to a true scholar.
Yes, yes.. i’ve seen it all before. Why is it that you continue to presume me to be some novice, all while riding on the coat tails of your “fundamentalist scholars”? Have i shown any indication that i care for the opinions of men or, more specifically, the opinions of those from within organized religion?
Your inability to explain these things yourself is very telling about your own level of understanding on the subject – passing it off as “common knowledge” but unable to teach it. Do you see me speaking in circles about not wanting to help and referring people to someone else’s work?
Anyways, as i’ve said, i’ve heard it all before – a hundred times over: the seven year peace treaty, the ten nation army, blah blah blah… it’s all just one opinion, tied to the next, then tied again to the next, because going back to recalibrate any loose end means the entire scenario crumbles and we’re back at square one. The arrogance of man likes to think we have it all figured out and most who become invested in these studies turn their opinions in to “irrefutable” pet doctrines that get passed around like a joint at a Phish concert – where nobody really cares to look at what’s beneath the pre-rolled paper.
In my OPINION, things will never happen the way we think they are going to. Know the god of this world. Know the god of religions. He is cunning and the master of deceiving. Truthfully i don’t even think many of us will know the Abomination of Desolation when we see, and even those who do see it, wouldn’t have known it was coming until the moment it happens. We most, if not all, will be taken completely by surprise. As knowledge is increased, so is our arrogance, and we ALL have an increased tendency to underestimate the power of the Enemy.
“Let me warn you. I want you to follow. Because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be 1 step, 3 steps, 7 steps ahead of you. And just when you think you’re catching up, that’s when we’ll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than exactly where I want you to be. So come close, get all over me; because the closer you think you are, the less you’ll actually see.” ~ Daniel Atlas, from “Now You See Me”.
But aside from all that, the link you quoted is quite clear on the matter – though it spends far too much time setting up a hypothetical scenario before ultimately proving my point.
It reads, “He becomes that god of all gods that the world must bow before and establishes the abomination of desolation. From that moment that he establishes that, and the daily sacrifice, which will be in the rebuilt temple in that time, stops and Jewish people no longer go near the place. From that moment on, the GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS. It lasts 42 months, 12 hundred and 60 days, three and a half years, followed by a 30-day period of judging and a 45-day period of transitioning into the millennial kingdom.”
Hmmmm…there it is again…42 months… as if the world was just twiddling their thumbs for three and a half years after the peace treaty, waiting for the Abomination of Desolation to happen… This scenario makes it out to be too easy. Too predictable. Your link didn’t convince me of anything new.
I understand from another it is impossible for you admit error at this point, you have too many youtubes etc. out there — thus at this point to change directions — you would lose all credibility.
That is sad.
There are so many proofs, so many scriptures proving there are 3 resurrection and zero raptures. You will be discredited.
The First Resurrection is to eternal life. Rev 20: 4,5
The 2nd Resurrection is to judgment, to being judged over a life time. Ez 37 & Rev 20: 4,5
The 3rd Resurrection is to damnation i.e the 2nd death in the Lake of Fire.
And, naturally, all the Spirit-filled theologians over a couple millennia, a long list of modern seminarians, who wouldn’t agree with a word you’ve said, would also, sadly, lose credibility. (Amusing, as if it’s even about some narcissistic personal credibility to the true child of God.)
But try to have patience. We can’t all have your earth shaking private interpretations, as nobody since the Lord Jesus has had your lease on truth. We simply fall so short of you and some other beforeitsnews trolls, I mean, gifted, anonymous theologians, none of whom agree, and… Wait… just a second… they’re all right, yet… hmmm.
Are you going to argue against Truthseeker’s position or just take this snide, roundabout way of disagreeing?
There’s nothing “private” about Truthseeker. He gave you the verses to refer to.
Spirit-filled theologians ???? who’s spirit???
If you are talking catholic — I have absolutely no interest what so ever at all -period — I know what spirit fills them.
I can prove what I write without twisting scriptures or just using one vague scripture.
But why not go directly to a clear scripture or two?
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them. (period) and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; ——and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Those that do not worship the beast do not do so — during the great tribulation – correct??
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. ——–This is the first resurrection.
The 1st resurrection refers back to the resurrection that occurs before the 1000 years.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the –first resurrection: — on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Does this not say the first resurrection is before the 1000 years and then the rest of the dead do not live again UNTIL the 1000 years are over? This is a 2nd Resurrection of the REST of the DEAD.
Now!!! you are free to tear the words of Jesus Christ apart..go
People can quote verses all day they don’t understand. There is mostly error, period, on the anonymous web, real scholars who’d line up around the block pointing out some very grotesque error all can see as such.
I haven’t anticipated spending every waking hour, swimming in some sea of error like beforeitsnews, nor arguing with trolls who only want to argue with somebody. You very well know social disorders are mainly the name of the game. If you don’t, if you think you’re having sincere conversations with authentic Biblical scholars here, well, sorry about that. We all have our crosses to bear, though that one not a necessary one, with some diligent study of what God has to say, listening to God, not man, the Bible, and learned scholars of sterling reputation, not somebody’s best seller book, website or hallucination.
Bottom line, I don’t know where to even start around here, when the initial premise many make is most often completely out in left field, exhibiting not even some basic, scholarly understandings, all the while they wanting to argue their ignorance. Sorry, not my cup of tea. I like to discuss things with somebody who has the basics down, anyway, arguing Sunday school fundamentals a real bore.
Theologians, scholars etc. — are all men and the wisdom, knowledge and understanding comes from above NOT from men especially “experts”.
Most of the Apostles were just men some just fishermen, Paul is the only one that had what could be called a higher education.
So I need theologians and scholars and what ever to tell me what fishermen have said? Thanks but no thanks –I pass
And you’re being ridiculous. Of course scholars of the faith should be listened to. Many are not only born again of the Holy Spirit, they’ve dedicated their lives to the word of God and the most intense study of it. We have the Bible now, and it should be studied in maximum depth, scripture admonishing study of God’s word. You wouldn’t even dare take your own advice, that less is good, and let a knife sharpener do surgery on you. No, you’d demand the most learned and competent doctor you could find, a certified surgeon.
Paul was a man of great scholarship and huge intellect, arguably the greatest of the apostles in terms of growing the kingdom of God. Only a fool won’t listen to those who’ve come before, learn from their elders and those who’ve learned the most. Only a fool thinks they’re an island, God’s special little creature, with bizarre and wrong interpretations, special interpretations that some of you somehow believe are right, despite two millennia of Christian knowledge that refutes you. Everybody else is wrong! Only you have the Spirit. This is why most of you aren’t worth having a conversation with, being deluded narcissists.
By the way, only great men of letters can well translate a Bible. Frankly, you don’t know what you’re talking about, as is the case with everybody I’ve ever known who demeans education, in any walk of life, and theology no exception. It’s called ignorance, and it quacks like that duck.
Except for Paul please show me where God has worked through scholars? The wisdom of this world is absolute foolishness to GOD.
The wisdom of God is not found in church schools. and paralam– as they tend to disagree — finding 2 that agree is kind of hard — are you aware how many splits there are in so called christianity what 3000, 4000 or more.
Please explain clearly which is one of the 4000 is correct, which has the TRUTH? You can not say all because the all are different.
@Paralambano who said…
“I haven’t anticipated spending every waking hour, swimming in some sea of error”
… now now, drama queen, for someone who doesn’t have the time to spare you’ve sure got a lot to say. It’s just a pity that most of it is circular gobble-de-gook when, instead, the time could be better spent on defending your position. Otherwise you’re just more background noise the likes of which there is no shortage.
Start your study by looking closely at the ending of the book of Revelation,
“I testify to everyone who hears the word of this prophecy of this book:
if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written
in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this
prophecy, God will take away from his part from the tree of life and out of
the holy city, which are written in this book.”
Now, cross-reference this with 2 Peter 1:20-21:
“But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s
own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human
will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”
We should take instruction from the sad mishap of the jews in interpreting
Scripture to their own destructive end. They missed their Messiah at His
first appearance because they thought they had Scripture down pat. They
inserted themselves as God’s suffering servant. How sad is that?
My point is that fleshkind gets it wrong. Even those who have been entrusted
with the Word of God.
Let God be God as He rises to assert His supremacy over His creation at the End
of Time. It will happen just as He has said and perhaps, much to the chagrin of
those who would interpret Him and His Word for us.
We don’t know what He is doing from Beginning to End but what the hints
and shadow of scripture provide.
Prophecy is all about Jesus Christ — the First Coming and the Second Coming.
Or perhaps you don’t agree with His judgments after all. The just shall live by
faith and not interpretations of prophecy.
His grace and His mercy are His glory. Wait on His Word and do not attend
to the interpretations of men — which are endless in their variations.
These are my conclusions after a lifetime of listening to Bible prophecy teachers teaching me the ins and outs of meanings and becauses of signs as if these things were the knowledge of life. Jesus pointed out the error of the jews in looking for the signs and He, their God, was standing right in front of them.
None of us know what we are talking about! It’s even worse because there are deceivers in high places to distract and confuse us — let alone understanding the many ways we deceive ourselves.
Watch and wait with me friends. But above all pray for one another that we might all be counted worthy to receive His mercy.
Learn about the grace and love that are evidence of Christ in you. Those are the things He’s looking for in us — not correct interps. These are the things that give us leverage in snatching our neighbors from the fire.
He’s coming all right. That should light up our sanctified imaginations. But worldlings do not need to be bogged down with errant details. They need the truth of understanding what is right and that if God is not their Father, He is their Judge.
End Of The World EVERYDAY
Eat More GMO
So you think that because a “end of the world scenario” hasn’t happened yet, it won’t happen?
That’s exactly whats wrong with people, and why it’s gonna happen eventually. Same stupid comment over and over again on every story on this site. Please submit your article for why this won’t happen and i will be delighted to read it.
Do you mean the end of people on this planet or no more planet in your “end of the world scenario” ? Obviously when our star goes supernova the entire earth will be vaporized instantly. That is the end of the world but don’t go looking for the sun to explode tomorrow.
Rob, you claim to preach the gospel…but seem oblivious to the one Jesus Christ declared:
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.
Matthew 4:23
And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
Matthew 9:35
Instead Rob you quote Paul. What did Messiah say?! Beware the doctrine of the Pharisees.
“I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee” Paul declared in Acts 23
You say interesting stuff.
But you got it wrong on THEE Gospel of what Paul said in Corinthians. That is NOT THEE Gospel.
I urge you to reread that part VERY carefully. There is only ONE part to the Gospel. Not two. It is NOT ABOUT Christ or you will be cleverly deceived.
I think you mentioned the “rapture” of the church of which you are somewhat deceived.
In Bible times, they did not have NASA to tell them when the moon was in conjunction (dark, nothing visible) and since it was “lights in the sky for signs” Gen 1:14, they went by the think crescent seen in the west after sunset and they blew the trumpet when they saw it, Ps 81:3.
At the beginning of your article I noticed you called the Day of Atonement — a Jewish day.
The Holy Feasts are GOD’s Days, they are not Jewish and they were not given just to the Jews but to ALL 12 Tribes.
Leviticus 23
1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2 “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning — the feasts of the LORD, — which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these —- are my feasts.”
All 7 Feasts belong to GOD, not man nor even to the Jews.
Rob show me where God has called sunday the Lords day? or easter or xmas His holidays?
Nothing will happen. Every month is supposed to be the end of the world according to idiots that post on BIN.
They are wrong every single time. You are all going to look like idiots in October.
Well, the summer will end on the 23 and the jews will have their yom kippur party.
It always amazes me how no one connects end times with their own personal sin as the causative factor.
They rip each other apart, ear bash everyone else with their end time scernarios and self righteous beliefs, but never seek solutions for themselves or others.
Preppers need to be prepared spiritually. God said he would take care of the rest for those that do. For those that don’t no amount of preparation is going to mean a hill of beans.
September is the month of repentance. There are 15 days left.
Evil triumphs in the land because of sin. Including the sin of omission. You may not think you can do anything but that is a lie foisted on you by the devil.
Everyone can do a great deal to combat evil at the national as well as the personal level.
God hears the prayers of the repentant. He abhores pride.
“I ask you Lord to destroy the evil that is the planned NWO.”
Thats my prayer.
“Where two or more are joined together in prayer I am with them and I will grant their request.”
God Jesus says this in at least two Gospels. Eg. Mathew 18:19.Let’s act on it.
Job 9:17 “He would crush me with a storm and multiply my wounds for no reason.” Your god in a nutshell
When nothing happens, will you tards go away? you just make yourselves look stupid.
Why do pre-trib believers always ignore Matthew 24:29? Jesus said his return is immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days. People need to pray for understanding and wisdom and stop relying on others to study the bible for you.
This website has become so ridiculous with the very things the bible says to stay clear of, endless myths and false doctrines.
Yes- but who was Neanderthal man’s saviour? Oh, i guess the previous version of man didn’t have a saviour and was one of the god of israel’s screw-ups so he made us to replace the older version’s of man neanderthal’s, etc. so, we all hung out together for awhile and some interbred and we just killed of the remaining older versions of man. Oh no- you will say- all of those skeletons, skulls, DNA and all of the archeaological record is fake- make believe. The dinosaurs never existed and Neanderthal Man never existed-” those are just bones put there by the “DEVIL” to confuse you. Why do chimps human share most of the same DNA? You people cannot accept that modern man is just an edited version of Neanderthal man.
Well another nutbag prediction comes and goes with nary a mewling whimper.
Another Epic Fail for the reality challenged.