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By Israel Ben Barzle
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September 23rd Did Not Happen As Some Said It Would…Why?

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September 23rd DID NOT Happen As Some Said It Would…Why?

Israel Ben Barzle
Yehoshua Ben Barzle

September 23rd 2015, the day many believed was going to be a day of financial carnage and various apocalyptic events, has come and gone. It is now September 24th, and, last I checked, the markets are still intact, the nations of the world are still continuing to use phony US dollars, and, much to the disgust of those with reasonable sensibility, Caitlyn Jenner is still making headline news.

So what was the big deal? I mean, why all the big fuss about September 23rd?

Many of the writers who forecast this September 23 day of potential doom did so because of the many strange prophetic indicators surrounding this day. September 23 was Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on the Hebrew calendar, and on both sides of this date there were what appeared to be a host of converging prophetic issues…too many to just ignore.

Just a few weeks ago was one such possible prophetic event day. All eyes were on September 12-13, 2015 as it was the official conclusion of the Shemitah seven year cycle. Prior to this Shemitah of 2015, on Elul 29, the exact day the Shemitah concluded, we have witnessed two separate last day Shemitah events. Both of these Shemitah events on Elul 29, in 2001 and 2008, staggered the financial markets of the US causing precipitous drops in the markets. It was thought by many that we would see the pattern continue and we would see financial fireworks on Elul 29 in 2015.

But This past Elul 29, 2015 day went by with spooky silence. Many were baffled by the apparent non-event of the Shemitah of 2015. Under further examination, however, as we outlined in our previous article, “The Shemitah Did Not Happen As Expected”, this was due to a legal mechanism of the Shemitah, and our nation biblically passing from a “warning/correction” phase into a “judgment” phase.

To reinforce this conclusion perfectly is the fact that the following day, evening to evening, September 13-14, 2015, was the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, otherwise more correctly known as Yom Teruah—the Feast of Trumpets. This day of Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah has always been known as a biblical day where “judgment” is decreed by the Creator. On September 13-14, 2015, after there was no scale balancing correction on or right directly before Elul 29, we then proceeded into the legal “judgment” phase on the exact biblical Hebrew day that specifically correlates to judgment: Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah, on Tishri 1.

And yet another key prophetic indicator was the beginning of the Seventieth Jubilee starting on Yom Kippur, September 23rd 2015. This is a VERY BIG DEAL, more than most really know. The number “seventy” in the Hebrew is always considered a number of “completion” (much more on this in an upcoming article).

And, to top it all off, we have a final blood moon that will be seen over a wide portion of the US and Europe descending on Jerusalem on September 28 of 2015. This blood moon is the last of a series of three sets of Tetrads happening precisely on sacred Jewish Feast dates, and this blood moon Tetrad will be “it” for literally centuries to come.


A Case Of Reasonable Cause Without All The Facts

With these biblical factors all converging together, and many others as well, it is easy to see why there was some very genuine prophetic speculation in the wind. With all of these indicators coming together at a specific time in history, making certain assumptions about prophetic events would be rather reasonable, especially if you are even remotely biblically sensitive.

OK, so then…where did most of these writers go wrong? They obviously were able to ascertain some of these key prophetic indicators…so why did their prophetic insights crash and burn?

First and foremost, most do not truly understand the deeper legal function of most of the Jewish Feast Days; nor do they understand what September 23, 2015, Yom Kippur really had at stake. Thus, many of these writers fell under the spell of hypothetical sensationalism. This creates a kind of scriptural “shoot from the hip” method of interpreting events. Unfortunately, when things do not pan out as expected, it puts a bad stain on an otherwise VERY KEY prophetic day in the history of the modern world.  

So did this September 23rd day have any REAL significance, or was it just another contrived doomers non-event?

You bet it does! In fact, under careful scrutiny we will see that this past September 23rd day may have been the most significant biblically prophetic day of all of our lives. This past Yom Kippur 2015, I believe, will be the official beginning of the end of our nation as we now know it.


America’s Fate Is Now Sealed

Yom Kippur, in large part, is about national atonement. This is very scriptural. The Day of Atonement is a day that the corporate people who follow the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were to choose to come under self-imposed affliction. This was usually actualized in a day of fasting and intensive personal introspection—a time of agonizing over one’s own sin, and the sins of the nation.

But what most do not realize is that Yom Kippur is also an ultimate deadline. According to the Scriptures and Hebrew tradition, Rosh Hashanna, which is really the Feast of Trumpets, is the day that the Creator pronounces “judgment”. After this judgment is decreed, the judged person or nation is given ten days of judicial mercy from Tishri 1 (Rosh Hashanah) until Tishri 10 (Yom Kippur). These special ten days are known as the “Ten Days of Awe”. These ten days act as an interim period where if the already judged entity or individual has a last minute, true change of heart, then the Creator will hear their immediate petition on the day of Yom Kippur and change the fate of the one to be judged.

This was the PRIMARY function of the Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur was, in reality, the LAST DAY OF MERCY given to a nation to urgently change its corporate path of transgression.

Isaiah the Prophet wrote specifically about this Yom Kippur day being a day of judgment petition. It was, and is, a day that the Creator was absolutely as close as possible to the people. They approached Him through the physical discomfort of denying one’s appetites in order to focus in on their own spiritual deficits. This idea of Yom Kippur being a day of having the special opportunity of humbly approaching the Creator is symbolized and underlined by the fact that it was ONLY on Yom Kippur that the High Priest could approach the inner chamber of the Holy of Holies inside the Temple.

In Isaiah’s time Yom Kippur was commonly known as the “Day of the Fast”, and was scripturally designated as such. His outline regarding this Day of the Fast is a precise communication from the Creator to His people about this unique, annual time of direct approach. As such, Isaiah keys in on a point by point analysis of the essence of Yom Kippur.

Verse one of Isaiah 58 introduces this passage as being Yom Kippur specific—a day where the nation was called to repentance for their corporate sins, and where a mandated shofar trumpet was used to finalize it as such. Verse two then underlines the way Yom Kippur should be done each annual day of Yom Kippur with proper intention and a pure heart towards G-d. Then, from verse three forward, the passage underscores when Yom Kippur is done improperly.


Isaiah 58:1-6

Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

Yet they seek me daily (each annual Day of the Fast), and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.

Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours.

Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?


As we can see from the passage, Yom Kippur was a very specific G-d ordained day designed to be “heard on high” (verse 4). This day of special approach to the Creator was to impart positive judgment for a job well done (verse 2), or it was a necessary vehicle to thwart impending judgment (verse 6), specifically the judgment of a nation (verse 2). It was a very special day where, according to the Scriptures, G-d earnestly heard the soulful petitions of His people as they turned from their wickedness (verse 6). It is a day where the nation had the opportunity to give one final plea to undue the decreed judgment which was to come upon them (verse 6) for their transgressions.

Once Yom Kippur was completed a shofar horn would then sound at sunset from the Temple Mount. This sounding of the shofar at the end of the day symbolized that the fate of the nation, good or bad, was now “sealed” and could no longer be changed.


Yom Kippur—A Day To Avert Potential Invasion

Interestingly, the line in Isaiah 58, verse 6, which states “undo the heavy burdens” is “hathar aguduth mowtah”. In the ancient Hebrew this most literally means to avert a potential invasion by an enemy—or “let loose the decree (hathar) of subjection (mowtah) by a military troop (aguduth)”. This is more than relevant seeing that final judgment meted out the Creator’s way always involved being conquered by the troops of a foreign enemy. Thus, judgment by means of military invasion is spoken of here in direct terms, and Yom Kippur was, in the Creator’s own words, a means of diverting this specific type of judgment against His people.

It is also very, very noteworthy, in light of what Isaiah 58 states regarding military subjection, to look into recent history. More than coincidently, we see that an actual invasion of the land of Israel took place in 1973 on the very day of Yom Kippur. It was an invasion that just about took out the modern State of Israel, and is aptly called the Yom Kippur War. An additional point of interest to ponder is that it was a war that involved primarily America and Israel—Israel being the nation being invaded, and America being the supplier of military aid that bailed Israel out of what would most likely have been the end of the Jewish State.

With this in mind, it begs a prophetic kind of question: was the 1973 Yom Kippur War a warning shot across the prophetic bow? Was this unique war a historical warning and foreshadowing to the State of Israel, and to America as well? Was it possibly the Creator hinting at how close both nations are to being judged by the exact stated standards of Yom Kippur as written in the Hebrew Scriptures—invaded by a foreign military just like it says in Isaiah?

It is intriguing speculation.

What is not speculation is the outline of Yom Kippur in the Scriptures regarding eventual national judgment. If a nation with a G-d of Abraham legacy did not come to the Creator and formally repent and turn from their disobedience on Yom Kippur, at some point, when the infractions had piled up too deep, then the fate of that nation went from “judgment” to “sealed judgment”. It could no longer be averted.

Sadly, America’s overflowing cup of moral, ethical, and financial wrongdoings have now sealed her fate. At a unique time in history where multiple prophetic issues are all converging, instead of America seeing the absolute necessity of getting it right, and using September 23rd 2015 as a national day of repentance in order to escape corporate judgment, America has instead opted for a contrary agenda. On this very same Yom Kippur day of 2015, when all hearts should have been crying out to G-d in repentance in a last ditch effort to avert judgment, instead this day was used by the Leadership to blatantly defy their Maker with an in-your-face, rebellious public demonstration of their contempt for the ways of the Creator of this world.


On Yom Kippur 2015, False Voices Rise Up From America

So, instead of tangible corporate repentance on Yom Kippur 2015, what was audibly heard in the heavens regarding our long list of transgressions?

On September 23rd 2015 the most liberal, left-wing Pope the Catholic Church has ever seen came to the shores of America and declared his global agenda. At his side was the President of the United States, the embodiment of our national Leadership, reiterating his own brand of anti-G-d rhetoric. As the Western World’s premier religious leader, and as the Commander and Chief of our national identity, a country endowed with the greatest of blessings, instead of both of them publically denouncing America’s long list of sins, instead we heard an emphasis about…well…ummm…climate change….

This coming from two leaders that are the poster-boys for the criminal international banking establishment and their greed-driven corporations that have inundated our planet with climate changing pollution, cancer causing genetically modified food, deadly vaccines, etc.; not to mention their promotion of sexual deviancy, media brainwashing, devastating open border policy, and politically correct multiculturalism.

These two leaders, in essence, thumbed their nose at the Most High G-d on a day that He was intently listening. He was waiting to be approached—His ears were graciously opened to hear their national and religious confession. Yet, what the Creator heard from our corporate national Leadership was a self-indicting, closing argument for the utter destruction of the United States of America. It was a final damning legal witness that echoed through the halls of eternity.


America’s Epic Fall

Prior to Elul 29, 2015, the last day of this past Shemitah seven year cycle, we as a nation were given explicit warnings and corrections regarding our economic wrongdoing and our massive financial debt transgression.

“Warning Phase”


“Correction Phase”

No more correction was given on Elul 29, 2015, the last day of the Shemitah. Thus, the very next day, on the biblical Day of Judgment, Rosh Hashanah, Tishri 1, we officially entered into the judgment phase.

“Judgment Phase”

We were then given 10 days to weigh our upcoming judgment. This ten day period, known as the Ten Days of Awe, finished on September 23, 2015, on Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement. Instead of calling out to the Creator in repentance that we might escape impending judgment and have our corporate voices heard on high, as the sun set in the Pacific, our Leadership boldly and publicly defied G-d to His face. Thus, we have now entered a time where our judgment is now sealed.

“Sealed Judgment Phase”

From here, we now go into the final round. This, biblically, is considered the time of complete destruction.

“Destruction Phase”

This destruction phase will follow the exact path as it has always done in the Scriptures:


A Very Short Time of False Security

An Accelerated Drop into Moral Oblivion

The Majority Will Openly Scoff at the Idea of Judgment

A Permanent Economic Collapse Will Occur

A Sudden Surprise Invasion of the Enemy into the Homeland

Massive Casualties Through Violence, Famine and Plague

A Complete Desolation of the Land


Please, please, dear reader, weigh the words, ideas, and principles of Scripture carefully. There was a remnant in the ancient Scriptures that did, and will, in our coming time of calamity, escape this coming judgment. It is now time as individuals to search the Scriptures like never before. Put aside all preconceived notions and truly search for the absolute Truth of the Scriptures.

It is also way beyond time to get your family situated, both in provision, and more importantly, in your standing with the Creator. As a corporate nation our destiny is now sealed as of this Yom Kippur 2015. As Individuals we can still avert our ultimate demise.


In the Meantime….

We as a nation are now in uncharted territory. Most likely, things will probably be business as usual for a short time—a calm before the storm, so to speak. But then, it will all happen very quickly and catch most unaware. This is the scariest part of judgment. Judgment in the Hebrew Scriptures ALWAYS came as a deadly surprise to the majority who were busy living their lives in ignorant bliss.

September 23rd, 2015, was our last hope to change our fate. It has now come and gone. What we have to look forward to now is watching a nation we all have loved go into perpetual free-fall, a nation whose blessings came directly from the G-d of the Bible, a nation that could have been forgiven.


On A Personal Note

The response to our last article was much more than expected. Todah—Thank You! We appreciate so much you taking the time to read and ponder what we have written. Are only hope in writing these articles, whether you may agree or not, is to persuade you to take a closer look at the Creator’s Scriptures for yourself—not just because we say it is so. We believe that the Hebrew Scriptures, when viewed through the proper lens, have amazingly accurate, precise insight into all the very pressing matters at hand in our world’s very tenuous state of affairs.

Our heartfelt intention, our only intention, in bringing these difficult subjects to light is to hopefully spare your family, our “neighbors”, and to share possible insight in to how this all may occur, as the ancient Hebrew Prophets went through great effort to detail it all for you. We are not asking for money; we are not peddling any wares. We just want you and yours to be OK. This is why we have taken the time to write these articles.

In our next article we will be taking a closer look at the modern State of Israel and its connection with the Seventieth Jubilee—the Hebrew “Yobel”. According to the Prophets, the Jews in Israel are about to be put through the most difficult time in their history. The Hebrew Scriptures outline this in very plain, graphic language, and the Prophets of old had some very surprising reasons why the Israelis now residing in the Land of Israel will be called into ultimate account.

For more information please see our website:  and download our Free E-Book regarding these and other very pertinent issues.


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    Total 3 comments
    • cyberkahuna

      “September 23rd Did Not Happen As Some Said It Would…Why?”

      Because the people that claimed all the bad things would happen were nothing more than idiot disinfo agents that get off on ensnaring paranoid people who are vulnerable to begin with and will believe all the garbage. These people are monsters that get off on peoples pain. Of course there are other monsters that read these stories and get off on the thought of disasters happening to the whole world and actually WANT to be on the receiving end.. These people are just sick.

    • emet v\\\'kadosh

      I have read your articles with much delight. Thank you for sharing insights from the hebrew.
      looking forward to ore teaching from you

    • Pix

      That’s an extremely long way of saying they are totally clueless.


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