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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Q Anon: The Red Shoe Club - Jesuits and Freemasons - MkUltra Connection (Video)

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Also interesting. In David Bowie’s last clip Lazarus he repeated the sentence. Look at that blue bird. You’ve got MK Ultra, Monarch and Blue Bird. All three of them are CIA mind control programs. When you look at Disney movies. Blue birds and butterfly’s all over the place. Even the bird from Twitter is blue. The Google Chrome logo contains three times a six. Also the logo of CERN. The redwhite Google Enveloppe from Gmail looks very similar to the Masonic Royal Arch Mason Member Apron.

  1. a member of an international order established for mutual help and fellowship, which holds elaborate secret ceremonies.

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    Total 5 comments
    • Equalizer

      “Monarch butterfly” is the signature of a MK-Ultra human/humanoid with a (sexually abused/tormented brain) split into multiple personalities. “Manchurian Candidate”. Do your homework. They will do as told.

      • Equalizer

        One must be honest…Red shoe? How about shoes made from the flesh of children? Do your research.

        • Equalizer

          Would you pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to wear your worst nightmares? Well, creatives Kayla Arena and Toby Barron have created a creepy clothing series that is designed to look as if it was made from human flesh. They called it the Ed Gein, and anyone can order a piece on their Etsy. It’s definitely some of the creepiest pieces of clothing ever.

          If you’re wondering, Edward Theodore “Ed” Gein was one of America’s most infamous killers and body snatchers. His crimes gained attention when authorities discovered Gein was exhuming corpses from nearby graveyards and designing trophies from their skin and bones. Movies like Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and others were inspired by the life of this horrific man.

          The main components of these handmade monstrosities are latex, silicone, and jacket. The creators claim that the “Drop Dead Sexy Boots” and other creations are “hand sewn together with love and spooky thoughts” to “make sure you stand out from the crowd”, but it’s hard to believe that anyone would like to look like Freddy Krueger in honor of a mad serial killer. What do you think about this series?

          Sick Fucs!!!

    • Equalizer

      Most documented assassin Sirhan Sirhan.” Killed Robert Kennedy. What? I did what? Not me…MK Ultra, learn about it…So many “Monarch butterfly’s” such little time left.

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