The First Seal Opening White Horse Judgements And Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements Directly Connected To The "Beginning Of Sorrows - Spiritual Labor Pains" Events. SELAH
Distractive Deceptive Smokescreens Are Covertly Being Set Up By The Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic Powers That Be. However, The Supernaturally Controlled First Seal/1st Chakrah Opening White Horse Judgements (Barack Hussein Obama Is The Sinister Gay Muslim Rider Upon This Horse Who Is The Ringleader Of 10 Prime Evil UN Kings Who Govern Their Worldwide Terrorist Group ISIS With The Sinister Assistance Of Hillary Clinton And Their Wicked Alphabet Agency Cronies-FBI-CIA-Ect. Who Hate The Wicked World Bully US EAGLE Government Of Esau-The Edomites-The Idumeans-Edom-The Wicked Ones Upon Mount Seir-The New Age Roman Empire-The Brutish British Kingdom) And Revelation 17th Ch. Judgements Are Imminent (Concerning Massive Widespread ISIS Related False Flag Mega-Terrorist Attacks And Fallen Angel Inspired Highly Advanced Technology Driven False Flag Unnatural Mega-Disasters Targeting The 12 Strong Allies/12 Strong Wings Of The US EAGLE Government And Subsequently The USA/Mystery Babylon The Great) Directly Connected To The Horrific Nightmarish Extraordinary “Beginning Of Sorrows – Spiritual Labor Pains” Concerning Unstoppable Supernaturally Controlled Worldwide Ultra-Cataclysmic Ultra-Catastrophic Events Foretold In Matthew 24th Ch., Luke 21st Ch., Mark 13th Ch., 2nd Esdras 15th + 16th Chs., Revelation 12th Ch., And 1st Thessalonians 5th Ch. Endtime Prophetic Judgements That Only The Righteous Faithful Few Will Make It Through To The End Of This Temporal Satanic Fallen Veiled World, Ahman. Please WAKE UP Soon Indigenous Hebrews-Negroes And Indigenous Gentiles, We Must All PREPARE NOW Before It’s Too Late Because Time Is Definitely Growing Short, Please Let’s All REPENT, HOSEA 2:16. WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-RAIN! SELAH
Web results
North Korea warns US of ‘Christmas gift’ and releases photos of Kim Jong Un on horse – CNN –
3 days ago · North Korea will send a “Christmas gift” to the United States, but what that present contains will depend on the outcome of ongoing talks between Washington and Pyongyang, a top official has warned.
North Korea’s “Christmas gift”: a test at a missile site
North Korea’s UN ambassador says denuclearization is off the table in talks with US
North Korea claims to have carried out a ‘very important’ test at rocket launch site
North Korea warns US to prepare for ‘Christmas gift,’ but no one’s sure what to expect
North Korea’s message to US: Choose your Christmas present
North Korean missile and Kim Jong-un’s ‘Christmas gift’ decision
North Korea’s message to US: Choose your Christmas present
North Korea’s message to US: Choose your Christmas present
We Know What North Korea Got America For Christmas
YouTube · The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Peter Brookes: North Korea’s “Christmas Gift” to U.S. Could Be Nuclear or Missile Test
YouTube · The Heritage Foundation
Web results
North Korea warns US to prepare for a ‘Christmas gift’
3 days ago · North Korea will send a “Christmas gift” to the United States, but what that present contains will depend on the outcome of ongoing talks between Washington and Pyongyang, a top official has warned.
North Korean missile and Kim Jong-un’s ‘Christmas gift’ decision
4 days ago · With no shift in sight from either side the coming weeks may be crucial for US-North Korean diplomacy.
North Korea Should Think Twice About Sending Trump a ‘Christmas Gift’ (Think ICBM)
2 days ago · It’s not uncommon for U.S. and North Korean officials to throw rhetorical bombs at each other. But the cannon-fire hasn’t been as intense since the June 2018 summit in Singapore, when President Donald Trump and …
North Korean soldiers
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North Korea Buildings
Can you Street view North Korea?
Where would North Korea nuke the US?
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North Korea threatens US with Christmas gift – The Washington Post
5 days ago · On July 4, 2017 North Korea called its first ICBM test an Independence Day “gift” for the “Yankees.” It also launched rockets on Thanksgiving Day last week. › north-koreas-ch…
North Korea’s “Christmas gift”: a test at a missile site – Fox 17
13 hours ago · (CNN) — North Korean state media are reporting that a “very important test took place at the Sohae Satellite launching Ground” on Saturday. According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the test …
4 days ago · The North Korean foreign ministry said on Tuesday that Washington would decide what “Christmas gift” it would receive if the United States fails to change its “hostile policies” on denuclearization before …
North Korea Promises Ominous ‘Christmas Gift’ For US
5 days ago · In what could be a reference to a new missile test, North Korea is threatening to give the U.S. a “Christmas gift” unless Washington abides by an end-of-year deadline set by Pyongyang for concessions in exchange …
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