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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Suspicious Undercover Cop Breaks Windows & Starts Minneapolis Riots

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Mirrored Video. Quote from original video: “This was the first man to break a window at autozone. A move that started the string of looting and damage to businesses. He is seen wearing all black and carrying an umbrella to conceal the hammer he is holding in the same hand.

No one knew this man, he didn’t protest, when confronted he ran the other way. And by the looks of it- his boots- are military grade. Meaning this man is either in some form or militia or he is WITH THE POLICE.”

This is the guy who instigated all the chaos in Minneapolis last night. Protesters try to stop him but they can’t because he has a hammer. As the title says this was the first building to get looted and burned last night. This guy is clearly trying to discredit the protests and keep his identity hidden.

Dummy Cop Caught on Video

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    Total 11 comments
    • Jeffery Pritchett

      Enjoy the videos or record them because Youtube is taking em down of this incident..

      • 2QIK4U

        Back them up on separate hard drive NOT CONNECTED TO INTERNET

        • 2QIK4U

          If Twatter is fact checking Drumpf then who is fact checking CNN ?

      • Zeropointenergy

        You Tube is censoring everything and a new format is needed for people to express themselves with the Truth , and to pay there Bills !

    • raburgeson

      Provocateurs on both sides. Northwest Militia advises Northeast protesters were infiltrated from the very beginning during planning stage. This is hear say at the moment. Message gotten 2 days ago by courier. No further details followed. Sure the investigation continues, equally sure the guards are being surrounded. Looks like this one is going big. Sister city is well regulated, do you understand?

    • Counter Analysis

      Wow… good vids. The people are being played. This is likely the opening salvo for an increasing number of planned riots leading up to elections. Trump is not handling this too well. His inflammatory rhetoric such as, “when the looting starts the shooting starts,” is not helpful. I’m outraged at the assassination of Floyd, and it’s understandable the rage blacks feel as another black is murdered by a cop while other cops stand around. Blacks have suffered under a very long train of abuses by cops and other authorities. The resentment runs deep! These outraged blacks should be treated like patriots no different than the Christian leaders in the independent media who almost daily call for protests in the streets for a variety of abuses like forced vaccinations, shutdown of churches, abortion, misc bad legislation, and so forth. When and if Christians protest, there is always the danger of agent provocateurs instigating violence and property damage. And by the way, many many blacks are Christian! It’s important not to view all protesters as looters and rioters. Very subtly, I expect media like CNN to paint the idea that they are all looters and rioters while justifying such actions – the key being that they are all portrayed that way.

      I’m pi$$ed! This is divide and conquer. Trump should be calling an emergency meeting of black leaders from the state, local, and federal levels to brainstorm on what needs to be done and show solidarity. That is not happening. Who are the president’s advisors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Obviously violence and property damage cannot go unchecked. Shoot the Looter rhetoric will not help. It’s better to contain the worst rioting with law enforcement perimeters and avoid direct engagement as much as possible in order to minimize loss of life. All of those considered low life scumbags are human beings who are not defined by a single night or week of rage. Many are nice productive people under normal circumstances. Better to let a govt or commercial building burn than have a slaughter. Residential areas should be under evacuation orders if threatened by encroaching riots. I respect citizen’s rights to protect property, but in a situation where law enforcement is actively involved and foreseeable death is imminent and preventable, life should be given priority.

      There needs to be some indication black people are being heard and respected by those in power. Protesting is a cry to be heard. Bad things will be prolonged until the people feel they have been heard. Tragically more cops around the country are likely to be killed. Police groups and unions need to acknowledge there is a problem and reform. Some police departments are worse than others; each has it’s own culture; some of those cultures are sick!

      The recent gun rally in Virginia easily could have been a worse debacle than this. Patriots, gun owners, and Christians would have been vilified had agent provocateurs opened fire. The black protesters are standing up for their civil rights and deserve support from all patriots. They are not criminals. Only the relatively few bad actors are criminals.

      Come together people, and conquer tyranny!

    • Counter Analysis

      Wow listen to the first few minutes of JonXArmy. Maybe Floyd did not die and was an actor? Interesting angle.

      Thanks JP for introducing JonX some time ago.

    • ElOregonian

      Hell accepts all the miscreants, pedo’s, murderers, liars, thieves, cheaters, and all earth’s ungodly…

      And especially those who are paid to protect.

    • Ideas Time

      I remember there was a video of the Charleston riots I think of cops setting cars on fire in a car lot and it got taken quickly. These are deep state operations.

    • Ideas Time

      The cop is just dong his job. Right?

    • Zeropointenergy

      9/11 was a inside Job was the riots the same thing :?:

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