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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Dark Outpost: I Almost Died At Bohemian Grove

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Peter A. Kirby has recently come forth to tell a story of something so horrific, it still haunts him to this day. The event took place on a family vacation when he was just 4 years old. In his own words, “On a weekend getaway with members of the Warburg family (yes, that Warburg family), a man named Felix Warburg and his wife Sue attempted to inject me with an unknown substance.

I fought them and their henchmen off and lived to tell about it. I think that they were trying to procure me for sacrifice at Bohemian Grove.” Tonight. You’ll hear tales of child human sacrifice, the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, and more. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost!


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    Total 6 comments
    • IssaT

      My heart goes out to MrKirby. I’ve had that sort of moment with my father where he stood up for me when I was unable to stand up for myself. I am so glad he made it through that experience. Hugs Love and Prayers!!!

      • Anonymous

        Timothy Leary was a spook, and most importantly, this entire societal change in San Francisco was social engineering from the Tavistock Institute for degradation of the human soul through drugs, alcohol, loosened sexual morality, eastern transmeditation, psychedilic music, rock and roll, hard core rock and so on. This was world wide, or more specifically, in Europe, the United Kingdom, and North America. University with Marxist leanings were especially exposed to this type of control. Many of the leading recording artists had parents in the illuminati and one or more of their siblings were adopted out to a different family. And, one of the parents is very cold and detached. David Bowie, David Crosby for instance were among those children. John Phillips and David Crosby have had family members who occupied the entire spectrum of the highest most strategic aspects of government and the military which was a similar story with the others. Laurel Canyon, specifically the area above the Tait residence, was a mind control center and it had the closest surveillance in the city.

    • Anonymous

      I understand why MrKirby was selected for sacrifice. His father may have been part of an ancient satanic bloodline. In exchange for wealth, fame, talents, power, etc., they make a contract with Satan. It could be that it was time for Satan to ‘collect’ on the sacrifice. So, is spite of how tasty Kirby is, how pure and intelligent, he is the debt that is being owed, and this is very disturbing indeed. If I were he, I would plunge headfirst into angelic protection, and participate in Catholic devtions that provide special protection. Because, I dont think Kirby is out of the woods for thwarting an important debt exchange.

    • Naomhniall

      Nice work!No vax? See b4itsnews article…. change eating….More Lysine ve ARGinine. I say “Cheeseburgers prevent Covid-19.”

    • Roger That

      May I suggest to Peter that he still drive a cab – but – advertise that his service is mask free. Perhaps like-minded freedom loving people would jump at the opportunity to ride with him instead of being made to feel guilty for not wearing one.

    • Sydney Perriczek

      After watching this interview, which actually made me find out Beforeitsnews platform, all the pieces fit together: Chemtrails, Bionanotech, Warburgs, Illuminati, Mind Control, Transhumanism, Vaccines, Graphene Oxide, COVID, Possessions through electromagnetic weapons, Alien, NWO, US Army Intelligence… and of course! Hitler!! Check these links below out!!

      Thanks so much!!

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