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By Jeffery Pritchett
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New Benjamin Fulford: Trump Is Not the Answer - Rothschilds Bailed Trump Out Many Times - Biblical Flood or World Peace?

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Mr. Fulford:

You’ve mentioned the Trump connection to the Rothschilds in your articles.
In your report, you are concerned that Trump was offered a chance to act by the Military and he turned it down. You’ve heard the argument that if he had used the military then, nothing would have changed. Trump would be in office but the Deep State would still be in power. Worse still, it would look like a coup. All the Biden supporters would have believed the effort was indeed a coup . Instead he’s shown Biden’s supporters what life would be like under a totalitarian regime. As for the vaccines, he was between a rock and a hard place. If he hadn’t pushed a vaccine we’d still be under a lockdown. The fact that he’s still endorsing the idea tells me he may know more about the vaccine than we do. As you say, this is war. He may believe he’d lose less people from the Vaccine than the lockdown. General Flynn has said Trump is only one man. He can’t do it all. He can take care of the Federal level. However, we have to work from the ground up and change the local, and state political landscape.
Trump may be trying to avoid a kinetic war.

Thank You,
Jeff Osler

Hi Jeff,

“Much as I wanted to believe in Trump, It is a matter of public record that Donald Trump was bailed out multiple times by the Rothschilds during his business career.
My understanding is that he was offered protection from blackmail if he agreed to go along with a military move against Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.
At first he seemed to be “draining the swamp” but something happened. My understanding is that he was unable to stop the US default on international payments that took place on February 16th 2020.
After that the Rockefellers offered ASEAN, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to China in exchange for money to keep the USA Corporation afloat.
What Trump should have done is formally declare bankruptcy and negotiate a restructuring of debt. He did not do that. Now the US is a dystopian failed state controlled by Satanic gangsters.
The US military offered Trump the chance to overturn the stolen election. He failed to do that. He also strongly pushed vaccines for a disease that does not even exist.
That is why the military needs to stand behind someone like general Mike Flynn who does not have skeletons in his closet.” – Benjamin Fulford

What do you think? Let us know in the comments. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic Island of La Palma has the potential to trigger a 100 meter (about 300 foot) tsunami that would devastate the East Coast of the US, the Southern coasts of Europe, and large parts of coastal Africa and South America.

This comes after the three gorges dam in China came under heavy pressure from “once in a thousand-year flooding,” earlier this summer. If the dam burst, as many as 600 million Chinese would be affected and countless deaths would be recorded.

It is no coincidence these events are happening as the fake, criminal administration of Joe “rubber mask” Biden faces a September 30th fiscal year-end payments deadline it cannot meet.

On the surface, this looks like high-stakes geopolitical poker between the US and China, each threatening to flood the other.

These threats seem to be connected to financial warfare as seen in the widely reported (in the West) imminent collapse of China’s Evergrande Group and corporate propaganda reports about “budget deadlock” in the US government.

The Evegrande collapse, if related entities are included, would affect $1 trillion worth of debt and could impact the Chinese economy almost as much as a Biden regime default would affect the US, CIA sources estimate.

That is why this source initially suspected the La Palma and Three Gorges problems were linked to this US/China conflict.

However, fact-checking with multiple sources revealed a much deeper conflict involving the Thule Society, the French Grande Lodge de L’Orient freemasons, the Swiss-based Octagon group, the Italian P3 freemasons, and the Satanic pseudo-Jews who pull the puppet strings of most G7 so-called leaders. Parties such as the Chinese Lotus freemasons, the Scotts rite freemasons, the Russians, and others are also involved to varying degrees.

The startling discovery was that according to MI6, the thousands of earthquakes followed by the volcanic eruption in La Palma were traced to a “Haarp array” based not in China, but… Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis – by Benjamin Fulford


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    Total 21 comments
    • Anonymous

      Duhhhh. Gee, ya think?

      • Trueblue2k2

        Such mud-slinging at this late date regarding a Trump – Rothschild sell-out is pretty lame, and out of touch with most Americans who, with good reason, trust DJT. Timing of this BF attack on Trump’s character raises the spectre of a gate-keeping game.

      • 2QIK4U

        FULFORD + The Peanut Gallery.. Explain the Rail gun Gas Missile strike on Christmas Morning at the site of the Voting machines waiting for forensic audit the next day ?

        • 2QIK4U

          In perfect line of the bank hi rise a few blocks over…

    • Jokus Interruptus

      Simon Parkes and Nick Fleming suggested one of the reasons the alliance have remained in the shadows is the presence of “suitcase bombs” or mini-nukes that the Cabal threatened to detonate if they went ahead and arrested them. For now, I’m giving the Patriots the benefit of the doubt about purportedly having all those devices secure. Fulford didn’t address or consider that issue in his rant on September 12. Still, on a certain level, I couldn’t help but smile when he asked Gen. Mike Flynn to stop being a wimp. Fulford may not be right but i appreciate that he didn’t bow down and give Flynn a free pass either.

    • HTLIII

      The possibility of creating an antidote Gestapo, in uniform with lots of uniform hardware and epaulets and all. Their duty would be to go from state to state, town to town, neighborhood to neighborhood, house to house, room to room, and first knock, then enter EACH AND EVERY HOME to cut the power cords off every television set they can find. Then leave the home with an admonishment and an informative tract of some kind. In 1909, the British set up the Empire Press Union to turn their empire’s local news papers into instruments of British Privy Council propaganda. In 1911, a franchise of the EPU was opened up in the U.S. called The Council on Foreign Relations, which was investigated and exposed and DOCUMENTED by Hon. Rep. Oscar Callaway in the Congressional Record, 1917. NOT 1921. THE DOCUMENTED PURPOSE of the CFR(J.D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Paul Warburg of the Rothschild bank) was to “buy up all influential news media of the U.S. to create public debate and thus control the minds of the American people.” This is not theory. I read this particular hearing at a major law library 40 years ago, and it CERTAINLY spells out the simplicity of the current panic and trouble at the hands of the Khazarian mafia AGAIN. Sheep DO NOT follow the shepherd. They follow the dominant ram. On occasion, one to 5 coyotes may send a dominant ram into a panic. These dominant rams have been known to leap off cliffs to escape the coyotes. The herd follows this dominant ram, in hot…

      • HTLIII

        Trump worked for the Big Apple Khazarian mafia. Now he works not for the Khazarian mafia, but for the U.S. republic. Even The Simpsons was programmed to include the Trump Phenomena as it existed as a CFR sponsored popularity contest. Reports on MANY children rescued from their destiny to become food and adrenochrome sources for European and Bush cabal and Talmud swine indicates something different is happening now. The video footage of smoke coming up through the lawn at The White House was encouraging.

    • JBC4

      I am not going to trip on his previous dealings with the Rothschilds, nor am I going to worry about his not taking up offers from them later along with the military coup option. And as was mentioned before, these would not have been viable options when you consider the entire picture. Sure, the corporation could have been bankrupted but where would that leave us when we have 200 million brainwashed and manipulated citizens (not to mention hundreds of millions more across the globe) who have no idea what is really happening on the world? The tyrants have nuclear weapons strategically placed all over that they have access to. Then, you have many military brass who are also part of the China class. This situation requires GREAT strategy and people who can be completely trusted. We are dealing with satanists who have taken blood oaths here. No, if I trust anyone, it is Trump. He is not the only person doing this, but he is the one who has the right connections and has good military on his side as well as help from other allies outside of the U.S. who know the importance of saving the republic as it was founded.

      • Trueblue2k2

        What you said. Plus the fact that Trump has put himself on the line many times to save America. Any one who has seen combat under leadership can tell when a leader is worth risking your life to follow, and if that leader would do the same for you. Trump is a rare breed of cat that definitely inspires confidence through his selfless actions and dedication. There are many who would follow him to the gates of hell for that reason alone.

        Naysayers have taken shots at him over this or that failing, but in the end most of it is just trifling with details taken out of context; stuff that is just part of his life in the fast lane that he occupied due to his competitive nature. Attacking Trump’s character is a losing game as Mueller, Hillary, and the “impeach Trump” crowd have found out at US taxpayers expense. BF insights from his former Forbes territory in Asia are worthwhile, but he is no expert on Trump.

    • kilroy

      Was, is, and always will be an actor. Controlled Zionist puppet Just playing his role in the bankruptcy of America. Terrible when you think that the US was the worlds wallet for almost 2 generations. Now these same creatures are picking over the carcass of the now defunct US Corporation. Trump always used juiced numbers and false facts when describing our economy. Americans will once again be made to pay the tab as the US is turned into a third world shit hole. While the people like Trump live behind their 12 ft concrete walls. While the rest of us live in squalor.

      • Tom Hagen

        From what I’ve seen lately in L.A, S.F and Philly …. the U.S.A has already reached 3rd world colostomy bag status. As far as the U.S is concerned … it has reached the point of no return and will continue in its steady nose dive …… eaten alive form the inside out.

    • Anonymous

      they killed trumps brother as a warning he did not heed–they tried to bring down Melanias plane but quick action by the pilots prevented a crash==so guessing trump was not going to sacrifice his family for a half a nation of useless eaters… we are going to crash and burn and the question is how far down the mad max road we go or ww3 nuke attack


      Benjamin Fulford is an Anti-Trumper who believes that Jehovah, the God of the Bible, is an evil alien. He has a lot of good intel, but I wouldn’t trust him on anything that he has to say about Trump, or God or Jesus. Neither has he given me any reason to believe that he has any great love for the USA. Blessings.

    • Sarika

      My tummy is in a twisted state right about now. The first time I heard Pres. Trump “push” the vaccine I started to have my doubts. He was President when this vaccine started to roll out. He wasn’t President (according to the faux votes) when he said to take the jab. He had every chance to let America know what was with the juice jabs and I’m sure he knew before WE knew. At that point in time he had nothing to lose…or did he.

    • Tamohara dasa

      Excellent report! Glad to hear some solid speaking ! Yes, we need action and we need it yesterday!

    • 62corvettefred

      Fulford always was and still is a piece of shit. Just another PHONY!!

      • Debbie

        Back when GW was in office Fulford kept writing that GW and Cheney were arrested and dealt with….he writes complete fiction…he is a fiction writer…although I am afraid he is right about Trump…he is Don the Con….look how instead of draining the swamp he gave them all jobs in his administration…and him still pushing the vaccines…..what more proof do you need?\
        The AZ audits are a bust….there are no White Hats, no “good” military…we are on our own against a totally corrupted and criminal government who wants us dead….next up – they will confiscate any wealth we have and starve us out to get us to commit suicide by taking their clot shots…

    • paulmartin

      I don’t trust Fulford. He said what Trump should have done is to declare formal bankruptcy. The “US Corporation” has BEEN bankrupt since the start of 2019. Even Anna von Reitz has said this. She is overall a better person to consult if you want to know what’s going on. And, Trump has had dealings with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, has he? What dealings has Fulford had with them? I recall seeing a photo of Ben with one of them, and he looked quite happy ot have the photo taken. Now what was HIS business with these people?

    • g77enn

      Benjamin Fulford cannot be trusted because he’s clearly soft on the pedophile issue as are 2 of his cohorts, Robert David Steele and David Wilcock. All three have stated publicly on some of their videos that they didn’t believe the bad guys should be punished because that would be wrong (or some similar nonsense). They did not mention justice. They claim that the failed South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission should be followed. Why? It proved a total failure! White Rothschild communists ran SA before the commission and black Rothschild communists afterwards. Not very impressive.

    • MatrixReloaded

      What a load of malarkey! Trump DID declare bankruptcy on the “Corporation” of the United States. Trump is also in the process of “overturning” the election by use of all these “audits” which have PROVEN fraud. He also HAD to push the vaccines or we would be in permanent lock down for the 5 years it normally takes for a regular vaccine to be properly tested. He has now spoken out AGAINST “booster” shots and has ALWAYS said he believes in a persons FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

    • Sri Ratu

      :roll: :roll: What ever dude! :lol: :lol:

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