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By Jeffery Pritchett
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New Dr. Sherry Tenpenny Special Report Warns About What Is to Come & How to Prepare - News You Can Use - The Hagmann Report

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New Dr. Sherry Tenpenny Special Report Warns About What Is To Come & How to Prepare – News You Can Use | The Hagmann Report

The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources and contacts and qualified guests open source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history.

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    Total 16 comments
    • Slimey

      Billions are still alive after the COVID JAB, so far. So now the got the threaten US with WW III. Can’t you figure out the ‘elite up there just HATE YOUR GUTS???

      Want to bankrupt or enslave you, take your kids by abortion or Disneyland, sending mass illegalb brownies to WAPE your women? Giving you a pedophile to RULE you. The last time it was a Nerogro sodomite. Making phony wars for their BLOOD lust and on and on.

      Can’t you figure it out by now? :cool:

      • Anonymous

        Why dont you go to your Lodge Mr Haggmann, and confront the creators and propagators of these wars, disaeses, natural disasters etc? As a Degree’d Freemason? You are a zionist and THEY are at the top of the pyramid -thats in their own words over decades- will rule the NWO?
        Who are the Pharisees? Who is Tubal Cain? You serve false Israel/Khazaria and your Lord is Lucifer

        • Tom Terrific

          Her probaly meets at Masonic Country Clubs as few people seem to suspect that they are Masonic for some reason or realize most opioid sport are masonic invention including golf that is a big part to Country Clubs.
          Can’t prove it but you may be right about eating and drinking. Some scripture have a double meaning.
          Hosea 11:1 When Sarawale was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. it meant the people of Srawale and Yahusha too hundreds of years apart. I tire of this sick world. I wish he would tell me the journey is too much for me like he did Eliyahu and take me home but I believe Eliyahu will be coming back again in some pretty rough times so maybe I better stick it out. YHVH’s will and not my own.

    • jay lowell

      Weren’t we all suppose to drop dead from the shot by now?

      • Mira

        A lot of people are already injured and died. I hear left right and center people dying, and getting sick..

      • Joshua.Ross51


      • westgate

        You don’t have AIDS yet??
        Don’t worry – your turn is coming.

      • SnakeEyes40

        If you took the shots and boosters you ARE dead. Just hasn’t happened yet

    • JoaoinMaui

      Sorry, you say pediatricians don’t know they are murdering children?? If parents are murdering their children for taking them to take the shot, a lot more falls on the doctors. IGNORANCE IS A CHOICE! Thank you for all that you do and who you are!

    • scruffy

      How would TENPENNY know what is coming next if she wasn’t an insider?. She is a doctor – not a CIA Agent.

    • Anonymous

      Doctor Tenpenny mentions, “as the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking”. I believe that meant they were eating humans and drinking blood. Look at all the stuff being exposed with McDonalds serving human meat and adrenochrome. All of us need to get right with God!!!

    • beLIEve

      :idea: N.B……..UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM………ORIGIN of CORONA VIRUS….was…….SNAKE / Reptile :!: :!: :evil: :idea:


      Stew Peters EXPLOSIVE: “Watch The Water” COVID BOMBSHELL Exclusive :!: The Great LIE REVEALED, COMING SOON :!: – Dr. Bryan ARDIS

      - Must VIDEO 3 MINUTES :idea:

      Sunday, April 3, 2022

      In an ARTICLE dated 20th January 2020, PUBLISHED in the Journal Of Medical Virology – titled…..

      Homologous RECOMBINATION Within the Spike Glycoprotein Of The Newly Identified Coronavirus 2019-nCov May Boost CROSS-

      -SPECIES TRANSMISSION From SNAKE to HUMAN :!: :!: raise the Intriguing Possibility That A New Coronavirus Of Substantial

      Health Concern 2019-nCov, MAY HAVE ORIGINATED In SNAKES :!: :!: :twisted: :idea: :idea: :idea:

      The authors make TWO PRIMARY CLAIMS…….

      1. 2019-nCov IS A RECOMBINANT VIRUS.

      2. “Our EVOLUTIONARY ANALYSIS suggests for the FIRST TIME that…..SNAKE… the MOST PROBABLE wildlife animal RESERVOIR

      FOR the 2019-nCov”

      RECOMBINATION occurs when ….TWO VIRUSES…..EXCHANGE GENETIC MATERIAL :!: :twisted: :idea: :idea:

      :arrow: CLICK on LINK for source of this information…..


      • beLIEve

        WAR…….”Seedline” Of The Serpent …..versus……the “children” Of The Divine Creator. :idea:

        The VIDEO linked below provides COMPELLING EVIDENCE that ManKIND is an EXCEPTIONAL CREATION of an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER. :idea:


    • ciwarrior1

      You have one of two ways to leave this world. !) Leave this world through God Yahweh’s grace, or 2) Leave this world through your own foolishness. Those are your choices, and I suggest that you choose wisely.

    • HTLIII

      Does good beer help? We NEED a professionals’ panel emphasis on a campaign to compel receivers of the ‘Death Jab’s to widely communicate the identity of their particular inoculation to fellow citizens. One acquaintance of mine leaped at the chance to refuse to give up his inoculations’(plural) code numbers, as it appeared to give him a sense of dominance to withhold this info for some imagined leverage or extortion purposes.

    • HTLIII

      Does good beer help? We NEED a professionals’ panel emphasis on a campaign to compel receivers of the ‘Death Jab’s to widely communicate the identity of their particular inoculation to fellow citizens. An alleged KEY to the different inoculations and the compositions thereof exists, but these KEYs exist with unproven accuracy. One acquaintance of mine leaped at the chance to refuse to give up his inoculations’(plural) code numbers, as it appeared to give him a sense of dominance to withhold this info for some imagined leverage or extortion purposes.

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